31 research outputs found

    Diabetic retinopathy: current and future methods for early screening from a retinal hemodynamic and geometric approach

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a major disease and is the number one cause of blindness in the UK. In England alone, 4200 new cases appear every year and 1280 lead to blindness. DR is a result of diabetes mellitus, which affects the retina of the eye and specifically the vessel structure. Elevated levels of glucose cause a malfunction in the cell structure, which affects the vessel wall and, in severe conditions, leads to their breakage. Much research has been carried out on detecting the different stages of DR but not enough versatile research has been carried out on the detection of early DR before the appearance of any lesions. In this review, the authors approach the topic from the functional side of the human eye and how hemodynamic factors that are impaired by diabetes affect the vascular structur

    Can hippocampal neurites and growth cones climb over obstacles?

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    Guidance molecules, such as Sema3A or Netrin-1, can induce growth cone (GC) repulsion or attraction in the presence of a flat surface, but very little is known of the action of guidance molecules in the presence of obstacles. Therefore we combined chemical and mechanical cues by applying a steady Netrin-1 stream to the GCs of dissociated hippocampal neurons plated on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) surfaces patterned with lines 2 \ub5m wide, with 4 \ub5m period and with a height varying from 100 to 600 nm. GC turning experiments performed 24 hours after plating showed that filopodia crawl over these lines within minutes. These filopodia do not show staining for the adhesion marker Paxillin. GCs and neurites crawl over lines 100 nm high, but less frequently and on a longer time scale over lines higher than 300 nm; neurites never crawl over lines 600 nm high. When neurons are grown for 3 days over patterned surfaces, also neurites can cross lines 300 nm and 600 nm high, grow parallel to and on top of these lines and express Paxillin. Axons - selectively stained with SMI 312 - do not differ from dendrites in their ability to cross these lines. Our results show that highly motile structures such as filopodia climb over high obstacle in response to chemical cues, but larger neuronal structures are less prompt and require hours or days to climb similar obstacles

    Petri nets for modelling metabolic pathways: a survey

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    In the last 15 years, several research efforts have been directed towards the representation and the analysis of metabolic pathways by using Petri nets. The goal of this paper is twofold. First, we discuss how the knowledge about metabolic pathways can be represented with Petri nets. We point out the main problems that arise in the construction of a Petri net model of a metabolic pathway and we outline some solutions proposed in the literature. Second, we present a comprehensive review of recent research on this topic, in order to assess the maturity of the field and the availability of a methodology for modelling a metabolic pathway by a corresponding Petri net

    Clusters of alcohol abstainers and drinkers incorporating motives against drinking: a random survey of 18 to 34 year olds in four cities in four different continents

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    Objective: The aim of this analysis was to identify alcohol consumption clusters for adolescents and early adults according to attitudes to drinking, motivations against drinking and perceptions associated with alcohol. Method: Interviews were undertaken with people aged 18–34 years old living in four cities in different regions of the world. Multistage random sampling was consistent across the four cities (Ilorin (Nigeria), Wuhan (China), Montevideo (Uruguay) and Moscow (Russia)). The questionnaire was forward and back translated into relevant languages and face-to-face interviewing undertaken. The data were weighted to the population of each city. In total 6235 structured interviews were undertaken (1391 in Ilorin, 1600 in Montevideo, 1604 in Moscow and 1640 in Wuhan). Questions regarding motivation against alcohol consumption (14 items), assessing perceptions (3 items) and attitudes to drinking in certain situations (8 items) were asked of all respondents including abstainers. Factor analysis was initially undertaken to identify highly related correlated variables. Results: Cluster analysis provided a variety of clusters (Ilorin (3 clusters), Montevideo (5), Moscow (4) and Wuhan (4)). At least one cluster in each city was dominated by abstainers and another by heavy episodic drinkers. Variations by city and alcohol consumption patterns existed in regards to variables included. Conclusion: This analysis detailed the city specific motivations against drinking alcohol, and the attitudes towards alcohol consumption. Differences highlight the influence of country/city specific culture, customs, laws, societal norms and traditions

    Invasive Species Control and Resolution of Wildlife Damage Conflicts: A Framework for Chemical and Genetically Based Management Methods

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    Vertebrate wildlife damage management relates to developing and employing methods to mitigate against damage caused by wildlife in the areas of food production, property damage, and animal or human health and safety. Of the many management tools available, chemical methods (e.g., toxicants) draw the most attention owing to issues related to environmental burden, species specificity, and humaneness. Research and development focusing on RNA interference and gene drives may be able to address the technical aspects of performance goals. However, there remain many questions about regulation, environmental risk, and societal acceptance for these emerging biological technologies. Here we focus on the development and use of these biological technologies for use in vertebrate pest management and conservation (e.g., management of wildlife diseases). We then discuss the regulatory framework and challenges these technologies present and conclude with a discussion on factors to consider for enabling these technologies for pest management and conservation applications under a commercially applied framework

    Ethik der Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen

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    Datafizierung, sektorale Entgrenzung und Überwachung (Surveillance) sind Entwicklungen, die aus ethischer Perspektive gerade für das Gesundheitswesen von besonderer Relevanz sind. Mit Bezug auf Gesundheit und die spezifische Konstitution des Menschen (Vulnerabilität, Leiblichkeit, Sozialität) werden hier ethisch heikle Punkte berührt, die bei der Forschung, Entwicklung, Verbreitung und Nutzung digitaler Gesundheitstechnologien besonders zu berücksichtigen sind. Abgerundet wird diese Betrachtung mit Überlegungen zum Einsatz von Robotern und Assistenzsystemen in Medizin und Pflege, weil an ihnen der transzendierende Charakter dieser Technik verdeutlicht werden kann. Es muss letztlich eine ethisch-anthropologische Neubestimmung erfolgen, sofern diese Technik den rein instrumentellen Charakter bisheriger Werkzeuge, Maschinen und Automaten überschreitet. Um zu verhindern, dass ethische Fragestellungen zu spät angegangen werden, und um Schaden zu vermeiden skizziert dieser Artikel die Richtung der zu erwartenden Herausforderungen und identifiziert im Kern einige ethisch relevante Fragestellungen anhand konkreter Beispiele