166 research outputs found

    High Energy Neutrinos from Quasars

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    We review and clarify the assumptions of our basic model for neutrino production in the cores of quasars, as well as those modifications to the model subsequently made by other workers. We also present a revised estimate of the neutrino background flux and spectrum obtained using more recent empirical studies of quasars and their evolution. We compare our results with other thoeretical calculations and experimental upper limits on the AGN neutrino background flux. We also estimate possible neutrino fluxes from the jets of blazars detected recently by the EGRET experiment on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. We discuss the theoretical implications of these estimates.Comment: 14 pg., ps file (includes figures), To be published in Space Science Review

    Lectin-Based Food Poisoning: A New Mechanism of Protein Toxicity

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    BACKGROUND: Ingestion of the lectins present in certain improperly cooked vegetables can result in acute GI tract distress, but the mechanism of toxicity is unknown. In vivo, gut epithelial cells are constantly exposed to mechanical and other stresses and consequently individual cells frequently experience plasma membrane disruptions. Repair of these cell surface disruptions allows the wounded cell to survive: failure results in necrotic cell death. Plasma membrane repair is mediated, in part, by an exocytotic event that adds a patch of internal membrane to the defect site. Lectins are known to inhibit exocytosis. We therefore tested the novel hypothesis that lectin toxicity is due to an inhibitory effect on plasma membrane repair. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Repair of plasma membrane disruptions and exocytosis of mucus was assessed after treatment of cultured cell models and excised segments of the GI tract with lectins. Plasma membrane disruptions were produced by focal irradiation of individual cells, using a microscope-based laser, or by mechanical abrasion of multiple cells, using a syringe needle. Repair was then assessed by monitoring the cytosolic penetration of dyes incapable of crossing the intact plasma membrane. We found that cell surface-bound lectins potently inhibited plasma membrane repair, and the exocytosis of mucus that normally accompanies the repair response. CONCLUSIONS: Lectins potently inhibit plasma membrane repair, and hence are toxic to wounded cells. This represents a novel form of protein-based toxicity, one that, we propose, is the basis of plant lectin food poisoning

    Are autistic traits in the general population stable across development?

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    There is accumulating evidence that autistic traits (AT) are on a continuum in the general population, with clinical autism representing the extreme end of a quantitative distribution. While the nature and severity of symptoms in clinical autism are known to persist over time, no study has examined the long-term stability of AT among typically developing toddlers. The current investigation measured AT in 360 males and 400 males from the general population close to two decades apart, using the Pervasive Developmental Disorder subscale of the Child Behavior Checklist in early childhood (M = 2.14 years; SD = 0.15), and the Autism-Spectrum Quotient in early adulthood (M = 19.50 years; SD = 0.70). Items from each scale were further divided into social (difficulties with social interaction and communication) and non-social (restricted and repetitive behaviours and interests) AT. The association between child and adult measurements of AT as well the influence of potentially confounding sociodemographic, antenatal and obstetric variables were assessed using Pearson's correlations and linear regression. For males, Total AT in early childhood were positively correlated with total AT (r = .16, p = .002) and social AT (r = .16, p = .002) in adulthood. There was also a positive correlation for males between social AT measured in early childhood and Total (r = .17, p = .001) and social AT (r = .16, p = .002) measured in adulthood. Correlations for non-social AT did not achieve significance in males. Furthermore, there was no significant longitudinal association in AT observed for males or females. Despite the constraints of using different measures and different raters at the two ages, this study found modest developmental stability of social AT from early childhood to adulthood in boys

    Evaluation of arterial anatomy in congenital clubfoot with color doppler ultrasound

