155 research outputs found

    More women at the top? Why we see variation in local–national gender gaps for elected assemblies

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    There is considerable variation in the representation of women in elected chambers between different levels of government, but the differences are not uniform between countries. By examining the unusual case of Germany, where the representation of women is greater at higher echelons, Jessica Fortin-Rittberger, Christina Eder, Corinna Kroeber and Vanessa Marent find that the nature of the party system is crucial, in particular the strength of left-leaning and minor parties, which has implications for understanding levels of representation in other democracies

    Eritrocitose absoluta primária em cão : revisão de literatura e relato de caso

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    Eritrocitose é o aumento no número de eritrócitos, na concentração de hemoglobina e no hematócrito, e diversas causas podem ser atribuídas, e podendo essa ser relativa ou absoluta. A eritrocitose relativa ocorre em consequência da hemoconcentração por desidratação ou contração esplênica associada a dor ou excitação, sendo resolvida após fluidoterapia ou remoção da causa. A eritrocitose absoluta é caracterizada pelo aumento verdadeiro da massa eritrocitária. Essa condição classifica-se como primária quando há proliferação autônoma de precursores eritroides independente da concentração sérica de eritropoetina, ou secundária em casos em que a eritropoetina encontra-se elevada por condições de hipóxia, causada por doenças cardíacas ou pulmonares, ou ainda pela produção do hormônio por neoplasia renal. A eritrocitose primária é um distúrbio mieloproliferativo considerado raro em cães e gatos, e seus sinais clínicos são atribuídos ao aumento do volume e viscosidade sanguíneos, como eritema, tromboses, hemorragias, sinais nervosos e oculares. O diagnóstico é baseado na exclusão das outras formas de eritrocitose através de exames complementares de imagem e hemogasometria. A mensuração de eritropoetina pode auxiliar no estabelecimento do diagnóstico diferencial e a citologia da medula óssea confirma a hiperplasia eritroide. O prognóstico de animais com eritrocitose primária é reservado, porém com maior sobrevida quando o tratamento através de flebotomia e terapia mielossupressiva é realizado.Erythrocytosis is the increased number of erythrocytes, increased hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit, and many causes can be attributed. It can be relative ou absolute. Relative erythrocytosis occurs as a consequence of hemoconcentration due to dehydration or splenic contraction associated with pain or excitement, being resolved after fluid therapy or removal of the cause. Absolute erythrocytosis is characterized by the true increase in red blood cell mass; it’s classified as primary when there’s autonomous proliferation of erythrocytes precursors, independent of the erythropoietin serum concentration, or secundary, when the erythropoietin is increased by hypoxic conditions, caused by cardiac or pulmonary diseases, or even by it’s production by renal neoplasia. Primary erythrocytosis is considered a rare myeloproliferative disturb in dogs and cats, and it’s clinical signs are attributed to increased blood volume and viscosity, and include erythema, thrombosis, bleeding episodes, nervous and ocular signs. Its diagnosis is based on the exclusion of other erythrocytosis forms, through complementary imaging exams and blood gas analysis. Erythropoietin measurement is helpful in accessing the differential diagnosis and bone marrow cytology can confirm the erythroid hyperplasia. The prognosis for primary erythrocytosis patients is reserved, but a longer life expectancy may be expected when treatment with phlebotomy and myelosupressive therapy is realized

    Por uma formação mais humana

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    Giant non-volatile electric field control of proximity induced magnetism in the spin-orbit semimetal SrIrO3

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    With its potential for drastically reduced operation power of information processing devices, electric field control of magnetism has generated huge research interest. Recently, novel perspectives offered by the inherently large spin-orbit coupling of 5d transition metals have emerged. Here, we demonstrate non-volatile electrical control of the proximity induced magnetism in SrIrO3 based back-gated heterostructures. We report up to a 700 % variation of the anomalous Hall conductivity {\sigma}_AHE and Hall angle {\theta}_AHE as function of the applied gate voltage Vg. In contrast, the Curie temperature TC = 100K and magnetic anisotropy of the system remain essentially unaffected by Vg indicating a robust ferromagnetic state in SrIrO3 which strongly hints to gating-induced changes of the anomalous Berry curvature. The electric-field induced ferroelectric-like state of SrTiO3 enables non-volatile switching behavior of {\sigma}_AHE and {\theta}_AHE below 60 K. The large tunability of this system, opens new avenues towards efficient electric-field manipulation of magnetism.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Advanced Functional Material

