29 research outputs found

    On Measuring Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange over Tall Vegetation on Complex Terrain

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    To assess annual budgets of CO2 exchange between the biosphere and atmosphere over representative ecosystems, long-term measurements must be made over ecosystems that do not exist on ideal terrain. How to interpret eddy covariance measurements correctly remains a major task. At present, net ecosystem CO2 exchange is assessed, by members of the micrometeorological community, as the sum of eddy covariance measurements and the storage of CO2 in the underlying air. This approach, however, seems unsatisfactory as numerous investigators are reporting that it may be causing nocturnal respiration flux densities to be underestimated. A new theory was recently published by Lee (1998, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 91: 39– 50) for assessing net ecosystem-atmosphere CO2 exchange (Ne) over non-ideal terrain. It includes a vertical advection term. We apply this equation over a temperate broadleaved forest growing in undulating terrain. Inclusion of the vertical advection term yields hourly, daily and annual sums of net ecosystem CO2 exchange that are more ecologically correct during the growing season. During the winter dormant period, on the other hand, corrected CO2 flux density measurements of an actively respiring forest were near zero. This observation is unrealistic compared to chamber measurements and model calculations. Only during midday, when the atmosphere is well-mixed, do measurements of Ne match estimates based on model calculations and chamber measurements. On an annual basis, sums of Ne without the advection correction were 40% too large, as compared with computations derived from a validated and process-based model. With the inclusion of the advection correction term, we observe convergence between measured and calculated values of Ne on hourly, daily and yearly time scales. We cannot, however, conclude that inclusion of a one-dimensional, vertical advection term into the continuity equation is sufficient for evaluating CO2 exchange over tall forests in complex terrain. There is an indication that the neglected term, u(c/x), is non-zero and that CO2 may be leaking from the sides of the control volume during the winter. In this circumstance, forest floor CO2 efflux densities exceed effluxes measured above the canopy

    Modelling Age- and Density-Related Gas Exchange of Picea abies Canopies in the Fichtelgebirge, Germany

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    Differences in canopy exchange of water and carbon dioxide that occur due to changes in tree structure and density in montane Norway spruce stands of Central Germany were analyzed with a three dimensional microclimate and gas exchange model STANDFLUX. The model was used to calculate forest radiation absorption, the net photosynthesis and transpiration of single trees, and gas exchange of tree canopies. Model parameterizations were derived for six stands of Picea abies (L.) Karst. differing in age from 40 to 140 years and in density from 1680 to 320 trees per hectare. Parameterization included information on leaf area distribution from tree harvests, tree positions and tree sizes. Gas exchange was modelled using a single species-specific set of physiological parameters and assuming no influence of soil water availability. For our humid montane stands, these simplifying assumptions appeared to be acceptable. Comparisons of modelled daily tree transpiration with water use estimates from xylem sapflow measurements provided a test of the model. Estimates for canopy transpiration rate derived from the model and via xylem sapflow measurements agreed within ±\pm20%, especially at moderate to high air vapor pressure deficits. The results suggest that age and density dependent changes in canopy structure (changes in clumping of needles) and their effect on light exposure of the average needle lead to shifts in canopy conductance and determine tree canopy transpiration in these managed montane forests. Modelled canopy net photosynthesis rates are presented, but have not yet been verified at the canopy level

    FLUXNET: A New Tool to Study the Temporal and Spatial Variability of Ecosystem-Scale Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, and Energy Flux Densities

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    FLUXNET is a global network of micrometeorological flux measurement sites that measure the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy between the biosphere and atmosphere. At present over 140 sites are operating on a long-term and continuous basis. Vegetation under study includes temperate conifer and broadleaved (deciduous and evergreen) forests, tropical and boreal forests, crops, grasslands, chaparral, wetlands, and tundra. Sites exist on five continents and their latitudinal distribution ranges from 70°N to 30°S. FLUXNET has several primary functions. First, it provides infrastructure for compiling, archiving, and distributing carbon, water, and energy flux measurement, and meteorological, plant, and soil data to the science community. (Data and site information are available online at the FLUXNET Web site, http://www-eosdis.ornl.gov/FLUXNET/.) Second, the project supports calibration and flux intercomparison activities. This activity ensures that data from the regional networks are intercomparable. And third, FLUXNET supports the synthesis, discussion, and communication of ideas and data by supporting project scientists, workshops, and visiting scientists. The overarching goal is to provide information for validating computations of net primary productivity, evaporation, and energy absorption that are being generated by sensors mounted on the NASA Terra satellite. Data being compiled by FLUXNET are being used to quantify and compare magnitudes and dynamics of annual ecosystem carbon and water balances, to quantify the response of stand-scale carbon dioxide and water vapor flux densities to controlling biotic and abiotic factors, and to validate a hierarchy of soil-plant-atmosphere trace gas exchange models. Findings so far include 1) net C02 exchange of temperate broadleaved forests increases by about 5.7 g C m~2 day-1 for each additional day that the growing season is extended; 2) the sensitivity of net ecosystem C02 exchange to sunlight doubles if the sky is cloudy rather than clear; 3) the spectrum of C02 flux density exhibits peaks at timescales of days, weeks, and years, and a spectral gap exists at the month timescale; 4) the optimal temperature of net C02 exchange varies with mean summer temperature; and 5) stand age affects carbon dioxide and water vapor flux densities

    FLUXNET: A New Tool to Study the Temporal and Spatial Variability of Ecosystem-Scale Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, and Energy Flux Densities

