90 research outputs found


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    In this study, we sought to identify ecomorphological patterns of ten species of sympatric small fish (Astyanax altiparanae, Astyanax fasciatus, Bryconamericus stramineus, B. iheringi, Cheirodon stenodon, Characidium fasciatum, Geophagus brasiliensis, Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Piabina argentea and Steindachnerina insculpta) in a stretch of the Veados River (23º16’80’’S/48º38’67’’W), under the influence of the Jurumirim reservoir (Paranapanema River, Brazil). Samples were collected monthly between August/96 and December/97 using seine nests. Biometric measurements were taken from fifteen individuals of each species following the criteria proposed by Lagler et al. (1977) for determination of the sixteen ecomorphological attributes used in ordination techniques (Principal Component Analysis - PCA). The first axis of the component explained 36.63% of the total variance and the second axis explained 25.96%. The ecological variables that influenced the disposition of the species in the morphological space were swimming ability, distribution in the water column and position of the mouth (where food is ingested). These variables separated nektonic species from benthic species. The attributes related to swimming ability and position of the species in the water column distinguished two groups of species. The nektonic species were continuous and active swimmers occupying the intermediate and upper region of the water column (A. altiparanae, A. fasciatus, B. stramineus, B. iheringi, C. stenodon, H. anisitsi, P. argentea and S. insculpta), and the nectobenthic species were identified as stationary (C. fasciatum and G. brasiliensis), obtaining food from the substrate. These analyses showed that species that share morphological similarities were also similar with regard to habitat occupation, which was to be expected. This reinforces the hypothesis that the period of feeding activity and food availability minimize the effects of competition by the species studied. The results demonstrate the importance of applying the Principal Component Analysis in ecomorphological studies, revealing its use as an excellent tool to estimate the ecological relationship between fish species and their distribution in the water column


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the trophic ecology of the principal species of fish (Astyanax altiparanae, A. fasciatus, Bryconamericus stramineus, B. iheringii, Cheirodon stenodon, Characidium fasciatum, Geophagus brasiliensis, Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Piabina argentea and Steindachnerina insculpta) captured in the littoral region of the Rio dos Veados (23º16’80’’S/48º38’67’’W), an affluent of the Rio Paranapanema, SP. The collections were conducted monthly with a seine-type trawling net with a 5.0mm mesh size, taking place between August, 1996 and December, 1997. This collection time was subdivided into the dry (April to September) and rainy (October to March) seasons. The food contents were analyzed by a volumetric method, and the food overlap determined by the Morisita-Horn index. The ten species of fish consumed different food resources, which varied in abundance (volume percentage): detritus/sediment (30.0%), aquatic insects (23.4%), microcrustaceans (17.6%), terrestrial insects (13.9%), higher plants (6.2%), algae (5.6%), fish (1.8%), and macroinvertebrates and microinvertebrates grouped together (1.5%). Patterns of similarity among the species were constructed utilizing Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) with removal of the arch effect and tested by analysis of variance (unifactorial ANOVA), showing that there was no significant variation in the composition of food resources utilized by the species during the dry and rainy seasons. The main  resources consumed by the ten species were classified into three trophic categories: omnivores, detritivores and insectivores. Interspecies food overlap revealed indices of 0.059 to 0.961, showing it to be independent of the period studied, since the resources utilized were similar, both in qualitative and quantitative terms. Intraspecies food overlap in the different periods was minimal for A. altiparanae (0.662) and maximal for S. insculpta (1.0). The species studied showed little variation in relative length of intestine, with the exception of S. insculpta which had an elevated intestinal index. The variations in food resources utilized between the periods were of little relevance, indicating that the temporal factor did not influence the resources utilized by the species studied. Of the ten species  studied, nine could be viewed as generalists, considering the food resources utilized during the two periods, and only  S. insculpta behaved as a specialist


