146 research outputs found

    Peatland forestry - what does the forest companies in Västerbotten county really know?

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    About a quarter of the Swedish land area is covered with shallow or thick peat. There is a potential to increase forest production in Sweden with almost 2 million m3/year in selected peatlands with low conservation values. This increase can be accomplished by drainage, complementary drainage, ditch maintenance operations and fertilization. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge regarding the management of forests on peatlands and was restricted to selected forest companies in Västerbotten County, with offices in Umeå. Three companies were chosen, SCA, Holmen and Norra Skogsägarna. Representatives from these companies were interviewed and asked to fill in a questionnaire regarding the management of peatland forests. The questionnaire was tested on beforehand in a pilot study with kind cooperation of other SLU students. The answers to the questions were recorded anonymously as Företag 1, 2 and 3 (F1, F2 and F3, subjected randomly). The number of correct answers was relatively low compared to the pilot study. F1 and F3 had 3 and F2 had 2 out of 9 correct answers, respectively. The conclusion of the study was that the knowledge among the professionals is partially deficient and that a deeper understanding is needed. In the current situation the management of peatland forests is limited due to conservation and certification. Should nature conservation and certification rules be eased and site so that the most suitable peatlands can be utilized, a deeper knowledge on peatland forestry and it’s potential would be required.Sveriges landareal består till en fjärdedel av torvtäckt mark. Det finns en potential att öka Sveriges skogsproduktion med nästan 2 miljoner m3sk/år när endast en förhållandevis liten andel utvalda marker med låga naturvärden tas i anspråk. Genom kompletteringsdikning, nydikning, dikesrensning och torvmarksgödsling kan man antas nå denna ökning i produktion. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på kunskapsnivån rörande skötsel av skog på torvmarker och var begränsad till utvalda skogsbolag inom Västerbottens län, med kontor i Umeå kommun. Tre företag valdes, SCA, Holmen och Norra Skogsägarna. Representater från dessa intervjuades och fick svara på en enkät med frågor angående skötsel av skog på torvmark. En pilotundersökning utfördes på enkäten. Innan intervjuerna med företagen ägde rum prövades enkäten på studenter vid SLU i Umeå. Svaren på enkäten redovisades anonymt som Företag 1, 2 och 3 (F1, F2 och F3). Antal korrekta svar var relativt lågt jämfört med pilotundersökningen. F1 och F3 erhöll 3 av 9 möjliga rätt och F2 svarade rätt på 2 av 9. Slutsatsen av arbetet var att kunskapen hos företagen var bristfällig och att djupare förståelse behövs. För närvarande praktiseras torvmarksskogsskötsel i liten utsträckning p.g.a. olika naturvårdshänsyn och certifiering. Om naturvårdshänsynen och certifieringsregler mildras och anpassas till varje bestånds förutsättningar så att de lämpligaste torvmarkerna kan utnyttjas bättre ligger dock dagens kunskapsnivå under det som erfordras för skötsel av skog på torvmarker

    Entre enseñanza y transmisión, la epimeleia heautou en clase

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    El presente trabajo se propone articular las nociones foucaultianas de epimeleia heautou y parrhesia formuladas en La hermenéutica del sujeto (Foucault, 2005 [1981-1982]), con las ideas generales de una primera formulación del tema de tesis de maestría[1] que interroga los efectos que produce la inclusión en la currícula de la formación docente de los conceptos freudianos implicados en el llamado “desarrollo psico-afectivo” o “desarrollo psico-sexual”. Estas ideas se incluyeron tempranamente (1925) y se han enseñado como parte de los programas de Psicología Evolutiva, produciendo un enigmático efecto de extrañeza que incita a la reflexión (Rodríguez, 2015).This article aims at articulating the Foucaultian notions of epimeleia heautou and parrhesia as they appear on The hermeneutics of the subject (Foucault, 2005 [1981-1982]), with the early formulation of an interrogation about the effects of the inclusion of Freudian concepts within the curricula of teacher training in Uruguay. These concepts, presented as “psycho-affective development” or “psycho-sexual development” were included as part of the teaching of “Developmental Psychology” in 1925 and produced an enigmatic effect of strangeness that incites reflection (Rodríguez, 2015)


