218 research outputs found

    Evaluation of maize and hemp cultivars as bioenergy crop

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    We are cultivating annual and perennial crops as monoculture and as mixed culture to investigate plant biomass use for production of renewable energy sources in northern latitudes. We have grown different hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) and bioenergy maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars in 2007-2009 at Viikki Experimental Farm, University of Helsinki

    Data Integration: a Case Study in the Financial Services Industry

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    Current economic conditions result in banks participating in multiple mergers and acquisitions. This results in banks inheriting silo and heterogeneous systems. For banks to remain competitive, they must create a strategy to integrate data from these acquired systems in a dynamic, efficient, and consumable manner. This research considers a case study of a large financial services company that has successfully integrated data from different sources. In addition this research investigates endeavors that experts in the field have undertaken to develop architectures that address the problems with data integration and appropriate solutions

    Valued added lost, geopolitics and the development deficit

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    Masteroppgave i Energy management - Høgskolen i Bodø, 2007More than 60 years after the end of World War II, which saw the emergence of new sovereign states, the world is still experiencing a sort of development deficit. At least four fifths of the world’s countries are still struggling to achieve dynamic self sustaining economic development. Many commonly cited reasons for the short fall in development usually appear like the symptoms rather than the causes and tend ignore historical aspects. This study proposes to take a look in retrospection at both the economic and geopolitical conditions that were prevailing in the better part of the twentieth century when a host of new states were established. The paper argues that the mix of international economic and geopolitical conditions in the twentieth century especially in the three post-World War II decades presented conditions that were unfavourable to sound economic and social development for the majority of the world’s newly formed countries, from among which only four managed to operate a spectacular economic transformation. After establishing the theoretical premise, the paper strives to back the case through wide ranging general analysis and specific country cases. In the end the paper puts the development process into perspective to emphasize that the present lateness in development should necessarily be a transient one, albeit which can hardly be curbed a country level without benign stimuli from favourable world economic and geopolitical conditions. Key words and phrases : Development, capital accumulation, geopolitics, export promotion, import substitution, comparative advantage, cold war, incremental capital-output ratio, multinationals, valued added, high income, low income, low-middle income, upper middle income, newly industrialised countries, primary commodities, manufactures, oil shock

    African Americans\u27 Understanding of the Provisions of the Affordable Care Act

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    African Americans as a group tend to have numerous health issues, and by the time they seek healthcare, the conditions often advance into more serious ailments. Researchers have shown that cultural distrust of the U.S. healthcare system coupled with some discriminatory practices has hindered African Americans seeking care and taking full advantage of the healthcare system. With the introduction of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), there is some confusion about the application of the law, resulting in many intended beneficiaries misinterpreting it, and not accessing quality healthcare. This interpretive phenomenological study explored how African Americans in the Washington D.C., metropolitan area understand and interpret ACA provisions related to their healthcare needs. A sample of 10 African Americans adults participated in in-depth interviews that generated data for this study. Critical communicative methodology provided a framework for exploring the phenomenon. Study findings highlight the themes of interpreting the ACA to mean having more individual control and responsibility for healthcare decisions and having fewer perceived restrictions acting as barriers to access healthcare. Study results contribute to social change by providing knowledge to those who implement healthcare policy on optimal policy delivery to intended beneficiaries. This knowledge may also apply to other new social policy dissemination, thus ensuring policies reach their intended target populations, facilitating optimal utilization