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    This is the report of the occurrence of Lernaea cyprinacea (Linnaeus, 1758) parasitizing the native fish species Steindachnerina insculpta (Fernández-Yépez, 1948). Sixty host specimens were captured in Taquari River, municipality of Taquarituba, São Paulo State, Brazil. Three hosts were infested with L. cyprinacea. The infestation rate was low, with one parasite per host. Proper management should be applied in fish farms to prevent the escape of this parasite, and its consequent spread.Este estudio tiene como objetivo registrar por primera vez la presencia de Lernaea cyprinacea(Linnaeus, 1758) parasitando a la especie de pez nativa Steindachnerina insculpta(Fernández-Yépez, 1948). Una muestra de 60 especímenes fueron capturados en el río Taquari, Taquarituba, São Paulo, Brasil. Tres hospederos estaban infectados con L. cyprinacea. La tasa de infestación fue baja con un parásito por hospedero. Un manejo adecuado debe aplicarse en peces cultivados para impedir el escape de este parásito y su consiguiente dispersión

    Ecological approach in environmental education: creation of an illustrated guide to freshwater fish

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    The relationship between the environment and public education is becoming increasingly important, necessitating the development of new knowledge as well as techniques to enable better learning. Within this context, an environmental education approach is proposed, applied to the importance of aquatic resources, with emphasis on fish fauna, and based on the philosophy that to know is to preserve. Hence, an illustrated guide to freshwater fish has been created, containing basic information about the taxonomy, biology (diet and reproduction), ecology, and conservation status of individual species. This work used data from a master’s thesis in the field of zoology, specifically at the interface between ichthyology and limnology, which considered 24 species collected in a lagoon at the margins of the Jurumirim reservoir (river Paranapanema). This guide’s main source of inspiration and reference was a work entitled “Jurubatiba National Park: List of living creatures”, distributed to public schools in Rio de Janeiro State. In order to facilitate learning, the present guide was produced in the form of illustrated cards, on the front containing information on the study area, aspects of fish anatomy, a photograph of the species, and pictures showing aspects of ecological, culinary, economic and fishing relevance. On the reverse side of the guide is a description of the information on the front, presented in such a way as to arouse the students’ interest in more specific questions about fish and their environments. In addition, games and jokes in vivid and stimulating colors have been used, to make the material more interesting and engaging, and encourage a deeper learning. Experts have shown that this type of didactic material is highly suitable, because it allows the student greater interaction and closeness with the subject studied. It is hoped that this work, which comprises a Biological Sciences monograph, will be able to provide a model for other requirements in the educational field

    Abordagem ecológica em educação ambiental: elaboração de um guia ilustrado de peixes de água doce

