131 research outputs found

    A visual summary of the EUROCARE-4 results: a UK perspective.

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    BACKGROUND: This paper provides a one-page visual summary of the previously published relative survival estimates for 42 types of cancers in 23 countries in Europe. METHODS: The cancer patients in these analyses were 15 years or older at the time of their diagnosis in the period 1995-1999. Follow-up was to the end of 2003 and relative survival estimates were computed by the cohort method. RESULTS: The analysis of 1-year survival had good discriminatory power and visibly separated a group of countries with consistently high survival estimates (Switzerland, France, Sweden, Belgium and Italy) and another group of countries with lower estimates (Poland, Czech Republic, Ireland, Denmark and United Kingdom-Northern Ireland). After the first year, there was less variation between the countries. CONCLUSION: To more fully understand the UK situation, a rational comparison would select countries with data-quality, prosperity and healthcare systems that are similar to the United Kingdom. In otherwise comparable populations, a pronounced difference in 1-year survival is most likely to be due to variation in a strong prognostic factor, which exerts its effect in the short term. A likely explanation for the short-term survival deficit in the United Kingdom compared with the Nordic countries is a less favourable stage distribution in the United Kingdom. However, the present superficial analysis does not exclude possible functions for other factors relating to the organisation and quality of cancer care services

    Reasons for low cervical cancer survival in new accession European Union countries: a EUROCARE-5 study.

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    PURPOSE: With better access to early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, cervical cancer (CC) burden decreased in several European countries. In Eastern European (EE) countries, which accessed European Union in 2004, CC survival was worse than in the rest of Europe. The present study investigates CC survival differences across five European regions, considering stage at diagnosis (local, regional and metastatic), morphology (mainly squamous versus glandular tumours) and patients' age. METHODS: We analysed 101,714 CC women diagnosed in 2000-2007 and followed-up to December 2008. Age-standardised 5-year relative survival (RS) and the excess risks of cancer death in the 5 years after diagnosis were computed. RESULTS: EE women were older and less commonly diagnosed with glandular tumours. Proportions of local stage cancers were similar across Europe, while morphology- and stage-specific RS (especially for non-metastatic disease) were lower in Eastern Europe. Adjusting for age and morphology, excess risk of local stage CC death for EE patients remained higher than that for other European women. CONCLUSION: Stage, age and morphology alone do not explain worse survival in Eastern Europe: less effective care may play a role, probably partly due to fewer or inadequate resources being allocated to health care in this area, compared to the rest of Europe

    Spatial variation in prostate cancer survival in the Northern and Yorkshire region of England using Bayesian relative survival smoothing

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    Primary Care Trust (PCT) estimates of survival lack robustness as there are small numbers of deaths per year in each area, even when incidence is high. We assess PCT-level spatial variation in prostate cancer survival using Bayesian spatial models of excess mortality. We extracted data on men diagnosed with prostate cancer between 1990 and 1999 from the Northern and Yorkshire Cancer Registry and Information Service database. Models were adjusted for age at diagnosis, period of diagnosis and deprivation. All covariates had a significant association with excess mortality; men from more deprived areas, older age at diagnosis and diagnosed in 1990–1994 had higher excess mortality. The unadjusted relative excess risks (RER) of death by PCT ranged from 0.75 to 1.66. After adjustment, areas of high and low excess mortality were smoothed towards the mean, and the RERs ranged from 0.74 to 1.49. Using Bayesian smoothing techniques to model cancer survival by geographic area offers many advantages over traditional methods; estimates in areas with small populations or low incidence rates are stabilised and shrunk towards local and global risk estimates improving reliability and precision, complex models are easily handled and adjustment for covariates can be made

    Clear Improvement in Real-World Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Survival: A Comparison With Randomized Controlled Trials.

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    Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have been improving the prognosis of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), but there are still large differences in survival among European countries. This raises questions on the added value of results from population-based studies, which use real-world data, compared to results of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) involving patients with CML. There are also questions about the extent of the findings on RCTs effectiveness for patients in the general population. We compare survival data extracted from our previous systematic review and meta-analysis of CML RCTs with the latest updated population-based survival data of EUROCARE-6, the widest collaborative study on cancer survival in Europe. The EUROCARE-6 CML survival estimated in patients (15-64 years) diagnosed in 2000-2006 vs. 2007-2013 revealed that the prognostic improvement highlighted by RCTs was confirmed in real-world settings, too. The study shows, evaluating for the first time all European regions, that the optimal outcome figures obtained in controlled settings for CML are also achievable (and indeed achieved) in real-world settings with prompt introduction of TKIs in daily clinical practice. However, some differences still persist, particularly in Eastern European countries, where overall survival values are lower than elsewhere, probably due to a delayed introduction of TKIs. Our results suggest an insufficient adoption of adequate protocols in daily clinical practice in those countries where CML survival values remain lower in real life than the values obtained in RCTs. New high-resolution population-based studies may help to identify failures in the clinical pathways followed there

