22 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Background: Overweight and obesity has been known as a risk factor to get covid-19 and complication or severe covid-19. Due to government regulation like quarantine, people more susceptible to increased their weight in the pandemic covid-19 time. As It make people had difficulty to exercise outside their house and could increase dietary intake of unhealthy food. Aims and objective: our study aimed to investigate the association of dietary intake, nutritional status and physical activity with covid-19 in the overweight and obesity adult population. Method: we conducted a cross sectional study among adult with overweight and obesity in Jambi City. Dietary intake, nutritional status, physical activity and covid 19 data were collected using a FFQ semiquantitatif, GPAQ and structured questionaire respectively. The survey conducted from September to Oktober 2021. Results: A total 156 respondents have been included in the study, Most of the subjects age was between 18 -25 years (69,2%), and females (55,8%). Obesity was observed in 82,1% of the subjects with 78,2% subjects ate more than the recommendation,  only 30,1% subjects had inactivity and 19,2% subjects had covid-19. There were 20 subjects (80%) who had covid-19 with over intake and obesity but it was not significant statistically. The physical activity also not related significantly to covid-19.   Conclusions: In this study we found no significant association between the dietary intake, nutritional status, and physical activity with covid-19, however our data need to be confirmed and investigate in the future with more extensive population studies.   Keyword: Covid-19, Dietary intake, Obesity, Physical activity   ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Kelebihan berat badan dan obesitas diketahui meningkatkan risiko terkena Covid-19 dan komplikasi dari penyakit covid-19, atau Covid-19 yang parah.  Peraturan pemerintah seperti karantina, mengakibatkan masyarakat lebih mudah untuk meningkatkan berat badannya selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Karena peraturan tersebut menyebabkan masyarakat kesulitan berolahraga di luar rumah dan dapat meningkatkan konsumsi makanan yang tidak sehat. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara asupan makan, status gizi, dan aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian Covid-19 pada orang dewasa overweight dan obesitas. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang pada orang dewasa overweight and obesitas di Kota Jambi. Data asupan makan, status gizi, aktivitas fisik, dan kejadian Covid-19 dikumpulkan menggunakan FFQ semikuantitatif, GPAQ, dan kuesioner terstruktur. Pengambilan data berlangsung dari bulan September hingga Oktober 2021. Hasil: Total responden yang mengikuti penelitian ini sebanyak 156 orang, sebagian besar responden penelitian berusia 18-25 tahun (69,2%) dan berjenis kelamin perempuan (55,8%). Obesitas di temukan pada 82,1% responden dengan 78,2% responden asupan makannya lebih, responden yang kurang aktif hanya 30,1% dan 19,2% responden pernah terkena penyakit covid-19. Terdapat 20 responden (80%) yang terkena covid-19 dengan asupan makan lebih dan obesitas tetapi hasil ini tidak signifikan secara statistik. Aktivitas fisik juga tidak berhubungan signifikan dengan covid-19. Kesimpulan: Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara asupan makan, status gizi, dan aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian Covid-19 pada orang dewasa overweight dan obesitas (nilai P > 0,05).   Kata kunci: Asupan makan, aktivitas fisik, covid-19, obesita

    Normal Force Calibration for Optical Based Silicone Tactile Sensor

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    AbstractThe need for calibration is important as ancient humankind at B.C. age pioneered calibration for measurable items such as length, weight, frequency and other basic measurement. In the robotic application, the precision of movement and the sensitivity of reaction also based on the calibration of its sensors and actuators. Therefore it is vital for a newly developed sensor to be calibrated thoroughly before it can be used. In this paper, the authors proposed a calibration of a new optical based silicone tactile sensor developed in our lab. Measurable item which is normal force is relates to the blob area of image recorded in the inner side of optical based silicone tactile sensor. The normal force acquired from digital force sensor in experiment conducted. The experiment produced 9 images. The 9 images acquired is processed in WiT 8.2 image processing software to find the area of the specific spot as known as blob image. A blob area VS normal force graph is plotted using experimental data. The graph is then interpolated using suitable curve fitting technique to get the optimum relationship. The result shows that the quadratic plot is the best suit for the data with the force range from 0 to 3.79N