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    The relationship between the environment and public education is becoming increasingly important, necessitating the development of new knowledge as well as techniques to enable better learning. Within this context, an environmental education approach is proposed, applied to the importance of aquatic resources, with emphasis on fish fauna, and based on the philosophy that to know is to preserve. Hence, an illustrated guide to freshwater fish has been created, containing basic information about the taxonomy, biology (diet and reproduction), ecology, and conservation status of individual species. This work used data from a master’s thesis in the field of zoology, specifically at the interface between ichthyology and limnology, which considered 24 species collected in a lagoon at the margins of the Jurumirim reservoir (river Paranapanema). This guide’s main source of inspiration and reference was a work entitled “Jurubatiba National Park: List of living creatures”, distributed to public schools in Rio de Janeiro State. In order to facilitate learning, the present guide was produced in the form of illustrated cards, on the front containing information on the study area, aspects of fish anatomy, a photograph of the species, and pictures showing aspects of ecological, culinary, economic and fishing relevance. On the reverse side of the guide is a description of the information on the front, presented in such a way as to arouse the students’ interest in more specific questions about fish and their environments. In addition, games and jokes in vivid and stimulating colors have been used, to make the material more interesting and engaging, and encourage a deeper learning. Experts have shown that this type of didactic material is highly suitable, because it allows the student greater interaction and closeness with the subject studied. It is hoped that this work, which comprises a Biological Sciences monograph, will be able to provide a model for other requirements in the educational field.Actualmente, la relación entre medio ambiente y educación para la ciudadanía asume un papel cada vez más importante, con una real demanda por la emergencia de nuevos conocimientos y técnicas que ofrezcan un mejor aprendizaje. En este contexto, se propone aquí una forma de abordarse la educación ambiental que se relaciona a la importancia de los recursos acuáticos con énfasis en la fauna de los peces y que se encamine a la filosofía del “conocer para preservar”. Por eso se elaboró una guía ilustrada de peces de agua dulce, con informaciones básicas sobre la sistemática, la biología (alimentación y reproducción), la ecología y el estado de conservación de las especies. Se han utilizado dados de una investigación de maestría en el campo de la Zoología, que se realizó considerando la interfaz entre ictiología e limnología, lo que contempló 24 especies recogidas en una laguna marginal del estanque de Jurumirim (Río Paranapanema). Además, la principal fuente de inspiración y referencia fue el trabajo que se llamó “Parque Nacional de Jurubatiba: Ficha dos seres vivos”. Las fichas se han distribuido en las escuelas publicas de la Provincia de Río de Janeiro. Con el objetivo de facilitar el aprendizaje, la guía se elaboró en formato de paneles ilustrados, en cuya faz frontal hay informaciones sobre el campo de estudio, nociones de anatomía de los peces, fotografías de cada especie y grabaduras que demuestran aspectos ecológicos, culinarios, económicos y de la pesca. En la parte de tras de la guía, se pusieran las dichas informaciones básicas con el intuito de despertar el interés del educando para las cuestiones más específicas sobre los peces y su ambiente. También se utilizaran colores fuertes y estimulantes, juegos y ejercicios lúdicos para que, de esta manera, se tornara harmonioso e interesante, posibilitando un aprendizaje más significativo. Especialistas enfocan este modelo de material didáctico como muy practico, porque permite una más amplia manipulación y proximidad del educando con el tema. Se espera que este trabajo, que es parte de una tesis en Licenciatura en Ciencias Biológicas, sirva de modelo para otras demandas en el campo educacional.Atualmente, a relação entre meio ambiente e educação para a cidadania assume papel cada vez mais importante, demandando a emergência de novos saberes e técnicas que possibilitem uma melhor aprendizagem. Neste contexto, propõe-se uma forma de abordagem em educação ambiental relacionada à importância dos recursos aquáticos com ênfase na fauna de peixes, visando à filosofia do conhecer para preservar. Assim, elaborou-se um guia ilustrado de peixes de água doce, com informações básicas sobre sistemática, biologia (alimentação e reprodução), ecologia e estado de conservação das espécies. Este trabalho utilizou dados de uma dissertação de mestrado na área de zoologia realizada na interface da ictiologia/limnologia, contemplando 24 espécies coletadas numa lagoa marginal do reservatório de Jurumirim (Rio Paranapanema). Ainda, a principal fonte de inspiração e referência deste guia foi o trabalho intitulado “Parque Nacional de Jurubatiba: Ficha dos seres vivos” distribuído nas Escolas públicas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Com o intuito de facilitar o aprendizado, este guia foi elaborado na forma de pranchas ilustradas, contendo, na face frontal, informações sobre a área de estudo, noções de anatomia de peixes, fotografia da espécie e gravuras que demonstram aspectos ecológicos, culinários, econômicos e da pesca. No verso do referido guia, estão contidas as informações básicas supracitadas, com o intuito de despertar o interesse do educando para as questões mais específicas sobre os peixes e seu ambiente. Também, foram utilizadas cores fortes e estimulantes, jogos e brincadeiras visando a tornar o material harmonioso e interessante, possibilitando um aprendizado mais significativo. Especialistas enfocam que este modelo de material didático é bem prático, pois permite uma maior manipulação e proximidade por parte do educando com o tema. Espera-se que este trabalho, que compôs uma monografia em Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas, venha servir de modelo para outras demandas na área de educacional

    Abordagem ecológica em educação ambiental: elaboração de um guia ilustrado de peixes de água doce