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    OBJECTIVE: This investigation intended to evaluate anterior and posterior tibial arteries at the ankle joint level in congenital clubfoot, by using color Doppler ultrasound (CDU). MATERIAL AND METHOD: Twenty patients with idiopathic clubfoot were selected, from which 18 had unilateral involvement and two had bilateral involvement. Of the 18 patients with unilateral clubfoot, 16 went through surgical treatment and the other two were submitted to conservative treatment with serial casting. Of the bilateral cases, one patient was treated surgically and the other was treated with serial casting. All patients were clinically and radiographically assessed. We used the functional rating as described by Lehman. Then, CDU was applied bilaterally at the ankle joint level, trying to identify both posterior and anterior tibial arteries. RESULTS: In our present series of 20 cases with idiopathic clubfoot, in just one patient we could not identify the anterior tibial artery at the ankle joint level. In 12 patients who have had their arterial flow speeds and diameters measured by UDC, a positive correlation was found between functional level and anterior tibial artery diameter. No statistically significant differences were found between both flow speed and diameter of anterior tibial artery of the normal side, when compared to the affected side (in patients with unilateral disease). CONCLUSION: In our sample, we could not find any significant differences in arterial morphology and flow speed between the normal and the affected side. Furthermore, we noticed that the better the clinical result of clubfoot correction, the larger the diameter of anterior tibial artery in affected feet.OBJETIVO: Avaliação ultrassonográfica das artérias tibial anterior e posterior no pé torto congênito (PTC). MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram incluídos 20 pacientes portadores de PTC idiopático compreendendo 18 casos unilaterais e dois bilaterais, sendo que 17 pacientes foram submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico e três a tratamento conservador. Todos os pacientes apresentavam pés plantígrados e foram submetidos à avaliação clínica e radiográfica, seguido pelo exame de ultrassom Doppler colorido (UDC), visando a identificação das artérias tibiais anterior e posterior na altura do tornozelo. O nível funcional foi classificado pelos critérios de Lehman. RESULTADOS: Nesta série de 20 pacientes, somente em um não foi identificada a artéria tibial anterior. Nos 12 pacientes submetidos à mensuração de fluxo e calibre pelo UDC, foi encontrada uma correlação positiva entre o grau funcional do PTC e o calibre da artéria tibial anterior. Não houve redução estatisticamente significante entre o fluxo e calibre da artéria tibial anterior do lado normal em comparação com o lado alterado (nos casos de doença unilateral). CONCLUSÕES: Não houve alteração significativa da morfologia e fluxo arterial quando comparamos os lados afetado e normal. Além disso, quanto melhor o resultado clínico da correção do PTC, maior foi o calibre da artéria tibial anterior.UNIFESP Departamento de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaSciEL

    A retrospective analysis of noise-induced hearing loss in the Dutch construction industry

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    Purpose Noise exposure is an important and highly prevalent occupational hazard in the construction industry. This study examines hearing threshold levels of a large population of Dutch construction workers and compares their hearing thresholds to those predicted by ISO-1999. Methods In this retrospective study, medical records of periodic occupational health examinations of 29,644 construction workers are analysed. Pure-tone audiometric thresholds of noise-exposed workers are compared to a non-exposed control group and to ISO-1999 predictions. Regression analyses are conducted to explore the relationship between hearing loss and noise intensity, noise exposure time and the use of hearing protection. Results Noise-exposed workers had greater hearing losses compared to their non-noise-exposed colleagues and to the reference population reported in ISO-1999. Noise exposure explained only a small proportion of hearing loss. When the daily noise exposure level rose from 80 dB(A) towards 96 dB(A), only a minor increase in hearing loss is shown. The relation of exposure time and hearing loss found was similar to ISO-1999 predictions when looking at durations of 10 years or more. For the first decade, the population medians show poorer hearing than predicted by ISO-1999. Discussion Duration of noise exposure was a better predictor than noise exposure levels, probably because of the limitations in noise exposure estimations. In this population, noise-induced hearing loss was already present at the beginning of employment and increased at the same rate as is predicted for longer exposure duration

    Y Chromosome Lineages in Men of West African Descent

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    The early African experience in the Americas is marked by the transatlantic slave trade from ∼1619 to 1850 and the rise of the plantation system. The origins of enslaved Africans were largely dependent on European preferences as well as the availability of potential laborers within Africa. Rice production was a key industry of many colonial South Carolina low country plantations. Accordingly, rice plantations owners within South Carolina often requested enslaved Africans from the so-called “Grain Coast” of western Africa (Senegal to Sierra Leone). Studies on the African origins of the enslaved within other regions of the Americas have been limited. To address the issue of origins of people of African descent within the Americas and understand more about the genetic heterogeneity present within Africa and the African Diaspora, we typed Y chromosome specific markers in 1,319 men consisting of 508 west and central Africans (from 12 populations), 188 Caribbeans (from 2 islands), 532 African Americans (AAs from Washington, DC and Columbia, SC), and 91 European Americans. Principal component and admixture analyses provide support for significant Grain Coast ancestry among African American men in South Carolina. AA men from DC and the Caribbean showed a closer affinity to populations from the Bight of Biafra. Furthermore, 30–40% of the paternal lineages in African descent populations in the Americas are of European ancestry. Diverse west African ancestries and sex-biased gene flow from EAs has contributed greatly to the genetic heterogeneity of African populations throughout the Americas and has significant implications for gene mapping efforts in these populations

    Does fixed-angle plate osteosynthesis solve the problems of a fractured proximal humerus?: A prospective series of 87 patients

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    Background and purpose There is considerable controversy about the treatment of complex, displaced proximal humeral fractures. Various types of head-preserving osteosynthesis have been suggested. This prospective case series was designed to evaluate the perioperative and early postoperative complications associated with fixed-angle implants and to record outcome after bone healing