1,209 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of hot dense H-plasmas: Path integral Monte Carlo simulations and analytical approximations

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    This work is devoted to the thermodynamics of high-temperature dense hydrogen plasmas in the pressure region between 10−110^{-1} and 10210^2 Mbar. In particular we present for this region results of extensive calculations based on a recently developed path integral Monte Carlo scheme (direct PIMC). This method allows for a correct treatment of the thermodynamic properties of hot dense Coulomb systems. Calculations were performed in a broad region of the nonideality parameter Γâ‰Č3\Gamma \lesssim 3 and degeneracy parameter neΛ3â‰Č10n_e \Lambda^3 \lesssim 10. We give a comparison with a few available results from other path integral calculations (restricted PIMC) and with analytical calculations based on Pade approximations for strongly ionized plasmas. Good agreement between the results obtained from the three independent methods is found.Comment: RevTex file, 21 pages, 5 ps-figures include

    Revealing the magnetic field in a distant galaxy cluster: discovery of the complex radio emission from MACS J0717.5 +3745

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    Aims. To study at multiple frequencies the radio emission arising from the massive galaxy cluster MACS J0717.5+3745 (z=0.55). Known to be an extremely complex cluster merger, the system is uniquely suited for an investigation of the phenomena at work in the intra-cluster medium (ICM) during cluster collisions. Methods. We use multi-frequency and multi-resolution data obtained with the Very Large Array radio telescope, and X-ray features revealed by Chandra, to probe the non-thermal and thermal components of the ICM, their relations and interactions. Results. The cluster shows highly complex radio emission. A bright, giant radio halo is detected at frequencies as high as 4.8 GHz. MACS J0717.5+3745 is the most distant cluster currently known to host a radio halo. This radio halo is also the most powerful ever observed, and the second case for which polarized radio emission has been detected, indicating that the magnetic field is ordered on large scales.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepte

    On reaction-subdiffusion equations

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    To analyze possible generalizations of reaction-diffusion schemes for the case of subdiffusion we discuss a simple monomolecular conversion A --> B. We derive the corresponding kinetic equations for local A and B concentrations. Their form is rather unusual: The parameters of reaction influence the diffusion term in the equation for a component A, a consequence of the nonmarkovian nature of subdiffusion. The equation for a product contains a term which depends on the concentration of A at all previous times. Our discussion shows that reaction-subdiffusion equations may not resemble the corresponding reaction-diffusion ones and are not obtained by a trivial change of the diffusion operator for a subdiffusion one

    The WARPS survey - IV: The X-ray luminosity-temperature relation of high redshift galaxy clusters

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    We present a measurement of the cluster X-ray luminosity-temperature relation out to high redshift (z~0.8). Combined ROSAT PSPC spectra of 91 galaxy clusters detected in the Wide Angle ROSAT Pointed Survey (WARPS) are simultaneously fit in redshift and luminosity bins. The resulting temperature and luminosity measurements of these bins, which occupy a region of the high redshift L-T relation not previously sampled, are compared to existing measurements at low redshift in order to constrain the evolution of the L-T relation. We find a best fit to low redshift (z1 keV, to be L proportional to T^(3.15\pm0.06). Our data are consistent with no evolution in the normalisation of the L-T relation up to z~0.8. Combining our results with ASCA measurements taken from the literature, we find eta=0.19\pm0.38 (for Omega_0=1, with 1 sigma errors) where L_Bol is proportional to (1 + z)^eta T^3.15, or eta=0.60\pm0.38 for Omega_0=0.3. This lack of evolution is considered in terms of the entropy-driven evolution of clusters. Further implications for cosmological constraints are also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Path Integral Monte Carlo Simulation of the Low-Density Hydrogen Plasma

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    Restricted path integral Monte Carlo simulations are used to calculate the equilibrium properties of hydrogen in the density and temperature range of 9.83×10−4≀ρ≀0.153gcm−39.83 \times 10^{-4}\rm \leq \rho \leq 0.153 \rm gcm^{-3} and 5000≀T≀250000K5000 \leq T \leq 250 000 \rm K. We test the accuracy of the pair density matrix and analyze the dependence on the system size, on the time step of the path integral and on the type of nodal surface. We calculate the equation of state and compare with other models for hydrogen valid in this regime. Further, we characterize the state of hydrogen and describe the changes from a plasma to an atomic and molecular liquid by analyzing the pair correlation functions and estimating the number of atoms and molecules present.Comment: 12 pages, 21 figures, submitted for Phys. Rev.

