24 research outputs found

    Lean production assessment in a sugarcane agribusiness: a case study in Brazil

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    The Brazilian sugarcane agribusiness has emerged as one of the main drivers of the economy; mainly stand out in global scenario as a major producer and exporter of sugar. To make this segment even more competitive it is also necessary to look for constant improvements in its production system. Over the past four decades, Lean Production has been recognized as a management model in efficiency and competitiveness when it comes to the use of a systematic approach and focused on waste elimination. In this scenario this article aims to evaluate the use of philosophy, techniques and tools of Lean Production System in a sugarcane agribusiness in State of São Paulo. A research roadmap developed from the 14 principles of Liker for the implementation of Lean Production was used to conduct an interview, as well as on site visit and observation in order to perform a data triangulation. Within the search results is identified that the organization has a satisfactory performance on Lean principles, especially the support given by the technical and applied tools, which support the processes and problem solving categories

    Bibliometric analysis on the lean production applied to agribusiness in congresses of Production Engineering

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    The present study aims to evaluate the studies of the system Lean Production applied to agribusiness in the main center of Production Engineering (SIMPEP, Congresso Lean, SIMPOI, ENEGEP and ICIEOM), in order to classify them by means of parameters such as: country of origin, establishment of bond of authors, year of publication and keywords. To ensure that such requirements were reached, it was used in the bibliometrics as technique, since the research is characterized as quantitative. For the results, we found 296 publications that deal with the lean production, of which only 10 are applied to agribusiness, being that the sugarcane corn is what has most prominently. These results show that the scarcity of studies relating to the application of the system Lean Production in agribusiness. There is that there is a wide range of studies for the subject Lean to be developed in the agribusiness sector. Such studies but may lack on the part of researchers from the adaptation of these concepts already consolidated, to meet a sector that has specific characteristics and needs of new management tools for the continuity of its competitiveness in a globalized market


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    A indústria moveleira brasileira é responsável por fomentar uma parte significativa da economia. O processo produtivo ainda tradicional e a sua principal matéria-prima, a madeira, exigem a utilização de diversos recursos naturais e, juntamente, com demais materiais necessários para a elaboração de produtos, o setor produz quantidade relevante de resíduos. Essas situações necessitam de procedimentos adequados para reduzir prejuízos ao meio ambiente. Diante da necessidade da adequação das empresas para um modelo menos prejudicial ao meio ambiente, o estudo apresenta como objetivo analisar as relações entre as práticas de ecoinovação e os processos de negócios na gestão da cadeia de suprimentos moveleira, com propósito da elaboração de modelo de análise. Por meio dos conceitos de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos moveleira e ecoinovação, elaborou-se um modelo para análise das relações entre eles. Utilizou-se como método a pesquisa de literatura do setor e revisão sistemática de literatura. Identificou-se os processos de negócios suscetíveis para aplicação das práticas de ecoinovação à gestão da cadeia de suprimentos moveleira. Concluiu-se que as práticas de ecoinovação estão relacionadas com os processos de negócios gestão do relacionamento com o cliente, gestão de manufatura, gestão de relacionamento com fornecedores, desenvolvimento de produtos e comercialização e gestão de retorno, e essas práticas podem ser aplicadas para a obtenção de benefícios ambientais, contribuindo para a melhor compreensão da aplicabilidade da ecoinovação na indústria moveleira

    Study of fruit pulp chain from the perspective of Supply Chain Management (SCM)

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    Globalization and the advent of Information and communication technologies have influenced substantial changes in forms of management. The intense global competitive scenario have generated new forms of competition for the various players. Faced with the unstable and complex environment, organizations need to focus their efforts on shared strategies. Agribusiness presents a set of specificities that lead to greater complexity to manage the activities. Regarding the agro industrial fruit pulp chain, this dynamic becomes even more complex, considering the peculiarities of the sector. Therefore, this paper aims to describe the fruit pulp chain from the perspective of the business processes of Supply Chain Management (SCM). To do so, eight business processes were considered for the qualitative analysis supported by the bibliographical research on a well-known scientific basis such as Web of Science, Scopus and Ebsco. Considering the study of a current phenomenon and according to the profile of the research agents, it is a multiple case study applied in four fruit pulp processing agroindustries. The results describe the business processes and the activities that compose it in the fruit pulp sector, allowing understanding the synchronous and dependent relationship between the processes, as well as the importance of information sharing in the dynamics among all activities


