298 research outputs found

    Борис Алексеевич Нелепо (к 80-летию со дня рождения)

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    15 августа 2012 г. исполнилось бы 80 лет со дня рождения известного ученого-океанолога, доктора физико-математических наук, профессора, лауреата Государственной премии УССР (1979 г.) и СССР (1989 г.) в области науки и техники, директора Морского гидрофизического института АН УССР в 1974 – 1985 гг., первого главного редактора «Морского гидрофизического журнала», академика НАН Украины Бориса Алексеевича Нелепо (1932 – 2007)

    The Induction of IgM and IgG Antibodies against HLA or MICA after Lung Transplantation

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    The production of IgG HLA antibodies after lung transplantation (LTx) is considered to be a major risk factor for the development of chronic rejection, represented by the bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS). It has recently been observed that elevated levels of IgM HLA antibodies also correlates with the development of chronic rejection in heart and kidney transplantation. This study investigates the relationship between IgM and IgG antibodies against HLA and MICA after lung transplantation. Serum was collected from 49 patients once prior to transplantation and monthly for up to 1 year after lung transplantation was analyzed by Luminex to detect IgM and IgG antibodies against HLA and MICA. The presence of either IgM or IgG HLA and/or MICA antibodies prior to or after transplantation was not related to survival, gender, primary disease, or the development of BOS. Additionally, the production of IgG alloantibodies was not preceded by an increase in levels of IgM, and IgM levels were not followed by an increase in IgG. Under current immune suppressive regimen, although the presence of IgM antibodies does not correlate with BOS after LTx, IgM high IgG low HLA class I antibody titers were observed more in patients with BOS compared to patients without BOS

    Выявление понятий и их взаимосвязей в рамках технологии контент-мониторинга

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    Приведены подходы к решению проблемы выявления фактографической информации из неструктурированных текстовых потоков. Описаны технологические решения, позволяющие извлекать из полнотекстовых документов такие понятия как фирмы, фамилии, географические названия и т.п., а также выявлять силу их взаимосвязей на основе применения двух алгоритмов. Первый из этих алгоритмов основывается на учете совместного вхождения понятий в одни и те же документы, а второй на учете общего для рассматриваемых понятий контекста.Наведено підходи до вирішення проблеми виявлення фактографічної інформації з неструктурованих текстових потоків. Описано технологічні рішення, що дозволяють добути з повнотекстових документів такі поняття як фірми, прізвища, географічні назви тощо, а також виявляти силу їхніх взаємозв’язків на базі застосування двох алгоритмів. Перший з цих алгоритмів базується на врахуванні спільного входження понять до одних і тих самих документів, а другий — на врахуванні загального для понять, що розглядаються, контексту.Approaches to the solution of a problem of revealing factual information from unstructured text flows are given. The technological solutions, allowing to take from text-through documents such concepts as a firm, a surname, place names, etc., and also to reveal force of their interrelations on the basis of application of two algorithms are described. The first of these algorithms is based on the account of joint concepts occurrence in the same documents, and the second one on the account of the context common for considered concepts

    Unbound Plasma, Total Plasma, and Whole-Blood Tacrolimus Pharmacokinetics Early After Thoracic Organ Transplantation

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    Abstract: Therapeutic drug monitoring of tacrolimus whole-blood concentrations is standard care in thoracic organ transplantation. Nevertheless, toxicity may appear with alleged therapeutic concentrations possibly related to variability in unbound concentrations. However, pharmacokinetic data on unbound concentrations are not available. The objective of this study was to quantify the pharmacokinetics of whole-blood, total, and unbound plasma tacrolimus in patients early after heart and lung transplantation. Methods: Twelve-hour tacrolimus whole-blood, total, and unbound plasma concentrations of 30 thoracic organ recipients were analyzed with high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry directly after transplantation. Pharmacokinetic modeling was performed using non-linear mixed-effects modeling. Results: Plasma concentration was < 1% of the whole-blood concentration. Maximum binding capacity of erythrocytes was directly proportional to hematocrit and estimated at 2700 pg/mL (95% confidence interval 1750–3835) with a dissociation constant of 0.142 pg/mL (95% confidence interval 0.087–0.195). The inter-individual variability in the binding constants was considerable (27% maximum binding capacity, and 29% for the linear binding constant of plasma). Conclusions: Tacrolimus association with erythrocytes was high and suggested a non-linear distribution at high concentrations. Monitoring hematocrit-corrected whole-blood tacrolimus concentrations might improve clinical outcomes in clinically unstable thoracic organ transplants. Clinical Trial Registration: NTR 3912/EudraCT 2012-001909-24

