2,909 research outputs found

    A Self-powered And Autonomous Fringing Field Capacitive Sensor Integrated Into A Micro Sprinkler Spinner To Measure Soil Water Content

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    We present here the design and fabrication of a self- powered and autonomous fringing field capacitive sensor to measure soil water content. The sensor is manufactured using a conventional printed circuit board and includes a porous ceramic. To read the sensor, we use a circuit that includes a 10 kHz triangle wave generator, an AC amplifier, a precision rectifier and a microcontroller. In terms of performance, the sensor's capacitance ( measured in a laboratory prototype) increases up to 5% when the volumetric water content of the porous ceramic changed from 3% to 36%, resulting in a sensitivity of S = 15.5 pF per unity change. Repeatability tests for capacitance measurement showed that the theta(v) sensor's root mean square error is 0.13%. The average current consumption of the system ( sensor and signal conditioning circuit) is less than 1.5 mu A, which demonstrates its suitability for being powered by energy harvesting systems. We developed a complete irrigation control system that integrates the sensor, an energy harvesting module composed of a microgenerator installed on the top of a micro sprinkler spinner, and a DC/ DC converter circuit that charges a 1 F supercapacitor. The energy harvesting module operates only when the micro sprinkler spinner is irrigating the soil, and the supercapacitor is fully charged to 5 V in about 3 h during the first irrigation. After the first irrigation, with the supercap fully charged, the system can operate powered only by the supercapacitor for approximately 23 days, without any energy being harvested.17

    Efficacy of flumioxazin applied alone and in a tank mix with diuron or diclosulam added with different adjuvants in cotton

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    O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar a eficácia e seletividade do herbicida flumioxazin aplicado em pós-emergência isoladamente e na mistura em tanque com diuron ou diclosulam, na cultura do algodão. Adotou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Foram estudados os seguintes tratamentos: flumioxazin a 30 g/ha, flumioxazin+diuron (25+800 e 25+1000 g/ha), flumioxazin+diclos~lam (25+30 e 25+35 g/ha), MSMA+diuron (1800+1000 glha) como tratamento padrão, além de duas testemunhas, uma capinada e outra infestada, para as comparações nas avaliações de fitotoxicidade e de controle, respectivamente. Aos herbicidas adicionou-se óleo mineral Assist a 0,5% v/vou Triomax a 0,25% v/v como adjuvantes. O efeito dos herbicidas foi avaliado aos 25 e 39 dias após a aplicação (DAA) e a fito intoxicação aos 10 e 25 DAA. As espécies Commelina benghalensis (trapoeraba), Ipomoea grandifolia (corda-de-viola) e Raphanus raphanistrum (nabiça) foram controladas eficientemente pelo herbicida flumioxazin, isoladamente ou em mistura com diuron ou diclosulam até 39 DAA, com comportamento semelhante ao constatado para o tratamento padrão.lNão foram observadas diferenças significativas na produção entre os tratamentos com herbicidas e deles com a testemunha capinada. As plantas de algodão (cv. Coodetec 401) apresentaram leves sintomas de injúrias por ação fitotóxica dos produtos químicos, nos tratamentos envolvendo flumioxazin em mistura com diuron na maior dose e com diclosulam em ambas as doses, porém com rápida e plena recuperação, sem afetar o rendimento da cultura. A field experiment was carried out in Itapira, SP, to evaluate the selectivity and efficiency ofthe herbicide flumioxazin alone or in a tank mix with diuron or diclosulam applied in post-ernergence to weed control in cotton cv. Coodetec 40 I,with two different mineral oils. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications and the foIlowing treatments: flumioxazin (30 g/ha), flumioxazin+diuron (25+800 and 25+ 1,000 g/ha), flumioxazin+diclosulam (25+30 and 25+35 g/ha), MSMA+diuron (1,800+1,000 g/ha) with standard treatrnent and controls with and without weeds. The adjuvants used were Assist at 0,5% v/v and Triomax at 0,25% v/v. The results showed that flumioxazin herbicide alone or in a tank mix with diuron or diclosulam have controIled efficiently Commelina benghalensis L., lpomoea grandifolia (Dammer) O'Don. and Raphanus raphanistrum L. until 39 days afie r the post-emergence application. The two adjuvants had no significant effect on the results. None of the chemical treatments affected the cotton plant development or yield.

