16 research outputs found

    Salicylic acid and Bacillus subtilis as control of early blight (Alternaria solani) in tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum)

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    Alternaria solani is the causal agent of early blight disease in tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) and every year is responsible for significant economic losses suffered worldwide by the producers of this crop. Since salicylic acid and Bacillus subtilis are resistance-inducing agents in plants, they were evaluated in order to know their effect on the infection caused by early blight in the tomato crop. Plants of 75 days old were transplanted in furrows 8 m wide by 43.2 m long, the exogenous application of treatments were made, growth variables (plant height and stem diameter), yield (total fruits) and damage in tomato plants were evaluated. The results show significant statistical differences between treatments compared with the control (P≤0.000). B. subtilis applied to the root and salicylic acid applied to the foliage, reduced the severity of A. solani in tomato plants, and caused a significant increment in the crop growth and yield. The use of resistance inducers can represent an alternative of sustainable production and efficient control against pathogens, aimed at reducing the use of agrochemicals and production costs.Alternaria solani is the causal agent of early blight disease in tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) and every year is responsible for significant economic losses suffered worldwide by the producers of this crop. Since salicylic acid and Bacillus subtilis are resistance-inducing agents in plants, they were evaluated in order to know their effect on the infection caused by early blight in the tomato crop. Plants of 75 days old were transplanted in furrows 8 m wide by 43.2 m long, the exogenous application of treatments were made, growth variables (plant height and stem diameter), yield (total fruits) and damage in tomato plants were evaluated. The results show significant statistical differences between treatments compared with the control (P≤0.000). B. subtilis applied to the root and salicylic acid applied to the foliage, reduced the severity of A. solani in tomato plants, and caused a significant increment in the crop growth and yield. The use of resistance inducers can represent an alternative of sustainable production and efficient control against pathogens, aimed at reducing the use of agrochemicals and production costs

    Ácido salicílico y Bacillus subtilis como control del tizón temprano (Alternaria solani) en plantas de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum)

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    Alternaria solani is the causal agent of early blight disease in tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) and every year is responsible for significant economic losses suffered worldwide by the producers of this crop. Since salicylic acid and Bacillus subtilis are resistance-inducing agents in plants, they were evaluated in order to know their effect on the infection caused by early blight in the tomato crop. Plants of 75 days old were transplanted in furrows 8 m wide by 43.2 m long, the exogenous application of treatments were made, growth variables (plant height and stem diameter), yield (total fruits) and damage in tomato plants were evaluated. The results show significant statistical differences between treatments compared with the control (P≤0.000). B. subtilis applied to the root and salicylic acid applied to the foliage, reduced the severity of A. solani in tomato plants, and caused a significant increment in the crop growth and yield. The use of resistance inducers can represent an alternative of sustainable production and efficient control against pathogens, aimed at reducing the use of agrochemicals and production costs.Alternaria solani es el agente causal de la enfermedad del tizón temprano en el tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) y cada año es responsable de pérdidas económicas significativas sufridas por los productores de este cultivo a nivel mundial. Debido a que el ácido salicílico y Bacillus subtilis, son agentes inductores de resistencia en las plantas, estos fueron evaluados con la finalidad de conocer su efecto en la infección causada por el tizón temprano en el cultivo de tomate. Plantas de 75 días de edad se trasplantaron en surcos de 8 m de ancho por 43,2 m de largo, se realizó la aplicación exógena de los tratamientos, se evaluaron variables de crecimiento (altura de la planta y diámetro del tallo), rendimiento (frutos totales) y daño en plantas de tomate. Los resultados muestran que existen diferencias estadísticas significativas entre los tratamientos comparados con el testigo (P≤0,000). B. subtilis aplicado a la raíz y ácido salicílico aplicado al follaje, redujo la severidad de A. solani en plantas de tomate, al mismo tiempo que causó un incremento significativo en el crecimiento y rendimiento del cultivo. La utilización de inductores de resistencia puede representar una alternativa de producción sustentable y eficiente para el control de patógenos, a fin de reducir el uso de agroquímicos y los costos de producción. Palabras clave inductores de resistencia • Alternaria solani • producción sustentableFil: Espinosa-Vázquez, Miguel Ángel. Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas (México). Facultad de Ingeniería. Maestría en Ciencias en Desarrollo Sustentable y Gestión de RiesgosFil: Espinoza-Medinilla, Eduardo Estanislao. Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas (México). Facultad de Ingeniería. Maestría en Ciencias en Desarrollo Sustentable y Gestión de RiesgosFil: Orantes-García, Carolina. Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas. Instituto de Ciencias BiológicasFil: Garrido-Ramírez, Eduardo. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (México)Fil: Rioja-Paradela, Tamara Mila. Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas (México). Facultad de Ingeniería. Maestría en Ciencias en Desarrollo Sustentable y Gestión de Riesgo

