58 research outputs found


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    Relacionou-se a vegeta\ue7\ue3o natural do estado do Rio Grande do Sul com as disponibilidades clim\ue1ticas por meio do diagrama clim\ue1tico de Walter e Lieth (1967). Foram utilizadas as temperaturas m\ue9dias mensais do ar e as m\ue9dias dos totais mensais de chuva de 41 esta\ue7\uf5es meteorol\uf3gicas, no per\uedodo de 1931-1960. Para cada esta\ue7\ue3o meteorol\uf3gica foi tra\ue7ado um gr\ue1fico cartesiano no qual se colocaram, no eixo das abcisssas, os meses e, num dos eixos das ordenadas, a temperatura m\ue9dia mensal do ar, em \ub0C e, no outro, a m\ue9dia dos totais mensais de chuva, em mm, sendo a escala da representa\ue7\ue3o da chuva o dobro daquela da temperatura. Constatou-se que, pelos diagramas clim\ue1ticos, todo o territ\uf3rio do Estado se enquadra no Zonobioma de clima \ufamido temperado quente e vegeta\ue7\ue3o de florestas. Esses resultados indicam que o modelo fitoclim\ue1tico de Walter e Lieth (1967) n\ue3o \ue9 adequado para representar a distribui\ue7\ue3o geogr\ue1fica da vegeta\ue7\ue3o natural do Estado, pois esta n\ue3o \ue9 formada somente por florestas, mas tamb\ue9m por grandes \ue1reas de vegeta\ue7\ue3o do tipo campestre.The natural vegetation in the State of Rio Grande do Sul was related to climatic availability through the climatic diagram of Walter and Lieth (1967). Values of mean monthly air temperature and rainfall from 41 meteorological stations during the period 1931-1960 were taken into account. For each meteorological station, a graph was plotted with months in the x axis and monthly air temperature and rainfall in the two y axis considering the y axis with rainfall two fold the y axis with air temperature. Results showed that Rio Grande do Sul as a whole fits in the zonobioma of warm humid temperate climate and forest vegetation. These results indicate the phytoclimate model of Walter and Lieth (1967) is not appropriate to represent the geographic distribution of the natural vegetation of the State, because this type of vegetation is not only that which covers the State that because it also parents praises

    Clima e vegetação natural do estado do Rio Grande do Sul segundo o diagrama climático de Walter e Lieth.

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    The natural vegetation in the State of Rio Grande do Sul was related to climatic availability through the climatic diagram of Walter and Lieth (1967). Values of mean monthly air temperature and rainfall from 41 meteorological stations during the period 1931-1960 were taken into account. For each meteorological station, a graph was plotted with months in the x axis and monthly air temperature and rainfall in the two y axis considering the y axis with rainfall two fold the y axis with air temperature. Results showed that Rio Grande do Sul as a whole fits in the zonobioma of warm humid temperate climate and forest vegetation. These results indicate the phytoclimate model of Walter and Lieth (1967) is not appropriate to represent the geographic distribution of the natural vegetation of the State, because this type of vegetation is not only that which covers the State that because it also parents praises.Relacionou-se a vegetação natural do estado do Rio Grande do Sul com as disponibilidades climáticas por meio do diagrama climático de Walter e Lieth (1967). Foram utilizadas as temperaturas médias mensais do ar e as médias dos totais mensais de chuva de 41 estações meteorológicas, no período de 1931-1960. Para cada estação meteorológica foi traçado um gráfico cartesiano no qual se colocaram, no eixo das abcisssas, os meses e, num dos eixos das ordenadas, a temperatura média mensal do ar, em °C e, no outro, a média dos totais mensais de chuva, em mm, sendo a escala da representação da chuva o dobro daquela da temperatura. Constatou-se que, pelos diagramas climáticos, todo o território do Estado se enquadra no Zonobioma de clima úmido temperado quente e vegetação de florestas. Esses resultados indicam que o modelo fitoclimático de Walter e Lieth (1967) não é adequado para representar a distribuição geográfica da vegetação natural do Estado, pois esta não é formada somente por florestas, mas também por grandes áreas de vegetação do tipo campestre

    Multicentric Evaluation of SeeGene Allplex Real-Time PCR Assays Targeting 28 Bacterial, Microsporidal and Parasitic Nucleic Acid Sequences in Human Stool Samples

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    Prior to the implementation of new diagnostic techniques, a thorough evaluation is mandatory in order to ensure diagnostic reliability. If positive samples are scarcely available, however, such evaluations can be difficult to perform. Here, we evaluated four SeeGene Allplex real-time PCR assays amplifying a total of 28 bacteria, microsporidal and parasitic nucleic acid sequence targets in human stool samples in a multicentric approach. In the assessments with strongly positive samples, sensitivity values ranging between 13% and 100% were recorded for bacteria, between 0% and 100% for protozoa and between 7% and 100% for helminths and microsporidia; for the weakly positive samples, the recorded sensitivity values for bacteria ranged from 0% to 100%; for protozoa, from 0% to 40%; and for helminths and microsporidia, from 0% to 53%. For bacteria, the recorded specificity was in the range between 87% and 100%, while a specificity of 100% was recorded for all assessed PCRs targeting parasites and microsporidia. The intra- and inter-assay variations were generally low. Specifically for some helminth species, the sensitivity could be drastically increased by applying manual nucleic acid extraction instead of the manufacturer-recommended automatic procedure, while such effects were less obvious for the bacteria and protozoa. In summary, the testing with the chosen positive control samples showed varying degrees of discordance between the evaluated Allplex assays and the applied in-house reference assays associated with higher cycle threshold values in the Allplex assays, suggesting that samples with very low pathogen densities might be missed. As the targeted species can occur as harmless colonizers in the gut of individuals in high-endemicity settings as well, future studies should aim at assessing the clinical relevance of the latter hint.Peer Reviewe