1,279 research outputs found

    How to define the success of physiotherapy in chronic low back pain patients?

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    Trabalho apresentado no 10th Congress of European Pain Federation (EFIC), 6-9 setembro 2017, Copenhaga, DinamarcaN/

    Mobilidade, acessibilidade e produtividade: nota sobre a valoração econômica do tempo de viagem na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo

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    O objetivo deste artigo é introduzir no debate sobre valoração do tempo de viagem dos trabalhadores urbanos uma visão alternativa sobre a integração de alguns de seus canais de transmissão para a economia. A relação entre tempo de deslocamento, mobilidade e produtividade é explorada, juntamente com a possibilidade de se capturar seus efeitos de equilíbrio geral em um sistema econômico espacial. O método proposto é aplicado para o caso da RMSP. Além de oferecermos parâmetros adicionais para avaliação econômica de projetos de mobilidade urbana na RMSP, efetuamos o cálculo das perdas econômicas associadas às fricções de mobilidade excessivas na região.

    Tripanosomíase americana (doença de Chagas) em ratos e camundongos convencionais e isentos de germes

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    Germfree (GF) and conventional (CV) CFW (LOB) mice and Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats were infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. The disease was more severe in the GF than in the CV animals as revealed by: (1) an earlier and more intense parasitemia; (2) a more precocious mortality; (3) a twice enlarged spleen: (4) a more intense cell and tissue parasitism; (5) visceral signs of cardiac failure.Camundongos CFW (LOB) e ratos Wistar e Sprague-Dawley isentos de germes (GF) e convencionais (CV) foram infectados com Trypanosoma cruzi. A doença foi mais grave nos animais GF do que nos CV, o que foi demonstrado por: (1) uma parasitemia mais precoce e mais intensa: (2) uma mortalidade mais precoce: (3) baço duas vezes maior; (4) um parasitismo celular e tissular mais intenso; (5) sinais viscerais de insuficiência cardíaca

    Deep Venous Thrombosis Prophylaxis In Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery: A Brazilian Survey.

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    Deep venous thrombosis (DVP) is a frequent disease. Prophylaxis is the best means to reduce its incidence, for lowering morbidity and mortality rates and treatment costs caused by its complications. To evaluate the knowledge and use of any kind of DVT prophylaxis by Brazilian Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons. A questionnaire was sent to all Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons associated to the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons that have a valid e-mail address. The data retrieved was evaluated and tabulated. Of the 1100 questionnaires sent, only 4% were retrieved. The 42 retrieved were included in the study. Twenty six of the surgeons do not use any kind of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis, 11 use mechanical means as elastic compressive stockings or pneumatic compressive devices for prophylaxis, and 5 uses low-molecular weight heparins (LMWH) as the choice for prophylaxis. The data collected, despite the low rate of participation (4%) by the surgeons, shows that this subject still does not receive proper attention. Whereas other medical specialties make routine use of prophylactic means maybe the maxillofacial surgeons lack concern on that matter.23519-2

    Genotype-phenotype correlations and BH4 estimated responsiveness in patients with phenylketonuria from Rio de Janeiro, Southeast Brazil

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    Background: Genetic heterogeneity and compound heterozygosis give rise to a continuous spectrum of phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency and metabolic phenotypes in phenylketonuria (PKU). The most used parameters for evaluating phenotype in PKU are pretreatment phenylalanine (Phe) levels, tolerance for dietary Phe, and Phe overloading test. Phenotype can vary from a "classic" (severe) form to mild hyperphenylalaninemia, which does not require dietary treatment. A subset of patients is responsive to treatment by the cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4 ). Genotypes of PKU patients from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were compared to predicted and observed phenotypes. Genotype-based estimations of responsiveness to BH4 were also conducted. Methods: Phenotype was defined by pretreatment Phe levels. A standard prediction system based on arbitrary assigned values was employed to measure genotype-phenotype concordance. Patients were also estimated as BH4 -responders according to the responsiveness previously reported for their mutations and genotypes. Results: A 48.3% concordance rate between genotype-predicted and observed phenotypes was found. When the predicted phenotypes included those reported at the BIOPKU database, the concordance rate reached 77%. A total of 18 genotypes from 30 patients (29.4%) were estimated as of potential or probable BH4 responsiveness. Inconsistencies were observed in genotypic combinations including the common "moderate" mutations p.R261Q, p.V388M, and p.I65T and the mild mutations p.L48S, p.R68S, and p.L249F. Conclusion: The high discordance rate between genotype-predicted and observed metabolic phenotypes in this study seems to be due partially to the high frequency of the so-called "moderate" common mutations, p.R261Q, p.V388M, and p.I65T, which are reported to be associated to erratic or more severe than expected metabolic phenotypes. Although our results of BH4 estimated responsiveness must be regarded as tentative, it should be emphasized that genotyping and genotype-phenotype association studies are important in selecting patients to be offered a BH4 overload test, especially in low-resource settings like Brazil.Dr. Vieira Neto reports two public grants from Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (Capes) of the Ministry of Education, Brazil, and private grants from FBM Pharmaceutical Industry Ltd., Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil, and from Danone Ltd., São Paulo, Brazil, during the conduct of the study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intramyocardial Injection of Autologous Bone Marrow Cells as an Adjunctive Therapy to Incomplete Myocardial Revascularization - Safety Issues

