7 research outputs found
The Complementary Roles of Mitigation and Insurance in Managing Catastrophic Risks
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Case Study: Scenario-Based Seismic Loss Estimation for Concrete Buildings in Mid-America
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Earthquake Engineering Research Institute'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Stress drops and radiated energies of aftershocks of the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake
- Author
- Abercrombie
- Abercrombie
- Aki
- Boatwright
- Boatwright
- Brune
- Byerlee
- Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering
- Dahlen
- Deichmann
- Dreger
- Dziewonski
- Eshelby
- Hickman
- Hutton
- Ide
- Jennings
- Kanamori
- Kanamori
- Kanamori
- Kanamori
- Kanamori
- Kikuchi
- Kikuchi
- Lachenbruch
- Lachenbruch
- Mayeda
- McGarr
- McGarr
- Mori
- Mori
- Mori
- Mueller
- Orowan
- Sibson
- Thio
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Venkataraman
- Venkataraman
- Wald
- Wald
- Wyss
- Zoback
- Publication venue
- 'American Geophysical Union (AGU)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2003
- Field of study
Loss Estimation of Tall Buildings Designed for the PEER Tall Building Initiative Project
- Author
- Applied Technology Council (ATC-13)
- Applied Technology Council (ATC-58)
- Aslani H.
- Computers and Structures Inc.
- Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering (CUREE)
- Cornell C. A.
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA-273)
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA-355F)
- Grossi P.
- Haselton C. B.
- International Code Council (ICC)
- Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural Design Council (LATBSDC)
- Moehle J.
- Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER)
- Ramirez C. M.
- Shome N.
- Structural Engineer's Association of California (SEAOC)
- U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
- Publication venue
- 'Earthquake Engineering Research Institute'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Investigation of Wood Shear Walls Subjected to Lateral Load
- Author
- Adams
- Atherton
- Atherton
- California Institute of Technology and California Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering CUREE
- Caprolu
- Casagrande
- Casagrande
- Changnon
- Christovasilis
- Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering (CUREE)
- Dolan
- Durham
- Filiatrault
- Filiatrault
- Foliente
- Jordan
- Kamiya
- Karacabeyli
- Karacabeyli
- Karacabeyli
- Lam
- Marshall
- Marshall
- NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Tracks U.S. Weather and Climate
- Pang
- Pei
- Pei
- Rose
- Schierle
- Sinha
- Songlai
- Stewart
- Tissel
- Van de Lindt
- Van de Lindt
- Van de Lindt
- Varoglu
- Wanyama
- White
- Winkel
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Hazardous Materials Releases in the Northridge Earthquake: Implications for Seismic Risk Assessment
- Author
- Andrews J. D.
- Anthony D. F.
- Association of American Railroads
- Association of American Railroads
- Association of Bay Area Governments
- Association of Bay Area Governments
- Aven T.
- Ballantyne D. B.
- Burbenn T.
- California Governor's Office of Emergency Services
- California Public Utilities Commission
- California Public Utilities Commission
- California State Fire Marshal
- Central United States Earthquake Consortium
- City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety
- City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation
- Cowen A. R.
- Cowen A. R.
- Department of Transportation
- Earthquake Consortium
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- General American Transportation Corporation
- GTE California
- Heil Company
- Heil Company
- Jonientz-Trisler C.
- Lindell M. K.
- Lindell M. K.
- Los Angeles County Fire Department
- Manning D.
- Manning D. O.
- Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
- National Science Foundation
- National Science Foundation
- Nyman D.
- Nyman D. J.
- O'Rourke T.
- Pacific Bell
- Perkins J. B.
- Perkins J. B.
- Rowe W. D.
- Schiff A. J.
- Shane D. M.
- Sherer R. S.
- Showalter P.
- Showalter P.
- Southern California Edison
- Southern California Gas Company
- Tierney K.
- Trailmobile Company
- Union Pacific Railroad Company
- Utah Seismic Safety Commission
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Adams
- Aghababian
- Alson
- American College of Emergency Physicians
- Anderson
- Angell
- Auf der Heide
- Auf der Heide
- Barton
- Bell
- Brewer
- Buerk
- Burton
- Burton
- California Association of Hospitals and Health Systems
- Centers for Disease Control
- Centers for Disease Control
- Central United States Earthquake Consortium
- Cihlar
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Committee on Emergency Medical Services of the Medical Association of Georgia the Georgia State Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons, the Disaster Planning Committee of the Georgia Hospital Association
- Davie
- De Atley
- Drabek
- Drabek
- Drabek
- Drabek
- Drabek
- Drabek
- Dunlap
- Durkin
- Dynes
- Dynes
- Dynes
- Edelstein
- Erik Auf der Heide
- Esch
- Estess
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Fisher
- Fox
- Freeman
- Friedman
- Fritz
- Fritz
- Gallagher
- Golec
- Goodwin
- Gordon
- Haynes
- Holloway
- Holloway
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Johnson
- Kallsen
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kerns
- Kilijanek
- Klein
- Lee
- Levy
- Lewis
- Mattingly
- Mesnick
- Moore
- Morris
- National Safety Council
- National Transportation Safety Board
- Neff
- Orr
- Patterson
- Phreaner
- Pointer
- Quarantelli
- Quarantelli
- Quarantelli
- Quarantelli
- Quarantelli
- Quarantelli
- Quinn
- Raker
- Rosow
- Ross
- Sabatino
- San Francisco Department of Public Health
- Scanlon
- Shaftan
- Smith
- Sopher
- Stallings
- Stout
- Taylor
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Wenger
- Williams
- Wolfson
- Worth
- Wright
- Wright
- Yutzy
- Zhi-Yong
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study