    Indicadores de sostenibilidad para el ecoturismo en México: estado actual

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    Current management of ecotourism centers is based on intrinsic knowledge of natural and economic areas, cultural resources of local communities where tourism is developed. However, knowledge about the sustainability of these centers is far from complete, and the existence and use of indicators for diagnosis and evaluation to determine its proximity to sustainability are still limited. This manuscript is a review on the use of tourism sustainability indicators in our country and analyzes the information gaps; also examine some of its implications for ecotourism activity. It is proposed that the construction of a system of indicators with its generalities and specificities not only promote the sustainable management of the destination, but also can be a way of dialogue among social actors involved.El manejo de los centros ecoturísticos se basa en el conocimiento de los espacios naturales y los recursos culturales y económicos de las comunidades locales. No obstante, el uso de indicadores que permitan el diagnóstico y evaluación de la sostenibilidad está limitado. Se revisa el uso de indicadores turísticos de sostenibilidad en México y se analizan los vacíos de información, además de algunas implicaciones para el ecoturismo. Se propone que un sistema de indicadores con generalidades y especificidades promovería el manejo más sostenible del turismo y representaría un medio de diálogo entre los actores involucrados

    Effect of temporal lakes on avifaunal composition at the Southeast of Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico

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    Oaxaca hosts one of the greatest biodiversity in México, occupying first place in avian diversity compared to other regions of the country. However, the area is undergoing serious problems such as high deforestation rates, soil erosion and over exploitation and extinction of species. These factors have all contributed to the current loss of biodiversity. Also, biological inventories are still incomplete. One of the least explored sites is the semiarid zone of Tehuantepec isthmus, around the locality of Santa Maria del Mar, Oaxaca, México. The area includes floodable grasslands, mangrove areas and dry forest, providing a range of potential habitats for different species. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of temporal lakes on spatial and temporal composition of the avifauna in Santa Maria del Mar, in order to generate information regarding this group within the region and the state, and to understand the importance of flood areas for resident and transitory birds. We conducted 12 avifauna surveys between July 2006 and June 2008, and established two transects of 2km length in each of four habitat types (beach, grassland, dry forest, and mangrove). We found a total of 75 species, corresponding to 16 orders and 30 families. Within an area of 26km², we significantly found 10.1% of the total number of bird species recorded for the entire state, and 6.6% of the total reported in Mexico. The families most represented were: Ardeidae, Laridae and Scolopacidae. Over the entire study period, dry forest was the most diverse habitat; followed by mangrove, grassland and the beach. Of all the species recorded, 38.6% were found at the edge or in the temporal lakes. We found a significant difference in species composition between seasons in the grassland, but no difference in the other habitats. Our results showed a significant effect of temporary lakes on avian diversity during the wet season; it also demonstrated the importance of grassland conservation given its relevance for presence of waterbirds. We suggested a continued and more intense monitoring; and proposed the designation of the area as an important Conservation Bird Area (AiCA)

