309 research outputs found

    Seasonality in the Surface Energy Balance of Tundra in the Lower Mackenzie River Basin

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    This study details seasonal characteristics in the annual surface energy balance of upland and lowland tundra during the 1998–99 water year (Y2). It contrasts the results with the 1997–98 water year (Y1) and relates the findings to the climatic normals for the lower Mackenzie River basin region. Both years were much warmer than the long-term average, with Y1 being both warmer and wetter than Y2. Six seasons are defined as early winter, midwinter, late winter, spring, summer, and fall. The most rapid changes in the surface energy balance occur in spring, fall, and late winter. Of these, spring is the most dynamic, and there is distinct asymmetry between rates of change in spring and those in fall. Rates of change of potential insolation (extraterrestrial solar radiation) in late winter, spring, and fall are within 10% of one another, being highest in late winter and smallest in spring. Rates of change in air temperature and ground temperature are twice as large in spring as in fall and late winter, when they are about the same. Rates of change in components of the energy balance in spring are twice and 4 times as large as in fall and late winter, respectively. The timing of snowpack ripening and snowmelt is the major agent determining the magnitude of asymmetry between fall and spring. This timing is a result of interaction between the solar cycle, air temperature, and snowpack longevity. Based on evidence from this study, potential surface responses to a 18C increase in air temperature are small to moderate in most seasons, but are large in spring when increases range from 7% to 10% of average surface energy fluxes

    Polarized cell motility induces hydrogen peroxide to inhibit cofilin via cysteine oxidation

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    Mesenchymal cell motility is driven by polarized actin polymerization [1]. Signals at the leading edge recruit actin polymerization machinery to promote membrane protrusion, while matrix adhesion generates tractive force to propel forward movement. To work effectively, cell motility is regulated by a complex network of signaling events that affect protein activity and localization. H2O2 has an important role as a diffusible second messenger [2], and mediates its effects through oxidation of cysteine thiols. One cell activity influenced by H2O2 is motility [3]. However, a lack of sensitive and H2O2-specific probes for measurements in live cells has not allowed for direct observation of H2O2 accumulation in migrating cells or protrusions. In addition, the identities of proteins oxidized by H2O2 that contribute to actin dynamics and cell motility have not been characterized. We now show, as determined by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, that motile cells generate H2O2 at membranes and cell protrusions and that H2O2 inhibits cofilin activity through oxidation of cysteines 139 (C139) and 147 (C147). Molecular modeling suggests that C139 oxidation would sterically hinder actin association, while the increased negative charge of oxidized C147 would lead to electrostatic repulsion of the opposite negatively charged surface. Expression of oxidation-resistant cofilin impairs cell spreading, adhesion, and directional migration. These findings indicate that H2O2 production contributes to polarized cell motility through localized cofilin inhibition and that there are additional proteins oxidized during cell migration that might have similar roles

    The protozoan parasite Trichomonas gallinae causes adult and nestling mortality in a declining population of European Turtle Doves, Streptopelia turtur

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    Studies incorporating the ecology of clinical and sub-clinical disease in wild populations of conservation concern are rare. Here we examine sub-clinical infection by Trichomonas gallinae in a declining population of free-living European Turtle Doves and suggest caseous lesions cause mortality in adults and nestlings through subsequent starvation and/or suffocation. We found a 100% infection rate by T. gallinae in adult and nestling Turtle Doves (n = 25) and observed clinical signs in three adults and four nestlings (28%). Adults with clinical signs displayed no differences in any skeletal measures of size but had a mean 3·7% reduction in wing length, with no overlap compared to those without clinical signs. We also identified T. gallinae as the suggested cause of mortality in one Red-legged Partridge although disease presentation was different. A minimum of four strains of T. gallinae, characterized at the ITS/5·8S/ITS2 ribosomal region, were isolated from Turtle Doves. However, all birds with clinical signs (Turtle Doves and the Red-legged Partridge) carried a single strain of T. gallinae, suggesting that parasite spill over between Columbidae and Galliformes is a possibility that should be further investigated. Overall, we highlight the importance of monitoring populations for sub-clinical infection rather than just clinical disease

