238 research outputs found

    Kebutuhan Luasan Areal Hutan Kota sebagai Rosot (Sink) Gas CO2 untuk Mengantisipasi Penurunan Luasan Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Kota Bogor

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the need of the urban forest area as sink (sequestration) of CO2 gas from fuel oil and gas in Bogor City. Analysis of dynamic system is used to determine the need. Powersim software with the license number PSSL-N999998-5NC2Y was used in this research. Satellite imagery in 2003, 2005 and 2007 were used to analyze the extent of green space and built space as well as percentage changes. This study revealed that the urban forest area required as well as the number of seedlings are varies according to time and the sink rate. Therefore, the selection of tree species based on the sink rate should really be considered. By using the very high-sink rate trees, the area needed for this purpose will be smaller and can also make lower the ambient concentration. On the other hand, when the use of high-sink trees, the ambient concentration of this gas will increase again and the urban forest area that needed will be larger

    Pengelolaan Lahan Parkir Untuk Peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah

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    Wamanggu Market as it should provide adequate parking, but the fact is that Wamanngu Market has not been able to provide adequate parakir land for vehicles of people visiting the market. The purpose of the research study was to formulate a parking lot management model at the Wamanggu Market to increase local income. The research method uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques: observation, interviews, documentation, and FGD, while data analysis uses Data reduction, Data Display, Data verification. The results showed that the parking lot at Wamanggu Market has not been able to accommodate vehicles to park in the parking lot provided so that many people park their vehicles outside the market area, including on the road body around the market area. This has an impact on pad being less than optimal because vehicles that park outside the market area are not subject to payment of parking levies. The volume provided has not been balanced with the number of vehicles that want to park, parking facilities in the form of guard posts, and portals are no longer functioning and do not have parking signs. The density of vehicles using the parking lot makes parking attendants have the ability to arrange vehicles to use the parking lot, of course, it will have an impact on the parking levy. The need for parking space has been converted to a place for selling merchants so that it needs integrated parking management between the needs of parking spaces and the parking facilities provided.              Wamanggu Market as it should provide adequate parking, but the fact is that Wamanngu Market has not been able to provide adequate parakir land for vehicles of people visiting the market. The purpose of the research study was to formulate a parking lot management model at the Wamanggu Market to increase local income. The research method uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques: observation, interviews, documentation, and FGD, while data analysis uses Data reduction, Data Display, Data verification. The results showed that the parking lot at Wamanggu Market has not been able to accommodate vehicles to park in the parking lot provided so that many people park their vehicles outside the market area, including on the road body around the market area. This has an impact on pad being less than optimal because vehicles that park outside the market area are not subject to payment of parking levies. The volume provided has not been balanced with the number of vehicles that want to park, parking facilities in the form of guard posts, and portals are no longer functioning and do not have parking signs. The density of vehicles using the parking lot makes parking attendants have the ability to arrange vehicles to use the parking lot, of course, it will have an impact on the parking levy. The need for parking space has been converted to a place for selling merchants so that it needs integrated parking management between the needs of parking spaces and the parking facilities provided.

    Lead Content in Leaves of Wayside Trees on Jalan Sudirman, Bogor

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    Because automobiles emitted lead particles, plants grown at various distances from the road can be contaminated by air-borne lead particles. The deposition of lead particles on the leaf surfaces is defined as lead-adsorption and the entrance of lead particles into laaf tissues through stomata is defined as lead-absorption. The amount of Iead-adsorptLon is mearwed in washed-out water, whiie the amount of lead-absorption is measured in washed leaves.The amount of lead-adsorption is less than leadabmrption. Lead-absorption m old leaves iscommonly higher than in young leaves. The plants which belong to the highest class in lead adsopttioa and absorption are : Aidium gua/avc, Tennidia q p r r and Lugerstroemio specha; belonging to the high class is : Swktenia ntacrophylk to the medium class are : Mangifera indica and PterocerpusM a s ; to the low class are : Buuhinia pwpwea and Cmuagium odoratum, and belonging to the lowest class are : Rlicium decipiens, Olnariurn commune, Rcus hirta, Erythrina vanegata and ACP cia mrriculifomis

    A Mátra és a Mátra-alja halfaunája

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    A Kiskörei-víztároló gerincesállat-világa