    Mamíferos de la Reserva de la Biosfera "La Sepultura", Chiapas, México

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    Con el objeto de conocer la riqueza de mamíferos de la Reserva de la Biosfera La Sepultura, fue elaborado un listado de especies para esta área natural protegida. Através de transectos lineales, donde se realizaron observaciones directas, búsqueda de rastros y captura de ejemplares, durante el periodo de mayo de 1994 a diciembre de 1999, además de la revisión de bases de datos nacionales y extranjeras; con registros de esta localidad, se pudo recolectar 848 especimenes (248 pieles y cráneos), 32 huellas en molde de yeso y nueve fragmentos óseos. Se obtuvo un listado compuesto de 98 especies, 70 géneros, 29 familias y 10 órdenes. El 86.7 % de estas especies pertenecen a los órdenes Chiroptera, Rodentia y Carnivora. Por lo menos 21 especies están clasificadas dentro de alguna categoría de conservación. Los datos obtenidos de este manuscrito son una base sólida y actualizada y pueden ser usados como parte de los planes de manejo y conservación para esta reservaA species list was elaborated for La Sepultura Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas, Mexico. Line transects and direct observations were made, national and international databases were consulted, and animal traces were registered. Animals were captured during the period May 1994 - December 1999. A total of 848 specimen (248 furs and skulls), 32 tracks in plaster, and 9 osseous fragments were collected. A total of 98 species, 70 genera, 29 families, and 10 orders compose the species list. Of these species 87.7% belong to the orders Chiroptera, Rodentia and Carnivora and 21 species were classified according to some kind of legal protection. These data represent a solid and actualized database useful for designing management and conservation plans for this Biosphere Reserv

    Mamíferos de la Reserva de la Biosfera “La Sepultura”, Chiapas, México

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    Con el objeto de conocer la riqueza de mamíferos de la Reserva de la Biosfera La Sepultura, fue elaborado un listado de especies para esta área natural protegida. Através de transectos lineales, donde se realizaron observaciones directas, búsqueda de rastros y captura de ejemplares, durante el periodo de mayo de 1994 a diciembre de 1999, además de la revisión de bases de datos nacionales y extranjeras; con registros de esta localidad, se pudo recolectar 848 especimenes (248 pieles y cráneos), 32 huellas en molde de yeso y nueve fragmentos óseos. Se obtuvo un listado compuesto de 98 especies, 70 géneros, 29 familias y 10 órdenes. El 86.7 % de estas especies pertenecen a los órdenes Chiroptera, Rodentia y Carnivora. Por lo menos 21 especies están clasificadas dentro de alguna categoría de conservación. Los datos obtenidos de este manuscrito son una base sólida y actualizada y pueden ser usados como parte de los planes de manejo y conservación para esta reserva.A species list was elaborated for La Sepultura Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas, Mexico. Line transects and direct observations were made, national and international databases were consulted, and animal traces were registered. Animals were captured during the period May 1994 - December 1999. A total of 848 specimen (248 furs and skulls), 32 tracks in plaster, and 9 osseous fragments were collected. A total of 98 species, 70 genera, 29 families, and 10 orders compose the species list. Of these species 87.7% belong to the orders Chiroptera, Rodentia and Carnivora and 21 species were classified according to some kind of legal protection. These data represent a solid and actualized database useful for designing management and conservation plans for this Biosphere Reserve

    Basic ecology of the Oaxacan Spiny-tailed Iguana Ctenosaura oaxacana (Squamata: Iguanidae), in Oaxaca, Mexico

