371 research outputs found

    A Finite Element Approach to Modelling Fractal Ultrasonic Transducers

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    Piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers usually employ composite structures to improve their transmission and reception sensitivities. The geometry of the composite is regular with one dominant length scale and, since these are resonant devices, this dictates the central operating frequency of the device. In order to construct a wide bandwith device it would seem natural therefore to utilize resonators that span a range of length scales. In this article we derive a mathematical model to predict the dynamics of a fractal ultrasound transducer; the fractal in this case being the Sierpinski gasket. Expressions for the electrical and mechanical fields that are contained within this structure are expressed in terms of a finite element basis. The propagation of an ultrasonic wave in this transducer is then analyzed and used to derive expressions for the non-dimensionalised electrical impedance and the transmission and reception sensitivities as a function of the driving frequency. Comparing these key performance measures to an equivalent standard (Euclidean) design shows some benefits of these fractal designs

    Mobile Alert System For Children Immunization

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    Nowadays integration of the new technology for different purpose, need to provide new facilities that satisfy with the users needs. The study proposed the mobile alert system for children immunization to support parents by provide them with the appropriate technology to alert immunization date. For their children rapid growth with the using of mobile services becomes more necessary in various fields especially for those who familiar with the mobile devices. With mobile alert system for children immunization, parents will be able to receive alert messages about the immunization state of their children anytime and anywhere. The proposed system save time and effort of parents to make their immunization check in case of forget the date of the immunization. Mobile alert system for children immunization obtains the easy way to enquire about their children immunization state by the alert messages, that the immunization center provides it

    The Effect of NADH in the Oxidization of Tetra Methyl Benzidine in the H2O2 /Peroxidase System

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    More than 1000 chemical material, which used in deferent categories, such as (cosmetic, detergent, pesticides, etc) may cause cancer to humane as will as animal, were recognized . There carcinogens can be divided into two group: The first group: material causes cancer without enzyme affection. The second group: chemically inert materials, which exhibit its Carcinogens action after the effect of enzyme during metabolism inside the living body. And such materials are aromatic amines. Metabolized aromatic amines under the effects the enzymes by different path way and  the Peroxidase path is one of these path way, in Which aromatic amines changed from non active into active form, Which can interact with the larges bio molecules as nucleic acids DNA and inhibited it. The aromatic amines metabolized under the effects the enzymes by different path way. and the Peroxidase path is one of these methods, in which aromatic amines changed from non –active into active form ,which can interact with larges biological molecules as nucleic acids DNA and inhibited it, Intra cellular components performed multi- functional such as Glutathione GSH, NADH. It was chosen because of the high damper NADH concentration in the cell (10-3M) and its spread in all types of tissues NADH(H+) inhibit large number of products of oxidation of the  Aromatic amines cancerogenus compounds, such as benzidine Substrate and its derivatives such as3,3',5,5' tetra methyl benzidine  in  Competitive path way. NADH: nicotine amide adenine dinucleotide (reduced form). Keywords: tetra methyl benzidine, Peroxidase, inhibition, nicotine amide adenine dinucleotide

    The Effect of NADH(H+) in the Oxidization of Benzidine in the H2O2 / Horseradish Peroxidase System

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    The aromatic amines metabolized under the effects the enzymes  by different path way and  the peroxidase path is one of these methods, in Which aromatic amines changed from non-active into active form, Which can interact with the larges biological molecules as nucleic acids DNA and inhibited it . Intra cellular components performed multi-functional such as Glutathione G-SH , NADH(H+) and  NADP. It was chosen because of the high damper NADH concentration in the cell (10-3M)) and its spread in all types of tissues.NADH(H+) inhibit large number of products of oxidation reactions of the amino compounds enzymatically carcinogens, such as substrate benzidine and its derivatives such as 3,3',5,5' tetra methyl benzidine  in  Competitive path way.NADH(H+): Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide( reduced form) Keywords: Benzidine, , Peroxidase, inhibition , Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotid

    Bootstrap Intervals of the Parameters of Lognormal Distribution Using Power Rule Model and Accelerated Life Tests

