830 research outputs found

    Development of low density rigid polyurethane foam for use of s-1c flight vehicles final report

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    Compression testing of low density rigid polyurethane foam for S-1DC flight vehicle

    CEOS Contributions to Informing Energy Management and Policy Decision Making Using Space-Based Earth Observations

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    Earth observations are playing an increasingly significant role in informing decision making in the energy sector. In renewable energy applications, space-based observations now routinely augment sparse ground-based observations used as input for renewable energy resource assessment applications. As one of the nine Group on Earth Observations (GEO) societal benefit areas, the enhancement of management and policy decision making in the energy sector is receiving attention in activities conducted by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS). CEOS has become the "space arm" for the implementation of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) vision. It is directly supporting the space-based, near-term tasks articulated in the GEO three-year work plan. This paper describes a coordinated program of demonstration projects conducted by CEOS member agencies and partners to utilize Earth observations to enhance energy management end-user decision support systems. I discuss the importance of engagement with stakeholders and understanding their decision support needs in successfully increasing the uptake of Earth observation products for societal benefit. Several case studies are presented, demonstrating the importance of providing data sets in formats and units familiar and immediately usable by decision makers. These projects show the utility of Earth observations to enhance renewable energy resource assessment in the developing world, forecast space-weather impacts on the power grid, and improve energy efficiency in the built environment

    Internet Vulnerability; Technology Alert, February 1995

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    Merlin Phosphorylation by p21-activated Kinase 2 and Effects of Phosphorylation on Merlin Localization

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    The Nf2 tumor suppressor gene product merlin is related to the membrane-cytoskeleton linker proteins of the band 4.1 superfamily, including ezrin, radixin, and moesin (ERMs). Merlin is regulated by phosphorylation in a Rac/cdc42-dependent fashion. We report that the phosphorylation of merlin at serine 518 is induced by the p21-activated kinase PAK2. This is demonstrated by biochemical fractionation, use of active and dominant-negative mutants of PAK2, and immunodepletion. By using wild-type and mutated forms of merlin and phospho-directed antibodies, we show that phosphorylation of merlin at serine 518 leads to dramatic protein relocalization. Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2)1 is an inherited disorder characterized by the development of Schwann cell tumors of the eighth cranial nerve. Mutations and loss of heterozygosity of theNF2 gene have been detected in NF2 patients and in various sporadic tumors, including schwannomas, meningiomas, and ependymomas (1). In further support of a role for NF2 in tumor suppression, mice heterozygous for an Nf2 mutation are predisposed to a wide variety of tumors with high metastatic potential (2). In a separate model in which Nf2 is inactivated specifically in Schwann cells, mice develop schwannomas and Schwann cell hyperplasia (3). The longest and predominant splice form of the Nf2gene codes for a 595-amino acid protein highly similar to the band 4.1 family of proteins. It is most closely related to the ERM proteins,moesin, ezrin, and radixin. The ERM proteins are thought to function as cell membrane-cytoskeleton linkers and are localized to cortical actin structures near the plasma membrane such as microvilli, membrane ruffles, and lamellipodia (4, 5). Likewise, merlin is localized to cortical actin structures, in patterns that partially overlap with the ERMs (1). It has been proposed that intramolecular binding of the N-terminal and C-terminal domains conformationally regulates the ERM proteins by masking binding sites for interacting proteins. The ERMs can also form homodimers and heterodimers, among themselves and with merlin, adding an additional level of complexity to the regulation of these proteins (6). The recently solved crystal structure of the moesin N/C-terminal complex strengthens this model of conformational regulation (7). Given the sequence and, most likely, structural similarities of merlin to the ERM proteins, it is possible that merlin itself could be regulated in a similar fashion. Recent studies (8, 9) have implicated additional factors in the regulation of the ERMs, including phospholipids and phosphorylation. Previous work from our group and others (10, 11) has shown that merlin is differentially phosphorylated as well and that merlin protein levels are affected by growth conditions such as cell confluency, loss of adhesion, or serum deprivation. Merlin is found in an hypophosphorylated form when the combination of cellular and environmental conditions are growth-inhibitory (10). ERMs can be phosphorylated by Rho kinase, and this phosphorylation can affect intramolecular association and cellular localization. Phosphorylation and/or phospholipids may promote the transition of the proteins to an active form by “opening” intra- and intermolecular associations. These active monomers can then bind to other interacting proteins and the actin cytoskeleton and induce actin-rich membrane projections (5,8, 12, 13). The induction of merlin phosphorylation by activated alleles of the Rho family GTPases has also been examined. Interestingly, although activated Rho did not induce noticeable phosphorylation of merlin, activated forms of Rac and cdc42 did. The site of Rac-induced phosphorylation was determined to be a serine at position 518; mutation of serine 518 results in reduced basal phosphorylation and eliminated Rac-induced phosphorylation (11). Although Rac and cdc42 are implicated in the regulation of many pathways, they are most associated with regulation of cytoskeleton reorganization and gene expression (for recent reviews see Refs.14-16). In light of the data demonstrating that activated Rac/cdc42 leads to phosphorylation and possible inactivation of merlin, the elucidation of the responsible effector pathways and their effects on merlin function are of major importance. Understanding this regulation of merlin could lead to a more complete appreciation of the effects of merlin loss in tumors

    Stratospheric dynamics and transport studies

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    A three dimensional General Circulation Model/Transport Model is used to simulate stratospheric circulation and constituent distributions. Model simulations are analyzed to interpret radiative, chemical, and dynamical processes and their mutual interactions. Concurrent complementary studies are conducted using both global satellite data and other appropriate data. Comparisons of model simulations and data analysis studies are used to aid in understanding stratospheric dynamics and transport processes and to assess the validity of current theory and models

    Diagnostic evaluation of food-related allergic diseases

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    Food allergy is a serious and potentially life-threatening problem for an estimated 6% of children and 3.7% of adults. This review examines the diagnostic process that begins with a patient's history and physical examination. If the suspicion of IgE-mediated food allergy is compelling based on the history, skin and serology tests are routinely performed to provide confirmation for the presence of food-specific IgE antibody. In selected cases, a provocation challenge may be required as a definitive or gold standard reference test for confirmation of IgE mediated reactions to food. Variables that influence the accuracy of each of the diagnostic algorithm phases are discussed. The clinical significance of food allergen-specific IgE antibody cross-reactivity and IgE antibody epitope mapping of food allergens is overviewed. The advantages and limitations of the various diagnostic procedures are examined with an emphasis on future trends in technology and reagents

    Facilitating Transformations in a Human Genome Project Database

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    Human Genome Project databases present a confluence of interesting database challenges: rapid schema and data evolution, complex data entry and constraint management, and the need to integrate multiple data sources and software systems which range over a wide variety of models and formats. While these challenges are not necessarily unique to biological databases, their combination, intensity and complexity are unusual and make automated solutions imperative. We illustrate these problems in the context of the Human Genome Database for Chromosome 22 (Chr22DB), and describe a new approach to a solution for these problems, by means of a deductive language for expressing database transformations and constraints