    Understanding cure and interphase effects in functionalized graphene‐epoxy nanocomposites

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    Agglomerations effects of graphene‐based nanofillers are often reported in the literature to be the main reason on the deterioration of the mechanical properties, especially at high filler loadings. In our study, we focused on the correlated effects of plasma‐treated graphene nanofillers on the curing reaction and mechanical properties of an epoxy matrix. Specifically, we explored the effect of dispersion state, planar size, filler content, surface functionalization and stoichiometric ratio on the epoxy curing process. The surface of the treated graphene nanofillers were studied in detail by X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman spectroscopy and X‐ray diffraction (XRD). The results indicated greater presence of oxygen containing groups with the crystallinity to be unaffected after the plasma process. Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) was used to assess the changes in both the Tg and the mechanical properties of graphene‐epoxy nanocomposites. Rheological and microscopic data showed that a well‐dispersed material was achieved at high filler loadings with the use of calendaring and plasma functionalization. Although, a well‐dispersed material was achieved on the bulk composite, no further mechanical reinforcement was observed at high filler loadings. The adsorption of epoxy groups onto the graphene nanofillers' surface, leading to a stoichiometric imbalance between the epoxy chains and hardener molecules, was proposed to explain the results

    Distinct regulatory effects of myeloid cell and endothelial cell Nox2 on blood pressure

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    Background -Hypertension due to increased renin angiotensin system (RAS) activation is associated with elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Previous studies implicate NADPH oxidase (Nox) proteins as important ROS sources during RAS activation, with different Nox isoforms being potentially involved. Among these, Nox2 is expressed in multiple cell types including endothelial cells, fibroblasts, immune cells and microglia. Blood pressure (BP) is regulated at central nervous system, renal and vascular levels but the cell-specific role of Nox2 in BP regulation is unknown. Methods -We generated a novel mouse model with a Floxed Nox2 gene and used Tie2-Cre, LysM Cre or Cdh5-CreERT2 driver lines to develop cell-specific models of Nox2 perturbation to investigate its role in BP regulation. Results -Unexpectedly, Nox2 deletion in myeloid but not endothelial cells resulted in a significant reduction in basal BP. Tie2-CreNox2 knockout (KO) mice (in which Nox2 was deficient in both endothelial cells and myeloid cells) and LysM Cre Nox2KO mice (in which Nox2 was deficient in myeloid cells) both had significantly lower BP than littermate controls whereas basal BP was unaltered in Cdh5-CreERT2 Nox2 KO mice (in which Nox2 is deficient only in endothelial cells). The lower BP was attributable to an increased NO bioavailability which dynamically dilated resistance vessels in vivo under basal conditions, without change in renal function. Myeloid-specific Nox2 deletion had no effect on angiotensin II-induced hypertension which, however, was blunted in Tie2-CreNox2KO mice along with preservation of endothelium-dependent relaxation during angiotensin II stimulation. Conclusions -We identify a hitherto unrecognized modulation of basal BP by myeloid cell Nox2 whereas endothelial cell Nox2 regulates angiotensin II-induced hypertension. These results identify distinct cell-specific roles for Nox2 in BP regulation

    The NIEHS Superfund Research Program: 25 Years of Translational Research for Public Health

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    BACKGROUND: The Superfund Research Program (SRP) is an academically based, multidisciplinary, translational research program that for 25 years has sought scientific solutions to health and environmental problems associated with hazardous waste sites. SRP is coordinated by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). It supports multi-project grants, undergraduate and postdoctoral training programs, individual research grants, and Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Technology Transfer Research (STTR) grants. RESULTS: SRP has had many successes: discovery of arsenic\u27s toxicity to the developing human central nervous system; documentation of benzene toxicity to hematologic progenitor cells in human bone marrow; development of novel analytic techniques such as the luciferase expression assay and laser fragmentation fluorescence spectroscopy; demonstration that PCBs can cause developmental neurotoxicity at low levels and alter the genomic characteristics of sentinel animals; elucidation of the neurodevelopmental toxicity of organophosphate insecticides; documentation of links between antimicrobial agents and alterations in hormone response; discovery of biological mechanisms through which environmental chemicals may contribute to obesity, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cancer; tracking the health and environmental effects of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Hurricane Katrina; and development of novel biological and engineering techniques to facilitate more efficient and lower-cost remediation of hazardous waste sites. CONCLUSION: SRP must continue to address the legacy of hazardous waste in the United States, respond to new issues caused by rapid advances in technology, and train the next generation of leaders in environmental health science while recognizing that most of the world\u27s worst toxic hot spots are now located in low- and middle-income countries

