719 research outputs found

    Instalaciones avícolas

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    Cartilla de la serie “Especies menores” en la que describe en detalle los sistemas de crianza y producción de aves más eficientes así como sus ventajas y limitacionesPrimer of the series "Minor species" in which it describes in detail the most efficient breeding and production systems of birds as well as their advantages and limitationsSistemas de explotación de aves -- Sistema extensivo -- Sistema semi-intensivo -- Sistema intensivo -- Galpón rústico para 100 gallinas -- Galpón para 2000 gallinas -- Sistemas de alojamiento -- Alojamiento en piso -- Sobre vasija o cama gruesa -- Biodegradación de la cama -- Producción de gallinaza -- Sobre listones o varetas -- Sobre listones y malla gruesa -- sistema intensivo en jaulas -- Ventajas de la jaula -- Limitaciones -- Galpón para sistema en jaulas -- Características de las jaulas -- Tipos de jaulas -- Iluminación -- Importancia -- iluminación para pollos de engorde -- Iluminación para aves adultas -- Iluminación para reproductoras -- Intensidad de iluminación -- Cálculos de iluminaciónna74 página

    Propuesta de competencias profesionales para docentes de programas de salud en educación superior

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    Introducción. Los profesores son reconocidos como parte fundamental de la ejecución del currículo y, por ende, como protagonistas de la calidad educativa.Objetivos. Construir un modelo de competencias profesionales para los docentes de programas de salud en educación superior que permita identificar las necesidades de formación de los profesores y, de esta manera, optimizar el proceso educativo de los estudiantes.Materiales y métodos. Se realizó una investigación cualitativa en la que se hizo una revisión de la bibliografía y se aplicaron unas entrevistas a profesionales médicos que se desempeñaban como docentes de un programa de posgrado en salud; se tuvo como criterio único de inclusión la aceptación del consentimiento informado. Se realizó triangulación de fuentes para garantizar la validez y confiabilidad.Resultados. A partir de la revisión de la bibliografía, se construyeron cuatro ejes de análisis para las entrevistas, se caracterizó al grupo de docentes del programa académico y se estudiaron las respuestas obtenidas. Luego, se construyó un modelo de competencias para profesores que se puede extrapolar a cualquier programa de formación en salud en educación superior con características similares a la del programa investigado.Conclusiones. Este estudio pone de manifiesto la necesidad urgente de generar espacios de formación docente en pedagogía, didáctica y evaluación, por lo que propone un modelo que contempla competencias cognitivas, metodológicas, sociales y personales.Introduction: Professors are recognized as a fundamental part for the execution of the curriculum and, therefore, as protagonists of educational quality.Objectives: To propose a professional skills model for professors of health programs to identify their training needs and optimize the educational process of students.Materials and methods: Qualitative research in which a review of the literature was made and interviews were applied to medical professionals who worked as professors of a graduate health program. Signing an informed consent was the only inclusion criterion. Triangulation of sources was used to guarantee validity and reliability.Results: Based on the literature review, four axes of analysis were established for the interviews. The group of professors was characterized and all the responses were studied. Then, a skills model was created, which can be extrapolated to any health education program in higher education with similar characteristics to the investigated program.Conclusions: This study shows the urgent need for creating training spaces in pedagogy, didactics and evaluation. In consequence, a model that includes cognitive, methodological, social and personal skills is proposed

    Design of a Predictive Scheduling System to Improve Assisted Living Services for Elders

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    International audienceAs the number of older adults increases, and with it the demand for dedicated care, geriatric residences face a shortage of caregivers, who themselves experience work overload, stress and burden. We conducted a long-term field study in three geriatric residences to understand the work conditions of caregivers with the aim of developing technologies to assist them in their work and help them deal with their burden. From this study we obtained relevant requirements and insights of design that were used to design, implement and evaluate two prototypes for supporting caregivers' tasks (e.g. electronic recording and automatic notifications), in order to validate the feasibility of their implementation in-situ and the technical requirements. The evaluation in-situ of the prototypes was conducted for a period of four weeks. The results of the evaluation, together with the data collected from six months of use, motivated the design of a predictive schedule. Such design was iteratively improved and evaluated in participative sessions with caregivers. PRESENCE, the predictive schedule we propose, triggers real-time alerts of risky situations (e.g. falls, entering off-limits areas such as the infirmary or the kitchen) and, informs caregivers of routine tasks that need to be performed (e.g. medication administration, diaper change, etc.). Moreover, PRESENCE helps caregivers to record caring tasks (such as diaper changes or medication) and wellbeing assessments (such as the mood), which are difficult to automatize. This facilitates caregiver's shift handover, and can help to train new caregivers by suggesting routine tasks and by sending reminders and timely information about the residents. It can be seen as a tool to reduce the workload of caregivers and medical staff. Instead of trying to substitute the caregiver with an automatic caring system, as proposed by others, we propose the design of our predictive schedule system that blends caregiver's assessments and measurements from sensors. We show the feasibility of predicting caregiver's tasks and a formative evaluation with caregivers that provides preliminary evidence of its utility

