148 research outputs found

    Children and nutrition

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    It is possible to raise healthy generations by improving the awareness levels of the role models (parents, teachers etc.) who will shape the perspectives of future parents towards nutrition and physical activity. That children receive adequate levels of nutrition from proper sources, which is vital for children’s growth and development, is considerably under the control of external factors (e.g. family and friends’ eating habits, third person’s care/knowledge and experiences such as teachers/trainers etc.). Considering nutrition and the intense physical activity of preschoolers, which is an inherent characteristic of that development stage, and especially the children who are guided to do more intense physical activity, the case becomes more complex. Thus, with the aim to address children’s energy depletion from intense physical activity, it is suggested to provide children with attractive alternatives. Including some of these alternatives, this study aims to reveal the significance of an adequate and balanced diet as well as proper planning of physical activity and periodic assessments at the appropriate time and conditions so that the children who start regular physical activity display optimal performance

    A Research on the Relationship between Knowledge Sharing and Employee Performance: The Moderating Role of Unethical Behaviors in Organizational Level

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    Technological advances in the 21st century raise the importance of the process of accessing and evaluating knowledge. Knowledge sharing is important in individual level as much as is in organizational level. Effective knowledge sharing among the members of an organization makes a positive impact on the realization of goals set by the organization. Knowledge sharing positively affects the performance of the employees who work to reach these goals. Moreover, in the study behaviors of the individuals communicating during the knowledge sharing process are classified as ethical and unethical. Increase in unethical behaviors decrease the effect of knowledge sharing on the employee performance. Unethical behaviors in an organization are classified as behaviors against shareholders, clients, suppliers, employees as well as against the public. This study examines the role of unethical behaviors on the effect of knowledge sharing on the employee performance in the organizational level

    In vitro effectiveness of Castellani solution including various ingredients against different microorganisms

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    Objective: As the external auditory canal is a moisturearea, it facilitates the growth of bacteria and fungi. Infectionsand inflammation due to Staphylococcus aureus,Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Aspergillus spp. and Candidaalbicans can develop in this area. Classical Castellanisolution including boric acid, fenol, fucsin, resorcinol, acetone,and alcohol is used for external ear tract infectionsdue to fungi and bacteria, and also for the superficial dermatophytoses,and eczematous dermatitis of the externalear tract infections.The purpose of this study is to investigate of the in vitroeffectiveness of classical Castellani solution and its differentformulations with different dilutions against the standardyeast and bacteria strains.Methods: C. albicans ATCC 10231, C. krusei ATCC6258, C. dubliniensis CD 36, C. guilliermondii ATCC6260, C. parapsilosis ATCC22019, E. coli ATCC 25922,P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853, MRSA ATCC 43300, Staphylococcusaureus ATCC 25923, and S. epidermidis ATCC12228 strains were included in the study. Broth microdilutionmethod was used for each microorganism and Castellaniformulation. The tests are repeated at least twice.Results: The inhibitory concentration of classical Castellanisolution against bacteria and fungi is 1/64-1/256,1/32-1/64 for fuchsin free solution, 1/32-1/128 for boricacid-free solution and, 1/64-1/128 for resorcinol-free solution.Conclusions: As a conclusion we think that the classicalCastellani solution and its different formulations at variousdilutions may be effective antimicrobial agents for differentpatient populations. J Clin Exp Invest 2013; 4 (3):302-305Key words: Castellani solution, antimicrobial activity, in vitr

    Real-time elastography for differentiation of breast lesions

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    Backroung: To investigate the diagnostic performance of the elastography-based strain index ratio in the differential diagnosis of malignant and benign breast lesions. Material/Methods: Seventy-nine breast masses that were classified as BI-RADS category 3, 4, and 5 on B-mode ultrasonography (US) were further prospectively evaluated by real-time sonoelastography (RTE). To obtain an optimal cut-off value of the strain ratio for differentiating between malignant and benign breast lesions, RTE findings were compared with histopathology of core needle biopsy samples or with ultrasound follow-up data of the analyzed masses. Results: Seventy-nine breast lesions [BI-RADS category 3 (n=15), BI-RADS category 4 (n=34), and BI-RADS category 5 (n=30)] were classified as malignant (n=36) or benign (n=43). The mean strain index value was 6.59±3.44 (range 0.6-14) for malignant lesions and 2.79±2.16 (range 0.6-8.7) for benign lesions, respectively (p<0.05). As regards the detection of malignant lesions, US was characterized by sensitivity and specificity of 100% (CI 95%; 88-100) and 90% (CI 95%; 76-97), respectively. When an optimal value of the strain ratio (4.25) was obtained by ROC curve analysis, the sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing malignant lesions were 86% (CI 95%; 70-95) and 76% (CI 95%; 60-87), respectively. Conclusions: RTE can play an important role in the differentiation between malignant and benign breast masses, but it should be used in conjunction with ultrasonography

    Use of MRI to identify enlarged inferior gluteal and ischioanal lymph nodes and associated findings related to the primary disease

