212 research outputs found

    The impact of long dry periods on the aboveground biomass in a tropical forest: 20 years of monitoring

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    Background Long-term studies of community and population dynamics indicate that abrupt disturbances often catalyse changes in vegetation and carbon stocks. These disturbances include the opening of clearings, rainfall seasonality, and drought, as well as fire and direct human disturbance. Such events may be super-imposed on longer-term trends in disturbance, such as those associated with climate change (heating, drying), as well as resources. Intact neotropical forests have recently experienced increased drought frequency and fire occurrence, on top of pervasive increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations, but we lack long-term records of responses to such changes especially in the critical transitional areas at the interface of forest and savanna biomes. Here, we present results from 20 years monitoring a valley forest (moist tropical forest outlier) in central Brazil. The forest has experienced multiple drought events and includes plots which have and which have not experienced fire. We focus on how forest structure (stem density and aboveground biomass carbon) and dynamics (stem and biomass mortality and recruitment) have responded to these disturbance regimes. Results Overall, the biomass carbon stock increased due to the growth of the trees already present in the forest, without any increase in the overall number of tree stems. Over time, both recruitment and especially mortality of trees tended to increase, and periods of prolonged drought in particular resulted in increased mortality rates of larger trees. This increased mortality was in turn responsible for a decline in aboveground carbon toward the end of the monitoring period. Conclusion Prolonged droughts influence the mortality of large trees, leading to a decline in aboveground carbon stocks. Here, and in other neotropical forests, recent droughts are capable of shutting down and reversing biomass carbon sinks. These new results add to evidence that anthropogenic climate changes are already adversely impacting tropical forests

    Associative polynomial functions over bounded distributive lattices

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    The associativity property, usually defined for binary functions, can be generalized to functions of a given fixed arity n>=1 as well as to functions of multiple arities. In this paper, we investigate these two generalizations in the case of polynomial functions over bounded distributive lattices and present explicit descriptions of the corresponding associative functions. We also show that, in this case, both generalizations of associativity are essentially the same.Comment: Final versio

    Urinary Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Levels and Interstitial Changes in the Renal Cortex and Their Relationship with Loss of Renal Function in Renal Transplant Patients with Delayed Graft Function

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    Background: Inflammatory cell infiltration and residual areas of fibrosis in kidneys after renal transplantation can lead to functional abnormalities with long-term implications. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine urinary monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (uMCP-1) levels, relative cortical interstitial area (RCIA), and cortical tubulointerstitial macrophage infiltration in renal transplant patients with delayed graft function (DGF) and their possible correlation with graft outcome. Design: Patients were followed after biopsies for one year, and their renal function and structure were evaluated, as well as parameters of inflammatory process. Setting: Clinical Hospital of the School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto. Patients: Twenty-two cadaveric kidney transplant recipients with DGF were followed for one year. Measurements: Renal function, RCIA, macrophages infiltration and uMCP-1 levels were evaluated. Methods: Renal function was evaluated by plasma creatinine levels. RCIA was determined by morphometry. Immunohistochemical staining of macrophages was performed using an anti-CD68 monoclonal antibody. uMCP-1 levels were determined using a human MCP-1/CCL2 immunoassay kit. Results: There was a significant increase in uMCP-1 levels in transplant patients compared with controls ( p < 0.001). RCIA was 7.1% (6.4 to 9.2; median and 25th to 75th percentiles) in controls and 37.1% (28.1 to 43.7) in patients with kidney transplants ( p < 0.001). The patients who presented with a higher RCIA in the first biopsy showed higher levels of plasma creatinine one year after transplantation (r = 0.44; p < 0.05). The number of tubulointerstitial macrophages per 0.10 mm 2 grid field was higher in the renal cortex of transplant patients compared with the controls (19.4 (9.0 to 47.1) vs. 2.5 (1.8 to 3.4), p < 0.001). There was also a positive correlation between the RCIA and the number of tubulointerstitial macrophages in the renal cortex of these patients (r = 0.49; p < 0.001). Limitations: The number of patients studied was relatively small and may not be reflecting outcomes over a larger spectrum of kidney cadaveric transplants. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate increased levels of uMCP-1 in transplant patients with DGF, in addition to increased tubulointerstitial macrophage infiltration and RCIA, which could predict the outcome of renal function in these patients

    Information-theoretic postulates for quantum theory

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    Why are the laws of physics formulated in terms of complex Hilbert spaces? Are there natural and consistent modifications of quantum theory that could be tested experimentally? This book chapter gives a self-contained and accessible summary of our paper [New J. Phys. 13, 063001, 2011] addressing these questions, presenting the main ideas, but dropping many technical details. We show that the formalism of quantum theory can be reconstructed from four natural postulates, which do not refer to the mathematical formalism, but only to the information-theoretic content of the physical theory. Our starting point is to assume that there exist physical events (such as measurement outcomes) that happen probabilistically, yielding the mathematical framework of "convex state spaces". Then, quantum theory can be reconstructed by assuming that (i) global states are determined by correlations between local measurements, (ii) systems that carry the same amount of information have equivalent state spaces, (iii) reversible time evolution can map every pure state to every other, and (iv) positivity of probabilities is the only restriction on the possible measurements.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. v3: some typos corrected and references updated. Summarizes the argumentation and results of arXiv:1004.1483. Contribution to the book "Quantum Theory: Informational Foundations and Foils", Springer Verlag (http://www.springer.com/us/book/9789401773027), 201

    Generalization of entropy based divergence measures for symbolic sequence analysis

