62 research outputs found

    Diseño de un sistema integrado de manufactura basado en la herramienta mrp ii, como estrategia para optimizar los procesos productivos de la empresa C.I Distrimar S.A.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tendrá como punto de referencia Diseñar un sistema integrado de manufactura basado en la herramienta MRP II, como estrategia para optimizar los procesos productivos de la empresa C.I Distrimar S.A, de la ciudad de Santa Marta. De acuerdo a lo anterior, considero la pertinencia de este trabajo en el orden empresarial. Para optar por la ejecución de un método formado de manufacturación, basado en el MRP II, implica instaurar un método de planificación efectivo de todos los recursos para la compañía de manufactura. Mecanismos que comprendieran una variedad de funciones asociadas entre ellas. Como son la planificación comercial, el plan de ventas y operaciones, un programa de producción maestro, la planificación de materiales, así como la planificación de capacidad y los sistemas de ejecución asociados al taller. Esto perfeccionaría los circuitos de comunicación al interior de la organización, a nivel de la toma de decisiones para la producción; proveyendo, además, en la empresa Distrimar Ltda., una integración eficiente, inclusive financiera, dentro del programa MRP II, incorporando funciones de pronostico financiero en el sector de ventas y operaciones. Trabajando sobre parámetros básicos del control de producción: tiempos, cantidades y ahorro. El sistema debe de ser capaz de calcular las cantidades a fabricar de productos terminados, de los componentes necesarios y de las materias primas a comprar para poder satisfacer la demanda independiente. Además, al hacer esto debe considerar cuándo deben iniciar los procesos para cada artículo con el fin de entregar la cantidad completa en la fecha comprometida. Para obtener programas de producción y compras en términos de tiempos, cantidades y ahorro de material en la organización empresarial

    Reservas Naturales de la Sociedad Civil, estrategia para la Conservación y la Educación Ambiental en Casanare

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    Casanare es un departamento con alta riqueza biótica (Usma y Trujillo, 2011; Mora-Fernández y Rodríguez-Posada, 2017), a pesar de lo anterior no se cuenta con ningún Parque Nacional Natural, esto ha llevado a que propietarios privados locales busquen estrategias de conservación, como es la constitución de Reservas Naturales de la Sociedad Civil (RNSC), evitando de esta manera la expansión de la explotación minero-energética con su problemática ambiental asociada. Las RNSC permiten establecer zonas de conservación de la biodiversidad y el ambiente natural, e igualmente realizan diversas actividades de educación ambiental es sus predios. Mediante la realización de una monografía se recopiló la información pertinente al tema, se clasificó y sistematizó para construir un documento en el cual se muestra la importancia de las RNSC en el departamento de Casanare y el impacto de estas en la Conservación Ambiental y la Educación Ambiental.Casanare is a department with high biotic wealth (Usma and Trujillo, 2011; Mora-Fernández and Rodríguez-Posada, 2017), despite the above, there is no National Natural Park, this has led local private owners to seek conservation strategies, such as the constitution of Natural Reserves of Civil Society (CSR), thus avoiding the expansion of mining-energy exploitation with its associated environmental problems. The RNSC allow the establishment of biodiversity and natural environment conservation areas and conduct various environmental education activities on their premises. Through the realization of a monograph, the pertinent information to the subject was collected, classified, and systematized to build a document in which the importance of CSR in the department of Casanare and the impact of the same on Environmental Conservation and Environmental Education is shown