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    PURPOSE:We aimed to draw attention to the lymph nodes at the inferior gluteal and ischioanal regions and evaluate the lesions accompanying them using 3.0 T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).METHODS:In total, 22 patients (15 men, 7 women; mean age, 50±11.2 years; age range, 32–71 years) were included in this study. The patients’ medical records were reviewed. MRI data were reviewed on a picture archiving and communication system workstation by two radiologists in consensus. Lymph node location, laterality, number, and size were documented.RESULTS:The primary disorders causing the enlargement of inferior gluteal lymph nodes (n=16) were perianal fistula of cryptoglandular origin (n=5), perianal fistula associated with Crohn’s disease (n=2), decubitus ulcers (n=2), presacral abscess (n=1), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (n=2), prostate cancer invading urethra and anorectal junction (n=1), endometrium cancer invading the urethra and vagina (n=1), and anal cancer (n=2). The pathologies causing the enlargement of ischioanal lymph nodes (n=6) were perianal fistula of cryptoglandular origin (n=4), subcutaneous inflammation of gluteal region related to Crohn’s disease (n=1), and prostate cancer (n=1).CONCLUSION:The infectious and neoplastic lesions involving the anal canal, distal rectum, gluteal region, prostate, and urethra are the possible causes of inferior gluteal and ischioanal lymph node enlargement. Lymphoproliferative diseases can also affect these node groups. MRI is an important method to identify enlarged inferior gluteal and ischioanal lymph nodes and define associated findings

    Biochemical Characterisation and Sensory Evaluation of Differently Coloured and Shaped Tomato Cultivars

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    Antioxidant capacity, total phenolic content, colour, sugar, volatiles, ascorbic acid and carotenoid (β-carotene and lycopene) contents of differently coloured and shaped tomato cultivars (cvs) grown in the Eastern Mediterranean region, Turkey were determined, along with a sensory evaluation. Tomato cultivars of two different types (cherry and beefsteak) and four different colours (red, yellow, orange and brown) were analysed. All plants were simultaneously grown in the same field and subjected to identical horticultural practices to minimise the effects of environmental conditions and to maximise those related to genotype. The red cherry cultivar had the highest lycopene content, while the orange beefsteak cultivar had the highest β-carotene content. The highest antioxidant capacity, total phenolic content and hardness scores were found in cherry-type tomatoes, except the yellow one. The red cherry cultivar had the highest sugar content. Red and brown cherry cultivars were also significant in terms of their high carotenoid and sugar contents, along with a high antioxidant activity. The brown cherry cultivar had the highest total phenol content. The highest quantities of 2-hexenal, 3-hexen-1-ol, and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one were detected in red cultivars. The brown cherry cultivar had the highest sweetness, typical aroma and hardness scores, while the yellow beefsteak cultivars the lowest sweetness typical aroma scores. In terms of sensory parameters, red and brown cultivars scored higher than yellow and orange ones

    Plasma‐Assisted Surface Modification and Heparin Immobilization: Dual‐Functionalized Blood‐Contacting Biomaterials with Improved Hemocompatibility and Antibacterial Features

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    The inferior hemocompatibility or antibacterial properties of blood-contacting materials and devices are restraining factors that hinder their successful clinical utilization. To highlight these, a plasma-enhanced modification strategy is favored for surface tailoring of an extensively used biomaterial, polypropylene (PP). The surface activation of the PPs is achieved by oxygen plasma etching and subsequent surface functionalization through amine-rich precursor mediated coating by plasma glow discharge. After optimum plasma processing parameters are decided, heparin (anticoagulant and antithrombic drug) is either attached or covalently conjugated on the PPs’ surfaces. The aminated films produced at 75 W plasma power with 15 min exposure time are highly hydrophilic (34.72 ± 5.92°) and surface active (65.91 mJ m2^{-2}), facilitating high capacity heparin immobilization (≈440 µg cm2^{-2}) by covalent linkage. The kinetic-blood coagulation rate and protein adhesion amount on the plasma-mediated heparinized PPs are decreased about tenfold and 15-fold, and platelet adhesion is markedly lowered. In addition, heparinized-PP surfaces comprise superior antibacterial activity against gram-positive/-negative bacteria conveyed particularly by contact-killing (99%). The heparin-coating did not cause cytotoxicity on fibroblast cells, instead enhanced their proliferation, as shown by the (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide) assay. Overall, this simple methodology is highly proficient in becoming a universal strategy for developing dual-functionalized blood-contacting materials

    Farklı cam iyonomer simanların kompozit ve kompomere olan makaslama bağlanma dayanım kuvvetlerinin karşılaştırılması

