172 research outputs found

    Parking Regulation and Land Use in the Portland Metropolitan Region: A Case for Local Parking Districts and Shared Parking Arrangements

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine parking regulations and parking management in a land-use and transportation planning context. Current parking management policies in the Portland metropolitan region provide the overall framework for this analysis. The paper is divided into six sections: • Section one provides a summary of the planning policies and growth management strategies of the Portland metropolitan region which impact par king policy. These policies provide the context for the current discussion of parking regulations in the region. • The experiences of two close-in Portland neighborhoods are discussed in section two. Parking is not regulated by the city zoning code in these neighborhoods. Lessons learned from these areas provide important case studies if existing parking regulations are to be re-considered. • Section three includes a description of how parking outside of the downtown area is regulated by the City of Portland\u27s zoning code, and examines several problems with this approach. • The geography and spatial layout of parking is explored in section four. This section examines how existing private parking development patterns might be converted to a different parking pattern. Different approaches to parking may be necessary with different development patterns. • Section five examines the characteristics of common goods and services to provide a theoretical basis for considering par king as an element of the public infrastructure. • Section six outlines a model for establishing a different approach to parking policy, one which emphasizes shared parking and neighborhood parking districts rather than zoning code regulation

    Risk, Uncertainty and Asset Prices

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    We identify the relative importance of changes in the conditional variance of fundamentals (which we call %u201Cuncertainty%u201D) and changes in risk aversion (%u201Crisk%u201D for short) in the determination of the term structure, equity prices and risk premiums. Theoretically, we introduce persistent time-varying uncertainty about the fundamentals in an external habit model. The model matches the dynamics of dividend and consumption growth, including their volatility dynamics and many salient asset market phenomena. While the variation in dividend yields and the equity risk premium is primarily driven by risk, uncertainty plays a large role in the term structure and is the driver of counter-cyclical volatility of asset returns.

    Stock and Bond Returns with Moody Investors

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    We present a tractable, linear model for the simultaneous pricing of stock and bond returns that incorporates stochastic risk aversion. In this model, analytic solutions for endogenous stock and bond prices and returns are readily calculated. After estimating the parameters of the model by the general method of moments, we investigate a series of classic puzzles of the empirical asset pricing literature. In particular, our model is shown to jointly accommodate the mean and volatility of equity and long term bond risk premia as well as salient features of the nominal short rate, the dividend yield, and the term spread. Also, the model matches the evidence for predictability of excess stock and bond returns. However, the stock-bond return correlation implied by the model is somewhat higher than in the data.

    Distinct Lattice Paths

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    Lattice paths can be used to model scheduling and routing problems, and, therefore, identifying maximum sets of distinct paths is of general interest. We extend the work previously done by Gillman et al. to determine the order of a maximum set of k-distinct lattice paths. In particular, we disprove a conjecture by Gillman that a greedy algorithm would give the maximum order and also refine an upper bound given by Brewer et al. We illustrate that brute force is an inefficient method to determine the maximum order, as it has time complexity O(nk). There does not appear to be an algorithm to efficiently identify maximum sets in general cases, and given this, we instead consider the limits as various parameters go to infinity while others are fixed. Further, we prove results for some conjectured cases

    k-Distinct Lattice Paths

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    Lattice paths can be used to model scheduling and routing problems, and, therefore, identifying maximum sets of k-distinct paths is of general interest. We extend the work previously done by Gillman et. al. to determine the order of a maximum set of k-distinct lattice paths. In particular, we disprove a conjecture by Gillman that a greedy algorithm gives this maximum order and also refine an upper bound given by Brewer et. al. We illustrate that brute force is an inefficient method to determine the maximum order, as it has time complexity O(nk)

    Inflation and the Stock Market:Understanding the "Fed Model"

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    The Fed model postulates that the dividend or earnings yield on stocks should equal the yield on nominal Treasury bonds, or at least that the two should be highly correlated. In US data, there is indeed a strikingly high time series correlation between the yield on nominal bonds and the dividend yield on equities. This positive correlation is often attributed to the fact that both bond and equity yields commove strongly and positively with expected inflation. While inflation commoves with nominal bond yields for well-known reasons, the positive correlation between expected inflation and equity yields has long puzzled economists. We show that the effect is consistent with modern asset pricing theory incorporating uncertainty about real growth prospects and habit -- based risk version. In the US, high expected inflation has tended to coincided with periods of heightened uncertainty about real economic growth and unusually high risk aversion, both of which rationally raise equity yields. Our findings suggest that countries with high incidence of stagflation should have relatively high correlation between bond yields and equity yields and we confirm that this is true in a panel of international data

    Manipulation of cell cycle progression can counteract the apparent loss of correction frequency following oligonucleotide-directed gene repair

