101 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Role of Neurons in Neurovascular Coupling

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    In this article, we will review molecular, anatomical, physiological and pharmacological data in an attempt to better understand how excitatory and inhibitory neurons recruited by distinct afferent inputs to the cerebral cortex contribute to the coupled hemodynamic response, and how astrocytes can act as intermediaries to these neuronal populations. We aim at providing the pros and cons to the following statements that, depending on the nature of the afferent input to the neocortex, (i) different neuronal or astroglial messengers, likely acting in sequence, mediate the hemodynamic changes, (ii) some recruited neurons release messengers that directly alter blood vessel tone, (iii) others act by modulating neuronal and astroglial activity, and (iv) astrocytes act as intermediaries for both excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. We will stress that a given afferent signal activates a precise neuronal circuitry that determines the mediators of the hemodynamic response as well as the level of interaction with surrounding astrocytes

    The Nuclear Receptor PPARγ as a Therapeutic Target for Cerebrovascular and Brain Dysfunction in Alzheimer's Disease

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are ligand-activated nuclear transcription factors that regulate peripheral lipid and glucose metabolism. Three subtypes make up the PPAR family (α, γ, β/δ), and synthetic ligands for PPARα (fibrates) and PPARγ (Thiazolidinediones, TZDs) are currently prescribed for the respective management of dyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes. In contrast to the well characterized action of PPARs in the periphery, little was known about the presence or function of these receptors in the brain and cerebral vasculature until fairly recently. Indeed, research in the last decade has uncovered these receptors in most brain cell types, and has shown that their activation, particularly that of PPARγ, is implicated in normal brain and cerebrovascular physiology, and confers protection under pathological conditions. Notably, accumulating evidence has highlighted the therapeutic potential of PPARγ ligands in the treatment of brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), leading to the testing of the TZDs pioglitazone and rosiglitazone in AD clinical trials. This review will focus on the benefits of PPARγ agonists for vascular, neuronal and glial networks, and assess the value of these compounds as future AD therapeutics in light of evidence from transgenic mouse models and recent clinical trials

    A longitudinal pilot study on cognition and cerebral hemodynamics in a mouse model of preeclampsia superimposed on hypertension : looking at mothers and their offspring

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    Preeclampsia is a common hypertensive disorder in pregnant women and whose causes and consequences have focused primarily on cardiovascular outcomes on the mother and offspring, often without taking into consideration the possible effects on the brain. One possible cause of preeclampsia has been attributed to alterations in the renin-angiotensin system, which has also been linked to cognitive decline. In this pilot study, we use a transgenic mouse model that chronically overexpresses human angiotensinogen and renin (R+A + mice) that displayed characteristics of preeclampsia such as proteinuria during gestation. Offspring of these mothers as well as from control mothers were also examined. We were primarily interested in detecting whether cognitive deficits were present in the mothers and offspring in the long term and used a spatial learning and memory task as well as an object recognition task at three timepoints: 3, 8, and 12 months post-partum or post-natal, while measuring blood pressure and performing urine analysis after each timepoint. While we did not find significant deficits in preeclamptic mothers at the later timepoints, we did observe negative consequences in the pups of R+A + mice that coincided with hemodynamic alterations whereby pups had higher whisker-evoked oxygenated hemoglobin levels and increased cerebral blood flow responses compared to control pups. Our study provides validation of this preeclampsia mouse model for future studies to decipher the underlying mechanisms of long-term cognitive deficits found in offspring

    Identification and Characterization of a New Tubulin-Binding

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    We studied the mechanism of action of 3,5-dibromo-4-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-1H-pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (JG-03-14) and found that it is a potent microtubule depolymerizer. JG-03-14 caused a dose-dependent loss of cellular microtubules, formation of aberrant mitotic spindles, accumulation of cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, and Bcl-2 phosphorylation. These events culminated in the initiation of apoptosis, as evidenced by the caspase 3-dependent cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). JG-03-14 has antiproliferative activity against a wide range of cancer cell lines, with an average IC50 value of 62 nM, and it is a poor substrate for transport by P-glycoprotein. JG-03-14 inhibited the polymerization of purified tubulin in vitro, consistent with a direct interaction between the compound and tubulin. JG-03-14 potently inhibited the binding of [3H]colchicine to tubulin, suggesting that it bound to tubulin at a site overlapping the colchicine site. JG-03-14 had antitumor effects in the PC3 xenograft model, in which it caused greater than 50% reduction in tumor burden after 14 days of treatment. Molecular modeling studies indicated that the dimethoxyphenyl group of JG-03-14 occupies a space similar to that of the trimethoxyphenyl group of colchicine. However, the 2,3,5-trisubstituted pyrrole group, which is connected to the dimethoxyphenyl moiety, interacted with both α and β tubulin in space not shared with colchicine, suggesting significant differences compared with colchicine in the mechanism of binding to tubulin. Our results suggest that this tetransubstituted pyrrole represents a new, biologically active chemotype for the colchicine site on tubulin

