1,827 research outputs found

    Multipurpose High Frequency Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer for Condensed Matter Research

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    We describe a quasi-optical multifrequency ESR spectrometer operating in the 75-225 GHz range and optimized at 210 GHz for general use in condensed matter physics, chemistry and biology. The quasi-optical bridge detects the change of mm wave polarization at the ESR. A controllable reference arm maintains a mm wave bias at the detector. The attained sensitivity of 2x10^10 spin/G/(Hz)1/2, measured on a dilute Mn:MgO sample in a non-resonant probe head at 222.4 GHz and 300 K, is comparable to commercial high sensitive X band spectrometers. The spectrometer has a Fabry-Perot resonator based probe head to measure aqueous solutions, and a probe head to measure magnetic field angular dependence of single crystals. The spectrometer is robust and easy to use and may be operated by undergraduate students. Its performance is demonstrated by examples from various fields of condensed matter physics.Comment: submitted to Journal of Magnetic Resonanc

    Z-Spec: A MM-Wave Spectrometer For Measuring Redshifts Of Submillimeter Galaxies

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    We are building a background-limited, broadband millimeter-wave spectrometer (Z-Spec) for observations of CO rotational transitions from high-redshift dusty galaxies. The large instantaneous bandwidth (195 to 310 GHz) will enable redshifts of dust obscured galaxies to be unambiguously measured. Z-Spec uses a waveguide-coupled grating architecture in which the light propagation is confined within a parallel-plate waveguide. The grating is extremely compact compared to a classical free-space system. An array of silicon nitride bolometers cooled to 100 mK will provide background-limited performance. Z-Spec serves as a technology demonstration for a future space-borne far-infrared grating spectrometer

    Homotopy types of stabilizers and orbits of Morse functions on surfaces

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    Let MM be a smooth compact surface, orientable or not, with boundary or without it, PP either the real line R1R^1 or the circle S1S^1, and Diff(M)Diff(M) the group of diffeomorphisms of MM acting on C(M,P)C^{\infty}(M,P) by the rule hffh1h\cdot f\mapsto f \circ h^{-1}, where hDiff(M)h\in Diff(M) and fC(M,P)f \in C^{\infty}(M,P). Let f:MPf:M \to P be a Morse function and O(f)O(f) be the orbit of ff under this action. We prove that πkO(f)=πkM\pi_k O(f)=\pi_k M for k3k\geq 3, and π2O(f)=0\pi_2 O(f)=0 except for few cases. In particular, O(f)O(f) is aspherical, provided so is MM. Moreover, π1O(f)\pi_1 O(f) is an extension of a finitely generated free abelian group with a (finite) subgroup of the group of automorphisms of the Reeb graph of ff. We also give a complete proof of the fact that the orbit O(f)O(f) is tame Frechet submanifold of C(M,P)C^{\infty}(M,P) of finite codimension, and that the projection Diff(M)O(f)Diff(M) \to O(f) is a principal locally trivial S(f)S(f)-fibration.Comment: 49 pages, 8 figures. This version includes the proof of the fact that the orbits of a finite codimension of tame action of tame Lie group on tame Frechet manifold is a tame Frechet manifold itsel

    A Census of the High-Density Molecular Gas in M82

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    We present a three-pointing study of the molecular gas in the starburst nucleus of M82 based on 190 - 307 GHz spectra obtained with Z-Spec at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. We present intensity measurements, detections and upper limits, for 20 transitions, including several new detections of CS, HNC, C2H, H2CO, and CH3CCH lines. We combine our measurements with previously-published measurements at other frequencies for HCN, HNC, CS, C34S, and HCO+ in a multi-species likelihood analysis constraining gas mass, density and temperature, and the species' relative abundances. We find some 1.7 - 2.7 x 10^8 M_sun of gas with n_H2 between 1 - 6 x 10^4 cm^-3 and T > 50 K. While the mass and temperature are comparable to values inferred from mid-J CO transitions, the thermal pressure is a factor of 10 - 20 greater. The molecular interstellar medium is largely fragmented and is subject to ultraviolet irradiation from the star clusters. It is also likely subject to cosmic rays and mechanical energy input from the supernovae, and is warmer on average than the molecular gas in the massive star formation regions in the Milky Way. The typical conditions in the dense gas in M82's central kpc appear unfavorable for further star formation; if any appreciable stellar populations are currently forming, they are likely biased against low mass stars, producing a top-heavy initial mass function.Comment: 15 pages (using emulateapj.cls), 6 figures, Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    The Warm Molecular Gas Around the Cloverleaf Quasar

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    We present the first broadband lambda = 1 mm spectrum toward the z=2.56 Cloverleaf Quasar, obtained with Z-Spec, a 1-mm grating spectrograph on the 10.4-meter Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. The 190-305 GHz observation band corresponds to rest-frame 272 to 444 microns, and we measure the dust continuum as well as all four transitions of carbon monoxide (CO) lying in this range. The power-law dust emission, F_nu = 14 mJy (nu/240GHz)^3.9 is consistent with the published continuum measurements. The CO J=6->5, J=8->7, and J=9->8 measurements are the first, and now provide the highest-J CO information in this source. Our measured CO intensities are very close to the previously-published interferometric measurements of J=7->6, and we use all available transitions and our 13CO upper limits to constrain the physical conditions in the Cloverleaf molecular gas disk. We find a large mass (2-50x10^9 Msun) of highly-excited gas with thermal pressure nT > 10^6 Kcm^-3. The ratio of the total CO cooling to the far-IR dust emission exceeds that in the local dusty galaxies, and we investigate the potential heating sources for this bulk of warm molecular gas. We conclude that both UV photons and X-rays likely contribute, and discuss implications for a top-heavy stellar initial mass function arising in the X-ray-irradiated starburst. Finally we present tentative identifications of other species in the spectrum, including a possible detection of the H20 2_0,2->1_1,1 transition at lambda_rest = 303 microns.Comment: ApJ in press, 12 pages in emulateAp