64 research outputs found

    ‘Los Caminos de la Medicina’: The life of medicinal plants from the Amazonian forest to the urban markets

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    This dissertation is a multispecies exploration of the trade of medicinal plants in the Andean-Amazonian region of southern Colombia. It seeks to highlight the complex multilayered networks of relationships that make up folk medicine in the country by following the medicinal plants as main ethnographic subjects. It explores the roles each medicinal plant plays as it is grown, harvested, transformed, exchanged and used by different people. It also highlights a crucial axis in this region, the lowland highland dynamic, since their trade connects lowland indigenous communities to highland Andean healers and markets, facilitating not only a space for material transformation but also spaces of cultural exchange. This study has focused on six representative botanical species: Elaeagia pastoensis L.E. Mora, Maytenus laevis, Brugmansia Sp, Cyperus Sp., Banisteropsis caapi and Ethryxolyum sp. All these plants have essential roles in these trade networks being active agents in the way people perceive their health, the environment, their relationships with others, and their own identity. By using material culture methodology, this study explors the techniques in making, using and exchanging these medicines following the cultural rationales, thinking processes, and cosmological understandings that make them possible. This methodology also facilitates an analysis of the ways that the medicines are continually reimagined and reinterpreted by different people as they travel through the commodity chains, being incorporated into different ways of understanding health and the world

    The role of the new oral anticoagulants in the treatment of coronary disease

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    Determination of laminar burning velocity of methane/air flames in sub atmospheric environments

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    The global energy demand enhances the environmental and operational benefits of natural gas as an energy alternative, due to its composition, mainly methane (CH4), it has low polluting emissions and benefits in energy and combustion systems. In the present work, the laminar burning velocity of methane was determined numerically and experimentally at two pressure conditions, 0.85 atm and 0.98 atm, corresponding to the city of Medellín and Caucasia, respectively, located in Colombia. The environmental conditions were 0.85 atm, 0.98 atm, and 295±1 K. The simulations and experimental measurements were carried out for different equivalence relations. Experimental laminar burning velocities were determined using the burner method and spontaneous chemiluminescence technique, flames were generated using burners with contoured rectangular ports to maintain laminar Reynolds numbers for the equivalence ratios under study and to reduce the effects of stretch and curvature in the direction of the burner's axis. In general, the laminar burning velocity fits well with the numerical results. With the results obtained, a correlation is proposed that relates the laminar burning velocity with the effects of pressure, in the form SL=aPb, where a and b are model constants. Sensitivity analysis was performed using the GRI-Mech 3.0 mechanism which showed that the most sensitive reaction was H+O2=O+OH (R38). Additionally, it was found that the reactions H+CH3 (+M)=CH4 (+M) (R52), 2CH3 (+M)=C2H6 (+M) (R158), and O+CH3=H+CH2O (R10) dominate the consumption of CH3 which is an important radical in the oxidation of methane, this analysis is carried out for equivalence ratios of 0.8 and 1.0, and atmospheric pressures of 0.85 atm and 0.98 at

    Evaluación espectroscópica de un nuevo producto a base de pulpa de café

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    imagen hiperespectral en el rango VIS?NIR (400?1000 nm) para la evaluación de la pulpa de café deshidratada. La espectroscopia NIR ha mostrado su potencial para la segregación de muestras de pulpa con diferentes contenidos en humedad. Tanto la espectroscopia VIS como la imagen hiperespectral han mostrado su viabilidad para identificar el producto como de pulpa roja o amarilla o a una mezcla de ambas, a pesar de que en el producto deshidratado dejan de percibirse los tonos rojos o amarillos. Las herramientas quimiométricas aplicadas desvelan que las regiones del espectro entre 400 y 500 nm, banda de absorción de carotenos, y entre 500 y 535 nm, región de absorción relacionada con las antocioaninas, son las más significativas en los modelos de clasificación, lo que indica que la espectroscopia visible es capaz de percibir cualitativamente las posibles diferencias en los patrones de pigmentos presentes en la pulpa deshidratada de las variedades rojas y de las variedades amarillas

