9 research outputs found

    Intra Aortic Balloon Counterpulsation from the Perspektive of Nurse in the Intensive Care Unit of Cardiac Surgery

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na intraaortální balonkovou kontrapulzaci (IABK) z pohledu sestry v kardiochirurgické intenzivní péči. Skládá se ze dvou částí. Části teoretické a empirické. V teoretické části práce se pojednává o intraaortální balonkové kontrapulzaci, včetně základní anatomie srdce a cév, principu IABK, její indikaci, kontraindikaci, technických parametrech IABK a specifik ošetřovatelské péče u pacienta se zavedenou IABK. Empirická část je zpracována, jako kvantitativní výzkumné šetření, pro které je využita metoda sběru dat anonymní dotazník. Cílem diplomové práce, je zjistit znalosti sester o IABK v kardiochirurgické intenzivní péči a následné zpracování návrhu metodického pokynu pro pooperační kardiochirurgické oddělení KARIM VFN v Praze. Do této části jsou dále zařazeny významné otázky a odpovědi z pohledu zadané proměnné získané z dotazníkového šetření a následná vyplývající opatření pro praxi. Klíčová slova Kontrapulzace, Srdeční cyklus, Aorta, Srdce, Ošetřovatelská péčeThe thesis is focused on the intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation (IABP) from the perspective of nurses in the cardiac intensive care. It consists of two parts. Theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part will deal with the intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation, including basic anatomy of the heart and blood vessels, the principle of IABC, its indications, contraindications, technology IABC and specific nursing care of patients with established IABC. The empirical part is treated as quantitative research, which is used for the data collection method anonymous questionnaire. The aim of the thesis is to determine nurses' knowledge of IABC in the cardiac intensive care and subsequent drafting of guidance for postoperative cardiac surgery department KARIM University, Prague. In this section are also included important questions and answers from the perspective of the specified variables obtained from the questionnaire and subsequent actions arising in practice. Key words Counterpulsation, Cardiac cycle, Aorta, Heart, Nursing careInstitute of Theory and Practice of Nursing First Faculty of Medicine Charles UniversityÚstav teorie a praxe ošetřovatelství 1. LF UKFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Analysis of coherence of sports diplomacy in comparison with Hungary

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    Název: Analýza koherence sportovní diplomacie v ČR v komparaci s Maďarskem Cíl: Cílem bakalářské práce je na základě získaných informací a provedených analýz zjistit, jak instituce v České republice a v Maďarsku využívají pořadatelství velké sportovní události k prezentaci v oblasti sportovní diplomacie. Metody: V bakalářské práci byly využity kvalitativní metody, pomocí kterých byla získána potřebná data. Jednalo se jak o analýzu sekundárních dat, která byla provedena z interních zdrojů, jež byly k účelům této práce poskytnuty, tak o nestrukturované rozhovory, které byly využity pro komunikaci s vybranými členy Českého i Maďarského olympijského výboru. Všechny tyto metody byly nakonec zkompletovány a nashromážděná data byla aplikována do komparativní analýzy. Výsledky: Výsledky práce dokazují vysokou míru prezentace značky státu skrze organizaci mezinárodní sportovní události v obou případech proběhlých EYOF. Zároveň je z výsledků patrné, že Maďarsko dokázalo k prezentaci své značky využít více prvků než Česká republika. Ovšem ani v jednom ze zkoumaných případů nedošlo k maximálnímu využití všech do komparace zařazených aspektů k prezentaci značky státu. Klíčová slova: sportovní diplomacie, nation branding, aktér, nástroj, cílTitle: Analysis of coherence of sports diplomacy in the Czech Republic in comparison with Hungary. Objectives: The aim of the bachelor's thesis is based on the information obtained and analyzes to find out how institutions in the Czech Republic and Hungary use the organization of large sporting events to present in the field of sports diplomacy. Methods: The bachelor's thesis used qualitative methods, which were used to obtain the necessary data. It was both an analysis of secondary data, which was performed from internal sources, which were provided for the purposes of this work, and unstructured interviews, which were used to communicate with selected members of the Czech and Hungarian Olympic Committees. All these methods were finally completed and the collected data were applied to the comparative analysis. Results: The results of the work prove the high degree of presentation of the state brand through the organization of an international sporting event in both cases of EYOF. At the same time, the results show that Hungary was able to use more elements than the Czech Republic to present its brand. However, in none of the examined cases was the maximum use of all aspects included in the comparison for the presentation of the state brand. Keywords: sport diplomacy, nation branding, partaker,...ManagementFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Intra Aortic Balloon Counterpulsation from the Perspektive of Nurse in the Intensive Care Unit of Cardiac Surgery