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    Kualitas Pelayanan Pendidikan Dasar 9 Tahun di Kawasan Perbatasan Republik Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang kualitas pelayanan pendidikan dasar 9 tahun di kawasan perbatasan Republik Indonesia khususnya pada distrik sota. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan informan sejumlah 20 orang. Kawasan perbatasan adalah wajah negara ini, dan pendidikan adalah modal dasar manusia agar dapat hidup lebih layak. Sesuai perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Negara Republik Indonesia, mewajibkan seorang anak mengikuti pendidikan dasar 9 tahun (Sekolah Dasar hingga Sekolah Menengah Pertama) dengan didukung dengan pelayanan pendidikan berupa infrastruktur fisik dan sdm diseluruh wilayah Republik Indoensia. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa masih banyak anak usia 7 -12 tahun tidak bersekolah, ada yang putus sekolah bahkan ada yang merasa tidak perlu melanjutkan pendidikan, layanan pendidikan yang diberikan juga belum optimal dimana masih kekurangan ruang kelas, tidak memiliki ruang laboratorium, kekurangan guru  dan tingkat kehadiran guru yang cukup rendah. Maka saran yang dapat diberikan oleh peneliti adalah selain pengadaan infrastruktuk fisif dan sdm, system penghargaan,  maka harus ada sosialisasi atau bimbingan teknis yang berkelanjutan kepada guru agar lebih professional dan kepada masyarakat agar menyadari pentingnya pendidikan dasar 9 tahun ini.     Keywords: Kualitas; Pelayanan; Pendidikan; Perbatasan

    Ameliorasi Iklim melalui Zonasi Hutan Kota berdasarkan Peta Sebaran Polutan Udara

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    Bandung regency is one of the cities with many environmental problems oc like other cities in Indonesia. These problems are the continues increasing the number and density of population, and the increasing increased industrial and transportation. On the other hard, the forest area and green open space in Bandung Regency continues to decline. This causes increased air pollution and air temperature. The problems can be sowed with micro climate reparation in Bandung regency using urban forest in order to improve the climate conditions (amelioration) efficiently and effectively

    A Gyöngyös-Tarna hordalékkúp-síkság gerincesállat-világa

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    JUMLAH EMISI GAS CO2 DAN PEMILIHAN JENIS TANAMAN BERDAYA ROSOT SANGAT TINGGI: STUDI KASUS DI KOTA BOGOR (The Amount of CO2 Gasses Emission and Selection of Plant Species with Height Carbon Sink Capability: Case Study in Bogor Municipality)

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    Activities in towns and cities require energy from fossil fuel which can cause increasing concentration of CO2 ambient. One of the effort to minimize the increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, particularly in the urban area, is to develop urban forest. The objective of the research is to measure the concentration of CO2 and to measure the ability of absorbing CO2 gas by urban forest trees in Bogor Botanical Garden and Forest Research Station at Dramaga. The result of the study noticed that: CO2 gas emission in 2015 is 452.486 ton, in 2095 will be 584.142 ton which can then induce increasing the concentration of CO2 ambient. The other research noticed that classification of absorption ability of trees in urban forest area which consist of Bogor Botanical Garden and Forest Research Station at Dramaga are as follow: very high consist of: F. benjamina, T. verrucossum, D. excelsum, C. odoratum (average absorption ability was 643,77 kg/trees/year), high absorption ability are: L. speciosa, A. pavoniana, C. parthenoxylon, S. mahagoni, P. pinnata, F. decipiens, B. roxburghiana (average was 305,91 kg/trees/year), moderate class are: S. wallichii, A. muricata, K. senegalensis, S. macrophylla, C. grandis, A. heterophyllus, T. grandis (average was 102,07 kg/trees/year), low class are: P. indicus, P. affinis, A. mangium, S. indicum, I. bijuga, K. anthotheca, D. retusa, C. pulcherrima, C. guinensis (average was 28,00 kg/trees/year) and very low class are: C. excelsa, H. mengarawan, T. indica, N. lappaceum, H. odorata, E. cristagalli, M. grandiflora, P. dulce (average was 3,90 kg/trees/year).Keywords: CO2, sequestration, urban forest, green open spac
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