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    FLUXNET is a global network of micrometeorological flux measurement sites that measure the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy between the biosphere and atmosphere. At present over 140 sites are operating on a long–term and continuous basis. Vegetation under study includes temperate conifer and broadleaved (deciduous and evergreen) forests, tropical and boreal forests, crops, grasslands, chaparral, wetlands, and tundra. Sites exist on five continents and their latitudinal distribution ranges from 70°N to 30°S. FLUXNET has several primary functions. First, it provides infrastructure for compiling, archiving, and distributing carbon, water, and energy flux measurement, and meteorological, plant, and soil data to the science community. (Data and site information are available online at the FLUXNET http://www–eosdis.ornl.gov/FLUXNET/.) Second, the project supports calibration and flux intercomparison activities. This activity ensures that data from the regional networks are intercomparable. And third, FLUXNET supports the synthesis, discussion, and communication of ideas and data by supporting project scientists, workshops, and visiting scientists. The overarching goal is to provide information for validating computations of net primary productivity, evaporation, and energy absorption that are being generated by sensors mounted on the NASA Terra satellite. Data being compiled by FLUXNET are being used to quantify and compare magnitudes and dynamics of annual ecosystem carbon and water balances, to quantify the response of stand–scale carbon dioxide and water vapor flux densities to controlling biotic and abiotic factors, and to validate a hierarchy of soil–plant–atmosphere trace gas exchange models. Findings so far include 1) net CO2 exchange of temperate broadleaved forests increases by about 5.7 g C m–2 day–1 for each additional day that the growing season is extended; 2) the sensitivity of net ecosystem CO2 exchange to sunlight doubles if the sky is cloudy rather than clear; 3) the spectrum of CO2 flux density exhibits peaks at timescales of days, weeks, and years, and a spectral gap exists at the month timescale; 4) the optimal temperature of net CO2 exchange varies with mean summer temperature; and 5) stand age affects carbon dioxide and water vapor flux densities

    Temporal and spatial variation in transpiration of Norway spruce stands within a forested catchment of the Fichtelgebirge, Germany

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    Tree transpiration was observed with sapflow methods in six Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands located in the Lehstenbach catchment, Fichtelgebirge, Germany, differing in age (40 years up to 140 years), structure, exposition and soil characteristics. The seasonal pattern in tree canopy transpiration, with the highest transpiration rates in July, was very similar among the stands. However, young dense stands had higher transpiration compared to older less dense stands. Because of forest management practices, stand density decreases with increasing stand age and provides the best predictor of canopy water use. Measured xylem sapflux density did not differ significantly among stands, e.g. vary in correlation with stand density. Thus, differences in canopy transpiration were related to differences in cumulative sapwood area, which decreases with age and at lower tree density. While both total sapwood area and individual tree sapwood area decrease in older less dense stands, leaf area index of the stands remains high. Thus, transpiration or physiological activity of the average individual needle must decrease. Simulations with a three-dimensional stand model suggest that stand structural changes influence light climate and reduce the activity of the average needle in the stands. Nevertheless, age and nutrition must be considered with respect to additional direct effects on canopy transpiration. (© Inra/Elsevier, Paris.)Variations spatiotemporelles de la transpiration de peuplements d'épicéas dans un bassin-versant du Fichtelgebirge (Allemagne). La transpiration des arbres a été évaluée au moyen de méthodes de mesure du flux de sève dans six peuplements d'épicéas (Picea abies), situés dans le bassin-versant du Lehstenbach, Fichtelgebirge (Allemagne), qui différaient en âge (40 à 140 ans), structure, exposition, et en caractéristiques de sol. L'allure des variations saisonnières de la transpiration des arbres, avec notamment un maximum en juillet, était très similaire entre ces peuplements. Néanmoins, les jeunes peuplements denses ont montré une plus forte transpiration que les peuplements âgés et moins denses. La densité du peuplement s'est avérée être la meilleure variable explicative de la transpiration, car les pratiques sylvicoles réduisent la densité des peuplements en fonction de l'âge. La densité de flux de sève n'a pas montré de différences significatives entre les peuplements. Ainsi, les différences de transpiration étaient seulement dues aux différences de surface de bois d'aubier, qui diminue avec l'âge et la densité. Alors que la surface de bois d'aubier à l'échelle du peuplement comme à celle de l'arbre diminuaient dans les peuplements âgés et peu denses, l'indice foliaire de tous les peuplements étudiés restait élevé. Ainsi, il est probable que la transpiration ou l'activité physiologique des aiguilles diminuent avec l'âge des arbres. Des simulations réalisées au moyen d'un modèle de couvert 3D suggèrent que les modifications de structure des peuplements influencent le microclimat lumineux et réduisent l'activité foliaire. Malgré tout, l'âge et la nutrition doivent être pris en compte dans leurs effets sur la transpiration des arbres. (© Inra/Elsevier, Paris.

    On the Separation of Net Ecosystem Exchange into Assimilation and Ecosystem Respiration: Review and Improved Algorithm

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    This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods that separate net ecosystem exchange (NEE) into its major components, gross ecosystem carbon uptake (GEP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco). In particular, we analyse the effect of the extrapolation of night-time values of ecosystem respiration into the daytime; this is usually done with a temperature response function that is derived from long-term data sets. For this analysis, we used 16 one-year-long data sets of carbon dioxide exchange measurements from European and US-American eddy covariance networks. These sites span from the boreal to Mediterranean climates, and include deciduous and evergreen forest, scrubland and crop ecosystems.JRC.H.2-Climate chang