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    Family farming provides food diversityworldwide. If, on the one hand, there is itsproductive efficiency, within the scope ofthe management of diverse cultures, on theother hand, there is the challenge in thepromotion and commercialization of familyfarming products. This article seeks to,through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR)and the use of the StArt tool, analyze theresearch published in the databases Scopusand Web of Science, so as to verify the useof social media for promotion andcommercialization in family farming. Theresults indicate that the use of social mediain family farming is beneficial, bringingpositive results, however, it lacks incentives,investments, and attention from publicpolicies.La agricultura familiar proporciona granparte de la diversidad de alimentosdisponibles en todo el mundo. Si por un ladoestá su eficiencia productiva, en el ámbito delmanejo de las más diversas culturas, por otrolado está el desafío en la promoción ycomercialización de sus productos. Esteartículo busca, a través de una RevisiónSistemática de Literatura (SLR) y el uso de laherramienta StArt, verificar, con el análisis deinvestigaciones publicadas en las bases dedatos Scopus y Web of Science, el uso de lasredes sociales para la promoción ycomercialización en la agricultura familiar.Los resultados indican que el uso de las redessociales en la agricultura familiar esbeneficioso, trayendo resultados positivos,sin embargo, carece de incentivos,inversiones y atención de las políticaspúblicas.A agricultura familiar fornece grande parteda diversidade de alimentos disponíveismundialmente. Se por um lado tem-se suaeficiência produtiva, no âmbito do manejodas mais diversas culturas, do outro ladotem-se o desafio na promoção ecomercialização de seus produtos. Esteartigo busca por meio de uma RevisãoSistemática de Literatura (RSL) e o uso daferramenta StArt, verificar, com a análise depesquisas publicadas nas bases de dadosScopus e Web of Science, a utilização dasmídias sociais de promoção ecomercialização na agricultura familiar. Osresultados indicam que a utilização dasmídias sociais na agricultura familiar ébenéfica, trazendo resultados positivos, noentanto, carece de incentivos, investimentose atenção das políticas pública

    Complaint management: comparison between traditional and digital banks and the benefits of using management systems for improvement

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    Purpose: This paper compares traditional and digital banks in nine categories of complaints and provides insights to improve complaint management performance. Design/methodology/approach: A sample of the major Brazilian banks was defined, with four traditional and four digital banks. The grey relational analysis (GRA) method was applied as an analytical tool to compare the most frequent complaints of traditional and digital banks. The most critical complaints identified were considered to discuss potential improvements in complaint management using quality and service management system concepts. Findings: The GRA method enabled the development of a ranking of nine complaint categories, considering the uncertainty involved in the data and differentiating between traditional and digital banks. The most critical complaint categories, regardless of business model, were “unauthorized charges” and “poor service,” which were ranked first and second in the frequency rankings. Traditional and digital banks differed the most in the complaint category “unfair charge,” ranking third and eighth in the rankings, respectively. Practical implications: Managers from traditional and digital banks can improve complaint management performance by applying ISO 9001 and ISO 20000 concepts such as incident, problem, change, service level, availability, capacity, information technology service continuity and financial management. Social implications: The study's findings can help bank managers improve service levels in the face of technological competition. Improving these organizations is an important factor for developing countries such as Brazil. Originality/value: This paper reveals the differences between two business models regarding complaint management. It also considers a methodological approach to include the uncertainty related to customers' perception and subjectivity inherent to complaints


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    Aplicação do sistema de gestão da qualidade BPF (boas práticas de fabricação) na indústria de produtos farmacêuticos veterinários The usage of the GMP (good manufacturing practices) quality management system for veterinary pharmaceutical industries

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    A necessidade de desenvolvimento de métodos de controle e gestão da qualidade tem se colocado como um fator de melhoria da competitividade e permanência das empresas em seus setores de atuação. No entanto, em alguns segmentos industriais, o controle e a gestão da qualidade se dão considerando também exigências de atendimento a normas e legislações governamentais, como é o caso do segmento de empresas fabricantes de produtos veterinários no Brasil. Este artigo descreve os principais aspectos e resultados de uma pesquisa tipo survey realizada com o objetivo de analisar se as empresas fabricantes de produtos veterinários estão se estruturando para aplicarem as boas práticas de fabricação, como um sistema de controle e gestão da qualidade. Por meio da condução de um levantamento bibliográfico, foram descritos aspectos relativos ao contexto de competitividade do agronegócio e do mercado de produtos veterinários, bem como dos principais tópicos relativos às bases normativas com ênfase nas boas práticas de fabricação. A execução da pesquisa se deu por meio da condução de uma survey em empresas do segmento farmacêutico veterinário, buscando-se caracterizar o método de pesquisa adotado, bem como relatos e dados obtidos. O trabalho conclui que as empresas fabricantes de produtos veterinários estão implantando as Boas Práticas de Fabricação, e demonstra, entre outros aspectos, que isto está motivado por uma gestão eficaz de seus recursos produtivos ao invés de um mero atendimento da legislação governamental.The need to develop quality control and management methods has been faced as an improvement factor for the competitiveness and permanence of companies in their sectors. Nonetheless, in some industrial segments, this situation of quality control and management also occurs considering the demands for complying with governmental standards and legislations, such as the segment of industries manufacturing veterinary products in Brazil. This article intends to depict the main aspects and results which come from a survey research, which tried to analyze how veterinary product manufacturers have been adapted to the usage of Good Manufacturing Practices as a system of quality control and management. Due to collecting a bibliography, aspects relating to the context of agribusiness competitiveness and the market of veterinary products are described, as well as the main topics relating to standard procedures emphasized in Good Manufacturing Practices. The study was carried out as a survey in companies manufacturing veterinary products, attempting to characterize the methodology of the adopted research, as well as to report and analyze the collected data. The study concludes, among other aspects, that veterinary product manufacturers have been implementing Good Manufacturing Practices which are more encouraged by aspects which come from a more efficient management of their productive resources than by complying with governmental standards and legislations