50 research outputs found


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    Effective and efficient curriculum management is a key aspect in achieving educational efficiency and student success. One of them is through the use of the SKS (Semester Credit Unit) system implemented by schools as a tool to optimize curriculum management. This study seeks to explore how the role of educational institutions in improving educational efficiency and student success through the SKS by School approach. Data was extracted through observation of student learning activities, interviews with curriculum waka, and document analysis on school policies in adopting the SKS by school approach to curriculum management. The results showed that the background of the implementation of the SKS by school program based on the principle of each individual having different abilities, accelerating the duration of learning and a form of school commitment to innovate. The learning process is adjusted to the learning principles regulated by the government. The implementation of the SKS By School program is of course also supported by parents of students, as well as communication, commitment, sufficient resources, and supporting bureaucratic structures.


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    Effective and efficient curriculum management is a key aspect in achieving educational efficiency and student success. One of them is through the use of the SKS (Semester Credit Unit) system implemented by schools as a tool to optimize curriculum management. This study seeks to explore how the role of educational institutions in improving educational efficiency and student success through the SKS by School approach. Data was extracted through observation of student learning activities, interviews with curriculum waka, and document analysis on school policies in adopting the SKS by school approach to curriculum management. The results showed that the background of the implementation of the SKS by school program based on the principle of each individual having different abilities, accelerating the duration of learning and a form of school commitment to innovate. The learning process is adjusted to the learning principles regulated by the government. The implementation of the SKS By School program is of course also supported by parents of students, as well as communication, commitment, sufficient resources, and supporting bureaucratic structures.

    Antologi Sasta Indonesia Lama Pengaruh Islam

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    English is a language that is needed by the academic community at State Islamic University (UIN) Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar to develop networks, communication skills and improve the quality of lecturers and staffs. With the creation of an English-speaking atmosphere by lecturers and staffs, it is hoped that interactions in English will occur frequently so that they can invite international students or international academics to carry out collaborative activities in the academic or non-academic fields. Therefore, the entire academic community of UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar is trying to improve the abilities of its lecturers and staffs so that the graduates produced can compete at the national and international levels and have a good English speaking atmosphere on campus. Related to the problems faced by UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar, we have dedicated English skills training activities in academic and office contexts with the aim of helping the vision and mission of their campus to accept students or academics from abroad. This training was carried out by preparing modules and using role-play learning models or demonstrations. This activity was very effective in improving the English language skills of lecturers and staffs at UIN Mahmud Yununs Batusangkar.English is a language that is needed by the academic community at State Islamic University (UIN) Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar to develop networks, communication skills and improve the quality of lecturers and staffs. With the creation of an English-speaking atmosphere by lecturers and staffs, it is hoped that interactions in English will occur frequently so that they can invite international students or international academics to carry out collaborative activities in the academic or non-academic fields. Therefore, the entire academic community of UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar is trying to improve the abilities of its lecturers and staffs so that the graduates produced can compete at the national and international levels and have a good English-speaking atmosphere on campus. Related to the problems faced by UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar, we have dedicated English skills training activities in academic and office contexts with the aim of helping the vision and mission of their campus to accept students or academics from abroad. This training was carried out by preparing modules and using role-play learning models or demonstrations. This activity was very effective in improving the English language skills of lecturers and staffs at UIN Mahmud Yununs Batusangka

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Multimedia Interaktif Berbasis Flash untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa

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    This type of research is the development of research. Development using a modification model Borg and Gall (2003), the data collection techniques through technical documentation and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques were the data results of the review and testing of the products as the basis for improvement of media. Than, questionnaire respondents assessment of the effectiveness of media related learning on student results.  From the overall stages of the study showed that there are significant differences in student learning outcomes by using powerpoint compared with the results of classical learning of students by using interactive media flas