    Chromosomal disorders:estimating baseline birth prevalence and pregnancy outcomes worldwide

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    Chromosomal disorders, of which Down syndrome is the most common, can cause multi-domain disability. In addition, compared to the general population, there is a higher frequency of death before the age of five. In many settings, large gaps in data availability have hampered policy-making, programme priorities and resource allocation for these important conditions. We have developed methods, which overcome this lack of data and allow estimation of the burden of affected pregnancies and their outcomes in different settings worldwide. For example, the methods include a simple equation relating the percentage of mothers 35 and over to Down syndrome birth prevalence. The results obtained provide a starting point for consideration of services that can be implemented for the care and prevention of these disorders

    HMG CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) to treat Epstein–Barr virus-driven lymphoma

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    While statins have been highly effective for lowering serum cholesterol and reducing the incidence of coronary events, they have multiple other effects. Certain statins block the interaction of adhesion molecules that are important for cell–cell interactions including those between EBV-transformed B cells. These same statins inhibit NF-κB activation in the cells and induce apoptosis of transformed B cells. Studies in severe combined immunodeficiency mice show that simvastatin delays the development of EBV-lymphomas in these animals. These statins might be considered for the treatment of EBV-lymphomas in selected patients

    Improving virtual screening of G protein-coupled receptors via ligand-directed modeling

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) play crucial roles in cell physiology and pathophysiology. There is increasing interest in using structural information for virtual screening (VS) of libraries and for structure-based drug design to identify novel agonist or antagonist leads. However, the sparse availability of experimentally determined GPCR/ligand complex structures with diverse ligands impedes the application of structure-based drug design (SBDD) programs directed to identifying new molecules with a select pharmacology. In this study, we apply ligand-directed modeling (LDM) to available GPCR X-ray structures to improve VS performance and selectivity towards molecules of specific pharmacological profile. The described method refines a GPCR binding pocket conformation using a single known ligand for that GPCR. The LDM method is a computationally efficient, iterative workflow consisting of protein sampling and ligand docking. We developed an extensive benchmark comparing LDM-refined binding pockets to GPCR X-ray crystal structures across seven different GPCRs bound to a range of ligands of different chemotypes and pharmacological profiles. LDM-refined models showed improvement in VS performance over origin X-ray crystal structures in 21 out of 24 cases. In all cases, the LDM-refined models had superior performance in enriching for the chemotype of the refinement ligand. This likely contributes to the LDM success in all cases of inhibitor-bound to agonist-bound binding pocket refinement, a key task for GPCR SBDD programs. Indeed, agonist ligands are required for a plethora of GPCRs for therapeutic intervention, however GPCR X-ray structures are mostly restricted to their inactive inhibitor-bound state

    Restauração e conservação: algumas questões para os conservadores. A perspectiva da conservação de têxteis

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    O texto discute as idéias e diferentes conotações que os conceitos de conservação e restauração trazem em diferentes idiomas e culturas e as possíveis mudanças conceituais ocorridas nos últimos anos. São discutidas as diferenças de abordagem, procedimentos e objetivos que as duas atividades apresentam, sempre do ponto de vista da conservação de têxteis. Vários exemplos de abordagens distintas, desenvolvidas em função dos tratamentos de têxteis de diferentes naturezas são discutidos em detalhe

    The Response of the Prostate to Circulating Cholesterol: Activating Transcription Factor 3 (ATF3) as a Prominent Node in a Cholesterol-Sensing Network

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    Elevated circulating cholesterol is a systemic risk factor for cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome, however the manner in which the normal prostate responds to variations in cholesterol levels is poorly understood. In this study we addressed the molecular and cellular effects of elevated and suppressed levels of circulating cholesterol on the normal prostate. Integrated bioinformatic analysis was performed using DNA microarray data from two experimental formats: (1) ventral prostate from male mice with chronically elevated circulating cholesterol and (2) human prostate cells exposed acutely to cholesterol depletion. A cholesterol-sensitive gene expression network was constructed from these data and the transcription factor ATF3 was identified as a prominent node in the network. Validation experiments confirmed that elevated cholesterol reduced ATF3 expression and enhanced proliferation of prostate cells, while cholesterol depletion increased ATF3 levels and inhibited proliferation. Cholesterol reduction in vivo alleviated dense lymphomononuclear infiltrates in the periprostatic adipose tissue, which were closely associated with nerve tracts and blood vessels. These findings open new perspectives on the role of cholesterol in prostate health, and provide a novel role for ATF3, and associated proteins within a large signaling network, as a cholesterol-sensing mechanism