    Biogeographical ancestry is associated with socioenvironmental conditions and infections in a Latin American urban population.

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    Racial inequalities are observed for different diseases and are mainly caused by differences in socioeconomic status between ethnoracial groups. Genetic factors have also been implicated, and recently, several studies have investigated the association between biogeographical ancestry (BGA) and complex diseases. However, the role of BGA as a proxy for non-genetic health determinants has been little investigated. Similarly, studies comparing the association of BGA and self-reported skin colour with these determinants are scarce. Here, we report the association of BGA and self-reported skin colour with socioenvironmental conditions and infections. We studied 1246 children living in a Brazilian urban poor area. The BGA was estimated using 370,539 genome-wide autosomal markers. Standardised questionnaires were administered to the children's guardians to evaluate socioenvironmental conditions. Infection (or pathogen exposure) was defined by the presence of positive serologic test results for IgG to seven pathogens (Toxocara spp, Toxoplasma gondii, Helicobacter pylori, and hepatitis A, herpes simplex, herpes zoster and Epstein-Barr viruses) and the presence of intestinal helminth eggs in stool samples (Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichiuris trichiura). African ancestry was negatively associated with maternal education and household income and positively associated with infections and variables, indicating poorer housing and living conditions. The self-reported skin colour was associated with infections only. In stratified analyses, the proportion of African ancestry was associated with most of the outcomes investigated, particularly among admixed individuals. In conclusion, BGA was associated with socioenvironmental conditions and infections even in a low-income and highly admixed population, capturing differences that self-reported skin colour miss. Importantly, our findings suggest caution in interpreting significant associations between BGA and diseases as indicative of the genetic factors involved

    Semliki Forest virus induced, immune mediated demyelination: the effect of irradiation

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    International audienceThe Dark Energy Camera has captured a large set of images as part of Science Verification (SV) for the Dark Energy Survey (DES). The SV footprint covers a large portion of the outer Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), providing photometry 1.5 mag fainter than the main sequence turn-off of the oldest LMC stellar population. We derive geometrical and structural parameters for various stellar populations in the LMC disc. For the distribution of all LMC stars, we find an inclination of i = -38.14° ± 0.08° (near side in the north) and a position angle for the line of nodes of θ0 = 129.51° ± 0.17°. We find that stars younger than ∼4 Gyr are more centrally concentrated than older stars. Fitting a projected exponential disc shows that the scale radius of the old populations is R>4 Gyr = 1.41 ± 0.01 kpc, while the younger population has R = 0.72 ± 0.01 kpc. However, the spatial distribution of the younger population deviates significantly from the projected exponential disc model. The distribution of old stars suggests a large truncation radius of Rt = 13.5 ± 0.8 kpc. If this truncation is dominated by the tidal field of the Galaxy, we find that the LMC is {∼eq } 24^{+9}_{-6} times less massive than the encircled Galactic mass. By measuring the Red Clump peak magnitude and comparing with the best-fitting LMC disc model, we find that the LMC disc is warped and thicker in the outer regions north of the LMC centre. Our findings may either be interpreted as a warped and flared disc in the LMC outskirts, or as evidence of a spheroidal halo component

    The influence of Fe2O3 doping on the pore structure and mechanical strength of TiO2-containing alumina obtained by freeze-casting

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    This work investigated TiO/FeO doped alumina prepared by the freeze-casting technique and using camphene as the solvent. Dendritic pores were formed in the TiO doped alumina, a structure conferred by the frozen camphene. Contrary to this trend, further FeO doping of TiO-containing alumina resulted in the formation of non-dendritic structures. This behavior was attributed to the higher density of α-FeO (5.24 g cm) when compared to α-AlO (3.95 g cm) and anatase TiO (3.89 g cm), which reduced critical solidification front velocity, thus forming material with different pore shape. FeO doping also improved the densification of TiO-alumina and inhibited the formation of cracks, reflected by superior mechanical strength with best results ∼150% higher for 10% FeO loaded samples as compared to TiO-alumina samples