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    The thesis is focused on the intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation (IABP) from the perspective of nurses in the cardiac intensive care. It consists of two parts. Theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part will deal with the intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation, including basic anatomy of the heart and blood vessels, the principle of IABC, its indications, contraindications, technology IABC and specific nursing care of patients with established IABC. The empirical part is treated as quantitative research, which is used for the data collection method anonymous questionnaire. The aim of the thesis is to determine nurses' knowledge of IABC in the cardiac intensive care and subsequent drafting of guidance for postoperative cardiac surgery department KARIM University, Prague. In this section are also included important questions and answers from the perspective of the specified variables obtained from the questionnaire and subsequent actions arising in practice. Key words Counterpulsation, Cardiac cycle, Aorta, Heart, Nursing car

    The Limits of Iraqi Kurdistan's Secessionism

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    Tato bakalářská práce analyzuje autonomní oblast iráckého Kurdistánu. Konkrétně zkoumá, zdali irácký Kurdistán v současné době naplňuje všechny podmínky secesionistické teorie primárních práv, respektive teorie národního sebeurčení. Práce se nejdříve zabývá jednotlivými teoriemi secese a následně jsou poznatky z teorie národního sebeurčení aplikovány na případ iráckého Kurdistánu. Podmínky teorie národního sebeurčení je zapotřebí splnit, pokud chce autonomní oblast iráckého Kurdistánu usilovat o nezávislost na Iráku. Vyhodnocení aktuálního stavu je na základě podmínky separovaného národa, podmínky oprávněného nároku na území, podmínky relativní homogenity obyvatel, a nakonec podmínky distributivní spravedlnosti. Taktéž si bakalářská práce dává za úkol identifikovat další skutečnosti, které v současné době vyhlášení nezávislosti zabraňují.This bachelor's thesis analyses the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan. Specifically, it examines whether Iraqi Kurdistan currently fulfills all the conditions of the secessionist theory of primary rights or more precisely the theory of national self-determination. The thesis first deals with theories of secession, and then the findings from the theory of national self-determination are applied to the case of Iraqi Kurdistan. The conditions of the theory of national self-determination need to be fulfilled if the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan wants to seek independence from Iraq. The evaluation of the current state is based on the condition of a separate nation, the condition of a legitimate claim to the territory, the condition of relative homogeneity of the population, and finally the condition of distributive justice. The bachelor's thesis also sets itself the task of identifying other facts that currently prevent the declaration of independence

    Nursing Care for Patients with Tracheostomy

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    The thesis is focused on nursing care of patients with tracheostomy. The work consists of two parts. The first part is theoretical. This section is devoted to anatomy and physiology of the respiratory tract, additional chapters devoted itself already the main topic and that is tracheostomy. The implementation presented here tracheostomy history, engineering design, types of procedures, types of cannulas tracheostomických, indications for the performance and possible complications. Another big part of the total nursing is where nursing care is devoted to a patient with tracheostomy and care of respiratory toilet, replacing the tracheostomy cannula and decanting. Then there is included a chapter on communication with the patient and possible alternative ways of communication and nursing diagnosis. The empirical part focuses on qualitative research, the method of data collection are two case reports of nursing. The survey was conducted at the clinic anesthesia, resuscitation and intensive care in two patients with tracheostomy. The aim of the research was to find out how the nursing care of patients with tracheostomy, method of communication with tracheostomy patients and to determine their nursing problems. Key words Tracheostomy, airway, tracheostomy tube, airway toilet, communication, nursing car

    Analysis of coherence of sports diplomacy in comparison with Hungary

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    Title: Analysis of coherence of sports diplomacy in the Czech Republic in comparison with Hungary. Objectives: The aim of the bachelor's thesis is based on the information obtained and analyzes to find out how institutions in the Czech Republic and Hungary use the organization of large sporting events to present in the field of sports diplomacy. Methods: The bachelor's thesis used qualitative methods, which were used to obtain the necessary data. It was both an analysis of secondary data, which was performed from internal sources, which were provided for the purposes of this work, and unstructured interviews, which were used to communicate with selected members of the Czech and Hungarian Olympic Committees. All these methods were finally completed and the collected data were applied to the comparative analysis. Results: The results of the work prove the high degree of presentation of the state brand through the organization of an international sporting event in both cases of EYOF. At the same time, the results show that Hungary was able to use more elements than the Czech Republic to present its brand. However, in none of the examined cases was the maximum use of all aspects included in the comparison for the presentation of the state brand. Keywords: sport diplomacy, nation branding, partaker,..