781 research outputs found

    Gasification of biomass in a downdraft reactor

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    The objective of this study was to design, construct, commission and operate a laboratory scale gasifier system that could be used to investigate the parameters that influence the gasification process. The gasifier is of the open-core variety and is fabricated from 7.5 cm bore quartz glass tubing. Gas cleaning is by a centrifugal contacting scrubber, with the product gas being flared. The system employs an on-line dedicated gas analysis system, monitoring the levels of H2, CO, CO2 and CH4 in the product gas. The gas composition data, as well as the gas flowrate, temperatures throughout the system and pressure data is recorded using a BBC microcomputer based data-logging system. Ten runs have been performed using the system of which six were predominantly commissioning runs. The main emphasis in the commissioning runs was placed on the gas clean-up, the product gas cleaning and the reactor bed temperature measurement. The reaction was observed to occur in a narrow band, of about 3 to 5 particle diameters thick. Initially the fuel was pyrolysed, with the volatiles produced being combusted and providing the energy to drive the process, and then the char product was gasified by reaction with the pyrolysis gases. Normally, the gasifier is operated with reaction zone supported on a bed of char, although it has been operated for short periods without a char bed. At steady state the depth of char remains constant, but by adjusting the air inlet rate it has been shown that the depth of char can be increased or decreased. It has been shown that increasing the depth of the char bed effects some improvement in the product gas quality

    Holomorphic bundles for higher dimensional gauge theory

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    Motivated by gauge theory under special holonomy, we present techniques to produce holomorphic bundles over certain noncompact 33-folds, called building blocks, satisfying a stability condition `at infinity'. Such bundles are known to parametrise solutions of the Yang-Mills equation over the G2\rm G_2-manifolds obtained from asymptotically cylindrical Calabi-Yau 33-folds studied by Kovalev and by Corti-Haskins-Nordstr\"om-Pacini et al. The most important tool is a generalisation of Hoppe's stability criterion to holomorphic bundles over smooth projective varieties XX with PicXZl\operatorname{Pic}{X}\simeq\mathbb{Z}^l, a result which may be of independent interest. Finally, we apply monads to produce a prototypical model of the curvature blow-up phenomenon along a sequence of asymptotically stable bundles degenerating into a torsion-free sheaf.Comment: 19 pages. Final version to appear in Bulletin of the London Mathematical Societ

    Surface plasmon resonance study of the actin-myosin sarcomeric complex and tubulin dimers

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    Biosensors based on the principle of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) detection were used to measure biomolecular interactions in sarcomeres and changes of the dielectric constant of tubulin samples with varying concentration. At SPR, photons of laser light efficiently excite surface plasmons propagating along a metal (gold) film. This resonance manifests itself as a sharp minimum in the reflection of the incident laser light and occurs at a characteristic angle. The dependence of the SPR angle on the dielectric permittivity of the sample medium adjacent to the gold film allows the monitoring of molecular interactions at the surface. We present results of measurements of cross-bridge attachment/detachment within intact mouse heart muscle sarcomeres and measurements on bovine tubulin molecules pertinent to cytoskeletal signal transduction models.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Modern Optics *Corresponding author: Andreas Mershin ([email protected]

    A fusion peptide in the spike protein of MERS coronavirus

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    Coronaviruses represent current and emerging threats for many species, including humans. Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is responsible for sporadic infections in mostly Middle Eastern countries, with occasional transfer elsewhere. A key step in the MERS-CoV replication cycle is the fusion of the virus and host cell membranes mediated by the virus spike protein, S. The location of the fusion peptide within the MERS S protein has not been precisely mapped. We used isolated peptides and giant unilamellar vesicles (GUV) to demonstrate membrane binding for a peptide located near the N-terminus of the S2 domain. Key residues required for activity were mapped by amino acid replacement and their relevance in vitro tested by their introduction into recombinant MERS S protein expressed in mammalian cells. Mutations preventing membrane binding in vitro also abolished S-mediated syncytium formation consistent with the identified peptide acting as the fusion peptide for the S protein of MERS-CoV

    Serious Games in Formal Education: Discussing Some Critical Aspects

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    International audienceInnovation in technology together with evolution in pedagogical approaches is encouraging increased integration of technology-supported interventions in mainstream teaching practices. One area attracting particularly close attention in this respect is Serious Games (SGs), which offer considerable potential for facilitating both formal and informal learning experiences in supported and standalone contexts. Advances in technology and in technology enhanced learning are raising learners' expectations for immersive and engaging game-based experiences. This trend is underpinned by the emergence of young learners adept at using digital technologies and the internet; there is an attendant risk that, as students, they may be alienated by traditional education and its failure to engage them fully in a lifelong learning process and prepare them adequately for the challenges of the 21st Century. SGs would appear to offer an attractive solution in this regard. However, there are a number of inhibitors preventing their wider take-up in mainstream education, with the result that the considerable potential on offer has yet to be fully exploited. This situation is the background for the joint efforts of partners in the Games and Learning Alliance (GALA), an EC-funded Network of Excellence on SGs, especially the sub-group dedicated to the pedagogical dimension of SGs. In its discussions on the key challenges for more wide-scale and effective SG use, the group has focused in particular on aspects related to the central role played by the educator in formal education settings. Specifically, discussion has focused on the challenges posed when educators are called on to modify their practice, adopting the new roles and approaches demanded for effective SG deployment. This paper presents the outcome of the group's exploration. It frames the question of the educator's central role by drawing on research work that, in the view of the different authors, embodies the major references for shedding light on this multi-faceted aspect. As well as the new role that the educator assumes in games-based learning environments, particular attention is also dedicated to the innovative pedagogical approaches that can be applied to SG deployment, especially those inspired by peer collaboration