    Effect of titania addition on the properties of freeze-cast alumina samples

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    This work investigated the behavior of TiO2-containing α-Al2O3 samples prepared by the freeze-casting technique. Camphene and liquid nitrogen were used as the solvent and cooling fluid, respectively. Camphene resulted in the formation of dendritic pores, in the direction of the freeze-casting cold front during sample preparation. The formation of β-Al2TiO5 phase occurred at 1300°C, and became more evident as the sintering temperatures reached 1500°C. The TiO2 loading did not affect the sample porosity at a given temperature, but it was detrimental in the case of mechanical properties under certain conditions. For instance, the flexural strength slightly improved with increasing the TiO2 loading and sintering temperature from 1100 to 1300°C. This effect was attributed to the occurrence of a more effective sintering of alumina. However, as the heat treatment temperature was raised from 1300 to 1500°C, the flexural strength did not increase as a function of the TiO2 loading, even though the densification occurred with loss of porosity. The loss of mechanical strength was found to be associated with the formation of microcracks which stemmed from the formation of β-Al2TiO5 phase for TiO2 loadings in excess of 4wt% at these high sintering temperatures

    Adenine interaction with and adsorption on Fe-ZSM-5 zeolites: A prebiotic chemistry study using different techniques

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    Most adsorption experiments are performed under conditions that did not exist on Earth before the life arose on it. Because adsorption is the first step for all other processes (protection against degradation and polymerization), it is important that it is performed under conditions that existed on prebiotic Earth. In this paper, we use an artificial seawater (seawater 4.0 Ga), which contains major cations and anions that could present on the oceans of the prebiotic Earth. In addition, zeolites, with substituted Fe in the framework, and adenine were probably common substances on the prebiotic Earth. Thus, study the interaction between them is an important issue in prebiotic chemistry. There are two main findings described in this paper. Firstly, zeolites with different Si/Fe ratios adsorbed adenine differently. Secondly, XAFS showed that, after treatments with seawater 4.0 Ga and adenine, an increase in the complexity of the system occurred. In general, salts of seawater 4.0 Ga did not affect the adsorption of adenine onto zeolites and adenine adsorbed less onto zeolites with iron isomorphically substituted. The C=C and NH2 groups of adenine interacted with the zeolites. Gypsum, formed from aqueous species dissolved in seawater 4.0 Ga, precipitated onto zeolites. EPR spectra of zeolites showed lines caused by Fe framework and Fe3+ species. TG curves of zeolites showed events caused by loss of water weakly bound to zeolite (in the 30-140 °C range), water bounded to iron species or cations from seawater 4.0 Ga or located in the cavities of zeolites (157-268 °C) and degradation of adenine adsorbed onto zeolites (360-600 °C). Mass loss follows almost the same order as the amount of adenine adsorbed onto zeolites. The XAFS spectrum showed that Fe3+ could be substituted into the framework of the Fe7-ZSM-5 zeolite


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    Estudou-se o efeito da administração de duas doses de rbST (250 e 500 mg) no dia do estro em receptoras de embrião bovino criopreservado na taxa de gestação e na concentração sérica de progesterona. No experimento I, 44 receptoras foram distribuídas em dois tratamentos: T1(n = 22, controle) e T2(n = 22), recebendo a administração subcutânea de 250 mg de rbST. No experimento II, 71 receptoras foram distribuídas em: T1(n = 31, controle) e T2(n = 40), recebendo 500 mg de rbST. Os diagnósticos de gestação foram realizados 30 dias após o estro. As taxas de gestação não diferiram entre tratamentos em ambos os experimentos (40,9%(T1) vs 50,0%(T2) e 48,4%(T1) vs 52,5%(T2) para os experimentos I e II, respectivamente). As concentrações séricas de progesterona (ng/mL de plasma), obtidas nas amostras de sangue coletadas no dia da inovulação, não diferiram entre tratamentos, sendo 5,92 ± 0,62(T1) vs 5,77 ± 0,48(T2) e 4,94 ± 0,54(T1) vs 4,77 ± 0,51(T2) para os experimentos I e II, respectivamente. Esses resultados indicam que a administração de 250 ou 500 mg de rbST, no dia do estro, não proporciona incremento tanto na taxa de gestação como na concentração sérica de progesterona de receptoras de embrião bovino criopreservado. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: bovino; receptora de embrião; taxa de gestação