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    The Oaxacan Spiny-tailed Iguana Ctenosaura oaxacana is a restricted species to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Southern Oaxaca, Mexico. This reptile is one of the less known iguanid species. We censustracked a population in the South of Niltepec, Oaxaca, Mexico from May 2010 to April 2011. Throughout one year, a total of 10 line transects were situated and recorded in the study area to determine relative abundance and density, and habitat type use (dry forest, Nanchal, grassland, riparian vegetation, and mangrove) by the species. This study reports a new C. oaxacana population on the Southeastern limit of species range. Although this species has a very restricted distribution and is in danger of extinction, C. oaxacana has a high population density when compared to other Ctenosaura species. A total of 108 individuals were recorded throughout the study. Dry forest (33.75ind/ha) and Nanchal (18.75ind/ha) were the habitats with higher densities. Comparisons between habitat types showed no significant differences between dry forest and Nanchal (W=15, p=0.0808). Results between seasons were similar. The Oaxacan Spiny tailed Iguana preferred first the dry forest, and then Nanchal, while avoided grassland, riparian vegetation, and mangroves. There was no difference in habitat use between males and females. Mean perch heights were 1.23±0.32 (n=30) in Nanchal, 2.11±0.30 (n=9) in grassland, 1.90±0.56 (n=54) in dry forest, 1.91±0.28 (n=9) in mangrove and 2.30±0.37 (n=6) in riparian vegetation. Species observed as refuge and perch were B. crassifolia (Nanchal); C. alata (grassland); Tabebuia sp., Genipa americana, G. sepium, Acacia sp., Ficus sp. and Haematoxylon sp. (dry forest); G. sepium, Acacia sp. and Guazuma ulmifolia (riparian vegetation); and C. erecta (mangrove). Live trees hollows and branches were used by species. Main threats to the species are excessive hunting and habitat loss. Furthermore, grassland fires are still common in the study area during the dry season, which can result in habitat loss and territorial displacement of individuals<br>La Iguana de Cola Espinosa Ctenosaura oaxacana es una especie restringida al Istmo de Tehuantepec en el Sureste de Oaxaca, México. Este reptil es uno de los iguánidos menos conocidos. Entre Mayo 2010 y Abril 2011 hicimos el seguimiento de una población al Sur de Niltepec, Oaxaca, México. A lo largo de un año, se colocaron y monitorearon un total de diez transectos en el área de estudio, para determinar la abundancia relativa, densidad y uso de hábitat (selva seca, Nanchal, pastizal, vegetación riparia y manglar) de la especie. Esta investigación reporta una nueva población de C. oaxacana en el límite sureste de la distribución conocida para la especie. Aunque esta especie posee una distribución muy restringida y se encuentra en peligro de extinción, C. oaxacana presenta una alta densidad poblacional comparada con otras especies de Ctenosaura. Se registró un total de 108 individuos a lo largo del estudio. La selva seca (33.75ind/ha) y el Nanchal (18.75ind/ha) fueron los hábitats con densidad más alta. No se encontró diferencia significativa entre la selva seca y el Nanchal (W=15, p=0.0808). Al comparar entre estaciones el resultado fue similar. La Iguana de Cola Espinosa prefirió la selva seca y después al Nanchal, mientras que evitó el pastizal, la vegetación riparia y el manglar. No se registró diferencia en el uso de hábitat entre machos y hembras. La altura media de las perchas fue 1.23±0.32 (n=30) en Nanchal, 2.11±0.30 (n=9) en pastizal, 1.90±0.56 (n=54) en selva baja, 1.91±0.28 (n=9) en manglar y 2.30±0.37 (n=6) en vegetación riparia. Las especies observadas como refugio y percha fueron B. crassifolia (Nanchal); C. alata (pastizal); Tabebuia sp., Genipa americana, G. sepium, Acacia sp., Ficus sp. y Haematoxylon sp. (selva seca); G. sepium, Acacia sp. y Guazuma ulmifolia (vegetación riparia); y C. erecta (manglar). La especie utilizó agujeros y ramas de árboles vivos. Las principales amenazas para la especie son la cacería excesiva y la pérdida de hábitat. Además, la quema de pastizales sigue siendo común en el área de estudio durante la temporada seca, lo que puede resultar en la pérdida de hábitat y el desplazamiento territorial de los individuos

    Análisis de ADN fecal para identificar especies de felinos en los Ocotones Chiapas, México

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    Knowledge of species that are distributed in areas with forest management is essential to understand the negative and positive impacts of this activity on the conservation of species considered for protection by the Mexican government through NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, such as the jaguar (Panthera onca). The objective was to identify the species and sex of sympatric felines present in the Los Ocotones forest use area (LOSOCO), located 36 km from Cintalapa, Chiapas. Thirty-three fecal samples were collected and analyzed to identify individual genetic profiles. Two male pumas, a female puma, a male jaguar, a female ocelot/tigrillo and a male puma/jaguarundi were identified. The genetic analysis provided relevant information on the role played by the area in hosting priority feline species for conservation purposes. It is necessary to strengthen protection actions that help ensure their permanence in the region.El conocimiento de las especies que se distribuyen en zonas con manejo forestal es fundamental para comprender los impactos negativos y positivos de esta actividad en la conservación de especies consideradas en protección por el gobierno mexicano a través de la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, como es el caso del jaguar (Panthera onca). El objetivo fue identificar especies y sexo de felinos simpátricos presentes en el área de aprovechamiento forestal Los Ocotones (LOSOCO), ubicada a 36 km de Cintalapa, Chiapas. Se colectaron 33 muestras fecales y se analizaron para identificar perfiles genéticos individuales. Se identificaron dos pumas machos, un puma hembra, un jaguar macho, un ocelote/tigrillo hembra y un puma/leoncillo macho. El análisis genético aportó información relevante sobre el papel que juega la zona por albergar especies de felinos prioritarias para su conservación. Se requiere fortalecer las acciones de protección que ayuden a garantizar su permanencia en la región