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    Entropy based measures have been frequently used in symbolic sequence analysis. A symmetrized and smoothed form of Kullback-Leibler divergence or relative entropy, the Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD), is of particular interest because of its sharing properties with families of other divergence measures and its interpretability in different domains including statistical physics, information theory and mathematical statistics. The uniqueness and versatility of this measure arise because of a number of attributes including generalization to any number of probability distributions and association of weights to the distributions. Furthermore, its entropic formulation allows its generalization in different statistical frameworks, such as, non-extensive Tsallis statistics and higher order Markovian statistics. We revisit these generalizations and propose a new generalization of JSD in the integrated Tsallis and Markovian statistical framework. We show that this generalization can be interpreted in terms of mutual information. We also investigate the performance of different JSD generalizations in deconstructing chimeric DNA sequences assembled from bacterial genomes including that of E. coli, S. enterica typhi, Y. pestis and H. influenzae. Our results show that the JSD generalizations bring in more pronounced improvements when the sequences being compared are from phylogenetically proximal organisms, which are often difficult to distinguish because of their compositional similarity. While small but noticeable improvements were observed with the Tsallis statistical JSD generalization, relatively large improvements were observed with the Markovian generalization. In contrast, the proposed Tsallis-Markovian generalization yielded more pronounced improvements relative to the Tsallis and Markovian generalizations, specifically when the sequences being compared arose from phylogenetically proximal organisms.publishedVersionFil: Ré, Miguel Ángel. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Córdoba. Centro de Investigación en Informática para la Ingeniería. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas; Argentina.Fil: Ré, Miguel Ángel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Azad, Rajeev K. University of North Texas. College of Science. Department of Biological Sciences; Estados Unidos de América.Fil: Azad, Rajeev K. University of North Texas. College of Science. Department of Mathematics; Estados Unidos de América.Ciencias de la Información y Bioinformática (desarrollo de hardware va en 2.2 "Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Información" y los aspectos sociales van en 5.8 "Comunicación y Medios"

    Constructing Biological Pathways by a Two-Step Counting Approach

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    Networks are widely used in biology to represent the relationships between genes and gene functions. In Boolean biological models, it is mainly assumed that there are two states to represent a gene: on-state and off-state. It is typically assumed that the relationship between two genes can be characterized by two kinds of pairwise relationships: similarity and prerequisite. Many approaches have been proposed in the literature to reconstruct biological relationships. In this article, we propose a two-step method to reconstruct the biological pathway when the binary array data have measurement error. For a pair of genes in a sample, the first step of this approach is to assign counting numbers for every relationship and select the relationship with counting number greater than a threshold. The second step is to calculate the asymptotic p-values for hypotheses of possible relationships and select relationships with a large p-value. This new method has the advantages of easy calculation for the counting numbers and simple closed forms for the p-value. The simulation study and real data example show that the two-step counting method can accurately reconstruct the biological pathway and outperform the existing methods. Compared with the other existing methods, this two-step method can provide a more accurate and efficient alternative approach for reconstructing the biological network

    Development and evaluation of a cultural competency training curriculum

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    BACKGROUND: Increasing the cultural competence of physicians and other health care providers has been suggested as one mechanism for reducing health disparities by improving the quality of care across racial/ethnic groups. While cultural competency training for physicians is increasingly promoted, relatively few studies evaluating the impact of training have been published. METHODS: We recruited 53 primary care physicians at 4 diverse practice sites and enrolled 429 of their patients with diabetes and/or hypertension. Patients completed a baseline survey which included a measure of physician culturally competent behaviors. Cultural competency training was then provided to physicians at 2 of the sites. At all 4 sites, physicians received feedback in the form of their aggregated cultural competency scores compared to the aggregated scores from other physicians in the practice. The primary outcome at 6 months was change in the Patient-Reported Physician Cultural Competence (PRPCC) score; secondary outcomes were changes in patient trust, satisfaction, weight, systolic blood pressure, and glycosylated hemoglobin. Multiple analysis of variance was used to control for differences patient characteristics and baseline levels of the outcome measure between groups. RESULTS: Patients had a mean of 2.8 + 2.2 visits to the study physician during the study period. Changes in all outcomes were similar in the "Training + Feedback" group compared to the "Feedback Only" group (PRPCC: 3.7 vs.1.8; trust: -0.7 vs. -0.2 ; satisfaction: 1.9 vs. 2.5; weight: -2.5 lbs vs. -0.7 lbs; systolic blood pressure: 1.7 mm Hg vs. 0.1 mm Hg; glycosylated hemoglobin 0.02% vs. 0.07%; p = NS for all). CONCLUSION: The lack of measurable impact of physician training on patient-reported and disease-specific outcomes in the current has several possible explanations, including the relatively limited nature of the intervention. We hope that the current study will help provide a basis for future studies, using more intensive interventions with different provider groups

    Population-Attributable Risks for Ischemic Stroke in a Community in South Brazil: A Case-Control Study

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    Background: Risk factors for ischemic stroke are mostly known, but it is still unclear in most countries, what are their combined population-attributable risk percent (PAR%). In a case-control study the individual odds ratios (ORs) and the individual and combined PAR%, including risk factors not addressed in previous studies were estimated. Methods: Cases and controls were selected from patients attending to an emergency department. Cases were patients aged with 45 years or more with the first episode of ischemic stroke, characterized by a focal neurological deficit or change in the mental status occurring during the previous 24 hours. Controls, matched to cases by age and gender, were selected from patients without neurological complaints. Results: 133 cases and 272 controls were studied. Odds ratios for ischemic stroke were: atrial fibrillation (27.3; CI 95 % 7.5