    Epithelial cell-directed efferocytosis in the post-partum mammary gland is necessary for tissue homeostasis and future lactation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mammary glands harbor a profound burden of apoptotic cells (ACs) during post-lactational involution, but little is known regarding mechanisms by which ACs are cleared from the mammary gland, or consequences if this process is interrupted. We investigated AC clearance, also termed efferocytosis, during post-lactational remodeling, using mice deficient for MerTK, Axl, and Tyro3, three related receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) regulating macrophage-mediated efferocytosis in monocytes. MerTK expression, apoptosis and the accumulation of apoptotic debris were examined in histological sections of MerTK-deficient, Axl/Tyro3-deficient, and wild-type mammary glands harvested at specific time points during lactation and synchronized involution. The ability of primary mammary epithelial cells (MECs) to engulf ACs was assessed in culture. Transplant of MerTK-deficient mammary epithelium into cleared WT mammary fat pads was used to assess the contribution of WT mammary macrophages to post-lactational efferocytosis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>ACs induced MerTK expression in MECs, resulting in elevated MerTK levels at the earliest stages of involution. Loss of MerTK resulted in AC accumulation in post-lactational MerTK-deficient mammary glands, but not in Axl and Tyro3-deficient mammary glands. Increased vascularization, fibrosis, and epithelial hyperproliferation were observed in MerTK-deficient mammary glands through at least 60 days post-weaning, due to failed efferocytosis after lactation, but did not manifest in nulliparous mice. WT host-derived macrophages failed to rescue efferocytosis in transplanted MerTK-deficient mammary epithelium.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Efferocytosis by MECs through MerTK is crucial for mammary gland homeostasis and function during the post-lactational period. Efferocytosis by MECs thus limits pathologic consequences associated with the apoptotic load following lactation.</p

    Shear wave elastography and parathyroid adenoma: A new tool for diagnosing parathyroid adenomas

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    AbstractObjectivesThis study prospectively determines the shear wave elastography characteristics of parathyroid adenomas using virtual touch imaging quantification, a non-invasive ultrasound based shear wave elastography method.MethodsThis prospective study examined 57 consecutive patients with biochemically proven primary hyperparathyroidism and solitary parathyroid adenoma identified by ultrasound and confirmed by at least one of the following: surgical resection, positive Technetium–99m Sestamibi Scintigraphy (MIBI) scan, or fine needle aspiration biopsy with positive PTH washout (performed only in MIBI negative patients). Vascularity and shear wave elastography were performed for all patients. Parathyroid adenoma stiffness was measured as shear wave velocity in meters per second.ResultsThe median (range) pre-surgical value for PTH and calcium were 58pg/mL (19, 427) and 10.8mg/dL (9.5, 12.1), respectively. 37 patients had positive MIBI scan. 20 patients had negative MIBI scan but diagnosis was confirmed with positive PTH washout. 42 patients underwent parathyroidectomy, and an adenoma was confirmed in all. The median (range) shear wave velocity for all parathyroid adenomas enrolled in this study was 2.02m/s (1.53, 2.50). The median (range) shear wave velocity for thyroid tissue was 2.77m/s (1.89, 3.70). The shear wave velocity of the adenomas was independent of adenoma size, serum parathyroid hormone concentration, or plasma parathyroid hormone concentration.ConclusionsTissue elasticity of parathyroid adenoma is significantly lower than thyroid tissue. B-mode features and distinct vascularity pattern are helpful tools in diagnosing parathyroid adenoma with ultrasound. Shear wave elastography may provide valuable information in diagnosing parathyroid adenoma

    Broad Medical Uncertainty and the Ethical Obligation for Openness

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    Copyright © The Author(s) 2022. This paper argues that there exists a collective epistemic state of ‘Broad Medical Uncertainty’ (BMU) regarding the effectiveness of many medical interventions. We outline the features of BMU, and describe some of the main contributing factors. These include flaws in medical research methodologies, bias in publication practices, financial and other conflicts of interest, and features of how evidence is translated into practice. These result in a significant degree of uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of many medical treatments and unduly optimistic beliefs about the benefit / harm profiles of such treatments. We argue for an ethical presumption in favour of openness regarding BMU as part of a ‘Corrective Response’. We then consider some objections to this position (the ‘Anti-Corrective Response’), including concerns that public honesty about flaws in medical research could undermine trust in healthcare institutions. We suggest that, as it stands, the Anti-Corrective Response is unconvincing.This research was funded in part by the Wellcome Trust [Grant number WT203132/Z/16/Z]. This project/publication was made possible through the support of a grant from The Honesty Project at Wake Forest University and the John Templeton Foundation. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Honesty Project, Wake Forest University, or the John Templeton Foundation [Grant number 61842 PI: Brown]

    Multimodality and Memory in the Mise en page of Guillaume de Machaut's Mass

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    Guillaume de Machaut’s mass survives in only five manuscripts, which all form part of the surprisingly homogeneous ‘complete works’ set of Machaut manuscripts. In this contribution, I argue that the details of mise en page in these manuscripts are reflective both of scribal memorial processes and multimodality in action: in this work where one of the major modes (image) is absent, the musical notation itself takes on an additional aesthetic role, that of visual beauty. In these manuscripts, the mass takes its place within the music section, surrounded there by lays, motets, virelais, and rondeaux, these surrounded (or preceded) by courtly ‘dits’ and lyrics not set to music. Four of these five manuscripts are illuminated, and all provide musical notation: all, therefore, are overtly multimodal. Despite the lavish illumination in the manuscripts, the mass is never adorned with a miniature, nor is it mentioned in Machaut’s ‘Prologue’ to his works. The aesthetic beauty of the mise en page of the mass, therefore, is derived from the musical notation, while the text-music setting shows a distinct divide between the two contrasting compositional techniques of the mass