    Sustainable cropping of reed canary grass for energy use

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    The increasing use of fossil fuel is plagued with problems leading to interest in alternative sources of energies. Bioenergy or biomass energy remains today s important renewable energy source that can contribute to reducing the overall consumption of fossil fuel and can move energy systems towards sustainability and supply security. However, doubts on sustainability impede the acceptance of bioenergy. Hence, the sustainable cropping of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L., RCG), an established perennial energy grass, was studied. Important sustainability criteria were considered, namely; land use, biomass productivity, emission of greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) and biodiversity. The general aim of the study was to develop farming methods that would provide biomass feedstock of RCG in a sustainable manner. Field and glasshouse experiments were carried out at the University of Helsinki, Finland, during 2008 to 2013. The suitability of problematic acid sulphate soils managed with raised water tables for cropping RCG was investigated in lysimeter experiments. Growth parameters were measured and biomass yield and energy qualities were determined. In field conditions with soils classified as Gleyic Stagnosol, RCG was supplied with N from inorganic fertilizer and N fixed into soil by intercropped legume galega (Galega orientalis Lam.) and its biomass yields and mineral element composition and other energy qualities were determined. Gases were collected from these fields using closed chambers and greenhouse gas N2O emissions were analysed by gas chromatography. The crop and crop mixture effects on earthworm communities were determined by the extraction of earthworms using mustard oil and manual separation from soil. Reed canary grass grew well in acid sulphate soils and even performed better by producing more biomass with better quality when the water table was raised to reduce acidity and to avoid environmental hazards. Carbon was also sequestered into the soil by RCG root biomass. In the field experiment, RCG galega mixtures produced equally good biomass yields and of better energy quality than the fertilized RCG counterpart. The annual cumulative emissions of N2O from mixtures were marginally lower than those from fertilized RCG soils. Although fertilized RCG produced twice as much biomass and correspondingly higher nitrogen and energy yields, its low emission of N2O per ton of dry matter or per unit of harvestable bioenergy was not significantly different from that of the mixtures. Mixtures also enhanced earthworm abundance and species numbers compared to pure RCG stands. Therefore cropping an RCG galega mixture for biofuel may supply a good quantity of biomass feedstock, result in lower N2O gas fluxes, and sustain earthworm biodiversity but requires management to maintain grass as the major component. Using managed acid sulphate soils for perennial energy cropping will help to reduce the tension between food and energy crop production over arable land and may improve the negative perception of bioenergy as a whole. A 25% Galega- 75% RCG mix has the potential to replace N fertilizer input during energy crop cultivation, meaning reduced cost of production and more income for energy crop farmers. Moreover soil macrofauna diversity will be conserved. With reduced N2O gas emission, this grass-legume mixture could make a significant contribution in mitigating climate change and its effects. All these will come a long way to help in making bioenergy more sustainable.Ruokohelpin viljely bioenergian lähteeksi ekologisesti kestävällä tavalla Bioenergia on tärkeä uusiutuva energialähde, joka voi johtaa uusiutumattoman (fossiilisen) energian kokonaiskäytön vähenemiseen. Bioenergian käytön yleistymistä haittaavat kuitenkin epäilyt tämän energiamuodon ekologisesta kestävyydestä. Ruokohelpi on asemansa vakiinnuttanut monivuotinen energiakasvi, jonka tuotannon kestävyyttä tässä työssä tutkittiin. Pyrkimyksenä oli kehittää kestäviä viljelymenetelmiä ruokohelpibiomassan tuottamiseksi energiantuotantoa varten. Helsingin yliopistossa vuosina 2008-2013 järjestetyissä kenttä- ja kasvihuonekokeissa tutkittiin ruokohelven viljelyä happamilla sulfaattimailla. Kasvihuonekokeissa tutkittiin happamien sulfaattimaiden soveltuvuutta ruokohelven viljelyyn, kun pohjaveden pintaa pidettiin lähellä maan pintaa säätösalaojituksen ja kastelun avulla. Kenttäkokeissa ruokohelpeä lannoitettiin väkilannoitetypellä, tai ruokohelpeä ja typpeä sitovaa vuohenhernettä kasvatettiin seosviljelmänä. Kokeissa seurattiin kasvihuoneilmiötä aiheuttavan dityppioksidin (N2O) päästöjä sekä tutkittiin puhdaskasvustojen ja seosviljelmien vaikutuksia lierojen esiintymiseen. Ruokohelpi kasvoi hyvin happamalla sulfaattimaalla, ja lähellä maan pintaa pidetty pohjavesi jopa lisäsi sadon määrää ja laatua. Ruokohelven suuri juurimassa johti myös hiilen sitoutumiseen maahan. Kenttäkokeessa ruokohelven ja vuohenherneen seoskasvusto tuotti yhtä suuren määrän ja bioenergiantuotannon kannalta laadultaan parempaa biomassaa kuin väkilannoitettu puhdasviljelmä. Vuotuiset N2O-päästöt olivat sekakasvustossa hieman pienemmät kuin lannoitetun puhdaskasvuston päästöt. Sekakasvuston maaperässä oli myös enemmän lieroyksilöitä ja erilaisia lierolajeja

    Inhibition of PP2A by LIS1 increases HIV-1 gene expression

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    BACKGROUND: Lissencephaly is a severe brain malformation in part caused by mutations in the LIS1 gene. LIS1 interacts with microtubule-associated proteins, and enhances transport of microtubule fragments. Previously we showed that LIS1 interacts with HIV-1 Tat protein and that this interaction was mediated by WD40 domains of LIS1. In the present study, we analyze the effect of LIS1 on Tat-mediated transcription of HIV-1 LTR. RESULTS: Tat-mediated HIV-1 transcription was upregulated in 293 cells transfected with LIS1 expression vector. The WD5 but not the N-terminal domain of LIS1 increases Tat-dependent HIV-1 transcription. The effect of LIS1 was similar to the effect of okadaic acid, an inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). We then analyzed the effect of LIS1 on the activity of PP2A in vitro. We show that LIS1 and its isolated WD5 domain but not the N-terminal domain of LIS1 blocks PP2A activity. CONCLUSION: Our results show that inhibition of PP2A by LIS1 induces HIV-1 transcription. Our results also point to a possibility that LIS1 might function in the cells as a yet unrecognized regulatory subunit of PP2A

    The long-term effects of domestic Violence: a study of life histories in a homeless shelter in cape Town, South Africa

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    Masters of ArtThis study examines the effects of domestic violence on adults who witnessed abuse as children in their homes. It seeks to ascertain if the childhood emotional trauma of domestic violence influences the growth and social adaptation of children in their later years. Despite the growing awareness of domestic violence worldwide, there is nevertheless an alarming number of women reporting abuse, and there are those who are reportedly beaten or inflicted with bodily harm at the hands of their abusers. However, most of these domestic or household conflicts take place in situations where children are involved. These children witness such abuse and grow up carrying emotional and physical scars that impact their functioning as members of society. The study adopts a life history approach to investigate 15 adult participants (five women and ten men) within evolving themes relating to their experiences of domestic violence and other life ordeals during their childhood that made them end up at the Elim Night Shelter in Cape Town, South Africa. The study is anchored on the explication of such key concepts as domestic violence, abuse and the physical, social, emotional and behavioural effects of abuse. Furthermore, the study identifies the social consequences of growing up in an abusive environment. The findings of the study reveal that people who witnessed acts of domestic violence as children experience negative consequences as adults. Recommendations have been listed which could assist the further study expansion on the topic, together with intervention strategies

    Sustainable bioenergy cropping: growing reed canarygrass in acid suphate soils

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    The response of reed canary grass to water logging, acidity and dissolved metals will be studied in the field as well as in a controlled environment using large monoliths of undisturbed acid suphate soil taken into PVC tubes
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