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    El presente trabajo se propone articular las nociones foucaultianas de epimeleia heautou y parrhesia formuladas en La hermenéutica del sujeto (Foucault, 2005 [1981-1982]), con las ideas generales de una primera formulación del tema de tesis de maestría[1] que interroga los efectos que produce la inclusión en la currícula de la formación docente de los conceptos freudianos implicados en el llamado “desarrollo psico-afectivo” o “desarrollo psico-sexual”. Estas ideas se incluyeron tempranamente (1925) y se han enseñado como parte de los programas de Psicología Evolutiva, produciendo un enigmático efecto de extrañeza que incita a la reflexión (Rodríguez, 2015).   Palabras clave: epimeleia heautou, psicoanálisis, enseñanza.   BETWEEN TEACHING AND TRANSMISSION, EPIMELEIA HEAUTOU IN THE CLASSROOM   Abstract This article aims at articulating the Foucaultian notions of epimeleia heautou and parrhesia as they appear on The hermeneutics of the subject (Foucault, 2005 [1981-1982]), with the early formulation of an interrogation about the effects of the inclusion of Freudian concepts within the curricula of teacher training in Uruguay. These concepts, presented as “psycho-affective development” or “psycho-sexual development” were included as part of the teaching of “Developmental Psychology” in 1925 and produced an enigmatic effect of strangeness that incites reflection (Rodríguez, 2015).   Keywords: epimeleia heautou, psychoanalysis, teaching.   Recibido: 24/07/2017                                                            Aceptado: 25/08/2017   [1] Pedagogía y psicologías, incidencias del psicoanálisis en la formación docente, proyecto de tesis aprobado en el marco de la Maestría en Teorías y Prácticas en educación, de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (FHCE), Udelar

    Pour un dialogue entre science politique et science studies

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    Les deux disciplines de science politique et de science studies utilisent toutes deux les mots de « politique » et de « science », mais dans des sens qui semblent incommensurables. L’article propose d’expliquer aux spécialistes des sciences politiques l’emploi quelque peu inhabituel qui est fait de ces termes par les praticiens des études sur les sciences, de façon à établir un dialogue entre les deux disciplines. Il montre en particulier qu’un seul des sens du mot « science » (sur quatre) suppose une coupure radicale entre science et politique (qui peut prendre six sens). Cet effort de clarification effectué permettrait d’abandonner l’idée qu’il existe deux domaines distincts (la science et la politique) et permettrait aux disciplines de collaborer en qualifiant les différents stades des affaires (les issues) qui forment la vraie substance des sciences aussi bien que des politiques

    Development of a novel numerical framework in OpenFOAM to simulate Kaplan turbine transients

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    A novel numerical framework in OpenFOAM is proposed in this work, to simulate transient operation of Kaplan hydraulic turbines. Such transient operations involve a variation of both runner blade and guide vane angles, which also gives rise to a flow rate variation. A numerical simulation of such a process is very challenging, since it requires a deformation of both guide vane and runner meshes, with mesh slip conditions at arbitrarily shaped surfaces, at the same time that the runner mesh is rotating around the turbine axis. The currently available mesh morphing methodologies in OpenFOAM are not able to properly accomplish this. Thus a novel framework for OpenFOAM, including dynamic mesh solvers and boundary conditions, is developed to tackle this problem.The new framework is utilized to simulate the flow during transient operation of the U9-400 Kaplan turbine model. The guide vanes and runner blades are rotated individually around their own axes with a constant rotational speed, while the runner is rotating, and the flow rate is linearly changed with the guide vane angle. It is shown that the novel numerical framework can successfully be utilized to simulate the load change of Kaplan turbines

    Inclusión educativa o ¿el regreso del hijo pródigo?

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    El mundo adulto hace prevalecer su visión sobre las distintas formas de ser adolescente, demandando la comprensión cotidiana de las subjetividades que se producen en las instituciones educativas. A partir de la narrativa de una situación en un centro educativo, este trabajo pretende problematizar la inclusión educativa, desde la vida cotidiana donde se enfrentan las concepciones del mundo adulto y las subjetividades adolescentes

    An in-depth numerical analysis of transient flow field in a Francis turbine during shutdown

