58 research outputs found

    Efeito da erosão extrínseca nas forças de adesão de uma peça de resina a esmalte: comparação in vitro de dois métodos de cimentação

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas MonizObjetivo: O principal objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a resistência de adesão de uma peça de resina a esmalte erodido e não erodido, utilizando dois métodos de cimentação. Como objetivo secundário, pretendeu-se averiguar se existe correlação entre as forças de adesão e o tipo de fraturas ocorridas no teste de microtração e entre as forças de adesão e a espessura da camada de cimento.Materiais e Métodos: Nesta investigação in vitro serão utilizados quarenta incisivos inferiores de bovino, hígidos, que serão divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos experimentais (n=20) segundo o protocolo de adesão. No primeiro grupo os dentes não serão sujeitos a qualquer protocolo de erosão, funcionando como grupo de controlo. No segundo, vão sofrer um processo de erosão ácida antes da cimentação simulando a erosão extrínseca provocada pela ingestão abusiva de refrigerantes. Cada grupo será depois dividido em dois subgrupos, variando entre eles o tipo de cimentação testado. Dez dentes serão usados para testar cimento resinoso, os outros dez para testar a cimentação com resina aquecida. Depois da cimentação, os dentes serão armazenados 24 horas num frasco com água destilada, numa estufa a 37º Celsius. Posteriormente serão seccionados por uma lâmina diamantada sob irrigação, na direção X e Y de forma a se obterem palitos com 0,9±0,2 milímetros (mm) para serem testados numa máquina de testes universal a uma velocidade de 0,5 milímetros por minuto (mm/min). As forças de adesão, variável dependente neste estudo, serão calculadas através da divisão da força aplicada no momento da fratura (N) do palito pela área da superfície aderida (mm2), e serão expressas em MPa. As forças de adesão serão analisadas estatisticamente para comparar os dois métodos de cimentação e estudar o efeito da pré-erosão extrínseca do esmalte dentário na adesão da resina.Resultados: As forças de adesão entre o esmalte e a resina não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes para os vários grupos estudados. Não se encontraram correlações entre as forças de adesão e o tipo de fratura, nem entre as forças de adesão e a espessura do cimento.Conclusões: A erosão do esmalte não influenciou a adesão da peça de resina em nenhum dos casos. Apresentando os dois sistemas adesivos valores similares de adesão

    Presenza e distribuzione di batteri antibiotico-resistenti nelle acque del Lago Maggiore

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    Not availableRicerche sull\u27evoluzione del Lago Maggiore. Aspetti limnologici. Programma triennale 2013-2015. Campagna 2013. Presenza e distribuzione di batteri antibiotico-resistenti nelle acque del Lago Maggiore. Valutazione della presenza di geni di antibiotico-resistenza (ABR). Quantificazione dei geni di resistenza alle tetracicline

    PET particles raise microbiological concerns for human health while tyre wear microplastic particles potentially affect ecosystem services in waters

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    Although abundant and chemically peculiar, tyre wear microplastic particles (TWP) and their impact on the microbial communities in water are largely understudied. We tested in laboratory based semi-continuous cultures the impact of TWP and of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) derived particles (following a gradient of relative abundance) on the pathobiome (the group of potential human pathogenic bacteria) of a freshwater microbial community exposed to contamination by the effluent of a urban wastewater treatment plant, for a period of 28 days. We could define the modulated impact of the two types of microplastic particles: while PET does not favour bacterial growth, it offers a refuge to several potential pathogens of allochthonous origin (from the treated sewage effluent), TWP act as an additional carbon source, promoting the development and the massive growth of a biofilm composed by fast-growing bacterial genera including species potentially harmful and competitive in abating biodiversity in surface waters. Our results demonstrate the different ecological role and impact on freshwater environments of TWP and PET particles, and the need to approach the study of this pollutant not as a whole, but considering the origin and the chemical composition of the different particles.Fil: Sathicq, María Belén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Sabatino, Raffaella. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; ItaliaFil: Di Cesare, Andrea. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; ItaliaFil: Eckert, Ester M.. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; ItaliaFil: Fontaneto, Diego. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; ItaliaFil: Rogora, Michela. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; ItaliaFil: Corno, Gianluca. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Itali

    Seasonality of the antibiotic resistance gene blaCTX-M in temperate Lake Maggiore