    Primary Erythrocytosis in a Bitch - Clinical and Laboratorial Aspects

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    Background: Primary erythrocytosis is a rare myeloproliferative disorder in dogs and cats characterized by an autonomous proliferation of erythroid precursors in the bone marrow, with low to normal serum erythropoietin concentration, resulting in elevated red blood cell count, hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration. Clinical signs are associated with increased blood volume and viscosity, and may include erythema, hyperemic mucous membranes and neurological signs such as seizures and ataxia. In veterinary medicine, the diagnosis should be made by exclusion of secondary or relative causes, after complementary exams. This report aims to describe a case of primary erythrocytosis in a bitch. Case: A 4-year-old mixed-breed bitch was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the UFRGS with 3 convulsive episodes related by the owner. A previous abdominal ultrasonography revealed splenomegaly and the electrocardiogram showed no abnormalities. No alterations were observed at the physical examination. The laboratorial blood tests demonstrated a persistent erythrocytosis, with high hematocrit, hemoglobin and red blood cells count, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia, and total plasmatic protein was within the reference interval. The bone marrow cytology revealed reduced cellularity, normal myeloid:erythroid ratio, erythroid hyperplasia, mild myeloid hyperplasia and moderate myelofibrosis. The serum erythropoietin measurement was within the reference range, and the blood gas analysis detected a slight decrease in partial oxygen pressure. Therefore, no evidence of secondary conditions was observed and the diagnosis of primary erythrocytosis could be made. Discussion: Since there is no definitive method, the diagnosis of primary erythrocytosis could be based on the exclusion of all secondary and relative causes of erythrocytosis. The absence of clinical signs of dehydration and high serum albumin levels were findings that conduced for the exclusion of the relative form of the disturbance. The echocardiography and the abdominal ultrasonography ruled out any cardiopulmonary condition or kidney neoplasm, the most common causes of absolute secondary erythrocytosis. The persistently high hematocrit levels and red blood cell counts are significant for the suspicion of primary erythrocytosis, although thrombocytopenia and neutropenia are not commonly reported. The clinical signs of seizure were correlated with increased blood viscosity and reduced blood flow at the central nervous system. The blood gas analysis discarded the occurrence of systemic hypoxia, and the normal levels of erythropoietin gives higher evidence of the occurrence of an autonomous proliferation of the erythroid precursors within the bone marrow. The bone marrow cytology confirmed erythroid hyperplasia and the reduced cellularity that could be attributed to myelofibrosis. Myelofibrosis was described in humans with polycythemia vera, but there are no reports in veterinary, and this occurrence must be elucidated. An identical mutation in the JAK2 gene was observed in humans with polycythemia vera and dogs with primary erythrocytosis, and occurs in more than 50% of humans with myelofibrosis. Further investigations are necessary for veterinary medicine. In conclusion, the systematic approach of all organic systems and the assessment of complementary exams are necessary for the diagnostic of primary erythrocytosis in dogs. This condition should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any erythrocytosis, considering the guarded prognosis of this hematologic disorder.   Keywords: myeloproliferative disorders, erythropoietin, myelofibrosi