    Variational Density Matrix Method for Warm Condensed Matter and Application to Dense Hydrogen

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    A new variational principle for optimizing thermal density matrices is introduced. As a first application, the variational many body density matrix is written as a determinant of one body density matrices, which are approximated by Gaussians with the mean, width and amplitude as variational parameters. The method is illustrated for the particle in an external field problem, the hydrogen molecule and dense hydrogen where the molecular, the dissociated and the plasma regime are described. Structural and thermodynamic properties (energy, equation of state and shock Hugoniot) are presented.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures. submitted to Phys. Rev. E, October 199

    The WARPS survey: III. The discovery of an X-ray luminous galaxy cluster at z=0.833 and the impact of X-ray substructure on cluster abundance measurements

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    The WARPS team reviews the properties and history of discovery of ClJ0152.7-1357, an X-ray luminous, rich cluster of galaxies at z=0.833. At L_X = 8 x 10^44 h^(-2) erg/s (0.5-2.0 keV) ClJ0152.7-1357 is the most X-ray luminous cluster known at redshifts z>0.55. The high X-ray luminosity of the system suggests that massive clusters may begin to form at redshifts considerably greater than unity. This scenario is supported by the high degree of optical and X-ray substructure in ClJ0152.7-1357, which is similarly complex as that of other X-ray selected distant clusters and consistent with the picture of cluster formation by mass infall along large-scale filaments. X-ray emission from ClJ0152.7-1357 was detected already in 1980 with the EINSTEIN IPC. However, because the complex morphology of the emission caused its significance to be underestimated, the corresponding source was not included in the EMSS cluster sample and hence not previously identified. Simulations of the EMSS source detection and selection procedure suggest a general bias of the EMSS against X-ray luminous clusters with pronounced substructure. If highly unrelaxed, merging clusters are common at high redshift, they could create a bias in some samples as the morphological complexity of mergers may cause them to fall below the flux limit of surveys that assume a unimodal spatial source geometry. Conversely, the enhanced X-ray luminosity of mergers might cause them to, temporarily, rise above the flux limit. Either effect could lead to erroneous conclusions about the evolution of the comoving cluster space density. A high fraction of morphologically complex clusters at high redshift would also call into question the validity of cosmological studies that assume that the systems under investigation are virialized.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures; revised to focus on possible detection biases caused by substructure in clusters; accepted for publication in ApJ; uses emulateapj.sty; eps files of figures 1 and 2 can be obtained from ftp://hubble.ifa.hawaii.edu/pub/ebeling/warp

    A Flux-limited Sample of Bright Clusters of Galaxies from the Southern Part of the ROSAT All-Sky Survey: the Catalog and the LogN-LogS

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    We describe the selection of an X-ray flux-limited sample of bright clusters of galaxies in the southern hemisphere, based on the first analysis of the ROSAT All-Sky Survey data (RASS1). The sample is constructed starting from an identification of candidate clusters in RASS1, and their X-ray fluxes are remeasured using the Steepness Ratio Technique. This method is better suited than the RASS1 standard algorithm for measuring flux from extended sources. The final sample is count-rate-limited in the ROSAT hard band (0.5-2.0 keV), so that due to the distribution of NH, its effective flux limit varies between about 3-4 x 10**-12 ergs cm**-2 s**-1 over the selected area. This covers the Decl<2.5 deg part of the south Galactic cap region (b<-20 deg) - with the exclusion of patches of low RASS1 exposure time and of the Magellanic Clouds area - for a total of 8235 deg**2. 130 candidate sources fulfill our selection criteria for bonafide clusters of galaxies in this area. Of these, 101 are Abell/ACO clusters, while 29 do not have a counterpart in these catalogs. Of these clusters, 126 (97%) clusters have a redshift and for these we compute an X-ray luminosity. 20% of the cluster redshifts come from new observations, as part of the ESO Key Program REFLEX Cluster Survey that is under completion. Considering the intrinsic biases and incompletenesses introduced by the flux selection and source identification processes, we estimate the overall completeness to be better than 90%. The observed number count distribution, LogN-LogS, is well fitted by a power law with slope alpha = 1.34 +/- 0.15 and normalization A = 11.87 +/- 1.04 sr**-1 (10**-11 ergs cm**-2 s**-1)**alpha, in good agreement with other measurements.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures and 3 tables included, LaTex, emulateapj.sty and epsf.sty, accepted for publication in ApJ: scheduled for the March 20, 1999, Vol.514. The cluster catalog is available at http://www.merate.mi.astro.it/~degrand

    Loose Groups of Galaxies in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey

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    A ``friends-of-friends'' percolation algorithm has been used to extract a catalogue of dn/n = 80 density enhancements (groups) from the six slices of the Las Campanas Redshift Survey (LCRS). The full catalogue contains 1495 groups and includes 35% of the LCRS galaxy sample. A clean sample of 394 groups has been derived by culling groups from the full sample which either are too close to a slice edge, have a crossing time greater than a Hubble time, have a corrected velocity dispersion of zero, or contain a 55-arcsec ``orphan'' (a galaxy with a mock redshift which was excluded from the original LCRS redshift catalogue due to its proximity to another galaxy -- i.e., within 55 arcsec). Median properties derived from the clean sample include: line-of-sight velocity dispersion sigma_los = 164km/s, crossing time t_cr = 0.10/H_0, harmonic radius R_h = 0.58/h Mpc, pairwise separation R_p = 0.64/h Mpc, virial mass M_vir = (1.90x10^13)/h M_sun, total group R-band luminosity L_tot = (1.30x10^11)/h^2 L_sun, and R-band mass-to-light ratio M/L = 171h M_sun/L_sun; the median number of observed members in a group is 3.Comment: 32 pages of text, 27 figures, 7 tables. Figures 1, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are in gif format. Tables 1 and 3 are in plain ASCII format (in paper source) and are also available at http://www-sdss.fnal.gov:8000/~dtucker/LCLG . Accepted for publication in the September 2000 issue of ApJ
