3,091 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Glioblastoma Spheroid Infiltration of Early-Stage Cerebral Organoids Models Brain Tumor Invasion.

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    Organoid methodology provides a platform for the ex vivo investigation of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying brain development and disease. The high-grade brain tumor glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is considered a cancer of unmet clinical need, in part due to GBM cell infiltration into healthy brain parenchyma, making complete surgical resection improbable. Modeling the process of GBM invasion in real time is challenging as it requires both tumor and neural tissue compartments. Here, we demonstrate that human GBM spheroids possess the ability to spontaneously infiltrate early-stage cerebral organoids (eCOs). The resulting formation of hybrid organoids demonstrated an invasive tumor phenotype that was distinct from noncancerous adult neural progenitor (NP) spheroid incorporation into eCOs. These findings provide a basis for the modeling and quantification of the GBM infiltration process using a stem-cell-based organoid approach, and may be used for the identification of anti-GBM invasion strategies

    Sistema de controle granulom?trico de pelotas de min?rio de ferro.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Instrumenta??o, Controle e Automa??o de Processos de Minera??o. Departamento de Engenharia de Controle e Automa??o, Escola de Minas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Esta disserta??o tem seu foco no estudo de um sistema de controle para um processo de pelotamento de min?rio de ferro, manipulando vari?veis do processo, tais como velocidade de rota??o dos tambores de pelotamento, inje??o de ?gua e alimenta??o. O objetivo ? propor um controle granulom?trico das pelotas e, assim, tornar o processo mais uniforme, evitar retrabalhos, e o consequente aumento de custos operacionais. Para alcan?ar esse objetivo ? analisado o comportamento atual do processo para identificar e quantificar diversas vari?veis por meio do Sistema Gerenciador de Informa??es da Planta e aplica??o de testes, tal como resposta ao degrau para obten??o do modelo do processo e, posteriormente, identificar estrat?gias aplic?veis ao controle e, em seguida, aplicar as melhorias necess?rias. Para implanta??o do sistema proposto s?o utilizadas ferramentas j? existentes na planta, como controladores l?gicos, sistema de supervis?o e sistema de historiamento. O estudo prop?e um controle PID em cascata para maximiza??o de determinada faixa granulom?trica. Com a aplica??o do controle ? alcan?ado o atendimento a determinado cen?rio.This thesis is focused on a study related to a control system for iron ore pelletizing process, handling process variables, such as drums rotation speed, water addition and feeding. The goal is to propose pellet granulometry control and make the process more uniform, avoiding both reworks and the incremental of operational costs. To achieve this goal is analyzed the actual process behavior to identify and quantify the number of variables using a Plant Information Management System and applying tests, such as step response to get the process model. After that, the strategy applicable for the control are identified and the needed improvements are applied. In order to implement the proposed system, existing tools are used in the plant, such as logic controllers, supervision system and historian system. The study proposes a cascade PID control to maximize a certain granulometric range. With the application of the control, the attendance to a certain scenario is met

    Physico-chemical and rheological properties of prato cheese during ripening

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    The influence of storage temperature (6, 12 and 18°C) on texture parameters of Prato cheese were evaluated during 22 days of ripening. A reduction of firmness, gumminess and elasticity was observed; however, cohesiveness and adhesiveness increased. With the increasing temperature, firmness and gumminess reduced, whereas the elasticity, cohesiveness and adhesiveness did not change. It can be concluded that storage temperature influences the texture profile of Prato cheese which present differences in the evaluated parameters during 22 days of ripening.Keywords: Cheese ripening, hard cheese, colour, texture profile analysis

    Higher Education and the demands of inclusive education : the vision of the managers of the Federal University of Ouro Preto.