    Hemoglobin Mass, Blood Volume and VO₂max of Trained and Untrained Children and Adolescents Living at Different Altitudes

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    Introduction: To a considerable extent, the magnitude of blood volume (BV) and hemoglobin mass (Hbmass) contribute to the maximum O(2)-uptake (VO(2)max), especially in endurance-trained athletes. However, the development of Hbmass and BV and their relationships with VO(2)max during childhood are unknown. The aim of the present cross-sectional study was to investigate Hbmass and BV and their relationships with VO(2)max in children and adolescents. In addition, the possible influence of endurance training and chronic hypoxia was evaluated. Methods: A total of 475 differently trained children and adolescents (girls n = 217, boys n = 258; untrained n = 171, endurance trained n = 304) living at two different altitudes (∼1,000 m, n = 204, ∼2,600 m, n = 271) and 9–18 years old participated in the study. The stage of puberty was determined according to Tanner; Hbmass and BV were determined by CO rebreathing; and VO(2)max was determined by cycle ergometry and for runners on the treadmill. Results: Before puberty, there was no association between training status and Hbmass or BV. During and after puberty, we found 7–10% higher values in the trained groups. Living at a moderate altitude had a uniformly positive effect of ∼7% on Hbmass in all groups and no effect on BV. The VO(2)max before, during and after puberty was strongly associated with training (pre/early puberty: boys +27%, girls +26%; mid puberty: +42% and +45%; late puberty: +43% and +47%) but not with altitude. The associated effects of training in the pre/early pubertal groups were independent of Hbmass and BV, while in the mid- and late pubertal groups, 25% of the training effect could be attributed to the elevated Hbmass. Conclusions: The associated effects of training on Hbmass and BV, resulting in increased VO(2)max, can only be observed after the onset of puberty

    Propuesta de Supply Chain Management y Logística para la empresa Colombina S.A

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    El presente documento presentado por el grupo 34 del curso “Diplomado de Profundización en Supply Chain Management y Logística” 16-05 del 2021. Ha sido realizado con el fin de conocer las estructuras, el funcionamiento de los procesos logísticos y la cadena de suministro en el contexto de un mundo globalizado, en el cual las empresas requieren la implementación de estrategias que les permitan evolucionar y alcanzar altos niveles de competitividad para su sostenibilidad, constante crecimiento y para lograr atender la creciente demanda de los clientes.This document presented by group 34 of the course "Deepening Diploma in Supply Chain Management and Logistics" 05-16-2021. It has been carried out in order to learn about the structures, the operation of logistics processes and the supply chain in the context of a globalized world, in which companies require the implementation of strategies that allow them to evolve and reach high levels of competitiveness for their sustainability, constant growth and to meet the growing demand of customers

    Miltefosine in the Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Caused by Leishmania braziliensis in Brazil: A Randomized and Controlled Trial

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    Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is characterized by skin ulcerations and occurs in rural poor areas of developing countries. It is treated with daily injections of antimony for 20 days, which is associated with irregular use and increasingly lower cure rates. Miltefosine is an oral medication with activity against the agent of CL (Leishmania). We have studied the efficacy and safety of miltefosine compared with antimony in patients with CL caused by Leishmania braziliensis in Bahia, Brazil. A total of 90 patients participated; 60 received miltefosine and 30 were treated with antimony. Six months after treatment, 75% of patients treated with miltefosine were cured, compared with 53% of the patients in the antimony group, a difference considered significant (p = 0.04). We also found that miltefosine was more effective than antimony in adults than in children. The incidence of side effects was similar with both drugs (76.7% vs. 78.3%), but all patients were able to finish the treatments. Our study shows that miltefosine is more effective than antimony for the treatment of CL in Bahia, Brazil and can contribute to the control of this disease due to its activity and easier administration

