93 research outputs found

    The identity-extremism nexus in virtual groups: the impact of online group alignment on radicalisation towards violence

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    Can would-be perpetrators of extreme violence be reliably identified by the linguistic traces they unintentionally leave behind in their online communications? Previous research has shown that identity fusion, a visceral feeling of oneness with the group, can motivate violent self-sacrifice when the in-group is threatened. This thesis tests the hypothesis that a higher degree of identify fusion in online groups, coupled with a range of mediating and moderating variables, increases the likelihood of individuals carrying out violent pro-group action. To date, there has been no systematic analysis of the relationship between identity dynamics within virtual communities and radicalisation towards violence. This research project seeks to fill this gap by investigating the relationship between identity fusion in the digital arena and violent extremist activities in the real world. Using a mixed methods approach, the project combines quantitative natural language processing (NLP) analysis with quantitative text analysis and digital ethnographic research. The first part of the thesis presents a new coding scheme that traces the narratives and linguistic markers found across the written statements published by terrorists prior to launching an attack. A total of 4,000 pages by 15 authors, on a spectrum from violent terrorist to non-violent political manifestos, were analysed in a comparative manifesto analysis and tested via intercoder reliability (ICR) analysis. The statistical and ethnographic findings indicate that linguistic proxies for identity fusion and other relevant variables, such as violence-condoning group norms and dehumanising vocabulary, can be reliably identified and are significantly more prevalent in the documents of would-be terrorists. A weighted score, the so-called “Violence Risk Index”, was created, drawing on the statistical findings of the manifesto analysis. This new language-based violence risk assessment framework was then applied to eight online groups varying in their degree of extreme ideologies, verbal commitment to violence, and real-world links to terrorist activities. A total of over one million messages were collected from online forums and messaging apps and investigated with a view to determining the scale and nature of violence-predicting narratives and language in each of the groups. The calculated Violence Risk Index for each group mirrored the level of real-world engagement in extreme violence and terrorism, thus providing preliminary evidence that the assessment framework offers an accurate estimation of violence risk associated with online groups. This thesis argues that psychologically grounded linguistic markers are a more reliable predictor of extreme violence than taking violent threats at face value. While this project’s findings should be treated with caution, they may contribute to complementing and improving existing early warning systems used by security and intelligence services

    Assessing violence risk among far-right extremists: a new role for natural language processing

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    A growing body of research suggests that an individual’s willingness to fight and die for groups is rooted in the fusion of personal and group identities, especially when the group is threatened, violence is condoned, and the group’s enemies are dehumanised or demonised. Here we consider whether the language used by extremists can help with early detection of these risk factors associated with violent extremism. We applied a new fusion-based linguistic violence risk assessment framework to a range of far-right extremist online groups from across the violence spectrum. We conducted an R-based NLP analysis to produce a Violence Risk Index, integrating statistically significant linguistic markers of terrorist manifestos as opposed to non-violent communiqués into one weighted risk assessment score for each group. The language-based violence risk scores for the far-right extremist groups were then compared to those of non-extremist control groups. We complemented our quantitative NLP analysis with qualitative insights that contextualise the violence markers detected in each group. Our results show that the fusion markers combined with several other variables identified across the different online datasets are indeed indicative of the real-world violence level associated with the relevant groups, pointing to new ways of detecting and preventing violent terrorism

    Measuring socio-psychological drivers of extreme violence in online terrorist manifestos: an alternative linguistic risk assessment model

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    This paper develops a novel method of assessing the risk that online users will engage in acts of violent extremism based on linguistic markers detectable in terrorist manifestos. A comparative NLP analysis was carried out across fifteen manifestos on a scale from violent terrorist to non-violent politically moderate. We used a dictionary approach to measure the statistical significance of narratives previously identified in terrorism literature in predicting violence. The NLP analysis confirmed our research hypothesis, finding that the linguistic markers of identity fusion (an extreme form of group alignment whereby personal and group identities become functionally equivalent), dehumanising language towards the out-group and violence condoning norms were statistically significantly higher in manifestos of authors who engaged in acts of violent extremism. Building on our prior qualitative text analysis of terrorist manifestos, this study is among the first to offer a statistical analysis of the narrative patterns and associated linguistic markers distilled from terrorist manifestos. Beyond its academic contribution, the assessment framework presented here might assist security and counter-terrorism professionals in using psycholinguistic indicators to estimate the risk that online users will engage in offline violence and to make decisions on internal resource allocation in ongoing investigations

