7 research outputs found

    The effect of livestock grazing on plant diversity and productivity of mountainous grasslands in South America: A meta-analysis

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    Mountainous grasslands in South America, characterized by their high diversity, provide a wide range of contributions to people, including water regulation, soil erosion prevention, livestock feed provision, and preservation of cultural heritage. Prior research has highlighted the significant role of grazing in shaping the diversity and productivity of grassland ecosystems, especially in highly productive, eutrophic systems. In such environments, grazing has been demonstrated to restore grassland plant diversity by reducing primary productivity. However, it remains unclear whether these findings are applicable to South American mountainous grasslands, where plants are adapted to different environmental conditions. To address this uncertainty, we conducted a meta-analysis of experiments excluding livestock grazing to assess its impact on plant diversity and productivity across mountainous grasslands in South America. In alignment with studies in temperate grasslands, our findings indicated that herbivore exclusion resulted in increased aboveground biomass but reduced species richness and Shannon diversity. The effects of grazing exclusion became more pronounced with longer durations of exclusion; nevertheless, they remained resilient to various climatic conditions, including mean annual precipitation and mean annual temperature, as well as the evolutionary history of grazing. In contrast to results observed in temperate grasslands, the reduction in species richness due to herbivore exclusion was not associated with increased aboveground biomass. This suggests that the processes governing (sub)tropical grassland plant diversity may differ from those in temperate grasslands. Consequently, further research is necessary to better understand the specific factors influencing plant diversity and productivity in South American montane grasslands and to elucidate the ecological implications of herbivore exclusion in these unique ecosystems

    Airbnb and crime in Barcelona (Spain): testing the relationship using a geographically weighted regression

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    The existence of works proving the possible relationship empirically that Airbnb lodgings could have with crime in Spain is not known. This research analyzes the relationship between Airbnb lodgings and crimes against the properties and people in Barcelona’s neighbourhoods. To achieve this, we use an ordinary least squares regression model and a geographically weighted regression model. The results show a significant and positive relationship between the higher density of Airbnb lodgings and the higher crime rates in the neighbourhoods, especially of patrimonial nature. Divided by type of leased space, the Airbnb homes, in which the guest shares a room with other guests, show a higher relationship with crimes against property and people. The results of the local model show a spatial heterogeneity in all variables used, indicating the need to address non-stationary spatial processes that reveal hidden patterns. However, the only variable that shows statistically significant local variability is the total Airbnb lodgings variable. Finally, we discussed some unexpected results, proposing some future lines of research. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group, on behalf of Nanjing Normal University

    Never Mind the Gap: Formative Assessment Confronted with Dewey’s and Gadamer’s Concept of Experience

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    The notion of “closing the learning gap” is widely used in the conceptualisation of formative assessment. It builds on an unarticulated assumption that students' learning can and should be controlled towards predefined outcomes. This article discusses this control assumption in the light of the concept of the American philosopher John Dewey and the German philosopher Hans‐Georg Gadamer. Their conceptualisation challenges the idea of learning as a linear and controllable process that results in stable and predictable outcomes. Using the concept of experience, we argue that learning follows a continuous circular movement where previous experiences condition future interpretations and that every experience changes the subject. This process of change is both unpredictable and diverse and requires that attention is paid to the uniqueness of each situation and to students as subjects. Following the discussion, we propose a model for considering the extensiveness and rigidity of formative assessment practices and that authors pay attention to whether they conceptualise formative assessment in a way that promotes student and teacher “gap closing” and control.publishedVersio

    El efecto de la diversidad en la cultura cívica en España a examen

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    El efecto de la diversidad en la cultura cívica en España a exame

    Project LIFE-FITOVID-Implementation of Demonstrative & Innovative Strategies to reduce the use of plant protection products in viticulture

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    Pesticides are used in viticulture to obtain quality grapes and high worthwhile productions. They are essential to maintain a good prophylaxis in vineyard. Among them, fungicides are the more applied chemical compounds to control fungal pathogens causing devastating diseases, as the case for grapevine downy and powdery mildews. These diseases are more difficult to control in endemic areas, as every growing season appear and are reiteratively treated along it. This fact generates resistance in pathogens, supposing a higher dose for future treatments and more aggressive fungicides; to more exposition of growers to these compounds, decreasing their quality of life because of the latent risks; to an increasing presence of toxic molecules in grape, must and wine, making possible the presence of them in humans by consumption of these products; to affect negatively the surrounding environment, by soil and water flows pollution.LIFE PROGRA