545 research outputs found

    Fractional diffusion emulates a human mobility network during a simulated disease outbreak

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    From footpaths to flight routes, human mobility networks facilitate the spread of communicable diseases. Control and elimination efforts depend on characterizing these networks in terms of connections and flux rates of individuals between contact nodes. In some cases, transport can be parameterized with gravity-type models or approximated by a diffusive random walk. As a alternative, we have isolated intranational commercial air traffic as a case study for the utility of non-diffusive, heavy-tailed transport models. We implemented new stochastic simulations of a prototypical influenza-like infection, focusing on the dense, highly-connected United States air travel network. We show that mobility on this network can be described mainly by a power law, in agreement with previous studies. Remarkably, we find that the global evolution of an outbreak on this network is accurately reproduced by a two-parameter space-fractional diffusion equation, such that those parameters are determined by the air travel network.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    On stability in ideal compressible hydrodynamics

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    On stability for symmetric hyperbolic systems, I

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    The propagation of discontinuities for linear hyperbolic partial differential equations

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    Thermal ageing phenomena and strategies towards reactivation of NO x - storage catalysts

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    The thermal ageing and reactivation of Ba/CeO2 and Ba/Al2O3 based NO x -storage/ reduction (NSR) catalysts was studied on model catalysts and catalyst systems at the engine. The mixed oxides BaAl2O4 and BaCeO3, which lower the storage activity, are formed during ageing above 850°C and 900°C, respectively. Interestingly, the decomposition of BaCeO3 in an atmosphere containing H2O/NO2 leads again to NO x -storage active species, as evidenced by comparison of fresh, aged and reactivated Pt-Ba/CeO2 based model catalysts. This can be technically exploited, particularly for the Ba/CeO2 catalysts, as reactivation studies on thermally aged Ba/CeO2 and Ba/Al2O3 based NSR catalysts on an engine bench showed. An on-board reactivation procedure is presented, that improved the performance of a thermally aged catalyst significantl

    Notes about the Caratheodory number

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    In this paper we give sufficient conditions for a compactum in Rn\mathbb R^n to have Carath\'{e}odory number less than n+1n+1, generalizing an old result of Fenchel. Then we prove the corresponding versions of the colorful Carath\'{e}odory theorem and give a Tverberg type theorem for families of convex compacta

    Modelling the impact of social protection on tuberculosis: the S-PROTECT project.

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    BACKGROUND: Tackling the social determinants of Tuberculosis (TB) through social protection is a key element of the post-2015 End TB Strategy. However, evidence informing policies are still scarce. Mathematical modelling has the potential to contribute to fill this knowledge gap, but existing models are inadequate. The S-PROTECT consortium aimed to develop an innovative mathematical modelling approach to better understand the role of social protection to improve TB care, prevention and control. METHODS: S-PROTECT used a three-steps approach: 1) the development of a conceptual framework; 2) the extraction from this framework of three high-priority mechanistic pathways amenable for modelling; 3) the development of a revised version of a standard TB transmission model able to capture the structure of these pathways. As a test case we used the Bolsa Familia Programme (BFP), the Brazilian conditional cash transfer scheme. RESULTS: Assessing one of these pathways, we estimated that BFP can reduce TB prevalence by 4% by improving households income and thus their nutritional status. When looking at the direct impact via malnutrition (not income mediated) the impact was 33%. This variation was due to limited data availability, uncertainties on data transformation and the pathway approach taken. These results are preliminary and only aim to serve as illustrative example of the methodological challenges encountered in this first modelling attempt, nonetheless they suggest the potential added value of integrating TB standard of care with social protection strategies. CONCLUSIONS: Results are to be confirmed with further analysis. However, by developing a generalizable modelling framework, S-PROTECT proved that the modelling of social protection is complex, but doable and allowed to draw the research road map for the future in this field

    Analogues of the central point theorem for families with dd-intersection property in Rd\mathbb R^d

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    In this paper we consider families of compact convex sets in Rd\mathbb R^d such that any subfamily of size at most dd has a nonempty intersection. We prove some analogues of the central point theorem and Tverberg's theorem for such families

    Thermal Properties and Paste and Gel Behaviors of Starches Recovered from Accessions Used in the Germplasm Enhancement of Maize Project

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    The objective of this study was to screen starches recovered from the corn accessions used in the Germplasm Enhancement of Maize (GEM) project for unusual thermal properties and paste and gel behaviors, so that they could be exploited in corn breeding programs to enhance traits important to corn utilization. In general, the values for gelatinization temperatures and peak height indices were greater, but heat of gelatinization values were less for the starches recovered from the GEM accessions (particularly BRA 052051 (SE 32)) than for starches from commercial Dent corn hybrids (11.3 vs. 13.6 J/g). Generally, retrogradation properties were similar among the GEM accessions, although there were specific accessions (particularly Lima 13) that possessed modestly lower percentage retrogradation (34 vs. 42%). Generally, peak viscosities, cold paste viscosities, and viscosity breakdowns were greater for the starches of the GEM accessions (particularly ARZM 01150, Antiqua 3, and URZM 01089, respectively) than for the starches of commercial hybrids. Pasting temperatures were about the same for all starches. Both 1-day and 7-day gel strengths were considerably greater for the starches recovered from the GEM accessions (particularly BRA 052051 (SE 32), 21.0 g for 1-day and FS8A(T), 66.2 g for 7-day). Although the differences in starch properties were statistically different, only the higher gel strengths of the starches recovered from the GEM accessions were of practical significance to the starch industry

    Eliminating Malaria Vectors.

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    Malaria vectors which predominantly feed indoors upon humans have been locally eliminated from several settings with insecticide treated nets (ITNs), indoor residual spraying or larval source management. Recent dramatic declines of An. gambiae in east Africa with imperfect ITN coverage suggest mosquito populations can rapidly collapse when forced below realistically achievable, non-zero thresholds of density and supporting resource availability. Here we explain why insecticide-based mosquito elimination strategies are feasible, desirable and can be extended to a wider variety of species by expanding the vector control arsenal to cover a broader spectrum of the resources they need to survive. The greatest advantage of eliminating mosquitoes, rather than merely controlling them, is that this precludes local selection for behavioural or physiological resistance traits. The greatest challenges are therefore to achieve high biological coverage of targeted resources rapidly enough to prevent local emergence of resistance and to then continually exclude, monitor for and respond to re-invasion from external populations
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