    Rapid literature review on the impact of health messaging and product information on alcohol labelling

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    Background and aim Alcohol labelling enables people to make informed decisions about the products they purchase and consume. This rapid review explores the impact of health messaging and product information on consumer attention, comprehension, recall, judgment and behavioural compliance in relation to alcohol use. Methods The rapid review adopted a multi-faceted search strategy to identify primary studies on health messaging and/or product information on alcohol packaging, and the impact of these on consumer-related outcomes. Results The review provides support for large, colourful labels on the front of alcohol products and the use of plain packaging to increase the visibility of health messaging. It also supports the use of explicit, negatively-framed statements that link alcohol to specific diseases. Colour-coded schemes and pictorial warnings may further optimize the effectiveness of alcohol labels. We did not find sufficient evidence to support the effectiveness of product information alone in influencing consumerattention, comprehension, recall, judgment and behavioural compliance. Conclusion Well-designed alcohol labels can positively influence consumers’ attention, comprehension, recall, judgment and behavioural compliance. The findings have implications for alcohol labelling research and policy.Output Status: Forthcoming/Available Onlin

    Second primary cancers after radiation for prostate cancer: a review of data from planning studies

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    A review of planning studies was undertaken to evaluate estimated risks of radiation induced second primary cancers (RISPC) associated with different prostate radiotherapy techniques for localised prostate cancer. A total of 83 publications were identified which employed a variety of methods to estimate RISPC risk. Of these, the 16 planning studies which specifically addressed absolute or relative second cancer risk using dose–response models were selected for inclusion within this review. There are uncertainties and limitations related to all the different methods for estimating RISPC risk. Whether or not dose models include the effects of the primary radiation beam, as well as out-of-field regions, influences estimated risks. Regarding the impact of IMRT compared to 3D-CRT, at equivalent energies, several studies suggest an increase in risk related to increased leakage contributing to out-of-field RISPC risk, although in absolute terms this increase in risk may be very small. IMRT also results in increased low dose normal tissue irradiation, but the extent to which this has been estimated to contribute to RISPC risk is variable, and may also be very small. IMRT is often delivered using 6MV photons while conventional radiotherapy often requires higher energies to achieve adequate tissue penetration, and so comparisons between IMRT and older techniques should not be restricted to equivalent energies. Proton and brachytherapy planning studies suggest very low RISPC risks associated with these techniques. Until there is sufficient clinical evidence regarding RISPC risks associated with modern irradiation techniques, the data produced from planning studies is relevant when considering which patients to irradiate, and which technique to employ

    Cancer cure for 32 cancer types: results from the EUROCARE-5 study.

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    BACKGROUND: Few studies have estimated the probability of being cured for cancer patients. This study aims to estimate population-based indicators of cancer cure in Europe by type, sex, age and period. METHODS: 7.2 million cancer patients (42 population-based cancer registries in 17 European countries) diagnosed at ages 15-74 years in 1990-2007 with follow-up to 2008 were selected from the EUROCARE-5 dataset. Mixture-cure models were used to estimate: (i) life expectancy of fatal cases (LEF); (ii) cure fraction (CF) as proportion of patients with same death rates as the general population; (iii) time to cure (TTC) as time to reach 5-year conditional relative survival (CRS) >95%. RESULTS: LEF ranged from 10 years for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients to 5 years for women with breast cancer. The CF was 94% for testis, 87% for thyroid cancer in women and 70% in men, 86% for skin melanoma in women and 76% in men, 66% for breast, 63% for prostate and <10% for liver, lung and pancreatic cancers. TTC was <5 years for testis and thyroid cancer patients diagnosed below age 55 years, and <10 years for stomach, colorectal, corpus uteri and melanoma patients of all ages. For breast and prostate cancers, a small excess (CRS < 95%) remained for at least 15 years. CONCLUSIONS: Estimates from this analysis should help to reduce unneeded medicalization and costs. They represent an opportunity to improve patients' quality of life
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