    Inovasi Media Pembelajaran MPASI pada Blok Elektif Gizi Klinik

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    ABSTRACT Background: Since the Covid-19 pandemic took place worldwide, distance learning has replaced traditional face-to-face learning in the classroom. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate learning media that can support the student learning process. The learning media innovation carried out in this study was making a video on the practice of making MPASI. Methods: Evaluation of learning media using a questionnaire given to media experts, material experts, and users (students). Results: There were two media experts, two material experts, and 35 users (students) who were respondents to this study. All media experts agree that learning media can be used, but one media expert still suggests revisions for the future. All material experts agree that learning media can be used without revision. All users (students) agree that learning media can be used, but 12 users (34.3%) suggest revisions to learning media for the future. Conclusion: The current learning media can be used, but it still requires a slight improvement in the future. Keywords: Learning media innovation, MPASI, Covid-19   ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Sejak terjadinya pandemi covid-19 yang berlangsung diseluruh dunia, pembelajaran jarak jauh telah menggantikan pembelajaran tatap muka tradional di dalam kelas. Oleh karenanya diperlukan inovasi media pembelajaran yang dapat menunjang proses pembelajaran mahasiswa. Inovasi media pembelajaran yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah pembuatan video praktek pembuatan MPASI. Metode: Untuk mengevaluasi media pembelajaran digunakan kuesioner yang diberikan kepada ahli media, ahli materi dan pengguna (mahasiswa). Hasil: Terdapat 2 orang ahli media, 2 orang ahli materi dan 35 orang pengguna (mahasiswa) yang menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini. Semua ahli media setuju bahwa media pembelajaran sudah dapat digunakan, namun salah satu ahli media masih menyarankan adanya revisi untuk kedepannya. Semua ahli materi telah setuju bahwa media pembelajaran sudah dapat digunakan tanpa revisi. Semua pengguna (mahasiswa) setuju bahwa media pembelajaran sudah dapat digunakan, namun terdapat 12 orang (34,3%) pengguna (mahasiswa) yang menyarankan adanya revisi media pembelajaran untuk kedepannya. Kesimpulan: Media pembelajaran saat ini telah dapat dipergunakan, namun masih memerlukan sedikit perbaikan untuk kedepannya. Kata Kunci: Inovasi media pembelajaran, MPASI, Covid-1


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    Introduction: Vitamin D have played role as nutrition for reproductive age healthy. Indonesia is tropicalcountry which got sunshine along the year but previous study reported high prevalence of deficiency and insufficiency of Vitamin D. Factor which influence Vitamin D level is complex and may specific for the population.Objective: This study aimed to determined Vitamin D plasma level and factors influenced in it.Methods: This cross-sectional study attended by 23 non pregnant women in reproductive age between 20-45 years old. Plasma level of Vitamin D measure with CLIA. Risk factor assessed with questionnaire.Results: This study reported all the women have deficient and insufficient. Factor which statisticallysignificant associated with higher Vitamin D plasma level were older age, higher sun exposure score, history for delivery the baby, not applied sunscreen and Vitamin D supplement intake.Conclusion: There are several factors influence plasma vitamin D level in women at reproductive age other than sun exposure.Key words: sun exposure, Vitamin D, women in reproductive ag

    Projection of temperature in relation to cardiovascular disease using bias correction method

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    Climate and weather have significant influences on human health. Climate change together with natural phenomena and human activities have the tendency to impact the environment and debilitates human well-being in various ways. Extreme temperature, which is often associated with climate change, has some negative implications on human health, potentially resulting in diseases such as cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study is to analyze the impacts of temperature projection on the mortality rates of cardiovascular disease based on daily average temperature projection using bias correction method. Downscaling approach can be used to downscale the global climate model outputs that are available at coarse resolution. However, to study the impact of climate change need meteorological data or information at finer resolution. In this study, statistical downscaling is used to downscale the GCM’s temperature to local scale’s temperature. The observed daily mean temperature data in 5 years (1970- 1974), the historical GCM data (1976-1980) and the projection data (2076-2080) under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 were used. However, the global climate model outputs produce biases when applied due to its coarse estimate, hence lead to erroneous results. Thus, bias correction method was used to correct the biases in global climate model outputs to project the future of extreme temperature, and eventually calculate the mortality rate of the cardiovascular diseases. The mortality rate of the cardiovascular disease is calculated by using attributable daily deaths formula. Results revealed that quantile mapping technique is able to capture the variability in global climate model as well as quantifying the biases. The projected trend of heat-related deaths under RCP4.5 is lower than the deaths under RCP8.5. SYAFRINA BINTI ABDUL HALIM// AINA IZZATI BINTI MOHD ESA/ Jing Xiang Chung,Mohd Syazwan Faisal Moh

    Projection of temperature in relation to cardiovascular disease using bias correction method

