195 research outputs found

    Programa de gestió per la Pastisseria Mas

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    Curs 2008-2009En els últims anys, el món de la informàtica ha evolucionat d'una manera inimaginable, tan a nivell de Hardware com de Software. Aquesta evolució ha donat lloc a la creació de moltes empreses dedicades a la programació, on una de les seves principals feines ha estat la realització de programes de gestió d'empreses. Moltes vegades, però, els programes estàndards no poden satisfer el total de les necessitats dels clients, sinó algunes d’aquestes i realitzar un programa personalitzat té un cost elevat. En el cas de la Pastisseria Mas de Navàs, una empresa familiar, per poder realitzar les tasques administratives utilitzen fulls de càlcul, concretament el Microsoft Excel, que permet portar els comptes d'una manera més o menys senzilla, ja que només són necessàries unes nocions bàsiques d'informàtica. El mateix passa amb les dades dels proveïdors, que les guarden en una Base de Dades del tipus Microsoft Access. Una altra de les mancances és el tema dels encàrrecs que es fa de manera manual. Per tant, l’objectiu d’aquest projecte, és realitzar un programa que els hi faciliti la seva activitat. Aquest programa els permetrà gestionar les dades que utilitzen, com la informació sobre els clients, personal, comandes... També s’ha desenvolupat una web que permet obtenir informació sobre les comandes que s’han realitzat. Aquesta aplicació està dissenyada per funcionar en l’entorn Windows XP i s’ha desenvolupat amb el compilador de CodeGear Rad Studio, concretament el C++ Builder 2009. A nivell de base de dades, he utilitzat MySQL i en el cas de la pàgina web, PHP i lamateixa base de dades. L’anàlisi i el disseny ha estat fet en UML.Nowadays, the computing world has experienced a huge development in Hardware as well as Software. So, a lot of programming companies have been set up. One of their main tasks is to create Software to manage companies. However, a lot of times, the standardized programs can’t satisfy the customer’s necessities. What is more, buying a personalized program is too expensive for them. In my project, Pastisseria Mas of Navàs, a familiar cake shop, to manage their company they use spreadsheeds, exactly the Microsoft Excel ones. It is a good option for them because they can handle their accounts easily with basic computing skills. Similarly at that case, they keep the essential details in a Microsoft Access database. Another problem that face the company is the lack of a computerized system to admin the orders which are written down. In conclusion, the aim of this project is creating a manage program that could facility the activities of the cake shop. This program will be able to handle customer’s personal details, information about orders, products, employees… Moreover, a web page will be developed to access easily to the information about the delivery notes of the database. This application will be created to work with Windows XP and it is designed with the compilator Red Studio of CodeGear, specifically the C++ Builder 2009. The language used in the database is MySQL and PHP in the webpage. The analysis and the design are done in UML.Director/a: Jaume Vila Serr

    'They didn't tell me anything; they just sent me home': children's participation in the return home

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    The reality of child protection systems typically demonstrates a lack of attention to the voices of children. There are studies that confirm this fact and offer evidence of the benefits of participation, but gaps remain regarding the elements and processes that favour it. This qualitative study attempts to contribute to knowledge in this area through a detailed analysis of the perspectives of the actors involved and the role that children play in the return home. This article analyses the elements involved in the participation of the children when a return home is proposed after a period of family or residential foster care. As part of the study, 18 semi-structured interviews were conducted and 22 discussion groups were created with a total of 135 participants (63 child protection services workers, 42 parents and 30 children and adolescents). The data were analysed using a content analysis process and underwent a peer review process in Atlas.ti. The results indicate that the participation of children and adolescents in the return home centres around (i) understanding the return home, (ii) strategies and emotional processes and (iii) social support

    Positive parenting support during family reunification

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    This article presents the results of a qualitative study that explores parenting skills when a child returns home after a period of foster care in the child protection system. There were a total of 135 participants, including 63 child protection professionals, 42 parents and 30 children and adolescents. The data were analysed using content analysis submitted to peer review. Triangulating the voices of children with the input of parents and professionals rendered it possible to identify needs for the consolidation of family reunification in five dimensions: adjustment of parenting skills, adaptation to the needs of the child, social support, more accurate perception of one's role, and parental self-efficacy. These findings suggest particular characteristics in the development of both generally applicable skills and skills specific to positive parenting that can improve the chances of a successful reunification process

