179 research outputs found

    Office working environment development - Introduction of a Concrete Empirical Research

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    In our modern and extremely changing world firmness in market competition, maintaining market position and/or their realization according to strategic purposes are in the focus of corporate decisions. At the same time, it is also salient for corporate executives that choosing the adequate strategy is not sufficient in itself. Carrying out the strategy successfully requires a new way of approach to corporate control of managers, which should be supported by the design of office working environment, and the arrangement of corporate units and employees. In all these ergonomics - which provide healthy, comfortable working environment ensuring well-being of employees and working conditions supporting efficient work - can give corporate executives a kind of guidance to plan adequate corporate environment. Besides planning ergonomic working environment, the conception of office planning influences intellectual work, life of the corporation, work efficiency, communication within the corporation, team work, and individual performance to a great extent. Further on, I present an empirical research, by means of which I have developed an office conversion method in order to reveal cultural, communicational, work organizational factors of various organizations and which is by all means recommended to be taken into consideration in the course of designing an office environment supporting efficient work

    Muslims\u27 Approaches to Democracy: Islam and Democracy in Contemporary Indonesia

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    This article seeks to provide a theoretical ac­count of how Indonesian Muslims have approached Islam and democracy. Historical analysis, combined with literary overview, is deployed to trace the empirical passage of Indonesian Muslims in developing discourses on demo­cracy. This article argues that a widely-religion-based demo­cra­cy is on the way of making. Following this process, discourses and counter-discourses on democracy are simply inevitable. The point of departure on which Muslims frequently disagree with each other is whether or not the type of Indonesian democracy should follow the path of Western secular democracy. Ac­cor­dingly, three approaches following these lively discourses on democracy came into existence: First, the Huwaydian ap­proach that claims the compatibility of Islam and demo­cracy. Second, the Mawdudian approach that stands in an ambiguous position between rejecting and ac­cep­ting democracy. Third, the Qutbian approach which argues that democracy is inimical to Islam by definition. Despite the risk of oversimpli­fica­tion and conceptual discrepancy, the three terms are utilized merely for the purpose of sociological catego­rization

    A hatékony munkavégzés környezeti feltételei

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    Hangulatunkat, közérzetünket nagymértékben befolyásolja a fizikai környezetünk. Az iroda, irodaház megfelelő kialakítása, a bútorzat megfelelő elrendezése, minősége nagymértékben támogatja a dolgozók és így a szervezet hatékony munkavégzését. A komfortos munkakörnyezet ergonómiai szempontú kialakításánál a fizikai környezetet, a szociális környezetet, a használati eszközöket, valamint a különböző munkatevékenységeket elemezzük és megvizsgáljuk, hogy mindezekhez hogyan illeszkedik a munkahelyek elrendezése. Nincs két egyforma szervezet, így a szerezeti sajátosságoknak megfelelően fel kell mérni, hogy a dolgozóknak milyen az eszközigénye, a tárolófelület igénye és a bútorzat igénye, valamint, hogy a szervezeten belül a formális és az informális kapcsolattartásnak melyek a formái, milyen eszközöket vesznek igénybe, melyek a kommunikáció színterei. Mindezeket figyelembe véve kell kialakítani a szervezet működését legjobban támogató irodát, illetve irodaházat

    A búza (Triticum aestivum L.) kloroplasztisz lokalizált glutamin-szintetáz enzim allosztérikus szabályozása, a szubsztrátumszintű működés tanulmányozása

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    Glutamine synthetase (GS, EC is a key multimeric enzyme in nitrogen metabolism. GS is indispensable for the adequate growth and development of wheat plants, and extremely important for proper grain gilling process. There are two isoforms of GS in wheat leaves: the cytoplasmic GS1 and the chloroplast localized GS2, where GS2 is the predominant isoform. The GS2 takes place at the carbon-nitrogen metabolic branch point. We studied the kinetic properties of GS2 of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Jubilejnaja-50), its substrate consumption under various conditions and its magnesia and manganese binding capabilities. We showed kinetic evidence, that at the connection of carbon and nitrogen pathways GS is a fine regulator, and its enzymatic activity is regulated in a negatively cooperative allosteric manner. This allosteric negative cooperativity is driven by the regulatory substrate which has been identified as glutamic acid. To describe this regulation, we have created a new, approximate mathematical model, which can be associated with our newly introduced mechanistic model of GS2. We also showed that supraoptimal ATP concentration inhibits the activity of GS2 in vitro. In case of wheat GS2 half of the bound Mg2+ can be displaced by Mn2+, presumably this change occurs at the n2 metal binding sites, which have lower Mg2+ affinity