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    A crescente demanda no campo da educa??o inclusiva, que vem se tornando pauta na Educa??o Superior, tem, de alguma maneira, contribu?do para o repensar dessa etapa de forma??o. Faz-se necess?ria a tomada de posi??o das institui??es no sentido de diminuir as barreiras que dificultam o pleno exerc?cio do direito dos cidad?os que, agora, nela adentram. Para tanto, investigamos como os gestores da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (Ufop) concebem tr?s conceitos que entendemos fundamentais para a implementa??o de pol?ticas inclusivas, sendo eles: inclus?o, interculturalidade e inova??o pedag?gica. Por meio da aplica??o de question?rios, realizamos a coleta de dados nos diferentes n?veis de gest?o da universidade. Do total de 120 question?rios aplicados 38 foram respondidos. Foi poss?vel observar que os gestores possu?am um maior conhecimento sobre o tema da inclus?o, o que n?o se estendeu aos outros dois conceitos. Podemos considerar que as respostas apontam para a necessidade de construir um campo de estudos e debates acerca dos conceitos investigados, no intuito de promover a forma??o no ?mbito da institui??o e, assim, garantir que a educa??o inclusiva seja central nas a??es da Ufop.The growing demand in the field of inclusive education that has become a subject in Higher Education has contributed to the rethinking of this stage of education. It is necessary for higher education institutions to step up the barriers that hinder the full exercise of the right of citizens who are now studying it. In this research, we investigate how the managers of theFederal University of Ouro Preto (Ufop) understand three fundamental concepts for the implementation of inclusive policies: inclusion, interculturality and pedagogical innovation. Data collection was performed through the application of 120 questionnaires with 38 respondents. From the answers it was possible to observe that the managers had a greater knowledge on the theme of inclusion, unlike the other two concepts. We can consider that the answers reveal the need to build a field of studies and debates about the concepts investigated. This can contribute to promote training in universities and to ensure that inclusive education is central to Ufop?s actions

    Sorteio intradomiciliar em inquéritos de saúde

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    OBJETIVO : Comparar a eficiência e a acurácia de delineamentos de amostragem com e sem sorteio intradomiciliar em inquéritos de saúde. MÉTODOS : Com base nos dados de um inquérito realizado na Baixada Santista, SP, entre 2006 e 2007, foram retiradas 1.000 amostras sob cada um dos delineamentos e, em cada amostra, foram obtidas estimativas para pessoas de 18 a 59 anos de idade e de 18 anos e mais. Sob o primeiro, foram sorteados 40 setores censitários, 12 domicílios por setor e uma pessoa por domicílio. Na análise, os dados foram ponderados pelo número de adultos residentes nos domicílios. Sob o segundo, foram sorteados 40 setores, seis domicílios por setor para o grupo de 18 a 59 anos de idade e cinco ou seis domicílios para o grupo de 18 anos e mais. Não houve sorteio dentro do domicílio. Medidas de precisão e de vício das estimativas de proporção para 11 indicadores foram calculadas nos dois conjuntos finais das amostras selecionadas para os dois tipos de delineamentos. Estes foram comparados por meio das medidas relativas: coeficiente de variação, razão vício/média, razão vício/erro padrão e erro quadrático médio relativo. O custo foi comparado considerando custo básico por pessoa, custo por domicílio e números de pessoas e domicílios. RESULTADOS : Os vícios mostraram-se desprezíveis nos dois delineamentos. A precisão foi maior para o delineamento sem sorteio e o custo foi menor. CONCLUSÕES : O delineamento sem sorteio intradomicilar mostrou-se superior em termos de eficiência e acurácia, devendo ser a opção preferencial do pesquisador. O sorteio de moradores deve ser adotado quando houver razões referentes ao objeto de estudo que possam levar à introdução de vícios nas respostas dos entrevistados no caso de vários moradores responderem ao questionário proposto

    Neonatal anthropometry: a tool to evaluate the nutritional status and predict early and late risks

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    Neonatal anthropometry is an inexpensive, noninvasive and convenient tool for bedside evaluation, especially in sick and fragile neonates. Anthropometry can be used in neonates as a tool for several purposes: diagnosis of foetal malnutrition and prediction of early postnatal complications; postnatal assessment of growth, body composition and nutritional status; prediction of long-term complications including metabolic syndrome; assessment of dysmorphology; and estimation of body surface. However, in this age group anthropometry has been notorious for its inaccuracy and the main concern is to make validated indices available. Direct measurements, such as body weight, length and body circumferences are the most commonly used measurements for nutritional assessment in clinical practice and in field studies. Body weight is the most reliable anthropometric measurement and therefore is often used alone in the assessment of the nutritional status, despite not reflecting body composition. Derived indices from direct measurements have been proposed to improve the accuracy of anthropometry. Equations based on body weight and length, mid-arm circumference/head circumference ratio, and upper-arm cross-sectional areas are among the most used derived indices to assess nutritional status and body proportionality, even though these indices require further validation for the estimation of body composition in neonates