20 research outputs found

    β-globin haplotypes in normal and hemoglobinopathic individuals from Reconcavo Baiano, State of Bahia, Brazil

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    Five restriction site polymorphisms in the β-globin gene cluster (HincII-5‘ ε, HindIII-G γ, HindIII-A γ, HincII- ψβ1 and HincII-3‘ ψβ1) were analyzed in three populations (n = 114) from Reconcavo Baiano, State of Bahia, Brazil. The groups included two urban populations from the towns of Cachoeira and Maragojipe and one rural Afro-descendant population, known as the “quilombo community”, from Cachoeira municipality. The number of haplotypes found in the populations ranged from 10 to 13, which indicated higher diversity than in the parental populations. The haplotypes 2 (+ - - - -), 3 (- - - - +), 4 (- + - - +) and 6 (- + + - +) on the βA chromosomes were the most common, and two haplotypes, 9 (- + + + +) and 14 (+ + - - +), were found exclusively in the Maragojipe population. The other haplotypes (1, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16) had lower frequencies. Restriction site analysis and the derived haplotypes indicated homogeneity among the populations. Thirty-two individuals with hemoglobinopathies (17 sickle cell disease, 12 HbSC disease and 3 HbCC disease) were also analyzed. The haplotype frequencies of these patients differed significantly from those of the general population. In the sickle cell disease subgroup, the predominant haplotypes were BEN (Benin) and CAR (Central African Republic), with frequencies of 52.9% and 32.4%, respectively. The high frequency of the BEN haplotype agreed with the historical origin of the afro-descendant population in the state of Bahia. However, this frequency differed from that of Salvador, the state capital, where the CAR and BEN haplotypes have similar frequencies, probably as a consequence of domestic slave trade and subsequent internal migrations to other regions of Brazil

    A heritable subset of the core rumen microbiome dictates dairy cow productivity and emissions

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    A 1000-cow study across four European countries was undertaken to understand to what extent ruminant microbiomes can be controlled by the host animal and to identify characteristics of the host rumen microbiome axis that determine productivity and methane emissions. A core rumen microbiome, phylogenetically linked and with a preserved hierarchical structure, was identified. A 39-member subset of the core formed hubs in co-occurrence networks linking microbiome structure to host genetics and phenotype (methane emissions, rumen and blood metabolites, and milk production efficiency). These phenotypes can be predicted from the core microbiome using machine learning algorithms. The heritable core microbes, therefore, present primary targets for rumen manipulation toward sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture.R. John Wallace, Goor Sasson, Philip C. Garnsworthy, Ilma Tapio, Emma Gregson ... John L. Williams ... et al

    Care of Women with Obesity in Pregnancy:Green-top Guideline No. 72

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    Polycystic ovarian syndrome: Prevalence and impacton the wellbeing of Australian women aged 16-29years

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    BACKGROUND: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common condition among reproductive-aged women. However, its exact prevalence is unknown. AIMS: To determine the prevalence of PCOS in Australian women aged 16-29 years using the National Institutes of Health (NIH) criteria compared to self-reported PCOS, to compare co-morbidities between the groups and to determine the most distressing aspect of a diagnosis of PCOS for these young women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Participants were recruited from the Young Female Health Initiative (YFHI) and Safe-D studies. Participants completed questionnaires, physical examinations and blood tests from 2012 to 2016. In March 2016, two supplementary questionnaires were distributed: the first, comprising questions on reproductive health and impact of diagnosis, was sent to participants who self-reported having PCOS in the original studies. The second, comprising general reproductive health questions, was sent to the remainder. RESULTS: The prevalence of PCOS, according to the NIH criteria, was 12% (31/254), while the prevalence of self-reported PCOS was 8% (23/300). Only 35% (8/23) of those with self-reported PCOS actually fulfilled the NIH criteria for PCOS. Comorbidities were relatively similar among groups. Finally, approximately 65% (15/23) were unhappy or worried about their initial PCOS diagnosis, with 72% (13/18) stating fertility concerns were the most distressing aspect of their diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of consistent and accurate diagnosis of PCOS in young women potentially leads to over-diagnosis. This creates unnecessary fears of health complications, particularly infertility. Therefore, we recommend the development of standardised criteria with set parameters that allow for better diagnosis of PCOS