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    The relationship between the environment and public education is becoming increasingly important, necessitating the development of new knowledge as well as techniques to enable better learning. Within this context, an environmental education approach is proposed, applied to the importance of aquatic resources, with emphasis on fish fauna, and based on the philosophy that to know is to preserve. Hence, an illustrated guide to freshwater fish has been created, containing basic information about the taxonomy, biology (diet and reproduction), ecology, and conservation status of individual species. This work used data from a master’s thesis in the field of zoology, specifically at the interface between ichthyology and limnology, which considered 24 species collected in a lagoon at the margins of the Jurumirim reservoir (river Paranapanema). This guide’s main source of inspiration and reference was a work entitled “Jurubatiba National Park: List of living creatures”, distributed to public schools in Rio de Janeiro State. In order to facilitate learning, the present guide was produced in the form of illustrated cards, on the front containing information on the study area, aspects of fish anatomy, a photograph of the species, and pictures showing aspects of ecological, culinary, economic and fishing relevance. On the reverse side of the guide is a description of the information on the front, presented in such a way as to arouse the students’ interest in more specific questions about fish and their environments. In addition, games and jokes in vivid and stimulating colors have been used, to make the material more interesting and engaging, and encourage a deeper learning. Experts have shown that this type of didactic material is highly suitable, because it allows the student greater interaction and closeness with the subject studied. It is hoped that this work, which comprises a Biological Sciences monograph, will be able to provide a model for other requirements in the educational field.Actualmente, la relación entre medio ambiente y educación para la ciudadanía asume un papel cada vez más importante, con una real demanda por la emergencia de nuevos conocimientos y técnicas que ofrezcan un mejor aprendizaje. En este contexto, se propone aquí una forma de abordarse la educación ambiental que se relaciona a la importancia de los recursos acuáticos con énfasis en la fauna de los peces y que se encamine a la filosofía del “conocer para preservar”. Por eso se elaboró una guía ilustrada de peces de agua dulce, con informaciones básicas sobre la sistemática, la biología (alimentación y reproducción), la ecología y el estado de conservación de las especies. Se han utilizado dados de una investigación de maestría en el campo de la Zoología, que se realizó considerando la interfaz entre ictiología e limnología, lo que contempló 24 especies recogidas en una laguna marginal del estanque de Jurumirim (Río Paranapanema). Además, la principal fuente de inspiración y referencia fue el trabajo que se llamó “Parque Nacional de Jurubatiba: Ficha dos seres vivos”. Las fichas se han distribuido en las escuelas publicas de la Provincia de Río de Janeiro. Con el objetivo de facilitar el aprendizaje, la guía se elaboró en formato de paneles ilustrados, en cuya faz frontal hay informaciones sobre el campo de estudio, nociones de anatomía de los peces, fotografías de cada especie y grabaduras que demuestran aspectos ecológicos, culinarios, económicos y de la pesca. En la parte de tras de la guía, se pusieran las dichas informaciones básicas con el intuito de despertar el interés del educando para las cuestiones más específicas sobre los peces y su ambiente. También se utilizaran colores fuertes y estimulantes, juegos y ejercicios lúdicos para que, de esta manera, se tornara harmonioso e interesante, posibilitando un aprendizaje más significativo. Especialistas enfocan este modelo de material didáctico como muy practico, porque permite una más amplia manipulación y proximidad del educando con el tema. Se espera que este trabajo, que es parte de una tesis en Licenciatura en Ciencias Biológicas, sirva de modelo para otras demandas en el campo educacional.Atualmente, a relação entre meio ambiente e educação para a cidadania assume papel cada vez mais importante, demandando a emergência de novos saberes e técnicas que possibilitem uma melhor aprendizagem. Neste contexto, propõe-se uma forma de abordagem em educação ambiental relacionada à importância dos recursos aquáticos com ênfase na fauna de peixes, visando à filosofia do conhecer para preservar. Assim, elaborou-se um guia ilustrado de peixes de água doce, com informações básicas sobre sistemática, biologia (alimentação e reprodução), ecologia e estado de conservação das espécies. Este trabalho utilizou dados de uma dissertação de mestrado na área de zoologia realizada na interface da ictiologia/limnologia, contemplando 24 espécies coletadas numa lagoa marginal do reservatório de Jurumirim (Rio Paranapanema). Ainda, a principal fonte de inspiração e referência deste guia foi o trabalho intitulado “Parque Nacional de Jurubatiba: Ficha dos seres vivos” distribuído nas Escolas públicas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Com o intuito de facilitar o aprendizado, este guia foi elaborado na forma de pranchas ilustradas, contendo, na face frontal, informações sobre a área de estudo, noções de anatomia de peixes, fotografia da espécie e gravuras que demonstram aspectos ecológicos, culinários, econômicos e da pesca. No verso do referido guia, estão contidas as informações básicas supracitadas, com o intuito de despertar o interesse do educando para as questões mais específicas sobre os peixes e seu ambiente. Também, foram utilizadas cores fortes e estimulantes, jogos e brincadeiras visando a tornar o material harmonioso e interessante, possibilitando um aprendizado mais significativo. Especialistas enfocam que este modelo de material didático é bem prático, pois permite uma maior manipulação e proximidade por parte do educando com o tema. Espera-se que este trabalho, que compôs uma monografia em Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas, venha servir de modelo para outras demandas na área de educacional

    Influence of a cage farming on the population of the fish species Apareiodon affinis (Steindachner, 1879) in the Chavantes reservoir, Paranapanema River SP/PR, Brazil.

