41 research outputs found

    Effects of a high fat diet on bone of growing rats. Correlations between visceral fat, adiponectin and bone mass density

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    In this study, we investigated some bone parameters (bone mineral content, bone mineral density, skeleton area) in growing rats fed with a high fat diet. Correlations between bone and body composition parameters are reported. Two groups of Wistar male rats (35 days old, body mass 80 ± 6 g) were used. Water and food were given "ad libitum" during 10 weeks. Sixteen rats (L) were given a lipid enriched diet and were compared to 16 rats (S) fed with a standard diet. Body composition and bone parameters were assessed using DXA. Results indicated that L rats had lower body mass, lean body mass; fat mass was not different between the two groups. Bone mineral content, bone mineral density, skeleton area of L rats were lower compared with S rats. Significant correlations were noted between body composition, adiponectin and bone parameters. High fat diet intake during the growing period has deleterious effects on bone parameters in rats. This study confirms in growing rats that a high fat diet is pathogenic, including bone metabolism

    Dois poemas vitorianos

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    Tradução de: Ebal Martins Diniz Junio

    A formação de tradutores na extensão universitária: a prática da tradução literária

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    The extramural project “Translator education: literary translation practice” (FORTRALIT) started in 2017 at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). It aims at promoting the practice of literary translation through two main actions: the translation of reports written by professional (literary) translators whose subject matter should be their own professional practice, and the (re)translation of literary texts. The article intends to describe the FORTRALIT Project and to briefly expose some of the activities developed in the scope of the Project. In addition, it intends to detail a task carried out in the scope of the Portuguese/English language pair by students of the Language/Literature course, and to report the views of one of the trainees. The pedagogical basis of the FORTRALIT project encompasses discussions about the training of translators as well as researchers’ views on retranslation and its use for teaching literary translation. FORTRALIT favours the teaching of translation as advocated by Hurtado Albir (2005, 2020), in other words, based on the development of (sub)translation skills and on the focus on tasks. In the context of FORTRALIT, the task of (re)translation (a “reading exercise”, “stealth retranslation” or “retranslation proper”) was chosen in these first years of activity. The task seems useful as one offering both a reflection on the “incompleteness” inherent in the translation process - by comparing various translations, for example - and a practical translation exercise followed by reflection and discussion based on a comparison with models that would be “canonical”. O projeto de extensão “Formação de Tradutores: Prática da Tradução Literária” (FORTRALIT) teve início em 2017 na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), buscando contemplar a experiência da tradução literária via duas ações principais: a tradução e/ou versão de relatos escritos por tradutores (literários) profissionais cujo tema deve ser a própria prática, e a retradução de textos literários. O artigo pretende apresentar o projeto FORTRALIT, expor brevemente algumas das atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito do projeto em geral, detalhar uma tarefa conduzida no âmbito do par linguístico português/inglês, por estagiários alunos do curso de Letras, habilitação Inglês/Literaturas e apresentar a visão de uma das estagiárias desta habilitação. A base pedagógica do projeto FORTRALIT engloba discussões acerca da formação de tradutores e tradutoras bem como a visão do projeto sobre a retradução e sobre seu uso para o ensino da tradução literária. O projeto foi concebido para seguir a didática da tradução tal como preconizada por Hurtado Albir (2005, 2020), isto é, partindo do desenvolvimento de (sub)competências tradutórias dos aprendizes, tendo por base o enfoque por tarefas. No âmbito do FORTRALIT foi escolhida, nesses primeiros anos de atividade, a tarefa da retradução (exercício de leitura, velada ou propriamente dita) como o instrumento capaz de oferecer ao mesmo tempo uma reflexão sobre a “incompletude” inerente ao processo tradutório - ao se comparar várias traduções, por exemplo – e um exercício prático de tradução seguido de reflexão e discussão a partir da comparação com modelos que seriam “canônicos”. Os resultados apontam para a visão de uma retradução relevante, possível entre as tantas outras possíveis.