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    La Antártica siempre ha ejercido un fascinio sobre los científicos, que han buscado hipótesis para explicar los procesos ecológicos en la comunidad bentica, no siempre con éxito. En el presente trabajo se revén y discuten algunas características de estas comunidades benticas en la Antártica con especial énfasis en la macrofauna y la megafauna del infralitoral hasta 100 metros de profundidad. Distribución espacial, adaptaciones evolutivas, composición y origen de los grupos se discuten en función de la supuesta individualidad del ambiente antártico. Se concluye que los estudios hasta el momento no han descubierto procesos comparativamente más específicos para explicar la ecología del bentos antártico de los que han sido descritos para otros ecosistemas costeros del mundo.A Antártica tem exercido sempre um fascínio sobre os cientistas, que têm procurado hipóteses para explicar os processos ecológicos na comunidade bentônica, nem sempre com sucesso. No presente trabalho são revistas e discutidas algumas características das  comunidades  bentônicas na Antártica, com especial énfase na macrofauna e megafauna do infralitoral até 100 metros de profundidade. Distribuição espacial, adaptações evolutivas, composição e origem dos grupos são discutidas em função da suposta individualidade do ambiente antártico. Conclui-se que os estudos até o momento não determinaram a existência de processos comparativamente mais específicos para explicar a ecologia do bento marinho antártico do que para os processos observados nos demais ambientes bentônicos do mundo

    Targeting Histone Deacetylases: Opportunities for Cancer Treatment and Chemoprevention

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    The dysregulation of gene expression is a critical event involved in all steps of tumorigenesis. Aberrant histone and non-histone acetylation modifications of gene expression due to the abnormal activation of histone deacetylases (HDAC) have been reported in hematologic and solid types of cancer. In this sense, the cancer-associated epigenetic alterations are promising targets for anticancer therapy and chemoprevention. HDAC inhibitors (HDACi) induce histone hyperacetylation within target proteins, altering cell cycle and proliferation, cell differentiation, and the regulation of cell death programs. Over the last three decades, an increasing number of synthetic and naturally derived compounds, such as dietary-derived products, have been demonstrated to act as HDACi and have provided biological and molecular insights with regard to the role of HDAC in cancer. The first part of this review is focused on the biological roles of the Zinc-dependent HDAC family in malignant diseases. Accordingly, the small-molecules and natural products such as HDACi are described in terms of cancer therapy and chemoprevention. Furthermore, structural considerations are included to improve the HDACi selectivity and combinatory potential with other specific targeting agents in bifunctional inhibitors and proteolysis targeting chimeras. Additionally, clinical trials that combine HDACi with current therapies are discussed, which may open new avenues in terms of the feasibility of HDACi’s future clinical applications in precision cancer therapies

    Human peritoneal mesothelial cell death induced by high-glucose hypertonic solution involves Ca2+ and Na+ ions and oxidative stress with the participation of PKC/NOX2 and PI3K/Akt pathways

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.Chronic peritoneal dialysis (PD) therapy is equally efficient as hemodialysis while providing greater patient comfort and mobility. Therefore, PD is the treatment of choice for several types of renal patients. During PD, a high-glucose hyperosmotic (HGH) solution is administered into the peritoneal cavity to generate an osmotic gradient that promotes water and solutes transport from peritoneal blood to the dialysis solution. Unfortunately, PD has been associated with a loss of peritoneal viability and function through the generation of a severe inflammatory state that induces human peritoneal mesothelial cell (HPMC) death. Despite this deleterious effect, the precise molecular mechanism of HPMC death as induced by HGH solutions is far from being understood. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the pathways involved in HGH solution-induced HPMC death. HGH-induced HPMC death included influxes of intracellular Ca2+ and Na+. Furthermore, HGH-induced HPMC death was inhibited by antioxidant and reducing agents. In line with this, HPMC death was induced solely by increased oxidative stress. In addition to this, the cPKC/NOX2 and PI3K/Akt intracellular signaling pathways also participated in HGH-induced HPMC death. The participation of PI3K/Akt intracellular is in agreement with previously shown in rat PMC apoptosis. These findings contribute toward fully elucidating the underlying molecular mechanism mediating peritoneal mesothelial cell death induced by high-glucose solutions during peritoneal dialysis.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2017.00379/ful

    Warehouse management model based on lean manufacturing to reduce the incidence of ceramic tiles breakage in the retail sector