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    The beta lactamase gene blaCTX-M, responsible of the resistance to cephalosporins, has been detected in microbes from hospitals to open waters. We studied the seasonality and stability of blaCTX-M in Lake Maggiore over 3 years and the role of potential inputs of allochthonous bacteria and/or antibiotic pollution in promoting its occurrence. blaCTX-M was mainly present from January to July in the pelagic microbial community and the gene occurrence was significantly related to low water temperature. To evaluate its temporal stability in the bacterial community over a short period, we measured blaCTX-M daily over the course of 6 days. The gene was below the limit of quantification except for one sampling when its abundance peaked, suggesting a point contamination. The bacterial community of the lake in which blaCTX-M was detected suggests that at least two distinct bacterial populations contained the gene. The occurrence of known blaCTX-M containing genera and the occurrence of the gene, however, did not overlap. Furthermore, the experimental addition of cefotaxime to lake water incubations did not promote abundance of the gene. These data imply that blaCTX-M was present in the environmental microbial community. Increases of gene abundances were likely caused by environmental parameters other than antibiotic contamination

    We are ready for faunistic surveys of bdelloid rotifers through DNA barcoding: the example of <i>Sphagnum</i> bogs of the Swiss Jura Mountains

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    The identification of biological diversity through DNA barcoding and metabarcoding of the organisms living in the field has the potential to revolutionise the way biological surveys and monitoring are performed. Yet, we still do not know if the current representativeness of the reference database of DNA sequence data is sufficient to allow such approaches. Here, we show that, at least for bdelloid rotifers (Metazoa; Rotifera; Bdelloidea) in Europe, current knowledge is ripe to perform such surveys. We show the results of an exercise performed on bdelloid rotifers in Sphagnum bogs of the Swiss Jura Mountain. The results of DNA-based identifications were rather consistent with the morphology-based identifications, and the few cases of mismatch could be used as a cautionary tale to avoid potential misinterpretations of results. The mismatches were due to cases of the closest match not being genetically very close, and to the occurrence of cryptic species.La identificación de la diversidad biológica a través de DNA barcoding y metabarcoding de los organismos en el medio ambiente tiene el potencial de revolucionar la forma en que se realizan los inventarios biológicos y el monitoreo. Sin embargo, todavía no se sabe si las bases de datos genéticos de referencia a disposición hoy en día son lo suficientemente representativas como para permitir tales enfoques. Aquí, mostramos que, al menos para los rotíferos bdelloideos (Metazoa; Rotifera; Bdelloidea) de Europa, el nivel de conocimiento es suficiente para realizar tales estudios. Mostramos los resultados de un ejercicio realizado sobre rotíferos bdelloideos en turberas de Sphagnum del Jura suizo. Los resultados de las identificaciones basadas en el ADN fueron bastante consistentes con las identificaciones basadas en la morfología, y los pocos casos de desajuste podrían utilizarse como una advertencia para evitar posibles interpretaciones erróneas de los resultados. Estos desajustes se debieron a que las secuencias más cercanas seguían alejadas de los organismos realmente encontrados y a la presencia de especies crípticas

    Defence strategies and antibiotic resistance gene abundance in enterococci under stress by exposure to low doses of peracetic acid

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    partially_open12noPeracetic acid (PAA) is an organic compound used efficiently as disinfectant in wastewater treatments. Yet, at low doses it may cause selection; thus, the effect of low doses of PAA on Enterococcus faecium as a proxy of human-related microbial waste was evaluated. Bacteria were treated with increasing doses of PAA (from 0 to 25 mg L1 min) and incubated in regrowth experiments under non-growing, limiting conditions and under growing, favorable conditions. The changes in bacterial abundance, in bacterial phenotype (number and composition of small cell clusters), and in the abundance of an antibiotic resistance gene (ARG) was evaluated. The experiment demonstrated that the selected doses of PAA efficiently removed enterococci, and induced a long-lasting effect after PAA inactivation. The relative abundance of small clusters increased during the experiment when compared with that of the inoculum. Moreover, under growing favorable conditions the relative abundance of small clusters decreased and the number of cells per cluster increased with increasing PAA doses. A strong stability of the measured ARG was found, not showing any effect during the whole experiment. The results demonstrated the feasibility of low doses of PAA to inactivate bacteria. However, the stress induced by PAA disinfection promoted a bacterial adaptation, even if potentially without affecting the abundance of the ARG.openTurolla, Andrea; Sabatino, Raffaella; Fontaneto, Diego; Eckert, Ester M.; Colinas, Noemi; Corno, Gianluca; Citterio, Barbara; Biavasco, Francesca; Antonelli, Manuela; Mauro, Alessandro; Mangiaterra, Gianmarco; Di Cesare, AndreaTurolla, Andrea; Sabatino, Raffaella; Fontaneto, Diego; Eckert, Ester M.; Colinas, Noemi; Corno, Gianluca; Citterio, Barbara; Biavasco, Francesca; Antonelli, Manuela; Mauro, Alessandro; Mangiaterra, Gianmarco; Di Cesare, Andre