    Health position paper and redox perspectives on reactive oxygen species as signals and targets of cardioprotection

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    The present review summarizes the beneficial and detrimental roles of reactive oxygen species in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury and cardioprotection. In the first part, the continued need for cardioprotection beyond that by rapid reperfusion of acute myocardial infarction is emphasized. Then, pathomechanisms of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion to the myocardium and the coronary circulation and the different modes of cell death in myocardial infarction are characterized. Different mechanical and pharmacological interventions to protect the ischemic/reperfused myocardium in elective percutaneous coronary interventions and coronary artery bypass grafting, in acute myocardial infarction and in cardiotoxicity from cancer therapy are detailed. The second part keeps the focus on ROS providing a comprehensive overview of molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in ischemia/reperfusion injury. Starting from mitochondria as the main sources and targets of ROS in ischemic/reperfused myocardium, a complex network of cellular and extracellular processes is discussed, including relationships with Ca2+ homeostasis, thiol group redox balance, hydrogen sulfide modulation, cross-talk with NAPDH oxidases, exosomes, cytokines and growth factors. While mechanistic insights are needed to improve our current therapeutic approaches, advancements in knowledge of ROS-mediated processes indicate that detrimental facets of oxidative stress are opposed by ROS requirement for physiological and protective reactions. This inevitable contrast is likely to underlie unsuccessful clinical trials and limits the development of novel cardioprotective interventions simply based upon ROS removal

    Testing bespoke management of foraging habitat for European turtle doves Streptopelia turtur

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    Agri-environment schemes (AES) are increasingly being employed to mitigate biodiversity loss in agricultural environments. The European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur is an obligate granivorous bird in rapid decline within both the UK (−96% since 1970) and across continental Europe (−77% since 1980), despite widespread uptake of AES. Here, we assess the efficacy of a potentially new, sown agri-environment option designed to provide abundant, accessible seed for S. turtur during the breeding season. During summer 2011 we compared vegetation structure and seed provision on trial plots to control habitat types (existing agri-environment options thought to potentially provide S. turtur foraging habitat) to assess whether trial plots performed better for foraging S. turtur than control habitats. In September 2011 all trial plots were topped (cut) and half of a subset of trial plots were then scarified (60% of soil surface disturbed). Vegetation structure on topped, and topped and scarified trial plots was measured during summer 2012 to determine which management regime was most effective in maintaining suitable sward structure and seed provision into the second year. No control habitat type produced as much seed important in S. turtur diet as trial plots at any point during year one. Trial plots provided accessible vegetation structure early in the season with no difference in vegetation metrics between trial plots and previously published data on S. turtur foraging locations. However, to allow later access, management is required during mid-June to open up the sward through localized topping or scarification. Vegetation structure during year two was generally too dense to attract foraging S. turtur. However, scarifying trial plots during the September following sowing encouraged self-seeding of Fumaria officinalis (a plant species historically forming a significant proportion of S. turtur diet during the breeding season) into the second year, with this species present in 16% of scarified trial plots compared to only 4% of topped trial plots during year two. Thus, autumn scarification, possibly followed by topping or scarification of part of the trial plots in June, is necessary for trial plots to provide more seed and access for S. turtur than existing agri-environment options during year two. We recommend modifications to our original seed mix in order to reduce vegetation density and improve vegetation structure. The study provides an example of the need to strike the right balance between food abundance and accessibility, through vegetation structure, when designing agri-environment scheme management options that provide food for birds