    Learning Strategies Mediated by an Application for the Rescue of Handicrafts

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    El desarrollo del presente estudio se fundamenta principalmente en el rescate de la cultura de la comunidad Santa Teresiana, a través del diseño de artesanías, por lo tanto, el objetivo principal es Diseñar estrategias de aprendizaje mediados por un aplicativo para el rescate de las artesanías en la IED José De la Luz Martínez. La investigación es de tipo cualitativa, de alcance descriptivo, Bajo un diseño Transeccional- descriptivo analítico, La población la conforman 13 estudiantes del grado 10º. Como conclusiones se puede inferir que son los estudiantes los que se encuentran motivados a participar en la ejecución de actividades de la mano con las artesanías realizadas y disponibles en la región, sin embargo, se requiere de a implementación de herramientas tecnológicas que favorezcan y faciliten el trabajo, lo cual vienen trabajando en toda la comunidad educativa con el apoyo de los docentes.The development of this study is based mainly on the rescue of the culture of the Santa Teresiana community, through the design of handicrafts, therefore, the main objective is to design learning strategies mediated by an application for the rescue of handicrafts in the IED José De la Luz Martinez. The research is qualitative, descriptive in scope, under a Transeccional-descriptive analytical design, the population consists of 13 students of the 10th grade. As conclusions can be inferred that students are motivated to participate in the execution of activities hand in hand with crafts made and available in the region, however, it is required to implement technological tools that favor and facilitate the work, which is working throughout the educational community with the support of teachers

    Live cell dynamics of production, explosive release and killing activity of phage tail-like weapons for Pseudomonas kin exclusion.

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    Interference competition among bacteria requires a highly specialized, narrow-spectrum weaponry when targeting closely-related competitors while sparing individuals from the same clonal population. Here we investigated mechanisms by which environmentally important Pseudomonas bacteria with plant-beneficial activity perform kin interference competition. We show that killing between phylogenetically closely-related strains involves contractile phage tail-like devices called R-tailocins that puncture target cell membranes. Using live-cell imaging, we evidence that R-tailocins are produced at the cell center, transported to the cell poles and ejected by explosive cell lysis. This enables their dispersal over several tens of micrometers to reach targeted cells. We visualize R-tailocin-mediated competition dynamics between closely-related Pseudomonas strains at the single-cell level, both in non-induced condition and upon artificial induction. We document the fatal impact of cellular self-sacrifice coupled to deployment of phage tail-like weaponry in the microenvironment of kin bacterial competitors, emphasizing the necessity for microscale assessment of microbial competitions

    Naturaleza y cultura en Ámerica Latina

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    La concreción del XVIII Foro de Estudiantes Latinoamericanos de Antrología y Arqueología: Cultura y naturaleza en América Latina: escenarios para un modelo de desarrollo no civilizatorio, efectuado en Quito desde el 17 al 23 de julio del 2011, se constituyó en un acontecimiento sumamente significativo para la antropología latinoamericana debido a dos motivos. Primero porque coincidió con la emergencia del movimiento universitario estudiantil latinoamericano que expresaba sus tendencias, propuestas y exigencias de cambios tanto de las prácticas académicas como de los patrones civilizatorios que rigen las relaciones actuales. Segundo, porque se inscribía en un contexto de consolidación de las nuevas democracias de los países andinos, de carácter antineoliberal y basadas en los sujetos de derecho entre los cuales se incluye la naturaleza. Estos contextos determinaron que el Foro no ponga en escena certidumbres teóricas o metodológicas, ni se preste al exhibicionismo estéril de los avances disciplinares. Más bien, la convocatoria de la antropología y la arqueología fue apenas un pretexto para hablar, con su lenguaje, de nosotros mismos, de lo que somos, de lo que pensamos, de lo que aspiramos y sentimos sobre nuestra Latinoamérica. Lo que hemos visto, oído y compartido, en realidad, no han sido solamente ideas o conceptos sino opciones y toma de posiciones respecto a múltiples encrucijadas. Posición ante situaciones que amenazan la vida, la justicia y los derechos de todos, un desafío epistemológico todavía en ciernes y que no termina de cuajar aún en nuestras prácticas académicas