    Ligand-Dependent TrkA Activity in Brain Differentially Affects Spatial Learning and Long-Term Memory

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    ABSTRACT In the central nervous system, the nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor TrkA is expressed primarily in cholinergic neurons that are implicated in spatial learning and memory, whereas the NGF receptor p75 NTR is expressed in many neuronal populations and glia. We asked whether selective TrkA activation may have a different impact on learning, short-term memory, and long-term memory. We also asked whether TrkA activation might affect cognition differently in wild-type mice versus mice with cognitive deficits due to transgenic overexpression of mutant amyloid-precursor protein (APP mice). Mice were treated with wild-type NGF (a ligand of TrkA and p75 NTR ) or with selective pharmacological agonists of TrkA that do not bind to p75 NTR . In APP mice, the selective TrkA agonists significantly improved learning and short-term memory. These improvements are associated with a reduction of soluble A␤ levels in the cortex and AKT activation in the cortex and hippocampus. However, this improved phenotype did not translate into improved long-term memory. In normal wild-type mice, none of the treatments affected learning or short-term memory, but a TrkA-selective agonist caused persistent deficits in long-term memory. The deficit in wild-type mice was associated temporally, in the hippocampus, with increased AKT activity, increased brain-derived neurotrophic factor precursor, increased neurotrophin receptor homolog-2 (p75-related protein), and long-term depression. Together, these data indicate that selective TrkA activation affects cognition but does so differently in impaired APP mice versus normal wild-type mice. Understanding mechanisms that govern learning and memory is important for better treatment of cognitive disorders

    Socially-marketed rapid diagnostic tests and ACT in the private sector: ten years of experience in Cambodia.

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    Whilst some populations have recently experienced dramatic declines in malaria, the majority of those most at risk of Plasmodium falciparum malaria still lack access to effective treatment with artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) and others are already facing parasites resistant to artemisinins.In this context, there is a crucial need to improve both access to and targeting of ACT through greater availability of good quality ACT and parasitological diagnosis. This is an issue of increasing urgency notably in the private commercial sector, which, in many countries, plays an important role in the provision of malaria treatment. The Affordable Medicines Facility for malaria (AMFm) is a recent initiative that aims to increase the provision of affordable ACT in public, private and NGO sectors through a manufacturer-level subsidy. However, to date, there is little documented experience in the programmatic implementation of subsidized ACT in the private sector. Cambodia is in the unique position of having more than 10 years of experience not only in implementing subsidized ACT, but also rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) as part of a nationwide social marketing programme. The programme includes behaviour change communication and the training of private providers as well as the sale and distribution of Malarine, the recommended ACT, and Malacheck, the RDT. This paper describes and evaluates this experience by drawing on the results of household and provider surveys conducted since the start of the programme. The available evidence suggests that providers' and consumers' awareness of Malarine increased rapidly, but that of Malacheck much less so. In addition, improvements in ACT and RDT availability and uptake were relatively slow, particularly in more remote areas.The lack of standardization in the survey methods and the gaps in the data highlight the importance of establishing a clear system for monitoring and evaluation for similar initiatives. Despite these limitations, a number of important lessons can still be learnt. These include the importance of a comprehensive communications strategy and of a sustained and reliable supply of products, with attention to the geographical reach of both. Other important challenges relate to the difficulty in incentivising providers and consumers not only to choose the recommended drug, but to precede this with a confirmatory blood test and ensure that providers adhere to the test results and patients to the treatment regime. In Cambodia, this is particularly complicated due to problems inherent to the drug itself and the emergence of artemisinin resistance

    COX-2-Derived Prostaglandin E2 Produced by Pyramidal Neurons Contributes to Neurovascular Coupling in the Rodent Cerebral Cortex

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    International audienceVasodilatory prostaglandins play a key role in neurovascular coupling (NVC), the tight link between neuronal activity and local cerebral blood flow, but their precise identity, cellular origin and the receptors involved remain unclear. Here we show in rats that NMDA-induced vasodilation and hemodynamic responses evoked by whisker stimulation involve cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) activity and activation of the prostaglandin E2 (PgE(2)) receptors EP2 and EP4. Using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry, we demonstrate that PgE(2) is released by NMDA in cortical slices. The characterization of PgE2 producing cells by immunohistochemistry and single-cell reverse transcriptase-PCR revealed that pyramidal cells and not astrocytes are the main cell type equipped for PgE2 synthesis, one third expressing COX-2 systematically associated with a PgE2 synthase. Consistent with their central role in NVC, in vivo optogenetic stimulation of pyramidal cells evoked COX-2-dependent hyperemic responses in mice. These observations identify PgE2 as the main prostaglandin mediating sensory-evoked NVC, pyramidal cells as their principal source and vasodilatory EP2 and EP4 receptors as their targets