    La aritmética como estrategia para el mejoramiento de la educación matemática

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    RESUMEN: El presente trabajo tiene la intencionalidad de generar en los docentes, de manera inicial y en los estudiantes, por transitividad del conocimiento adquirido por los docentes, una aproximación a cuatro temas específicos de las matemáticas, como son: las ternas pitagóricas, las bases numéricas y la divisibilidad. Lo anterior en lo que se refiere a la aritmética en sí, ya que el otro tema, los acertijos, como bien sabemos hace parte del legado general de las matemáticas, y no podríamos llevarlo a ninguna de sus ramas específicas, llámense aritmética, álgebra, trigonometría, cálculo, etc

    Masculinidad y paternidad en procesos de crianza en Medellín, Colombia, 2018

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    Objetivo: Presentar y discutir significados y prácticas sobre la paternidad y la masculinidad que se dan en la crianza, y que conducen a la reproducción social de los patrones hegemónicos patriarcales o a la emergencia de formas alternativas de ser hombre en la sociedad actual. Metodologia: Estudio cualitativo con base teórica en el interaccionismo simbólico; el procesamiento y el análisis de la información se efectuaron bajo premisas de la teoría fundamentada. Participaron padres y madres de una institución educativa pública de Medellín; se realizaron 6 entrevistas y un grupo de discusión. Resultados: Se describen significados y prácticas sobre masculinidades y paternidades que reproducen el patriarcado en el escenario de la crianza, así como otros que tienden hacia formas alternativas o colaborativas de masculinidad. Igualmente, se describen impulsores para el tránsito hacia masculinidades y paternidades colaborativas en el escenario de la crianza. Conclusión: La crianza posee un lugar determinante en la reproducción del patriarcado, pero engendra, a la vez, la potencialidad de propiciar transformaciones necesarias a favor de masculinidades y paternidades comprometidas con la equidad de género

    Advanced characterization of a coffee fermenting tank by multi-distributed wireless sensors: spatial interpolation and phase diagrams.

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    In coffee processing the fermentation stage is considered one of the critical operations by its impact on the final quality of the product. However, the level of control of the fermentation process on each farm is often not adequate; the use of sensorics for controlling coffee fermentation is not common. The objective of this work is to characterize the fermentation temperature in a fermentation tank by applying spatial interpolation and a new methodology of data analysis based on phase space diagrams of temperature data, collected by means of multi-distributed, low cost and autonomous wireless sensors. A real coffee fermentation was supervised in the Cauca region (Colombia) with a network of 24 semi-passive TurboTag RFID temperature loggers with vacuum plastic cover, submerged directly in the fermenting mass. Temporal evolution and spatial distribution of temperature is described in terms of the phase diagram areas which characterizes the cyclic behaviour of temperature and highlights the significant heterogeneity of thermal conditions at different locations in the tank where the average temperature of the fermentation was 21.2 °C, although there were temperature ranges of 4.6°C, and average spatial standard deviation of ±1.21ºC. In the upper part of the tank we found high heterogeneity of temperatures, the higher temperatures and therefore the higher fermentation rates. While at the bottom, it has been computed an area in the phase diagram practically half of the area occupied by the sensors of the upper tank, therefore this location showed higher temperature homogeneit

    Plan estratégico integral en la empresa Invertodoterreno S.A.S, para el año 2015 en el municipio de Dosquebradas

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    CD-T 658.401 2 E62; 72 pDía a día los propietarios, gerentes y administradores de todo tipo de empresas intuitivamente emplean su creatividad, constancia, esfuerzo y capacidad de trabajo para alcanzar objetivos tales como la productividad, la competitividad y el posicionamiento dentro del mercado. Cualidades y capacidades como las mencionadas pueden ser potenciadas y aprovechadas al máximo si se estructuran de manera organizada y coherente con objetivos a largo plazo mediante el uso de una herramienta específica: la planeación estratégica. El presente trabajo evidenció la forma en la cual los diferentes conceptos e instrumentos previstos por esta, pueden ser articulados a favor de la empresa Invertodoterreno SAS.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir

    Evaluation of the therapeutic approach of various types of periodontal disease. Part III : enterobacteriaceae enteric Rods and yeast species