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    Tout enfant a besoin d’un encadrement qui le sĂ©curise et un amour affectif qui proviendrait de ses parents. Toutefois, l’enfant considère ces derniers comme ceux ayant l’affection, ceux qui donnent le sens de la sĂ©curitĂ©, de la quiĂ©tude et ceux qui ressuscitent la confiance qui sont justes. Quand l’un d’eux meure, il crĂ©e un trou dans le cĹ“ur de l’enfant. Ainsi, l’enfant qui se dĂ©tache de son père ou de sa mère prĂ©sente les caractĂ©ristiques suivantes : la tristesse, le complexe d’infĂ©rioritĂ©, le manque d’affection voire mĂŞme l’énurĂ©sie. Selon Nathalie Nader (2015), le sentiment d’efficacitĂ© des personnes proviendrait de quatre sources Ă  savoir : maitrise personnelle, apprentissage social et que le comportement de l’enfant peut ĂŞtre influencĂ© par le sentiment de compĂ©tence parentale ; cette dernière peut varier selon les expĂ©riences (joie et peine) par la comparaison verbale, par le biais de feedback provenant des autres, les Ă©tats Ă©motionnels tels que le stress, l’excitation par l’anticipation d’échecs ou de rĂ©ussite. D’oĂą un bon encadrement ne le ferait pas sentir ce manque. Diverses raisons font que l’orphelin fonde la nouvelle famille en dehors de sa famille biologique, tribale, religieuse… Un accueil lui est rĂ©servĂ© alors dans un endroit appelĂ© orphelinat qui lui rappel tout le temps un vide Ă  ses cĂ´tĂ©s. Et l’impact de cette appellation lui fait vivre des traumatismes. « Tout celui qui vit dans un orphelinat n’est pas Ă  fortiori un orphelin » les enfants qui y grandissent ont un encadrement qui remplace celui des parents. Cette appellation a des aspects positifs et nĂ©gatifs. Positif, car l’orphelinat redonne un nouveau pattern (modèle) familial pour que l’enfant s’adapte et nĂ©gatifs, l’enfant se demande toujours pourquoi il se trouve exclu d’une famille normale d’oĂą le traumatisme. Ce terme signifie pour lui : ĂŞtre malheureux, esclave, dĂ©pourvu de la famille, sans soutien, etc. Le but de l’orphelinat est de donner Ă  ces enfants la possibilitĂ© d’accĂ©der Ă  l’instruction et d’acquĂ©rir une formation leur permettant de devenir responsable de leur propre dĂ©veloppement. Aussi, offrir aux enfants les moins favorisĂ©s les moyens de construire et d'assurer eux-mĂŞmes leur avenir. Dans ce prĂ©sent travail, nous allons devoir essayer de donner un sens du concept en gĂ©nĂ©ral et particulièrement Ă  celui auquel nous faisons face, nous allons aussi prĂ©senter le lieu auquel nous avions eu Ă  mener nos recherches qui cadrent avec notre domaine, Il sera aussi question de prĂ©senter les enquĂŞtes par leur nom ainsi que les rĂ©sultats auxquels ils nous ont fourni suite aux questions qui a Ă©tĂ© administrĂ©. L'orphelinat comme un lieu d'accueil d’orphelins, les individus mineurs sans parents ou responsable lĂ©gaux. Les orphelinats Ă©taient très rĂ©pandus en occident. Ils Ă©taient souvent gĂ©rĂ©s par les congrĂ©gations religieuses.Tout enfant a besoin d’un encadrement qui le sĂ©curise et un amour affectif qui proviendrait de ses parents. Toutefois, l’enfant considère ces derniers comme ceux ayant l’affection, ceux qui donnent le sens de la sĂ©curitĂ©, de la quiĂ©tude et ceux qui ressuscitent la confiance qui sont justes. Quand l’un d’eux meure, il crĂ©e un trou dans le cĹ“ur de l’enfant. Ainsi, l’enfant qui se dĂ©tache de son père ou de sa mère prĂ©sente les caractĂ©ristiques suivantes : la tristesse, le complexe d’infĂ©rioritĂ©, le manque d’affection voire mĂŞme l’énurĂ©sie. Selon Nathalie Nader (2015), le sentiment d’efficacitĂ© des personnes proviendrait de quatre sources Ă  savoir : maitrise personnelle, apprentissage social et que le comportement de l’enfant peut ĂŞtre influencĂ© par le sentiment de compĂ©tence parentale ; cette dernière peut varier selon les expĂ©riences (joie et peine) par la comparaison verbale, par le biais de feedback provenant des autres, les Ă©tats Ă©motionnels tels que le stress, l’excitation par l’anticipation d’échecs ou de rĂ©ussite. D’oĂą un bon encadrement ne le ferait pas sentir ce manque. Diverses raisons font que l’orphelin fonde la nouvelle famille en dehors de sa famille biologique, tribale, religieuse… Un accueil lui est rĂ©servĂ© alors dans un endroit appelĂ© orphelinat qui lui rappel tout le temps un vide Ă  ses cĂ´tĂ©s. Et l’impact de cette appellation lui fait vivre des traumatismes. « Tout celui qui vit dans un orphelinat n’est pas Ă  fortiori un orphelin Â» les enfants qui y grandissent ont un encadrement qui remplace celui des parents. Cette appellation a des aspects positifs et nĂ©gatifs. Positif, car l’orphelinat redonne un nouveau pattern (modèle) familial pour que l’enfant s’adapte et nĂ©gatifs, l’enfant se demande toujours pourquoi il se trouve exclu d’une famille normale d’oĂą le traumatisme. Ce terme signifie pour lui : ĂŞtre malheureux, esclave, dĂ©pourvu de la famille, sans soutien, etc. Le but de l’orphelinat est de donner Ă  ces enfants la possibilitĂ© d’accĂ©der Ă  l’instruction et d’acquĂ©rir une formation leur permettant de devenir responsable de leur propre dĂ©veloppement. Aussi, offrir aux enfants les moins favorisĂ©s les moyens de construire et d'assurer eux-mĂŞmes leur avenir. Dans ce prĂ©sent travail, nous allons devoir essayer de donner un sens du concept en gĂ©nĂ©ral et particulièrement Ă  celui auquel nous faisons face, nous allons aussi prĂ©senter le lieu auquel nous avions eu Ă  mener nos recherches qui cadrent avec notre domaine, Il sera aussi question de prĂ©senter les enquĂŞtes par leur nom ainsi que les rĂ©sultats auxquels ils nous ont fourni suite aux questions qui a Ă©tĂ© administrĂ©. L'orphelinat comme un lieu d'accueil d’orphelins, les individus mineurs sans parents ou responsable lĂ©gaux. Les orphelinats Ă©taient très rĂ©pandus en occident. Ils Ă©taient souvent gĂ©rĂ©s par les congrĂ©gations religieuses

