103 research outputs found

    Visual Culture As a Teaching Practice in Visual Arts Education in Turkey: Practitioner Inquiry

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    The present research investigates the experiences of pre-service visual arts teachers in the planning and application phase of a course focusing on visual culture in the special teaching methods course. This course in Turkey provides information about how and with what type of methodologies arts-related topics should be taught in visual arts education. During the first semester, the course was conducted theoretically, and in the second semester the researcher focused on the application of these theories. In this research, visual culture is discussed as one of the special teaching methods of visual arts education. A total of five visual arts pre-service teachers were selected as participants using criterion sampling. The research used practitioner inquiry as a method and conducted during the 2017–2018 spring and 2018–2019 fall semesters, lasting 8 weeks in total. During the application process, the pre-service teachers taught their samples of course plans on visual culture that they created during their pre-service practice to the primary and secondary school students in 2 weeks of classes. The research data were obtained through semi-structured interviews, document review, and reflective notes and analyzed with descriptive methods. As a result of this research, the visual arts pre-service teachers saw the students gain a critical perspective, become more aware of issues in their daily lives, express themselves in a better way, and improve their inquiring skills with the application of a visual culture course plan. With the visual culture course plan, the pre-service teachers also gained several professional experiences and skills

    Effects of Electroplating Characteristics on the Coating Properties

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    Electroplating parameters that can be listed as bath temperature, pH of the bath, current density, surfactant addition or type, coating thickness must be controlled during the deposition process since they determine the properties of the coating. However, it is difficult to manage the effects of this high number of parameters including their interaction effects. At this point, fractional factorial design that is a statistical method steps in that have the advantage of evaluating the influences and the complex variable interactions of parameters with a plausible number of experiments. In the design low and high values must be attributed to the parameters before the experiments and these values are selected according to the solution used. There are suitable plating conditions (written in handbooks) for each bath without particle addition and low – high values can be chosen between these ranges or just below or above them. For instance, the temperature range is 40-60°C, current density range is 2-7 A/dm2 and pH range is 3.5-4.0 for nickel electroplating [36]. Besides the coating property, the electroplating parameters influence the hydrogen evolution reaction that is a side reaction that takes place at the cathode and may lead to morphological problems on the coated surface. The aim of this chapter is to provide information about how the parameters affect the amount of particles in the deposit. Because the reason of adding the particles to the bath is to improve the matrix properties by the particles emerged. So the more particles present and disperse in the coating, the more they will contribute to the coating property. Another important effect is the internal stress that led to departure of the deposit

    Social Justice Perception of Pre-Service Visual Arts Teachers: Visual Inquiries

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    This study seeks to reveal the perceptions of pre-service visual arts teachers on social justice through art-based practices focused on social justice. Designing on visual phenomenology, this study was performed in the fall semester of the 2018-2019 academic year. Five different activities involving visual inquiries are presented to reveal the perceptions of the pre-service teachers on social justice. The research participants are 35 (13 male, 22 female) sophomore-level pre-service teachers. The data are obtained through course documents, reflective diaries and semi-structured interviews. The data are then analysed through content analysis; reliability and validity are ensured through triangulation. This study identifies four different themes: association, questioning, transformation and reflection. The findings show that the pre-service teachers questioned common issues related to social justice. It was observed in the activities performed in this study that the pre-service teachers identified the visual themes. They mentioned common social justice issues based on the things they experienced and their observations. These are such as women's rights, violence against women, children's rights, LGBT, animal rights, language and religion differences, income imbalance, racism, and discrimination. The issues they questioned were the direct expression of the individual experiences of the pre-service teachers through visuals

    A Case of Acrokeratosis Verruciformis Treated with Acitretin

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    Acrokeratosis Verruciformis is a rare autosomal dominant genodermatosis. Typically, the lesions are small, verrucous, flat papules on the dorsal aspects of the hands and feet, elbows and knees. Herein, we report a sporodic case of acrokeratosis verruciformis, succesfully treated with acitretin, and review of the literatures

    Banka karlılığı ile bankaya özgü değişkenler ve makroekonomik değişkenler arasındaki ilişki: Yarı-parametrik regresyon yaklaşımı