    Examination of Free Choice of Rabbits among Different Cage-floors

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    Rabbits were placed in a block of cages with a floor-area of 2 m2. The animals could move freely among the cages, through swing doors. All the four cages were totally equal, they only differed in the floor (planked by OSB panel, plastic-slat, plastic-mesh or wire-mesh). 24 or 32 rabbits, weaned at 21 days of age were placed into the block. During the experiment (until 10 weeks of age) the free choice of rabbits among the cage-floors was studied weekly with the help of 24-hour video recordings. The soiled and wet (by urine) planked-floor was chosen by fewer and fewer rearing rabbits after the first week. Placing both 24 or 32 rabbits into the block, the plastic mesh floor was preferred. With the increase of age the choice of plastic-mesh, wire-mesh and plastic-slat floor became similar. The increase of both number and weight of rabbits in 1 m2 influenced the acceptance of different floors. Rearing 32 rabbits together, the choice of the 3 preferred floor types became similar at 7.5 weeks of age, while rearing 24 rabbits in a group, it became similar only at 9.5 weeks of age

    Effect of Different Rearing Methods on the Weight of Rabbits

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    The aim of the experiment was to study the effect of the nutrient supply at foetal, suckling and growing age on the body weight of rabbits. 242 new-born rabbits were divided into three groups on the basis of their birth weight (Low = 34-45 g, Medium = 53-58 g, High = 65-70 g). One half of the litters were nursed by one doe, while the other half by two does. After weaning at 21 days of age, half of the rabbits were fed ad libitum, while the other half were fed restricted (ca. 85-90% of the ad lib.). All of the 12 groups were divided into two subgroups randomly: first artificial insemination (AI) at 15.5 or 18.5 weeks of age. All of the studied factors had significant effects on the body weight of rabbits. At four weeks of age the influence of birth weight was the highest (L: 0.51, H: 0.67 kg, P<0.05). A significant difference was found between the groups nursed by one or two does (0.52 and 0.64 kg). At nine weeks of age the effect of all factors were similar. At 15 weeks of age the following differences were found: L: 3.03, H: 3.37 kg, one or two does: 3.11 and 3.26 kg, rest. and ad lib.: 3.00 and 3.37 kg, respectively. The highest difference was found between the group of low birth weight, nursed by one doe and fed restricted (2.75 kg) and that of high birth weight, nursed by two does and fed ad libitum (3.81 kg)

    Hogyan menedzselik a magyar cégek dolgozóik irodai munkakörnyezetét?

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    Mely célok figyelembe vétele mellett dolgoznak a munkakörnyezet működtetésén a munkahelyi vezetők, és mely trendeket alkalmazzák az irodai környezet menedzselése során? ERASMUS+ projektünk keretében e-learning tananyagot fejlesztettünk, és annak egyes fejezeteit alátámasztandó, online terjesztett kérdőív segítségével vizsgáltuk elsősorban középméretű (50-249 foglalkoztatott) és nagy szervezetek (> 250 alkalmazottat foglalkoztatók) munkahelyi vezetőinek gyakorlatát 5 európai országban (Németország, Magyarország, Olaszország, Oroszország és Hollandia) és megkíséreltük megválaszolni a feltett kérdéseket. A magyar nyelvű jelentés ennek a kutatásnak a hazai adatait mutatja be

    Alterations of membrane protein expression in red blood cells of Alzheimer's disease patients

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    Preventive measures, prognosis, or selected therapy in multifactorial maladies, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), require the application of a wide range of diagnostic assays. There is a large unmet need for relatively simple, blood-based biomarkers in this regard. We have recently developed a rapid and reliable flow cytometry and antibody-based method for the quantitative measurement of various red blood cell (RBC) membrane proteins from a drop of blood. Here, we document that the RBC expression of certain membrane proteins, especially that of the GLUT1 transporter and the insulin receptor (INSR), is significantly higher in AD patients than in age-matched healthy subjects. The observed differences may reflect long-term metabolic alterations relevant in the development of AD. These findings may pave the way for a diagnostic application of RBC membrane proteins as relatively stable and easily accessible personalized biomarkers in AD. © 2015 The Authors