    Human access impacts biodiversity of microscopic animals in sandy beaches

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    Whereas most work to understand impacts of humans on biodiversity on coastal areas has focused on large, conspicuous organisms, we highlight effects of tourist access on the diversity of microscopic marine animals (meiofauna). We used a DNA metabarcoding approach with an iterative and phylogeny-based approach for the taxonomic assignment of meiofauna and relate diversity patterns to the numbers of tourists accessing sandy beaches on an otherwise un-impacted island National Park. Tourist frequentation, independently of differences in sediment granulometry, beach length, and other potential confounding factors, affected meiofaunal diversity in the shallow “swash” zone right at the mean water mark; the impacts declined with water depth (up to 2 m). The indicated negative effect on meiofauna may have a consequence on all the biota including the higher trophic levels. Thus, we claim that it is important to consider restricting access to beaches in touristic areas, in order to preserve biodiversity

    Every fifth published metagenome is not available to science

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    Have you ever sought to use metagenomic DNA sequences reported in scientific publications? Were you successful? Here, we reveal that metagenomes from no fewer than 20% of the papers found in our literature search, published between 2016 and 2019, were not deposited in a repository or were simply inaccessible. The proportion of inaccessible data within the literature has been increasing year-on-year. Noncompliance with Open Data is best predicted by the scientific discipline of the journal. The number of citations, journal type (e.g., Open Access or subscription journals), and publisher are not good predictors of data accessibility. However, many publications in high–impact factor journals do display a higher likelihood of accessible metagenomic data sets. Twenty-first century science demands compliance with the ethical standard of data sharing of metagenomes and DNA sequence data more broadly. Data accessibility must become one of the routine and mandatory components of manuscript submissions—a requirement that should be applicable across the increasing number of disciplines using metagenomics. Compliance must be ensured and reinforced by funders, publishers, editors, reviewers, and, ultimately, the authors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biogeochemical and microbial community structure differently modulates CO2 and CH4 dynamics in two adjacent volcanic lakes (Monticchio, Italy)

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    By hosting significant amounts of extra-atmospheric dissolved gases, including geogenic CO2 and CH4, volcanic lakes provide relevant ecosystem services through the key role the aquatic microbial community in mediating freshwater carbon fluxes. In view of elucidating the mechanisms governing the microbial spatial distribution and the possible implications for ecosystem functioning, we compared the hydrogeochemical features and the microbial community structure of two adjacent stratified volcanic lakes (Lake Grande - LG and Lake Piccolo - LP). Water chemistry, gases and their isotopic composition were coupled with microbial pigment profiling, cell counting, and phylogenetic analyses. LP showed transparent waters with low concentrations of chlorophyll-a and the occurrence of phycoerytrin-rich cyanobacteria. LG was relatively more eutrophic with a higher occurrence of diatoms and phycocyanine-rich cyanobacteria. Considering the higher concentrations of CO2 and CH4 in bottom waters, the oligotrophic LP was likely a more efficient sink of geogenic CO2 in comparison to the adjacent eutrophic LG. The prokaryotic community was dominated by the mixothrophic hgcI clade (family Sporichthyaceae) in the LG surface waters, while in LP this taxon was dominant down to -15 m. Moreover, in LP, the bottom dark waters harbored a unique strictly anaerobic bacterial assemblage associated with methanogenic Archaea (i.e. Methanomicrobiales), resulting in a high biogenic methane concentration. Water layering and light penetration were confirmed as major factors affecting the microbial distribution patterns. The observed differences in the geochemical and trophic conditions reflected the structure of the aquatic microbial community, with direct consequences on the dynamics of dissolved greenhouse gases