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine the safety of intramyocardial injection of autologous bone marrow cells in patients undergoing surgical myocardial revascularization (CABG) for severe coronary artery disease. INTRODUCTION: There is little data available regarding the safety profile of autologous bone marrow cells injected during surgical myocardial revascularization. Potential risks include arrythmias, fibrosis in the injected sites and growth of non-cardiac tissues. METHODS: Ten patients (eight men) were enrolled; they were 59&plusmn;5 years old with limiting angina and were non-optimal candidates for complete CABG. Bone marrow cells (1.3&plusmn;0.3x10(8)) were obtained prior to surgery, and the lymphomonocytic fraction (CD34+=1.8&plusmn;0.3%) was separated by density gradient centrifugation. During surgery, bone marrow cells were injected in non-grafted areas of ischemic myocardium. During the first year after surgery, the patients underwent laboratory tests, cardiac imaging, and 24-hour ECG monitoring. RESULTS: Injected segments: inferior (n=7), anterior (n=2), septal (n=1), apical (n=1), and lateral (n=1) walls. Except for a transient elevation of C-reactive protein at one month post-surgery (P=0.01), laboratory tests results were within normal ranges; neither complex arrhythmias nor structural abnormalities were detected during follow-up. There was a reduction in functional class of angina from 3.6&plusmn;0.8 (baseline) to 1.2&plusmn;0.4 (one year) (P<0.0001). Also, patients had a significant decrease in the ischemic score assessed by magnetic resonance, not only globally from 0.65&plusmn;0.14 (baseline) to 0.17&plusmn;0.05 (one year) (P=0.002), but also in the injected areas from 1.11&plusmn;0.20 (baseline) to 0.34&plusmn;0.13 (one year) (P=0.0009). CONCLUSIONS: Intramyocardial injection of bone marrow cells combined with CABG appears to be safe. Theoretical concerns with arrhythmias and/or structural abnormalities after cell therapy were not confirmed in this safety trial

    Planting time for maximization of yield of vinegar plant calyx (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a produtividade de cálices de Hibiscus sabdariffa L., planta medicinal, em quatro épocas de plantio em Lavras M.G. Os tratamentos foram quatro épocas de plantio (18 de outubro; 15 de novembro; 18 de dezembro de 2001 e 15 de janeiro de 2002) e realizada uma colheita quando praticamente não existiam cálices em desenvolvimento, quase no final do ciclo da planta. Foram considerados os números de cálices por planta, as fitomassas frescas e secas dos cálices e a qualidade. Concluiu-se que a época de plantio influenciou o rendimento por planta e as fitomassas frescas e secas dos cálices, diferindo entre si pelo teste de Tukey a 5%. No plantio de outubro, houve maior rendimento (2.522 kg/ha), com produção de 5,24 vezes a mais em relação ao plantio do mês de janeiro (481 kg/ha). Os plantios nos meses de novembro e dezembro tiveram produções de 1.695 e 1.093 kg.ha-1 de cálices secos, respectivamente, e em relação ao mês de janeiro, a produção foi 3,52 e 2,27 vezes a mais.Deve-se realizar a colheita assim que os cálices estiverem maduros, a fim de preservar a qualidade