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    ABSTRACT: (see parts I and II): this publication is focused on the prevalence of enteric rods and yeasts species in samples taken from subgingival plaque of 69 patients included in the investigation. Preliminary studies suggest an association between enteric rods and some types of periodontal pathogens. Microbiological analysis was realized by means of culture, and susceptibility was determined for the following antibiotics: Ciprofloxacin, Metronidazole, Amoxicillin, Tetracycline and Clindamycin. Methods: evaluations of the socio-demographic criteria (age, gender, tobacco use, and family grouping), and clinical parameters (probing depth, clinical attachment, superficial bleeding, and probing bleeding) were made at the beginning, 3, 6, 12, and 24 months. Microbiological samples of each patient were taken from 6 different sites at the beginning of the study, 12, and 18 months. The results corresponding to the presence of enteric rods, and Candida albicans are only part of the first sample, which measured the prevalence, although all the patients had a follow up of two years after conventional non surgical periodontal therapy. A descriptive analysis was made, which determined the frequency, proportion, and prevalence of enteric rods and yeasts in both groups, good and poor responders, shown in frequency distribution tables and compound bar charts. Results: the most prevalent species, found in subgingival microflora in patients with periodontitis n=69(36.2%) including both, good n=57 (33.3%) and poor responders n=12 (49.9%) were enteric rods, mainly Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp and Enterobacter spp, and yeasts. Conclusion: Escherichia coli had the highest prevalence percentage in both, good and poor responders. According to antimicrobial susceptibility test, Ciprofloxacin would be the antibiotic of choice in subjects with periodontitis and with enteric rods.RESUMEN: (véanse partes I y II) esta publicación se enfoca en la prevalencia de bacilos entéricos y levaduras en muestras de placa subgingival de los 69 pacientes de la investigación. Estudios preliminares sugieren una asociación entre bacilos entéricos y algunos tipos de patógenos periodontales. Se realizó análisis microbiológico y se determinó la susceptibilidad a los siguientes antibióticos: Ciprofloxacina, Metronidazol, Amoxicilina, Tetraciclina y Clindamicina. Métodos: las características socio-demográficas (edad, género, tabaquismo y agrupación familiar) y los parámetros clínicos (profundidad sondeable, nivel de inserción, sangrado superficial y sangrado al sondaje) se evaluaron al comienzo, a los 3,6, 12 y 24 meses, se tomaron muestras microbiológicas de 6 sitios por paciente al inicio del estudio, a los 12 y 18 meses. Los resultados de este estudio con relación a la presencia de bacilos entéricos y de Candida albicans sólo obedecen al primer cultivo, que es cuando se mide la prevalencia, aunque a todos los pacientes se les hizo seguimiento durante dos años, después de realizarles la terapia periodontal no quirúrgica convencional. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo en el cual se obtuvieron las frecuencias, proporciones y prevalencias de aparición de los bacilos entéricos y levaduras para el grupo total de pacientes, de buenos y malos respondedores mediante tablas de distribución de frecuencias y gráficos de barras compuestas. Resultados: se presentó una prevalencia de bacilos entéricos, entre ellos Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp, Enterobacter spp y también de levaduras en la microflora subgingival de los pacientes con periodontitis n=69 (36.2%), tanto de buenos n=57 (33.3%) como de malos respondedores n=12 (49.9%). Conclusión: del estudio se puede concluir que E.coli fue el microorganismo que se presentó en mayor porcentaje en ambos grupos de pacientes. De acuerdo al test de susceptibilidad antibiótica, la ciprofloxacina mostró ser el antibiótico de elección en pacientes que presentaban periodontitis con bacilos entéricos

    Advanced Characterisation of a Coffee Fermenting Tank by Multi-distributed Wireless Sensors: Spatial Interpolation and Phase Space Graphs

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    The fermentation stage is considered to be one of the critical steps in coffee processing due to its impact on the final quality of the product. The objective of this work is to characterise the temperature gradients in a fermentation tank by multi-distributed, low-cost and autonomous wireless sensors (23 semi-passive TurboTag® radio-frequency identifier (RFID) temperature loggers). Spatial interpolation in polar coordinates and an innovative methodology based on phase space diagrams are used. A real coffee fermentation process was supervised in the Cauca region (Colombia) with sensors submerged directly in the fermenting mass, leading to a 4.6 °C temperature range within the fermentation process. Spatial interpolation shows a maximum instant radial temperature gradient of 0.1 °C/cm from the centre to the perimeter of the tank and a vertical temperature gradient of 0.25 °C/cm for sensors with equal polar coordinates. The combination of spatial interpolation and phase space graphs consistently enables the identification of five local behaviours during fermentation (hot and cold spots)