    Trends und Herausforderungen im deutschen Buchmarkt

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    Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich im theoretischen Teil mit den aktuellen Veränderungsprozessen im (deutschen) Buchverlagswesen und mit den Auswirkungen und dem Potenzial der Digitalisierung, welche sich im Printwesen sehr stark ausbreitet. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf Print-on-Demand und im Speziellen das Erscheinen personalisierter Bücher „on-demand“ gelegt. Der empirische Teil schließlich besteht aus qualitativen Gruppendiskussionen mit Personen, welche bereits ein personalisiertes Buch erworben haben, um die Motive hinter der Kaufentscheidung und die wahrgenommenen Vorteile eines personalisierten Buchs zu erforschen. Am Ende der Forschung steht die Generierung von Hypothesen in Bezug auf die eingangs gestellten und forschungsleitenden Fragen.The theoretical part of this paper is dedicated to the change-processes in the German book-publishing industry, and the effects and potential of the digitalisation which is spreading all over the market. There is a focus on print-on-demand and in particular the creation of personalised books (which are printed-on-demand). For the empirical part I chose the qualitative approach of group-discussions, led with people who already bought a personalised books. The aim of the research was to find out more about the motivation to purchase those books and identify the advantages people connect with them. This will in the end lead to hypotheses that can answer the research questions that have been established beforehand

    Morphometrische Analyse des Azinus der humanen Lunge mittels synchrotron-basierter Mikro-Computertomographie

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde erstmals ein vollständiger dreidimensionaler Datensatz des Azinus der humanen Lunge mittels der Synchrotron-basierten Mikro-CT-Technik erstellt und anschließend eine quantitative Untersuchung der Strukturen des Azinus durchgeführt. Eine humane Lunge wurde durch die Beatmung mit Formalindampf in Inspirationsstellung fixiert und in einem 64-Zeilen Computertomographen gescannt. Die anschließend ausgestanzten Proben (N = 12, Durchmesser = 8 mm, Höhe = 10 mm) wurden mit Osmiumtetroxid kontrastverstärkt und mit einer Auflösung von 3,9 µm3 Voxelgröße in einem Mikro-CT mit Synchrotronstrahlenquelle gescannt. Mit einem automatisierten „Tree-Analysis“ Softwareprogramm konnten 8 Azini aus dem Volumendatensatz segmentiert werden. Die Morphometrischen Daten wurden mit dem Softwareprogramm ANALYZE 9.0 erhoben. Die Atemwege innerhalb der Azini verzweigten sich über 11 Generationen. Das mittlere Azinusvolumen wurde mit 131,3 ± 29,2 mm3 berechnet und die mittlere Oberfläche des Azinus betrug 1012 ± 26 cm2. Der Innere Durchmesser verringerte sich ausgehend von dem Bronchiolus terminalis von 0,66 ± 0,04 mm auf 0,34 ± 0,06 mm (P < 0,001) und blieb nach der siebten Generation konstant (P < 0,5). Die Länge der einzelnen Generationen variierte zwischen 0,52 und 0,93 mm und zeigte keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen der zweiten und elften Generation. Der Verzweigungswinkel der „Tochteräste“ schwankte zwischen 113º und 134º ohne signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Generationen (P < 0,3). Die in vorangegangenen Arbeiten gezeigten Ergebnisse bezüglich der Morphometrie des humanen Azinus basieren auf den Methoden der Histomorphometrie. Diese arbeitet gewebedestruktiv und stellt lediglich Rückschlüsse von zweidimensionalen Serienschnitten auf dreidimensionale Strukturen her. Unsere Arbeit zeigt die Möglichkeit der quantitativen Erfassung der Strukturen des Azinus anhand eines vollständigen Volumendatensatzes unter Verwendung der Synchrotron- basierten Mikro-CT- Technik.Structural data about the human lung fin structure are mainly based on stereological methods applied to serial sections. As these methods utilize 2D images, which are often not contiguous, they suffer from inaccuracies which are overcome by analysis of 3D micro-CT images of the never-sectioned specimen. The purpose of our study was to generate a complete data set of the intact three-dimensional architecture of the human acinus using high resolution synchrotron-based micro-CT (synMCT). A human lung was inflation-fixed by formaldehyde ventilation and then scanned in a 64-slice CT over its apex to base extent. Lung samples (8-mm diameter, 10 mm height, N = 12) were punched out, stained with osmium tetroxide, and scanned using synMCT at (4 µm)3 voxel size. The lung functional unit (acinus, N = 8) was segmented from the 3D tomographic image using an automated tree-analysis software program. Morphometric data of the lung were analyzed by ANOVA. Intra-acinar airways branching occurred over 11 generations. The mean acinar volume was 131, 3 ± 29, 2 mm3 (range 92, 5- 171, 3 mm3) and the mean acinar surface was calculated with 1012 ± 26 cm2. The airway internal diameter (starting from the bronchiolus terminalis) decreases distally from 0,66 ± 0,04 mm to 0,34 ± 0,06 mm (P < 0,001) and remains constant after the seventh generation (P < 0,5). The length of each generation ranges between 0, 52 and 0, 93 mm and did not show significant differences between the second and eleventh generation. The branching angle between daughter branches varies between 113-degree and 134-degree without significant differences between the generations (P < 0, 3). This study demonstrates the feasibility of quantitating the 3D structure of the human acinus at the spatial resolution readily achievable using synMCT

