13 research outputs found

    Rationality of Performance

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    Ce qui semble à première vue paradoxal, « la rationalité de la performance », fait référence à une capacité extraordinaire des êtres humains, à savoir la compétence-en-performance qui leur permet d’affronter les vicissitudes de la vie et de négocier leurs buts et intérêts dans une interaction dialogique avec leurs semblables. Le concept de « rationalité de la performance » exige de passer d’une rationalité logique à une rationalité adaptative qui puisse saisir les activités changeantes et les incertitudes de la vie. Accepter ce concept suppose de changer notre mode de théorisation, d’un mode classique à un mode moderne, c’est-à-dire de passer du réductionnisme au holisme. Cet article introduit le Mixed Game Model et expose les éléments fondamentaux d’une telle théorie holistique qui place les êtres humains au centre et qui décrit leurs actions et comportements à l’aide des principes des probabilités.What at first sight seems paradoxical, “rationality of performance”, refers to an extraordinary ability that human beings have, namely to their competence-in-performance that enables them to meet the vicissitudes of life and to negotiate their interests and purposes in dialogic interaction with their fellow beings. The concept of “rationality of performance” requires a change from a logical rationality to an adaptive rationality, which can come to grips with ever-changing activities and the uncertainties of life. To accept such a concept means changing our way of theorizing from the classical to a modern way of theorizing, i.e., moving from reductionism to holism. This paper introduces the Mixed Game Model and outlines basic elements of such a holistic theory that puts human beings at its centre and describes their actions and behaviour by means of principles of probability

    Word meaning and lexical pragmatics

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    In spite of their differences, Two-level Conceptual Semantics, Generative Lexicon Theory and Relevance Theory also have similarities with respect to treatment of the relation of word meanings and contexts. Therefore, the three theories can be considered as complementing each other in analysing word meanings in utterances. In the present paper I will outline a conception of lexical pragmatics which critically amalgamates the views of these theories and has more explanatory power than each theory does separately. Such a lexical pragmatic conception accepts lexical-semantic representations which can be radically underspecified and allow for other methods of meaning description than componential analysis. As words have underspecified meaning representations, they reach their full meanings in corresponding contexts (immediate or extended) through considerable pragmatic inference. The Cognitive Principle of Relevance regulates the way in which the utterance meaning is construed

    Lassen sich Sprechakte grammatisch definieren?

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    Kommunikativer Vorgang der Unzufriedenheit: Von der alltäglichen Gattung zur Rhetorik

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    Galanova O. Kommunikativer Vorgang der Unzufriedenheit: Von der alltäglichen Gattung zur Rhetorik. In: Weigand E, ed. Dialogue Analysis and Rhetoric. Münster; 2009: 483-492