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    This research analyzed the problem of broken products that negatively affect retail construction finishing companies. For this reason, the study was conducted in a retail company in the mentioned sector. The main problem is broken ceramic tiles found throughout the logistics process. This company has a rate of product breakage of 2.15%, equivalent to 707,704.58 PEN in total cost and costs involved. The leading causes of this problem are poor storage and transportation of products 26.32% and inadequate control and handling of products 27. 03% and poor handling with the forklift 25.97%. A model was formulated under the Lean Manufacturing and warehouse management methodology divided into three stages for the implementation of the tools: "Order and Stability," which consists of the performance of the 5S combined with warehouse management tools, and "Planned Flow," which focuses on the implementation of SLP, and the last phase is called "Make Kaizen Flow" which focuses on the combination of standard work and the Kaizen Philosophy. Finally, through a simulation, it is determined that the application of this model reduces the main problem to 1.65% and allows standardizing activities and improving the order and distribution of the warehouse. This research will be an example for future implementations for companies in the retail sector of construction finishes

    Relationships between the structural characteristic of curcumins that affect cell proliferation of hepatocarcinoma cells

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    Relationships between the structural characteristic of curcumin and dimethoxycurcumin and their antitumoral activity were studied. Treatment of HepG2 cells for 24 h with the curcumin and dimethoxycurcumin resulted in apoptosis induction and dose-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation. The calculated docking and the DFT method, suggest a structure-activity relationship between the activities of dimethoxycurcumin and curcumin structure and the apoptosis in HepG2 cell

    Preventive Leptin Administration Protects Against Sepsis Through Improving Hypotension, Tachycardia, Oxidative Stress Burst, Multiple Organ Dysfunction, and Increasing Survival

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    Sepsis syndrome is the most important cause of mortality in critically ill patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs). However, current therapies for its prevention and treatment are still unsatisfactory, and the mortality rate is still high. Non-septic ICU patients are vulnerable to acquire sepsis syndrome. Thus, a preventive treatment for this population is needed. During sepsis syndrome and endotoxemia, severe hypotension, tachycardia, oxidative and immune response increase, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and decreased survival are observed. Leptin administration protects against negative effects of sepsis syndrome and endotoxemia. Furthermore, it is has been reported that leptin elevates blood pressure mediated by sympathetic nervous system activation. However, whether leptin administration before sepsis induction mediates its protective effects during sepsis through blood pressure regulation is not known. Therefore, we investigated whether pre-treatment of leptin improves blood pressure and MODS, resulting in survival increase during endotoxemia. The results showed that leptin administration before endotoxemia induction reduced both the hypotension and tachycardia characteristically observed during endotoxemia. Notably, this protective effect was observed early and late in the course of endotoxemia. Endotoxemia-induced MODS decreased in leptin-treated rats, which was reflected in normal values for liver and kidney function, inhibition of muscle mass wasting and maintenance of glycemia. Furthermore, leptin pre-treatment decreased the oxidative stress burst in blood and blunted the increased pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 observed during endotoxemia. Remarkably, according to the leptin-induced increase in survival, leptin pre-administration decreased the risk for death associated with sepsis syndrome at early and late times after endotoxemia induction. These results show a potential preventive therapy against sepsis syndrome and endotoxemia in vulnerable patients, based in the beneficial actions of leptin

    Structural Antitumoral Activity Relationships of Synthetic Chalcones

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    Relationships between the structural characteristic of synthetic chalcones and their antitumoral activity were studied. Treatment of HepG2 cells for 24 h with synthetic 2’-hydroxychalcones resulted in apoptosis induction and dose-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation. The calculated reactivity indexes and the adiabatic electron affinities using the DFT method including solvent effects, suggest a structure-activity relationship between the Chalcones structure and the apoptosis in HepG2 cells. The absence of methoxy substituents in the B ring of synthetic 2’-hydroxychalcones, showed the mayor structure-activity pattern along the series