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    BACKGROUND: Single-stranded oligonucleotides (ssODN) are used routinely to direct specific base alterations within mammalian genomes that result in the restoration of a functional gene. Despite success with the technique, recent studies have revealed that following repair events, correction frequencies decrease as a function of time, possibly due to a sustained activation of damage response signals in corrected cells that lead to a selective stalling. In this study, we use thymidine to slow down the replication rate to enhance repair frequency and to maintain substantial levels of correction over time. RESULTS: First, we utilized thymidine to arrest cells in G1 and released the cells into S phase, at which point specific ssODNs direct the highest level of correction. Next, we devised a protocol in which cells are maintained in thymidine following the repair reaction, in which the replication is slowed in both corrected and non-corrected cells and the initial correction frequency is retained. We also present evidence that cells enter a senescence state upon prolonged treatment with thymidine but this passage can be avoided by removing thymidine at 48 hours. CONCLUSION: Taken together, we believe that thymidine may be used in a therapeutic fashion to enable the maintenance of high levels of treated cells bearing repaired genes

    Die Jugendgerichtshilfe in Berlin, 1905–1914. Intersektionale Expertise im Umgang mit jugendlicher Devianz

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    Im Folgenden werden bestimmte lokale Strategien und Praktiken am Beispiel Berlins untersucht, die in sozialen und kulturellen Nischen jenseits der großen und gut erforschten Strafrechtsreformdebatten Anwendung fanden. Dieser Perspektivenwechsel ist besonders relevant, da die Jugendgerichte und die damit verbundene Jugendgerichtsbewegung dezidiert aus solchen Nischen „praeter legem“ – also neben dem Gesetz – hervorgegangen waren (Simon 1915, 244). Und im Gegensatz zur heftig umkämpften und vorerst ergebnislos verlaufenden Strafrechtsreform, wurde die Jugendgerichtsbewegung allgemein nicht nur als durchschlagender Erfolg, sondern auch, wie der Reformjurist Franz von Liszt es ausdrückte, als „von einer breiten volkstümlichen, nicht bloß von einer literarisch-juristischen Bewegung getragen“ gefeiert (v. Liszt 1909, 140). (DIPF/Orig.

    Characterization and performance of nucleic acid nanoparticles combined with protamine and gold

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    Macromolecular nucleic acids such as DNA vaccines, siRNA, and splice-site switching oligomers (SSO) have vast chemotherapeutic potential. Nanoparticulate biomaterials hold promise for DNA and RNA delivery when a means for binding is identified that retains structure-function and provides stabilization by the nanoparticles. In order to provide these benefits of binding, we combined DNA and RNA with protamine-demonstrating association to gold microparticles by electrophoretic, gel shot, fluorescence, and dynamic laser light spectroscopy (DLLS). A pivotal finding in these studies is that the Au-protamine-DNA conjugates greatly stabilize the DNA; and DNA structure and vaccine activity are maintained even after exposure to physical, chemical, and temperature-accelerated degradation. Specifically, protamine formed nanoparticles when complexed to RNA. These complexes could be detected by gel shift and were probed by high throughput absorbance difference spectroscopy (HTADS). Biological activity of these RNA nanoparticles (RNPs) was demonstrated also by a human tumor cell splice-site switching assay and by siRNA delivery against B-Raf-a key cancer target. Finally, RNA:protamine particles inhibited growth of cultured human tumor cells and bacteria. These data provide new insights into DNA and RNA nanoparticles and prospects for their delivery and chemotherapeutic activity. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Control of plant stem cell function by conserved interacting transcriptional regulators

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    Plant stem cells in the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and root apical meristem are necessary for postembryonic development of above-ground tissues and roots, respectively, while secondary vascular stem cells sustain vascular development(1-4). WUSCHEL (WUS), a homeodomain transcription factor expressed in the rib meristem of the Arabidopsis SAM, is a key regulatory factor controlling SAM stem cell populations(5,6), and is thought to establish the shoot stem cell niche through a feedback circuit involving the CLAVATA3 (CLV3) peptide signalling pathway(7). WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX 5 (WOX5), which is specifically expressed in the root quiescent centre, defines quiescent centre identity and functions interchangeably with WUS in the control of shoot and root stem cell niches(8). WOX4, expressed in Arabidopsisprocambial cells, defines the vascular stem cell niche(9-11). WUS/WOX family proteins are evolutionarily and functionally conserved throughout the plant kingdom(1,2) and emerge as key actors in the specification and maintenance of stem cells within all meristems13. However, the nature of the genetic regime in stem cell niches that centre on WOX gene function has been elusive, and molecular links underlying conserved WUS/WOX function in stem cell niches remain unknown. Here we demonstrate that the Arabidopsis HAIRY MERISTEM (HAM) family of transcription regulators act as conserved interacting cofactors with WUS/WOX proteins. HAM and WUS share common targets in vivo and their physical interaction is important in driving downstream transcriptional programs and in promoting shoot stem cell proliferation. Differences in the overlapping expression patterns of WOX and HAM family members underlie the formation of diverse stem cell niche locations, and the HAM family is essential for all of these stem cell niches. These findings establish a new framework for the control of stem cell production during plant development
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