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    Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı 2002-2013 dönemi için Türkiye’deki ticari bankaların karlılıklarının bankaya özgü değişkenler ile makroekonomik değişkenlerden nasıl etkilendiğini yarıparametrik regresyon analizi ile incelemektir. Literatürdeki diğer çalışmalardan farklı olarak ilişkilerin incelenmesinde yarı parametrik regresyon modelinin kullanılmasının nedeni, açıklayıcı değişkenlerden bir kısmının banka karlılığı ile doğrusal ilişkiliyken, bir kısmının doğrusal olmayan bir şekilde ilişkili olabilmesidir. Bu durumda, banka karlılığı ile söz konusu tüm açıklayıcı değişkenler arasındaki ilişkileri doğrusal kabul etmek model kurma hatasına neden olabilecektir. Bu nedenle, açıklayıcı değişkenlerden bir kısmının modelde parametrik formda diğer kısmının ise non-parametrik formda yer almasına izin veren yarı-parametrik regresyon modeli tahmin edilmiştir. Yöntem: Banka karlılığı için yarı parametri


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    ÖZ: Bir ülkede yaşayan bireylerin yaşam kalitesini ve ülkenin beşerî sermayesini yakından etkilemesi nedeniyle sağlık hizmetlerinin kalitesinin, performansının ve etkinliğinin ölçülmesi önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, sağlık sistemi kalitesi belirleyicileri ve göstergeleri arasındaki nedensel ilişkileri 2018 itibariyle 135 düşük, düşük-orta ve üst-orta gelirli ülkeler için araştırmaktır. Sağlık sisteminin performansını yansıtan değişkenler sağlık göstergeleri, sağlık sisteminin kalitesini etkileyen değişkenler ise sağlık sistemi belirleyicileri olarak tanımlanmıştır. Belirleyiciler olarak; okuryazarlık oranı, kentsel nüfus (%) ve GSYH, sağlık sistemi göstergeleri olarak ise tüberküloz insidansı, beş yaş altı ölüm oranı ve cerrahi müdahale durumunda fakirleşme riski araştırma modelinde yer almıştır. İstatistiksel yöntem olarak gözlenen değişkenlerle yol analizi kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonucu; belirleyici değişkenlerin, önsel beklentilere uygun olarak tüberküloz insidansı dışındaki sağlık göstergelerini negatif etkilediği saptanmıştır. Sağlık sistemi belirleyicileri ve göstergeleri arasındaki nedensel ilişkilerin araştırıldığı az sayıdaki geçmiş çalışmalarda, gözlem birimlerinin belli bir ülke grubu (örneğin; sadece Batı Avrupa ülkeleri) veya aynı ülkenin belli bölgeleri ile kısıtlı olduğu görülmektedir. Farklı özellikteki ülkeleri kapsayan bir gözlem seti üzerinde, sağlık belirleyici ve göstergelerinin nedensel ilişkilerinin araştırılması bakımından çalışmanın özgün olduğu düşünülmektedir. ABSTRACT: It is important to measure the quality, performance and effectiveness of health care services, as it closely affects the quality of life of individuals living in a country and the human capital of the country. The aim of this study is to investigate the causal relationships between health system quality determinants and its indicators for 135 low, low-middle-and upper-middle-income countries as of 2018 The variables reflecting the performance of the health system are defined as health indicators and the variables affecting the quality of the health system are defined as health system determinants. As determinants; literacy rate, urban population (%) and GDP were included in the research model, while tuberculosis incidence, mortality rate under the age of five and the risk of impoverishment in case of surgical intervention were included as indicators of the health system. As a statistical method, path analysis was used with the observed variables. As a result of the analysis; it was determined that the determining variables negatively affect health indicators other than the incidence of tuberculosis in accordance with a priori the expectations. In the few past studies investigating causal relationships between health system determinants and indicators, it seems that the observation units are limited to a certain country group (for example, only Western European countries) or certain regions of the same country. It is thought that the study is original in terms of investigating the causal relationships of health determinants and indicators on an observation set covering different countries

    Histopathological Features of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors and the Contribution of DOG1 Expression to the Diagnosis