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    Climate and weather have significant influences on human health. Climate change together with natural phenomena and human activities have the tendency to impact the environment and debilitates human well-being in various ways. Extreme temperature, which is often associated with climate change, has some negative implications on human health, potentially resulting in diseases such as cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study is to analyze the impacts of temperature projection on the mortality rates of cardiovascular disease based on daily average temperature projection using bias correction method. Downscaling approach can be used to downscale the global climate model outputs that are available at coarse resolution. However, to study the impact of climate change need meteorological data or information at finer resolution. In this study, statistical downscaling is used to downscale the GCM’s temperature to local scale’s temperature. The observed daily mean temperature data in 5 years (1970- 1974), the historical GCM data (1976-1980) and the projection data (2076-2080) under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 were used. However, the global climate model outputs produce biases when applied due to its coarse estimate, hence lead to erroneous results. Thus, bias correction method was used to correct the biases in global climate model outputs to project the future of extreme temperature, and eventually calculate the mortality rate of the cardiovascular diseases. The mortality rate of the cardiovascular disease is calculated by using attributable daily deaths formula. Results revealed that quantile mapping technique is able to capture the variability in global climate model as well as quantifying the biases. The projected trend of heat-related deaths under RCP4.5 is lower than the deaths under RCP8.5. SYAFRINA BINTI ABDUL HALIM// AINA IZZATI BINTI MOHD ESA/ Jing Xiang Chung,Mohd Syazwan Faisal Moh

    Global Globin Network Consensus Paper: Classification and Stratified Roadmaps for Improved Thalassaemia Care and Prevention in 32 Countries

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    The Global Globin Network (GGN) is a project-wide initiative of the Human Variome/Global Variome Project (HVP) focusing on haemoglobinopathies to build the capacity for genomic diagnosis, clinical services, and research in low- and middle-income countries. At present, there is no framework to evaluate the improvement of care, treatment, and prevention of thalassaemia and other haemoglobinopathies globally, despite thalassaemia being one of the most common monogenic diseases worldwide. Here, we propose a universally applicable system for evaluating and grouping countries based on qualitative indicators according to the quality of care, treatment, and prevention of haemoglobinopathies. We also apply this system to GGN countries as proof of principle. To this end, qualitative indicators were extracted from the IthaMaps database of the ITHANET portal, which allowed four groups of countries (A, B, C, and D) to be defined based on major qualitative indicators, supported by minor qualitative indicators for countries with limited resource settings and by the overall haemoglobinopathy carrier frequency for the target countries of immigration. The proposed rubrics and accumulative scores will help analyse the performance and improvement of care, treatment, and prevention of haemoglobinopathies in the GGN and beyond. Our proposed criteria complement future data collection from GGN countries to help monitor the quality of services for haemoglobinopathies, provide ongoing estimates for services and epidemiology in GGN countries, and note the contribution of the GGN to a local and global reduction of disease burden

    General and erosive tooth wear of 16-year-old adolescents in Kuantan, Malaysia: prevalence and association with dental caries

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    Background: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and severity of general tooth wear (GTW), i.e. tooth wear irrespective of etiology and erosive tooth wear (ETW), i.e. tooth wear predominantly due to erosion; and also to investigate the relationship between ETW and dental caries experience in 16-year-old adolescents in Kuantan, Malaysia. Methods: A multi-staged cluster sampling method was employed. A total of 598 16-year-old adolescents participated in this study. Participants' demographic profile was assessed through a self-administered questionnaire. Clinical examinations were carried out under standardized conditions by a single examiner. The level of GTW was recorded using the modified Smith and Knight's Tooth Wear Index (TWI) whilst ETW were recorded using the Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE) index. This index was developed to record clinical findings and assist in the decision-making process for the management of erosive tooth wear. Dental caries was recorded using the D3MFT index whereby D-3 denotes obvious dental decay into dentine detected visually. Results: The prevalence of GTW, ETW and dental caries, i.e. percentage of individuals found to have at least one lesion, was 99.8%, 45.0% and 27.8% respectively. Two thirds of affected teeth with GTW were observed to have a TWI score of 1 whereas almost all of the affected teeth with ETW had a BEWE score of 2. The mean D3MFT was 0.62 (95% CI 0.50, 0.73) with Decayed (D) teeth being the largest component, mean D3T was 0.36 (95% CI 0.30, 0.43). There was no significant association between socio-demographic factors and prevalence of ETW. Logistic regression analysis also showed no significant relationship between the prevalence of ETW and D3MFT (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Almost all adolescents examined had GTW but they were mainly early lesions. However, nearly half were found to have ETW of moderate severity (BEWE score 2). No significant relationship between the occurrence of erosive tooth wear and caries was observed in this population