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    AIM: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the diet and biological attributes of the population of Apareiodon affinis residing near net-cage fish farming activities in the Chavantes reservoir. METHODS: Samples were collected from two populations: one near the net cages (NC) and one from an area not influenced by these cages denominated the "reference site" (RS). Monthly sampling was carried out from Mar/2008 to Feb/2009. Fish were caught with a standardized effort using gill nets deployed for 14 hours. After all individuals were measured (standard length) and weighed (total weight, carcass weight , body weight without gonads). To determine the composition of the diet, the alimentary index was calculated (AI). We also calculated the length-weight relationship, condition factor, gonad-somatic index (GSI ) and reproductive potential. RESULTS: A total of 3050 individuals were caught. The results of the (AI) revealed that the item detritus was the main food used for populations of A. affinis studied in two areas (NC = 73.1% and RS = 95.7%). The use of feed on diet A. affinis was recorded for the populations of NC adding (20.5%) of the total items consumed by the population. The resident populations residing near net-cage showed higher condition factor and more reproductive period. CONCLUSIONS: The results show the ability of the species to benefit from the input of organic matter from fish farming activities, inserting a new item in their diet (ration). This work indicates that the species A. affinis managed to establish near net-cage, allocating enough energy to increase their reproductive period and maintain viable populations close to net-cage, evidenced by the high abundance. This study suggests that systems of fish farming in net-cage influence diet and biological attributes of the species A. affinis residents Chavantes reservoir, Brazil


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    A study on the nematode parasites of nine species of freshwater fishes from Peixe River São Paulo, State, Brazil. was conducted. Fish were ollected between February 2010 and March 2011 and the following species were found: Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus)inopinatus and Contracaecum sp. (larvae) in Astyanax altiparanae; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Dioctophyma renale (larvae), Philometroides caudata, P. (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus, P. (Spirocamallanus) neocaballeroi (larvae) and P. (Spirocamallanus) saofranciscensis in Acestrorhynchus lacustris; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Guyanema sp., Hysterothylacium sp. (larvae) and Icthyouris sp. in Cyphocharax modestus; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Cosmoxynemoides aguirrei and Pharyngodonidae gen. sp. in C. nagelii; Dioctophyma renale (larvae), Hysterothylacium sp. (larvae) and Rhabdochona sp. in Gymnotus sylvius; Capillariidae gen. sp. in Hoplosternum littorale; Cosmoxynema vianai, Guyanema sp., Ichthyouris sp. and Travnema travnema in Steindachnerina insculpta; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) rebecae (larvae) in Triportheus angulatus and Rhabdochona acuminata in Triportheus nematurus. This is first study of nematode parasites from the Peixe River, therefore all the species found are new geographical records and 19 are new host records.Se llevó a cabo un estudio de los nematodos parásitos de nueve especies de peces de agua dulce del Río do Peixe, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Los peces fueron colectados entre febrero de 2010 y marzo de 2011 y las especies encontradas fueron: Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus y Contracaecum sp. (larva) en Astyanax altiparanae; Contracaecum sp. (larva), Dioctophyma renale (larva), Philometroides caudata, P. (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus, P. (Spirocamallanus) neocaballeroi (larva) y P. (Spirocamallanus) saofranciscensis en Acestrorhynchus lacustris; Contracaecum sp. (larva), Guyanema sp., Hysterothylacium sp. (larva) y Icthyouris sp. en Cyphocharax modestus; Contracaecum sp. (larva), Cosmoxynemoides aguirrei y Pharyngodonidae. gen. sp. en C. nagelii; Dioctophyma renale (larva), Hysterothylacium sp. (larva) y Rhabdochona sp. en Gymnotus sylvius; Capillariidae gen. sp. en Hoplosternum littorale; Cosmoxynema vianai, Guyanema sp., Ichthyouris sp. y Travnema travnema en Steindachnerina insculpta; Contracaecum sp. (larva), Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) rebecae (larva) en Triportheus angulatus y Rhabdochona acuminata en Triportheus nematurus. Este es el primer estudio de nemátodos parásitos de Río do Peixe, por lo tanto todas las especies son nuevos registros geográficos y 19 son nuevos registros de hospedadores