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    Assumed that the distribution of the lifetime of any unit follows a lognormal distribution with parameters μ and σ . Also, assume that the relationship between μ and the stress level V is given by the power rule model. Several types of bootstrap intervals of the parameters were studied and their performance was studied using simulations and compared in term of attainment of the nominal confidence level, symmetry of lower and upper error rates and the expected width. Conclusions and recommendations are given

    Study of Flavonoids and Oils from Some Medicinal Plants

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    هدفت الدراسة الى استخلاص زيت بذور بعض النباتات الطبية و دراسة الخواص الفيزوكيميائية للزيت المستخلص، بالاضافة الي التحقق من نوع الفلفونيد الموجود في نبات الشمار. اوضحت الخواص الفيزوكيميائية للزيت المستخلص من نبات ابو ليلى ان اللزوجة 56 سنتي بويز، و الكثافة 0.915 جم/مل، و معامل الانكسار 1.470،,ورقم اليود150.74مل/جم، اللون اصفر / احمر 2.30/0.105و رقم البيروكسيد 63.87 مل/مج، و قيمة الحموضة 3.88 مل/جم، و رقم التصبن 160.58مل/جم. بالاضافة نتائج تحليل كروماتوغرافيا الغاز – مطياف الكتلة اوضحت ان الزيت يحتوي علي 17 مكونا كيميائيا و السائد منها (9, 12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z, Z)-, methyl ester (29.23%), 9-octadecenoic acid (Z)-, methyl ester (21.69%), hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester (17.85%), methyl stearate (14.80%)). اظهرت الخواص الفيزوكيميائية لنبات العرد ان اللزوجة 53 سنتيبويز، و الكثافة 0.917 جم/مل، و معامل الانكسار 1.473،رقم اليود 176.74مل/جم، اللون اصفر /احمر 33.35/0.00و رقم البيروكسيد 123.7مل/مج، و قيمة الحموضة 1.63مل/جم، و رقم التصبن 94.421 مل/جم. كما اظهرت نتائج تحليل كروماتوغرافيا الغاز- مطياف الكتلة ان الزيت يحتوي علي 24 مكونا و السائدة منها (9, 12 octadecadienoic acid (Z, Z)-, methyl ester (29.23%),9-octadecenoic acid (Z)-, methyl ester (21.69%), hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester (17.85%)). كما اظهرت الخواص الفيزوكيميائية لنبات الكول ان اللزوجة 58 سنتيبويز، و الكثافة 0.915 جم/مل، و معامل الانكسار 1.472 ورقم اليود 167.41مل/جم، اللون اصفر/ احمر 10.105/0.00 رقم البيروكسيد 81 جم/مج، و قيمة الحموضة 6.41 مل/جم، و رقم التصبن 152.05مل/جم. كما اظهرت نتائج تحليل كروماتوغرافيا الغاز- مطياف الكتلة ان الزيت يحتوي علي 16 مكونا و السائدة منها (9,12-octadecadienoic acid (Z, Z)-, methyl ester (38.75%), hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester (18.50%);methyl stearate (10.98%), 9-octadecenoic acid (Z)-, methyl ester (10.67%)). و كذلك اظهرت الخواص الفيزوكيميائية لنبات الزان ان اللزوجة 52 سنتيبويز، و الكثافة 0.917 جم/مل، و معامل الانكسار 1.471،ورقم اليود 159.21مل/جم واللون اصفر/ احمر10.10/1.40 رقم البيروكسيد 37.698مل/مج، و قيمة الحموضة 2.511مل/جم، و رقم التصبن176.361مل/جم. كما اظهرت نتائج تحليل كروماتوغرافيا الغاز- مطياف الكتلة ان الزيت يحتوي علي 16 مكونا و السائدة منها (9, 12-octadecadienoic acid (Z, Z)-, methyl ester (35.74%), hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester (24.22%), methyl stearate (15.27%), 9-octadecenoic acid (Z)-, methyl ester (12.14%).). اضافتا اظهرت الخواص الفيزوكيميائية لزيت بذور نبات الجرجير ان اللزوجة 58سنتيبويز، و الكثافة 0.916جم/مل، و معامل الانكسار 1.473 ورقم اليود 176.41مل/جم واللون اصفر / احمر 43.2/0.00 ورقم البيروكسيد 1.984مل/مج، و قيمة الحموض