    Primary erythrocytosis in a bitch : clinical and laboratorial aspects

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    Background: Primary erythrocytosis is a rare myeloproliferative disorder in dogs and cats characterized by an autonomous proliferation of erythroid precursors in the bone marrow, with low to normal serum erythropoietin concentration, resulting in elevated red blood cell count, hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration. Clinical signs are associated with increased blood volume and viscosity, and may include erythema, hyperemic mucous membranes and neurological signs such as seizures and ataxia. In veterinary medicine, the diagnosis should be made by exclusion of secondary or relative causes, after complementary exams. This report aims to describe a case of primary erythrocytosis in a bitch. Case: A 4-year-old mixed-breed bitch was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital from UFRGS with 3 convulsive episodes related by the owner. A previous abdominal ultrasonography revealed splenomegaly and the electrocardiogram showed no abnormalities. No alterations were observed at the physical examination. The laboratorial blood tests demonstrated a persistent erythrocytosis, with high hematocrit, hemoglobin and red blood cells count, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia, and total plasmatic protein within the reference interval. The bone marrow cytology revealed reduced cellularity, normal myeloid: erythroid ratio, erythroid hyperplasia, mild myeloid hyperplasia and moderate myelofibrosis. The serum erythropoietin measurement was within the reference range, and the blood gas analysis detected a slight decrease in partial oxygen pressure. Therefore, no evidence of secondary conditions was observed and the diagnosis of primary erythrocytosis could be made. Discussion: Since there is no definitive method, the diagnosis of primary erythrocytosis could be based on the exclusion of all secondary and relative causes of erythrocytosis. The absence of clinical signs of dehydration and high serum albumin levels were findings that conduced for the exclusion of the relative form of the disturbance. The echocardiography and the abdominal ultrasonography ruled out any cardiopulmonary condition or kidney neoplasm, the most common causes of absolute secondary erythrocytosis. The persistently high hematocrit levels and red blood cell counts are significant for the suspicion of primary erythrocytosis, although thrombocytopenia and neutropenia are not commonly reported. The clinical signs of seizure were correlated with increased blood viscosity and reduced blood flow at the central nervous system. The blood gas analysis discarded the occurrence of systemic hypoxia, and the normal levels of erythropoietin gives higher evidence of the occurrence of an autonomous proliferation of the erythroid precursors within the bone marrow. The bone marrow cytology confirmed erythroid hyperplasia and the reduced cellularity that could be attributed to myelofibrosis. Myelofibrosis was described in humans with polycythemia vera, but there are no reports in veterinary, and this occurrence must be elucidated. An identical mutation in the JAK2 gene was observed in humans with polycythemia vera and dogs with primary erythrocytosis, and occurs in more than 50% of humans with myelofibrosis. Further investigations are necessary for veterinary medicine. In conclusion, the systematic approach of all organic systems and the assessment of complementary exams are necessary for the diagnostic of primary erythrocytosis in dogs. This condition should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any erythrocytosis, considering the guarded prognosis of this hematologic disorder

    Conflict experience and resolution underlying obedience to authority

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    Definitions of obedience require the experience of conflict in response to an authority’s demands. Nevertheless, we know little about this conflict and its resolution. Two experiments tested the suitability of the ‘object-destruction paradigm’ for the study of conflict in obedience. An experimenter instructed participants to shred bugs (among other objects) in a manipulated coffee grinder. In contrast to the demand condition, participants in the control condition were reminded of their free choice. Both received several prods if they defied the experimenter. Results show that participants were more willing to kill bugs in the demand condition. Self-reported negative affect was increased after instructions to destroy bugs relative to other objects (Experiments 1 and 2). In Experiment 2, compliant participants additionally showed an increase in tonic skin conductance and, crucially, self-reported more agency and responsibility after alleged bug-destruction. These findings elucidate the conflict experience and resolution underlying obedience. Implications for prominent explanations (agentic shift, engaged followership) are discussed

    Sistema web Para la gestión de incidencias en el estudio contable Fernández Arce & Asociados, Cercado de Lima – 2020