    Experiences with iPads in Primary School

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    Los ordenadores-tablet están acaparando toda la atención en estos momentos y forman parte de nuestra vida cotidiana. Por ello, no es de extrañar que en el ámbito educativo se hayan arbitrado fórmulas para incorporarlos en las aulas. La presente investigación pretende mostrar las estrategias llevadas a cabo en determinadas experiencias con iPads en escuelas primarias austriacas. Por un lado, se describe el desarrollo de las aplicaciones (apps) educativas apropiadas para su empleo en aulas. Y por otro, cada lección apoyada en las tecnologías es analizada y evaluada desde una perspectiva técnica. Las aportaciones más representativas de la investigación evidencian las diversas fórmulas de utilización de este tipo de ordenadores para promover una influencia positiva en la enseñanza, también se apuntan recomendaciones prácticas sobre cómo deberían ser usados en aulasTablet computers gain enormous attention nowadays and become more and more part of our daily life. Due to this it is not astonishing that even the educational sector is thinking about the use of such wearable devices in the classroom. Our research study aims to give insights about real life experiences with iPads in Austrian primary schools. Therefore we describe the development of appropriate learning apps and their use in classrooms. Finally each technology-enhanced lesson is observed as well as evaluated afterwards with the help of the cut-off technique. The research work carries out different circumstances the use of tablet computers has a positive influence on teaching and learning and gives practical hints how they should be used in classrooms.Grupo FORCE (HUM-386). Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Granad

    Makerspaces zur Wissenschaftsvermittlung und Innovationsraum der neuen Generation

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag skizziert die Landschaft der Schüler*innen-Labore und betrachtet Makerspaces als neue Variante davon. Der Beitrag versucht dabei, Makerspace systematisch einzuordnen. Dabei fällt auf, dass in Makerspaces insbesondere die Interdisziplinarität eine wachsende Bedeutung erhält und dass der pädagogisch-didaktische Ansatz der Maker Education offener ist als in herkömmlichen Schüler*innen-Labor-Konzepten. Im Beitrag werden dazu auch Beispiele für Makerspaces als Schüler*innen-Labore genannt. (DIPF/Orig.

    Comparison of different methods of groundcover management along tree rows in apple orchards

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    Orchard groundcover management along the tree rows plays a central role in intensive apple cultivation. The maintenance of the tree strip is indispensable for an economically successful farm management. The aim of groundcover management is primarily to keep competition for water and nutrients between the fruit trees and the spontaneous vegetation as low as possible. For this purpose, the use of chemical herbicides has become generally established in conventional fruit growing over the last decades. Due to the more and more critical perception of the use of herbicides by the public, the use of mechanical methods for weed control is receiving increased attention. In the present trial, the use of some mechanical devices for weed control was compared with conventional herbicide application, with particular regard to the growth and yield of apple trees, but also to labour requirement. The study was conducted over several years on apple orchards of different varieties, both in young and in productive orchards. The results show no significant yield differences between the weed control methods in the productive orchards, while in the young orchards the herbicide applications partly resulted in better tree growth and higher yield. However, all the mechanical methods required a significantly higher labour input than chemical weed control

    Rigosertib-Activated JNK1/2 Eliminate Tumor Cells through p66Shc Activation

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    Rigosertib, via reactive oxygen species (ROS), stimulates cJun N-terminal kinases 1/2 (JNK1/2), which inactivate RAS/RAF signaling and thereby inhibit growth and survival of tumor cells. JNK1/2 are not only regulated by ROS—they in turn can also control ROS production. The prooxidant and cell death function of p66Shc requires phosphorylation by JNK1/2. Here, we provide evidence that establishes p66Shc, an oxidoreductase, as a JNK1/2 effector downstream of Rigosertib-induced ROS production, DNA damage, and cell death. This may provide a common pathway for suppression of tumor cell growth by Rigosertib