    Renormalisation analysis of a composite ultrasonic transducer with a fractal architecture

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    To ensure the safe operation of many safety critical structures such as nuclear plants, aircraft and oil pipelines, non-destructive imaging is employed using piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers. These sensors typically operate at a single frequency due to the restrictions imposed on their resonant behaviour by the use of a single length scale in the design. To allow these transducers to transmit and receive more complex signals it would seem logical to use a range of length scales in the design so that a wide range of resonating frequencies will result. In this article we derive a mathematical model to predict the dynamics of an ultrasound transducer that achieves this range of length scales by adopting a fractal architecture. In fact, the device is modelled as a graph where the nodes represent segments of the piezoelectric and polymer materials. The electrical and mechanical fields that are contained within this graph are then expressed in terms of a finite element basis. The structure of the resulting discretised equations yields to a renormalisation methodology which is used to derive expressions for the non-dimensionalised electrical impedance and the transmission and reception sensitivities. A comparison with a standard design shows some benefits of these fractal designs

    A Composite Ultrasonic Transducer with a Fractal Architecture

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    To ensure the safe operation of many safety critical structures such as nuclear plants, aircraft and oil pipelines, non-destructive imaging is employed using piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers. These sensors typically operate at a single frequency due to the restrictions imposed on its resonant behaviour by the use of a single length scale in its design. To allow these transducers to transmit and receive more complex signals it would seem logical to use a range of length scales in the design so that a wide range of resonating frequencies will result. In this article we derive a mathematical model to predict the dynamics of an ultrasound transducer that achieves this range of length scales by adopting a fractal architecture. In fact, the device is modelled as a graph where the nodes represent segments of the piezoelectric and polymer materials. The electrical and mechanical fields that are contained within this graph are then expressed in terms of a finite element basis. The structure of the resulting discretised equations yields to a renormalisation methodology which is used to derive expressions for the non-dimensionalised electrical impedance and the transmission and reception sensitivities. A comparison with a homogenised (standard) design shows some benefits of these fractal designs

    Origin of reversible and irreversible atomic-scale rearrangements in a model two-dimensional network glass

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    In this contribution, we investigate the fundamental mechanism of plasticity in a model two-dimensional network glass. The glass is generated by using a Monte Carlo bond-switching algorithm and subjected to athermal simple shear deformation, followed by subsequent unloading at selected deformation states. This enables us to investigate the topological origin of reversible and irreversible atomic-scale rearrangements. It is shown that some events that are triggered during loading recover during unloading, while some do not. Thus, two kinds of elementary plastic events are observed, which can be linked to the network topology of the model glass

    An infinite family of counterexamples to a conjecture on distance magic labeling

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    This work is about a partition problem which is an instance of the distance magic graph labeling problem. Given positive integers n,kn,k and p1p2pkp_1\le p_2\le \cdots\le p_k such that p1++pk=np_1+\cdots+p_k=n and kk divides i=1ni\sum_{i=1}^ni, we study the problem of characterizing the cases where it is possible to find a partition of the set {1,2,,n}\{1,2,\ldots,n\} into kk subsets of respective sizes p1,,pkp_1,\dots,p_k, such that the element sum in each subset is equal. Using a computerized search we found examples showing that the necessary condition, i=1p1++pj(ni+1)j(n+12)/k\sum_{i=1}^{p_1+\cdots+p_j} (n-i+1)\ge j{\binom{n+1}{2}}/k for all j=1,,kj=1,\ldots,k, is not generally sufficient, refuting a past conjecture. Moreover, we show that there are infinitely many such counter-examples. The question whether there is a simple characterization is left open and for all we know the corresponding decision problem might be NP-complete