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    Background: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) have KIT or platelet-derived growth factor receptor ? (PDGFR?) mutations affecting receptor tyrosine ki-nase activity and do not benefit from classic treatment regimens.Aims: The aim of this study was to review the al-gorithm that may be followed for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis in GISTs by investigating the histomorphological parameters and expression charac-teristics of classical immunohistochemical antibodies used in routine tests in addition to DOG1 expression.Study Design: Diagnostic accuracy study.Methods: We reevaluated the histological and immu-nohistochemical parameters of 37 GISTs. The standard immunohistochemical diagnosis and differential diag-nosis panel antibodies (CD117, PDGFR?, CD34, vi-mentin, desmin, SMA, S-100, and Ki67) were studied on the tumor sections. We also used the popular marker DOG1 antibody with accepted sensitivity for GISTs in recent years and the PDGFR? immune marker for which the benefit in routine practice is discussed.Results: Classification according to progressive dis-ease risk groups of the 37 cases revealed that 54% were in the high risk, 19% in the moderate risk, 16% in the low risk, 8% in the very low risk and 8% in the no risk group.Cytological atypia, necrosis, mucosal invasion and the Ki67 index were found to be related to the progressive disease risk groups of the tumors (p<0.05).Positive immunoreaction was observed with CD117 and PDGFR? in all GISTs in the study (100%). Posi-tivity with the DOG1 antibody was found in 33 (89%) cases. CD34 was positive in 62% (23) of the cases.Conclusion: The CD117 antibody still plays a key role in GIST diagnosis. However, the use of DOG1 and PDGFR? antibodies combined with CD117 as sensitive markers can be beneficia

    Hemşirelik ve Teknik Bilimler Öğrencilerinin Sağlık Kontrol Odağı Algılarının Değerlendirilmesi

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    Aim: This research aimed to assess the perception of the health locus of control in nursing and technical sciencesstudents.Methods: The study conducted at one state university in 2014 and consisted of 413 (192 nursing, 222 technicalsciences) students. Data were obtained with the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale, and a surveyabout the socio-demographic and some of the health behaviors of students and evaluated with percentage,frequency, median, standard deviation, ANOVA, t and Tukey tests.Results: The school type of students were observed to affect their health locus of control perceptions. Studentswho exercised regularly had more internal control, whereas students who do not drink alcohol were moredeterministic in terms of their health.Conclusion: Students should be encouraged to improve a sense of responsibility in health and disease, andenhance internal health locus of control.Amaç: Bu araştırma hemşirelik ve teknik bilimler öğrencilerinin sağlık kontrol odağı algılarının değerlendirilmesi amacıyla planlandı. Yöntem: Bu araştırmanın örneklemeni, 2014 yılında bir devlet üniversitesinde eğitim gören 413 öğrenci (192 hemşirelik, 222 teknik bilimler öğrencisi). Veriler Çok Boyutlu Sağlık Kontrol Odağı Ölçeği ve literatür doğrultusunda hazırlanan, katılımcıların sosyo-demografik özellikleri ile, bazı sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışlarını sorgulayan anket formu ile toplandı. Elde edilen veriler yüzde, sıklık, ortalama, standart sapma, ANOVA, t testi ve Tukey testi kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Eğitim görülen okul türü, kişilerin sağlık kontrol odağı algıları üzerinde etkilidir. Düzenli olarak egzersiz yapan öğrenciler sağlıkları ile ilgili daha güçlü içsel kontrole sahipken, alkol kullanmayan öğrencilerin ise sağlıklarıyla ilişkili daha kaderci bir tutum sergiledikleri belirlendi. Sonuç: Öğrenciler kendi sağlıklarıyla ilgili olarak sorumluluk alma konusunda cesaretlendirilmeli, öğrencilerin içsel sağlık kontrol odağı algıları geliştirilmelidir

    An ethno-veterinary study on plants used for the treatment of livestock diseases in Genç (Bingöl-Turkey)

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    81-88There are a very limited number of studies on plants traditionally used in animal diseases in Turkey. As a result, valuable information is getting lost. Traditional plant use in Genç District (Turkey) was recorded by semi-structured interviews with breeders and shepherds. The collected information was subjected to quantitative analysis using the informant consensus factor. It was recorded that a total of 53 plants from 24 families were used in the traditional treatment of animal diseases. 8 of these plants are endemic plants with a narrow distribution area and were recorded for the first time by us. The breeders stated that they applied such plants to animals with peace in mind as these plants had been used for human treatment as well. This study is the first ethnoveterinary study conducted in the province. Phytochemical studies need to be carried out on medicinal plants used in livestock around Bingöl Province. We believe that the use of this preliminary information obtained from ethnoveterinary studies by researchers will contribute to the production of natural animal medicines