    Aussprachevermittlungim brasilianischen DaFUnterricht – einige Überlegungen

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    This article aims to stress the importance of Phonetics in German teachers‟ instruction in Brazilian universities. First, it discussed the role of Pronunciation Teaching in teaching a foreign language after the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Furthermore, the concept of accent and its influence and relevance when learning a foreign language is discussed. Finally, some strategies are presented in order to ensure consistent phonetic instruction in Brazilian universitiesDas Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, die Notwendigkeit der Aussprachevermittlung in der Deutschlehrerausbildung an brasilianischen Hochschulen zu unterstreichen.Der Beitrag präsentiert zuerst eine Diskussion über die Rolle der Aussprachvermittlung im Fremdsprachunterricht in den Zeiten nach dem Gemeinsamen Eurospäischen Refernzrahmen. Darüber hinaus wird der Begriff Akzent sowie dessen Einfluss bzw. Relevanz beim Erlernen einer Fremdsprachethematisiert. Anschließend werden einige Herangehensweisen vorgeschlagen, um die Phonetikarbeit an brasilianischen Hochschulen konsequent durchzuführe

    Ensino remoto emergencial e formação de professores de línguas adicionais

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    A suspensão abrupta do ensino presencial nas universidades a fim de conter a rápida propagação da COVID-19, trouxe inúmeros desafios, dentre eles, a reestruturação dos cursos de idiomas oferecidos ao público externo à universidade para seu oferecimento na modalidade online em caráter emergencial. O presente trabalho busca apresentar um relato de experiência acerca do ensino de alemão num dos cursos de extensão da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) e analisar as percepções de alunos e professores em formação vinculados a esse projeto durante o ensino remoto. Para tal, foi aplicado um questionário online semiaberto aos professores-tutores e alunos. As análises indicam que a despeito das dificuldades encontradas, há entre os sujeitos de pesquisa uma percepção positiva da experiência online

    Effects of Three Training Methods on the Physical Fitness in Adult Cameroonian Boxers