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    La presente investigación abarca analizar, desarrollar e implementar un sistema web para a gestión de incidencias en el estudio contable Fernández Arce & Asociados. El objetivo principal de la investigación fue determinar la influencia de un sistema web sobre la gestión de incidencias del estudio contable Fernández Arce & Asociados, Cercado De Lima – 2020; así mismo, se utilizaron como indicadores en la presente investigación Tasa de Utilización del Trabajo en Incidencias, Tasa de Impacto de Incidentes del Cliente, Tasa de Reapertura de Incidentes y Tasa de resolución de incidentes. La investigación fue tipo aplicada, siendo el diseño de investigación experimental - pre experimental; las muestras estuvieron conformadas por 24 fichas de registro de las incidencias para todos los indicadores analizados. Para analizar los datos se utilizaron las herramientas estadísticas de prueba de normalidad con Shapiro - Wilk y pruebas de hipótesis con la prueba t de Student; se utilizó el software estadístico SPSS V.26, lo cual nos dio los siguientes resultados: La tasa de utilización del trabajo en incidencias durante el pre-test obtuvo un promedio de 118,92 % y en el post-test disminuyo con un valor promedio de 92,88%, lo cual evidencia la reducción en el promedio en 26,04 %. Mientras que la Tasa de Impacto de Incidentes del Cliente durante el pre-test obtuvo un promedio de 50,25 % y en el post-test disminuyo con un valor promedio de 29,84 %, lo cual evidencia la reducción en el promedio en 20,41 %. Así mismo, la Tasa de Reapertura de Incidentes durante el pre-test obtuvo un promedio de 57,89 % y en el post-test disminuyo con un valor promedio de 24,76 %, lo cual evidencia la reducción en el promedio en 33,13 %. Además, en la Tasa de Resolución de Incidentes durante el pre-test obtuvo un promedio de 71,68 % y en el post-test incrementó con un valor promedio de 86,49 %, lo cual evidencia un incremento en el promedio en 14,81 %. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos en los indicadores estudiados, concluyeron que la implementación del sistema web mejoró el proceso de gestión de incidencias en el Estudio Contable Fernández Arce & Asociado

    Conflict experience and resolution underlying obedience to authority

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    Definitions of obedience require the experience of conflict in response to an authority’s demands. Nevertheless, we know little about this conflict and its resolution. Two experiments tested the suitability of the ‘object-destruction paradigm’ for the study of conflict in obedience. An experimenter instructed participants to shred bugs (among other objects) in a manipulated coffee grinder. In contrast to the demand condition, participants in the control condition were reminded of their free choice. Both received several prods if they defied the experimenter. Results show that participants were more willing to kill bugs in the demand condition. Self-reported negative affect was increased after instructions to destroy bugs relative to other objects (Experiments 1 and 2). In Experiment 2, compliant participants additionally showed an increase in tonic skin conductance and, crucially, self-reported more agency and responsibility after alleged bug-destruction. These findings elucidate the conflict experience and resolution underlying obedience. Implications for prominent explanations (agentic shift, engaged followership) are discussed

    Perfil de uso de medicamentos e automedicação, em uma população universitária, frente a pandemia da Covid-19 / Profile of use of medicines and self-medication, in a university population, in front of Covid-19 pandemic

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    No final de 2019, na China, iniciou-se um surto, provocado pelo vírus Sars-CoV-2, que já matou mais de 3 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, conhecido como pandemia da COVID-19. Muitas pessoas, nesse cenário estão aderindo à automedicação, fazendo uso de medicamentos que “supostamente” poderiam prevenir uma infecção pelo vírus, minimizar a gravidade da doença ou até mesmo curar casos mais graves. Medicamentos sem comprovação científica para o Sars-Cov2, estão sendo divulgados e utilizados de forma equivocada como a cloroquina, hidroxicloriquina, azitromicina, ivermectina, corticóides e vitaminas, que além de não ter comprovação científica podem gerar sérios efeitos adversos. Portanto, a automedicação é um problema de saúde pública, que afeta uma grande parcela da população, sendo assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o perfil de uso de medicamentos, em uma população universitária, frente a Pandemia da Covid-19. O estudo foi observacional, através de um questionário enviado pela plataforma Google Forms, de forma aleatória, onde se obteve um total de 59 entrevistados. As respostas foram salvas e gerados gráficos estatísticos no programa. Obteu-se um total de 59 acadêmicos que responderam a pesquisa, onde 84,75% deles afirmaram que realizam a automedicação e muitos informaram acreditar nos medicamentos sem eficácia comprovada, inclusive alguns fizeram uso, que estão sendo divulgados pela mídia e pelo meio político