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı dört farklı cam iyonomer simanın kompozit ve kompomere olan makaslama bağlanma dayanımlarını karşılaştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışma için 80 adet silindirik şekilli akrilik blok hazırlandı. Blokların düz yüzeylerinin ortasına 2 mm derinliğinde ve 3 mm çapında olan çukurcuklar açıldı. Bloklar dört gruba ayrılarak açılan çukurcuklar Ionoseal (Ionoseal, Cuxhaven, Almanya), Ketac Molar (3M EPSE, Seefeld, Almanya), Equia (GC Avrupa, Tokyo, Japonya) ve İmicryl (Imicryl SC, Imicryl Diş Malz San. Tic. AŞ, Konya, Türkiye) marka cam iyonomer materyalleri ile dolduruldu. Standart yüzeyler elde etmek için sertleşmeden önce cam iyonomerlerin üzeri şeffaf bant ile kapatıldı. Sertleşme tamamlandıktan sonra cam iyonomer siman yüzeylerine tek aşamalı adeziv (Futurabond M, VOCO GmbH, Cuxhaven, Almanya) uygulandı ve polimerize edildi. Her bir grup 2 alt gruba ayrıldı. Hazırlanan yüzeylerin üzerine yerleştirilen 2 mm yüksekliğinde ve 2 mm çapındaki aparatın içerisine taşmayacak şekilde doldurulan kompomer (Imicryl SC, Imicryl Diş Malz San. Tic. AŞ, Konya, Türkiye) ve kompozit (VOCO, Cuxhaven, Almanya) materyalleri üretici firmaların tavsiyeleri doğrultusunda LED ışık cihazı ile polimerize edildi. Universal test makinesi ile her bir örnekte kırılma meydana gelinceye kadar kuvvet uygulandı. Veriler iki yönlü varyans analizi ve Tukey çoklu karşılaştırma testleri ile istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi (p=0.05). Bulgular: Ionoseal’ in kompozit ve kompomere olan makaslama bağlanma değeri diğer cam iyonomerlerden istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek bulundu (p &lt; 0,05). Ketac Molar, Equia ve İmicryl’ in kompozit ve kompomere olan makaslama bağlanma değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak fark gözlenmedi (p &gt; 0,05). Sonuç: Rezin esaslı cam iyonomer siman olan Ionoseal kimyasal sertleşen Ketac Molar, Equia ve İmicryl cam iyonomer simanlara göre daha yüksek makaslama bağlanma değeri göstermektedir

    Long-Term Follow-up Results of Primary Canaliculitis Patients

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    Objectives:To evaluate the demographic characteristics, clinical presentation, microbiologic profile, and treatment results of patients with primary canaliculitis.Materials and Methods:Patients diagnosed and treated for primary canaliculitis between May 2014 and May 2021 were analyzed retrospectively.Results:There were 26 patients with primary canaliculitis, including 17 females (65.4%) and 9 males (34.6%) with a mean age of 50.6±16.4 years (range: 9-80 years). Canaliculitis affected the right eye in 11 patients, the left eye in 13 patients, and bilateral involvement was seen in 2 patients. Inferior canaliculus involvement was more frequent (73%). The most common complaint was epiphora (46.1%). Five patients (19.2%) were wrongly diagnosed as chronic conjunctivitis. The time interval between the beginning of symptoms and canaliculitis diagnosis was 18.2±14.3 months (range: 1-60 months). Canaliculotomy and curettage of canalicular content with dacryolith removal were performed in 23 patients. After surgery, antibiotic irrigation of the canaliculus was added to the treatment regimen in 12 of these 23 patients. Intracanalicular antibiotic therapy was administered to the remaining 3 patients. The most cultured organism was Actinomyces (6 patients). Gemella (1 patient), Porphyromonas (1 patient), Candida parapsilosis (1 patient), Citrobacter koseri (1 patient) were also grown in culture. The follow-up time of patients was 26.2±23.7 months (range: 6-83 months). All symptoms and findings resolved in all patients in one month. In two patients, recurrence occurred at 4 and 16 months after surgical treatment. With appropriate treatment, no further recurrence was seen in either patient over 24-month follow-up. One patient presented with iatrogenic canaliculus blockage during follow-up.Conclusion:Primary canaliculitis is often overlooked and can be misdiagnosed. The most common symptom was epiphora. All patients with epiphora and chronic conjunctivitis should be examined carefully for canaliculitis

    Diagnostic accuracy and safety of CT-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of pulmonary lesions with non-coaxial technique: a single center experience with 442 biopsies

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    PURPOSE:We aimed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy and safety of computed tomography (CT)-guided biopsy of pulmonary lesions with fine needle aspiration (FNA) using non-coaxial technique.METHODS:We analyzed 442 patients who underwent CT-guided lung biopsy with FNA and non-coaxial technique to determine the diagnostic outcomes, complication rates, and independent risk factors for diagnostic failure and pneumothorax.RESULTS:Diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity were 97.6%, 97.3%, and 100%, respectively. Age and >35 mm lesion size were significant risk factors for diagnostic failure. The rates of pneumothorax and chest tube placement were 19% and 2.9%, respectively. Middle and lower lobe location, lesion to pleura distance >7.5 mm, and >45° needle trajectory angle were significant risk factors for pneumothorax.CONCLUSION:CT-guided FNA of pulmonary lesions with non-coaxial technique is a safe and reliable method with a relatively low pneumothorax rate and an acceptably high diagnostic accuracy