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi karena rendahnya teknik dasar passing dan beberapa kesalahan passing yang sering dilakukan, mulai dari mengumpan bola yang tidak tepat hingga bola mudah berada pada tim lawan. Selain itu siswa melakukan passing tidak dengan menggunakan tenaga atau power. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan drill terhadap passing bola futsal di ekstrakurikuler SMP Negeri 10 Kota Sukabumi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif jenis eksperimen. Dengan menggunakan desain penelitian One Group PreTest - Post Test Design, populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu sebanyak 20 siswa ekstrakurikuler SMP Negeri 10 Kota Sukabumi sehingga menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh. Penelitian ini menggunakan test passing ke tembok yang digunakan sebagai instrument dalam pengambilan data untuk penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Hasil uji perbaedaan rata-rata menunjukkan bahwa test akhir passing bola (setelah menerapkan metode Drill) lebih baik dibanding test awal. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa Metode latihan Drill dapat meningkatkan kemampuan Passing bola futsal pada siswa ekstrakurikuler SMP Negeri 10 kota sukabumi


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    This research was made to find out the performance of primary canal and tapping constructions, also inquire the maintenance that should be done and prioritized in order to maintain the irrigation. Research method was conducted through direct observation to find out water discharge and primary canal dimensions and tapping constructions, also to inventory all of damage components. Secondary data was about dimensions and canal discharge plan,rainfall data, and climatology. Climatology and rainfall calculation is used to calculate quantity of irrigation water needed. Then, this irrigation water will be used to calculate water discharge during farming season. Hydraulic calculation of primary canal and tapping construction was based on those water discharge value. Results of the research showed water discharge and dimension of primary canal and tapping constructionsat Air Ngalam can irrigate whole rice fields. Unfortunately, canal rifts and damage, and some of illegal tapping by farmersaround cause water distributing on each rice field unequal. In order to optimize Air Ngalam irrigation, it’s a must to make a sequence of action plans in highest priority, also maintenance works

    Rancang Bangun Timbangan Digital Berbasis Sensor Beban 5 Kg Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Atmega328

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    Telah dibangun sebuah prototipe alat untuk mengukur massa, gaya berat dan massa jenis menggunakan mikrokontroler ATMega328. Sistem pengukuran massa dan gaya berat berdasarkan prinsip kerja sensor beban 5 Kg. sedangkan untuk pengukuran massa jenis menggunakan prinsip kerja sensor beban dan sensor ultrasonik PING HC SR04. Pada pengukuran massa jenis benda digunakan prinsip perubahan volume air dalam tabung. Selanjutnya digunakan mikrokontroler ATMega328 sebagai pengolah data secara keseluruhan. Tahapan penelitian meliputi proses perancangan, pembuatan dan pengujian alat. Hasil eksperimen menunjukan bahwa kinerja alat ini mampu mengukur massa 5 gram sampai dengan 4000 gram dengan error pengukuran sebesar 1,05%. Sedangkan error pengukuran massa jenis yang dibaca alat ini sebesar 1,64%. Hasil pembacaan dari alat memerlukan waktu sekitar lima detik  untuk dijadikan acuan identifikasi data yang dihasilkan.

    Manajemen kurikulum melalui SKS by School dalam meningkatkan efesiensi pendidikan dan keberhasilan peserta didik

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    Effective and efficient curriculum management is a key aspect in achieving educational efficiency and student success. One of them is through the use of the SKS (Semester Credit Unit) system implemented by schools as a tool to optimize curriculum management. This study seeks to explore how the role of educational institutions in improving educational efficiency and student success through the SKS by School approach. Data was extracted through observation of student learning activities, interviews with curriculum waka, and document analysis on school policies in adopting the SKS by school approach to curriculum management. The results showed that the background of the implementation of the SKS by school program based on the principle of each individual having different abilities, accelerating the duration of learning and a form of school commitment to innovate. The learning process is adjusted to the learning principles regulated by the government. The implementation of the SKS By School program is of course also supported by parents of students, as well as communication, commitment, sufficient resources, and supporting bureaucratic structures