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    This study aimed to evaluate three training methods on the physical capacity of Cameroonians boxers in other to propose the best method for their preparation. Thus, thirty-six boxers aged twenty-three to twenty-six were recruited and divided into three groups of twelve boxers each. They were submitted to training session for eight weeks using the continuous method, the intermittent method and the mixed method for group one, two and three respectively. Anthropometric (weight, height and Body Mass Index (BMI)) and physiological (Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2max), Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP), Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP), Blood Glucose Levels (BGL) and Blood Lactic Acid concentrations (BLA)) parameters were measured before and after the training session program. Results at the end of the program showed no significant variation of Blood Glucose Level of boxers between the three groups as well as inside the same group (p>0.05). On the other hand, significant differences (p<0.05-p<0.001) in weight, BMI, SBP, DBP, VO2max and Blood Lactic Acid concentrations were observed. Indeed, weight, BMI, SBP and DBP decreased significantly (p<0.05-p<0.001), while VO2max increased significantly in the three experimental groups (p<0.05-p<0.001). The analysis of these results reveals that the group having practiced the mixed training method showed the strongest rates of increase in VO2max (67.8±5.00 ml/min/kg). In addition, their VO2max at the end of the experimentation is largely above the average value defined by literature (64.8 ml/min/kg). This can justify the choice of the mixed training method for the physical preparation of Cameroonian boxers

    Effect of Schoolbag Weight on Musculoskeletal Pain among Primary School Children in Yaounde, Cameroon: A Cross-sectional Study

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    Background: Heavy schoolbag is known to cause health problems for school children. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of carrying heavy schoolbags on the musculoskeletal pain among primary school children of the two subsystems in Yaounde, Cameroon. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in primary schools in Yaounde. A total of 457 school-children (8.2 ± 2.2 years) were included, 202 from the French-speaking subsystem, and 255 from the English-speaking subsystem. Parameters studied included weight, height, and schoolbag weight. A questionnaire was used to collect socio-demographic information and potential musculoskeletal pain in three regions: back, shoulders, and neck. Results: The mean weight of children and their bags was 28.4 ± 8.2 kg and 5.2 ± 2.3 kg respectively. More than 50% of schoolchildren in the two subsystems carried a schoolbag weighing more than 15% of body weight. The back (38%) was the least affected area in comparison to the shoulders (58.6%) and neck (42.4%) (p < 0.001). Carrying heavy bags and walking to school was associated with pain in the back, shoulders, and neck. School-children in the French-speaking subsystem had lower risk (adjusted Odds Ratio 0.438, 95% Confidence Interval [CI] = 0.295-0.651; p < 0.001) to develop a sore neck compared to peers from the English-speaking subsystem. Conclusion: Carrying heavy schoolbags is associated to musculoskeletal pain in schoolchildren. The means moving to and from school is a main risk factor of developing musculoskeletal pain. French-speaking schoolchildren develop less neck pain than English-speaking schoolchildren

    Schoolbag Weight and Low Back Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study among Children of Public and Private Primary Schools in Cameroon

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    Background: The issue of excessively heavy schoolbags remains a public health concern in Africa. This study aimed to determine the weight of schoolbags among students in the public and private sectors of Yaoundé city, Cameroon and identify factors associated with low back pain.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted during the first term of the 2020/2021 academic year in French-speaking private and public primary schools in Yaoundé city, Cameroon. The study involved 2000 pupils (8.41±2.11 years), with 1000 from the public sector and 1000 from the private sector. The variables analyzed included weight, height, and schoolbag weight. A questionnaire, developed specifically for this study and based on the Standardized Nordic Body Map Questionnaire, was used to collect socio-demographic information and assess potential musculoskeletal low back pain. A diagram was included to indicate the lower back area for reporting pain. The questionnaire was administered, and each student answered it, with assistance from the investigator if needed. Descriptive and inferential statistics, as well as multiple logistic regressions, were employed for data analysis.Results: The average weight of the children and their schoolbags was 28.51±8.04 kg and 4.04±1.72 kg, respectively. Nearly 45% of the pupils were carrying a schoolbag weighing more than 15% of their body weight, and 23% reported experiencing low back pain. Schoolbag weights ranging from 10-15% of body weight were associated with a threefold higher risk (OR=2.66; 95% CI=1.65 – 4.31; P<0.0001) of developing low back pain. Pupils in the public sector had a lower risk (OR=0.28; P<0.0001) of developing low back pain.Conclusion: Children in the private sector experience low back pain more frequently. Carrying heavy schoolbags is associated with low back pain among pupils