    Mice Doubly-Deficient in Lysosomal Hexosaminidase A and Neuraminidase 4 Show Epileptic Crises and Rapid Neuronal Loss

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    Tay-Sachs disease is a severe lysosomal disorder caused by mutations in the HexA gene coding for the α-subunit of lysosomal β-hexosaminidase A, which converts GM2 to GM3 ganglioside. Hexa−/− mice, depleted of β-hexosaminidase A, remain asymptomatic to 1 year of age, because they catabolise GM2 ganglioside via a lysosomal sialidase into glycolipid GA2, which is further processed by β-hexosaminidase B to lactosyl-ceramide, thereby bypassing the β-hexosaminidase A defect. Since this bypass is not effective in humans, infantile Tay-Sachs disease is fatal in the first years of life. Previously, we identified a novel ganglioside metabolizing sialidase, Neu4, abundantly expressed in mouse brain neurons. Now we demonstrate that mice with targeted disruption of both Neu4 and Hexa genes (Neu4−/−;Hexa−/−) show epileptic seizures with 40% penetrance correlating with polyspike discharges on the cortical electrodes of the electroencephalogram. Single knockout Hexa−/− or Neu4−/− siblings do not show such symptoms. Further, double-knockout but not single-knockout mice have multiple degenerating neurons in the cortex and hippocampus and multiple layers of cortical neurons accumulating GM2 ganglioside. Together, our data suggest that the Neu4 block exacerbates the disease in Hexa−/− mice, indicating that Neu4 is a modifier gene in the mouse model of Tay-Sachs disease, reducing the disease severity through the metabolic bypass. However, while disease severity in the double mutant is increased, it is not profound suggesting that Neu4 is not the only sialidase contributing to the metabolic bypass in Hexa−/− mice

    Clearance of interstitial fluid (ISF) and CSF (CLIC) group-part of Vascular Professional Interest Area (PIA): Cerebrovascular disease and the failure of elimination of Amyloid-β from the brain and retina with age and Alzheimer's disease-Opportunities for Therapy.

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    Two of the key functions of arteries in the brain are (1) the well-recognized supply of blood via the vascular lumen and (2) the emerging role for the arterial walls as routes for the elimination of interstitial fluid (ISF) and soluble metabolites, such as amyloid beta (Aβ), from the brain and retina. As the brain and retina possess no conventional lymphatic vessels, fluid drainage toward peripheral lymph nodes is mediated via transport along basement membranes in the walls of capillaries and arteries that form the intramural peri-arterial drainage (IPAD) system. IPAD tends to fail as arteries age but the mechanisms underlying the failure are unclear. In some people this is reflected in the accumulation of Aβ plaques in the brain in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and deposition of Aβ within artery walls as cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). Knowledge of the dynamics of IPAD and why it fails with age is essential for establishing diagnostic tests for the early stages of the disease and for devising therapies that promote the clearance of Aβ in the prevention and treatment of AD and CAA. This editorial is intended to introduce the rationale that has led to the establishment of the Clearance of Interstitial Fluid (ISF) and CSF (CLIC) group, within the Vascular Professional Interest Area of the Alzheimer's Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment

    Technology engagement is associated with higher perceived physical well-being in stroke patients prescribed smartwatches for atrial fibrillation detection

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    BackgroundIncreasing ownership of smartphones among Americans provides an opportunity to use these technologies to manage medical conditions. We examine the influence of baseline smartwatch ownership on changes in self-reported anxiety, patient engagement, and health-related quality of life when prescribed smartwatch for AF detection.MethodWe performed a post-hoc secondary analysis of the Pulsewatch study (NCT03761394), a clinical trial in which 120 participants were randomized to receive a smartwatch-smartphone app dyad and ECG patch monitor compared to an ECG patch monitor alone to establish the accuracy of the smartwatch-smartphone app dyad for detection of AF. At baseline, 14 days, and 44 days, participants completed the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 survey, the Health Survey SF-12, and the Consumer Health Activation Index. Mixed-effects linear regression models using repeated measures with anxiety, patient activation, physical and mental health status as outcomes were used to examine their association with smartwatch ownership at baseline.ResultsNinety-six participants, primarily White with high income and tertiary education, were randomized to receive a study smartwatch-smartphone dyad. Twenty-four (25%) participants previously owned a smartwatch. Compared to those who did not previously own a smartwatch, smartwatch owners reported significant greater increase in their self-reported physical health (β = 5.07, P < 0.05), no differences in anxiety (β = 0.92, P = 0.33), mental health (β = −2.42, P = 0.16), or patient activation (β = 1.86, P = 0.54).ConclusionsParticipants who own a smartwatch at baseline reported a greater positive change in self-reported physical health, but not in anxiety, patient activation, or self-reported mental health over the study period