    Diagnóstico da ocorrência e composição de espécies de peixes do balneário municipal de Paraguaçu Paulista, SP: proposta de melhoria da sustentabilidade da pesca esportiva

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    The colonization and occupation of Paulista West lands promoted different kinds of impacted actions in aquatic and terrestrial environment, as well as deforestation, pollution, rivers silted up and adjacent areas that lead to severe disappearance of many native species from fauna and flora. Nowadays, the studies and recovering programs of environment in damaged aquatics ambients by men's actions are of great social-ecological importance. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the occurrence and fishes’ species composition from Paraguaçu Paulista municipal touristic balneary (SP) and give subsidies to support the sporting fisheries. The fishes´ collects were realized in Agost/02 (dry period) and March/03 (rainy period) in 3 sites from the reservoir, using seining-net and gill net. The fishes collected were quantified and identified by site of origin, in native or exotic species. The results showed an occurrence of 4 orders, 9 families, 11 genera and 12 species of fishes. The "saguiru-do-rabo-amarelo" and the "lambari-do-rabo-amarelo" were the most abundant species in number and biomass. The presence of the exotic tilapia-do-nilo was also verified in this balneary. Mild measures were indicated related to fisheries sustainable management for this ecosystem, defining the use of the land and the occupation roundness.La colonización y ocupación de los suelos del Oeste Paulista promueven diferentes tipo de acciones de impacto en los ecosistemas terrestres y acuáticos, como ejemplo el desmatamiento, polución, desbordamientode ríos y adyacentes que llevan al desaparecimiento de muchas especies de la fauna y de la flora nativa. En los días actuales, los estudios y programas de recuperación en los ambientes acuáticos impactados por acciones antrópicas son de mayor importancia socio-ecológica. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la frecuencia y composición de las especies de peces de la playa municipal de la Estancia “Turística de Paraguaçu Paulista (SP)”, y dar subsidios para la sustentabilidad de la pesca deportiva. Fueron efectuados colectas de peces en agosto/02 (período seco) y marzo/03 (período de lluvias) en tres trechos de esta represa, utilizando red de espera y “picaré”. Los peces colectados fueron cuantificados e identificados en relación al lugar de origen en nativos o exóticos. Los resultados mostraron la frecuencia de cuatro órdenes: nueve familias, 11 géneros y 12 especies de peces. El “saguiru-do-rabo-amarelo” y el “lamabari-do-rabo-amarelo” fueron las especies más abundantes tanto en número como en la biomasa. Se confirmó también la presencia de la especie exótica “tilápja-do-nilo” en esta playa. Son indicadas medidas mitigadoras relacionadas al manejo de la pesca sustentable para este ecosistema, redefiniendo el uso del suelo y la ocupación de su entorno.A colonização e ocupação dos solos do Oeste Paulista promoveram diferentes tipos de ações impactantes em ecossistemas terrestres e aquáticos, tais como desmatamento, poluição, assoreamentos de rios e adjacências que levam ao desaparecimento de muitas espécies da fauna e da flora nativa. Nos dias atuais, os estudos e programas de recuperação em ambientes aquáticos impactados por ações antrópicas são de grande importância sócio-ecológica. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ocorrência e composição das espécies de peixes do balneário municipal da Estância Turística de Paraguaçu Paulista (SP), e dar subsídios para a sustentabilidade da pesca esportiva. Foram efetuadas coletas de peixes em agosto/02 (período seco) e março/03 (período chuvoso) em três trechos desta represa, utilizando-se de redes de espera e picaré. Os peixes coletados foram quantificados e identificados quanto ao local de origem em nativos ou exóticos. Os resultados mostraram a ocorrência de quatro ordens, nove famílias, 11 gêneros e 12 espécies de peixes. O sagüiru-do-rabo-amarelo e o lambari-do-rabo-amarelo foram as espécies mais abundantes tanto em número quanto em biomassa. Constatou-se também a presença da espécie exótica tilápia-do-nilo neste balneário. São indicadas medidas mitigadoras relacionadas ao manejo pesqueiro sustentável para este ecossistema, redefinindo uso do solo e ocupação de seu entorno