    Aprender juntos, crecer en familia: la implementación y evaluación del programa de apoyo a la familia

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    The “Learning together, growing with family” programme is targeted to at-risk parents and children from 6 to 11 years old, with a preventive focus on promoting positive parent-child relationships. In this study, we examined the quality of the programme implementation and its influence on the programme results in a sample of 425 parents and 138 facilitators drawn from the first trial. Mixed methods were used, consisting of: parental self-reports on parenting dimensions, professionals’ records on parental attendance and appraisals on six topics of the implementation process, and focus group discussions in which facilitators reported on the initial steps of the implementation. Results showed a high quality of implementation with respect to the group facilitator and the programme organization factors, followed by the coordination with services and the support facilities offered to participants and, finally, by the factors of fidelity and prior organization steps. Results of the focus groups confirmed that the prior steps were challenging and offered the more effective strategies. Better quality in the implementation factors predicted better parenting styles and parental competencies after the programme, as well as a higher attendance rate. In sum, this study demonstrates the importance of good implementation in at-risk contexts and provides some clues as to the key elements that moderate programme effectiveness.El programa «Aprender juntos, crecer en familia» está dirigido a familias en situación de riesgo psicosocial con hijos de 6 a 11 anos, ˜ mediante un enfoque preventivo y de promoción de relaciones positivas entre padres e hijos. En este estudio, se analizó la calidad de la implementación del programa y su influencia en los resultados del programa en una muestra de 425 padres y 138 facilitadores. La metodología fue mixta y consistió en el uso de autoinformes sobre dimensiones parentales, registros de asistencia y evaluaciones sobre 6 temas de la implementación que fueron posteriormente factorizados. También se realizaron grupos de discusión en los que los facilitadores informaron sobre el proceso de implementación. Los resultados indicaron una alta calidad de implementación en relación con los factores de facilitador del grupo y organización del programa, seguido de los factores de coordinación con los servicios y los recursos de apoyo a los participantes y, por último, de los factores de la fidelidad y organización previa. Los resultados de los grupos de discusión confirmaron que los preparativos de la implementación resultan fundamentales y ofrecen las estrategias más eficaces para el desarrollo del programa. Una mayor calidad en todos los factores de implementación predijo mejoras en los estilos y competencias parentales después del programa, así como una tasa de asistencia más alta. En resumen, este estudio demuestra la importancia de una buena implementación en contextos de riesgo y proporciona algunas pistas sobre los elementos clave que modulan la efectividad del program

    Towards a clinical staging for bipolar disorder: defining patient subtypes based on functional outcome.

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    BACKGROUND: The functional outcome of Bipolar Disorder (BD) is highly variable. This variability has been attributed to multiple demographic, clinical and cognitive factors. The critical next step is to identify combinations of predictors that can be used to specify prognostic subtypes, thus providing a basis for a staging classification in BD. METHODS: Latent Class Analysis was applied to multiple predictors of functional outcome in a sample of 106 remitted adults with BD. RESULTS: We identified two subtypes of patients presenting "good" (n=50; 47.6%) and "poor" (n=56; 52.4%) outcome. Episode density, level of residual depressive symptoms, estimated verbal intelligence and inhibitory control emerged as the most significant predictors of subtype membership at the p<0.05 level. Their odds ratio (OR) and confidence interval (CI) with reference to the "good" outcome group were: episode density (OR=4.622, CI 1.592-13.418), level of residual depressive symptoms (OR=1.543, CI 1.210-1.969), estimated verbal intelligence (OR=0.969; CI 0.945-0.995), and inhibitory control (OR=0.771, CI 0.656-0.907). Age, age of onset and duration of illness were comparable between prognostic groups. LIMITATIONS: The longitudinal stability or evolution of the subtypes was not tested. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide the first empirically derived staging classification of BD based on two underlying dimensions, one for illness severity and another for cognitive function. This approach can be further developed by expanding the dimensions included and testing the reproducibility and prospective prognostic value of the emerging classes. Developing a disease staging system for BD will allow individualised treatment planning for patients and selection of more homogeneous patient groups for research purposes

    Onderwijskwaliteit aan Nederlandse universiteiten

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    In discussies over de onderwijskwaliteit wordt continu beweerd dat deze daalt. In dit onderzoek wordt aangetoond dat er juist een stijging is van de ervaren onderwijskwaliteit. Een verdere stijging kan vooral worden gerealiseerd door het primaire onderwijsproces te verbeteren