    Guidelines and Recommendations for Developing Interactive eHealth Apps for Complex Messaging in Health Promotion

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    BACKGROUND: The now ubiquitous catchphrase, "There's an app for that," rings true owing to the growing number of mobile phone apps. In excess of 97,000 eHealth apps are available in major app stores. Yet the effectiveness of these apps varies greatly. While a minority of apps are developed grounded in theory and in conjunction with health care experts, the vast majority are not. This is concerning given the Hippocratic notion of "do no harm." There is currently no unified formal theory for developing interactive eHealth apps, and development is especially difficult when complex messaging is required, such as in health promotion and prevention. OBJECTIVE: This paper aims to provide insight into the creation of interactive eHealth apps for complex messaging, by leveraging the Safe-D case study, which involved complex messaging required to guide safe but sufficient UV exposure for vitamin D synthesis in users. We aim to create recommendations for developing interactive eHealth apps for complex messages based on the lessons learned during Safe-D app development. METHODS: For this case study we developed an Apple and Android app, both named Safe-D, to safely improve vitamin D status in young women through encouraging safe ultraviolet radiation exposure. The app was developed through participatory action research involving medical and human computer interaction researchers, subject matter expert clinicians, external developers, and target users. The recommendations for development were created from analysis of the development process. RESULTS: By working with clinicians and implementing disparate design examples from the literature, we developed the Safe-D app. From this development process, recommendations for developing interactive eHealth apps for complex messaging were created: (1) involve a multidisciplinary team in the development process, (2) manage complex messages to engage users, and (3) design for interactivity (tailor recommendations, remove barriers to use, design for simplicity). CONCLUSIONS: This research has provided principles for developing interactive eHealth apps for complex messaging as guidelines by aggregating existing design concepts and expanding these concepts and new learnings from our development process. A set of guidelines to develop interactive eHealth apps generally, and specifically those for complex messaging, was previously missing from the literature; this research has contributed these principles. Safe-D delivers complex messaging simply, to aid education, and explicitly, considering user safety

    Improving Vitamin D Status and Related Health in Young Women: The Safe-D study - Part B

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    BACKGROUND: Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent and associated with increased risk of a number of chronic health conditions including cardiovascular disease, poor bone and muscle health, poor mental health, infection, and diabetes. Vitamin D deficiency affects millions of Australians, potentially causing considerable suffering, economic loss, and mortality. OBJECTIVE: To measure the effectiveness of a (1) mobile-based app (behavioral) and (2) pharmacological intervention to increase circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (serum 25 OHD) levels and health outcomes over 4 months of intervention compared with usual care in a cohort of young women with suboptimal serum 25 OHD levels (25-75 nmol/L). METHODS: Participants with 25 OHD levels 25 to 75 nmol/L are invited to participate in this study. Participants are randomized to one of three groups in 1:1:1 ratio: a mobile phone-based application, vitamin D supplementation (1000 IU/day), and a control group. Data collection points are at baseline, 4, and 12 months post baseline with the major endpoints being at 4 months. A wide-range of information is collected from participants throughout the course of this study. General health, behavioral and demographic information, medications, smoking, alcohol and other substance use, health risk factors, nutrition, eating patterns and disorders, and mental health data are sourced from self-administered, Web-based surveys. Clinical data include anthropometric measurements, a silicone skin cast of the hand, cutaneous melanin density, bone mineral density, and body composition scans obtained through site visits. Main analyses will be conducted in two ways on an intention-to-treat (ITT) basis using the last observation carried forward approach as an imputation for missing data, and on a per protocol basis to compare the intervention arms against the control group at 4 and 12 months. RESULTS: Publication of trial results is anticipated in 2017. CONCLUSIONS: The study will allow assessment of the effects of a mobile-based app behavioral intervention and vitamin D supplementation on vitamin D status and will evaluate the effects of improving vitamin D levels on several health outcomes