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    Power production from intermittent renewable energy resources, such as solar and wind, has increased in the past few decades, leading researchers and engineers to establish techniques to preserve a stable electrical grid. Consequently, hydraulic turbines are being used more frequently in transient operating modes to regulate the grid. The present work provides a comprehensive numerical study on the transient flow field of a high-head Francis turbine model throughout the shutdown sequence. The computations were performed using OpenFOAM, utilizing the SST-SAS turbulence model. A Laplacian smoothing scheme is employed to conduct the mesh deformation of the guide vane domain. The time-averaged draft tube velocity field at the steady Best Efficiency Point (BEP) is validated against experimental data. Then different aspects of the transient flow field in the shutdown sequence are carefully assessed and explained for the first time. Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) analysis is carried out on the fluctuating part of the static pressure and force signals. High-amplitude low-frequency oscillations, due to the formation of a Rotating Vortex Rope (RVR) were observed during a specific period of the shutdown sequence. Thereafter, at deep part load conditions, the RVR vanishes and, a wide range of stochastic frequencies are identified at minimum load. A signal coherence analysis was accomplished to distinguish the deterministic and stochastic frequencies. The variation of the velocity field in the draft tube is described in detail with the help of velocity triangles. An in-depth explanation of the formation and variation of vortical structures during the whole sequence is presented. The physical mechanism of formation and destruction of the RVR is thoroughly explained

    Thermal mixing in a T-junction: Novel CFD-grade measurements of the fluctuating temperature in the solid wall

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    International audienceThis article reports new experiments performed with the purpose of generating novel data of the fluctuating temperature inside the solid in the mixing region between hot and cold water in a T-junction. This data has been measured using a novel sensor (coefh) developed at the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) in Cadarache, France. These experiments are performed within the framework of the MOTHER project. The main objective of the MOTHER project is to validate various CFD approaches (such as LES, Hybrid i.e. RANS/LES and RANS) for transient heat transfer in a T-junction configuration including the pipe wall. Hence, the performed experiments have focused on accurately measuring and documenting the boundary conditions to be able to have a well-defined database for CFD validation. The tests are performed for two different Reynolds numbers 40000 and 60000 and for two different T-junction geometries; a sharp corner and a round corner

    Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Turbine During Transient Operation Using OpenFOAM

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    Power generation from intermittent renewable energy resources (e.g. wind, solar) requires regulation of the electric grid. Although most hydraulic turbines are designed to work in their best efficiency points, nowadays they are being used more often under varying operating conditions to stabilize the electric grid. Unstable and varying conditions of fluid flow in hydraulic turbines during transient operation cause significant pressure fluctuations and load variations that could negatively affect the turbine lifetime. Therefore, the development of high-fidelity numerical tools for hydraulic turbine flow during transient operation, i.e. changing from one condition to another or during start-up and shut-down, is of great importance for the lifetime prediction of the machines. In the present work, we are investigating the capabilities of the OpenFOAM open-source CFD tool to predict such phenomena. The transient operation of hydraulic turbines most of the time involves changing the guide vane angles while the runner is rotating, which must thus also be allowed by the employed numerical techniques. The high-head Francis-99 turbine is used as a test case, due to the availability of the geometry and rich experimental data. The turbulence resolving computations are performed using the SAS turbulence model. The numerical results are validated against the experimental data and compared with each other in terms of accuracy and usability. The results are also used for describing the flow behaviors during the shutdown

    Revealing the deposition of macrophytes transported offshore: Evidence of their long-distance dispersal and seasonal aggregation to the deep sea

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    The role of coastal macrophyte beds as a carbon sink is under debate. Various studies have provided global estimates of the carbon sequestration and stocks of macrophyte beds; however, the final fate of macrophyte debris exported from coastal beds remains uncertain, and must be determined in order to fully clarify the role of coastal vegetation as a carbon sink. Here we conducted bottom-trawl surveys to investigate the extensive and seasonal aggregation of exported macrophytes on the continental shelf and slope seafloor (40-1,800 m). Sunken macrophytes showed a clear seasonal trend with highest biomasses in summer. This was mainly caused by the most collected macrophyte species Sargassum horneri. Furthermore, we used numerical simulations to verify the link between sea-surface hydrographic condition and seafloor distribution of sunken macrophytes. Our results showed that S. horneri accumulated beneath the Kuroshio Extension current, which is the western boundary current of the North Pacific subtropical gyre. Overall, floating macrophytes that became transported offshore by a stable sea-surface current, such as the western boundary current, constitute an organic carbon pathway from coastal waters to the deep sea. Our findings suggest that these buoyant macrophytes can act as a biological pump to enhance oceanic carbon sequestration