4,569 research outputs found


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    The research was purpose to develop the interactive learning media on computer skill and information management course, testing the media task and to know the feasibility of media when tested to the field. The learning media expected to help students to practice the study by themselves, in the other hand can be afford the process of learning at vocational high school. The research was using Research and Development Method according to the implementation step of development, as follows : 1) Analysis of needs, 2) Develop the design of multimedia learning, 3) Implementation of Media, 4) Testing the product result of media development. The testing was using Black Box method to find out the error of navigation, and then the media is validated by the expert of material and the expert of media before tested to the field. The research of user testing was held at SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta, grade of XI, with 29 students the department of Audio Video Engineering. The data collection method was using Questionnaire, the data were collected then analyze by researcher with Descriptive Analysis technique with convert the average result of evaluation into the feasibility interval score. The result of the research was show that the level of learning media development from the expert of material validator the score was 3.78 in very feasible category, and then from the expert of media validator the score was 3.19 in feasible category and to the user testing of students the score was 3.24 in feasible category. Based on the data, conclude that the interactive media learning on computer skill and information management course which made by the researcher was feasible to used by vocational high school students

    Young Scientist codeine study wins HRB prize.

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    The influence of lower primary school pupils' reading habits on the development of reading motivation

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    Nekada je knjiga bila glavni izvor znanja, kako za odrasle, tako i za djecu. Napretkom tehnologije knjiga je, u odnosu na ostale medije, postala manje popularna. Osim lektire djeca danas rijetko čitaju knjige u slobodno vrijeme. Zbog toga je za temu ovog diplomskog rada odabrana tema Utjecaj čitalačkih navika na razvoj čitalačke motivacije djece rane Å”kolske dobi. Cilj istraživanja koje je provedeno i analizirano u praktičnom dijelu rada je istražiti koliko najranije čitalačke navike, čitanje roditelja djeci od najranije dobi te kasnije samostalno čitanje, utječu na razvoj motivacije za daljnje čitanje. Nadalje, željelo se istražiti čitaju li djeca redovito lektiru te koga smatraju najviÅ”e zaslužnim za svoje stavove i navike o čitanju. Za istraživanje se koristio anketni upitnik, a istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 100 učenika četvrtih razreda Osnovne Å”kole Ivana Kukuljevića u BeliŔću i Osnovne Å”kole Matije Petra Katančića u Valpovu.The book was once used as a main source of knowledge for both adults and children. With a development of the technology, the book became less popular in comparison to the other media sources. Nowadays, children don`t read books in their free time, apart from the mandatory books for the book report in the school. That is the main reason why this research is based on the topic Young school-age pupilsā€™ reading habits and its impact on development of motivation for reading. The aim of this research, which is conducted and analysed in the practical part, is to identify how the earliest reading habits, parents reading to their children from the earliest age and the children reading by themselves impact on the development of reading motivation. Furthermore, this research tends to gather information on whether pupils in lower primary grades regularly read books for book report and who they see as the role model for their attitudes and reading habits. This research used a survey questionnaire as a research tool and the research was conducted on a sample of 100 fourth graders in the primary school Ivana Kukuljevića in BeliŔće and in the primary school Matije Petra Katančića in Valpovo

    HOPE AND POSSIBILITIES: Inspirations and Insight from Hosting The Wonder of Learning- The Hundred Languages of Children Exhibit in Indianapolis, Indiana

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    Dr. Ena Shelley gives her remarks after The Wonder of Learning- The Hundred Languages of Children Exhibit in Indianapolis, Indiana

    Eighteenth Annual Service of Commemoration and Hope.

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    Parkinsonova bolest (PB) je kronična progresivna neurodegenerativna bolest koja oÅ”tećuje živčane stanice u nigrostrijatalnim dopaminergičkim područjima mozga. Javlja se u približno 1% populacije u dobi iznad 60 godina. Smatra se da je etiologija multifaktorska i da bolest nastaje interakcijom genskih i okoliÅ”nih čimbenika, dok se velika uloga pripisuje i djelovanju slobodnih radikala, mitohondrijskoj disfunkciji te mehanizmu oksidativnog stresa. Možda je najvažniji izazov za liječenje u PB mehanizam kojim će se odgoditi ili spriječiti daljnji gubitak dopaminergičkih i nedopaminergičkih neurona. U radu se navode najvažniji rezultati dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja, odnosno sistemski pregled prekliničkih podatka o neuroprotektivnim agentima za PB. Cilj dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja jest istražiti neuroprotektivni potencijal nekoliko agenata u studijama u kojima se inducirao eksperimentalni parkinsonizam kod životinja. Različiti rezultati i stavovi ove problematike upućuju na potrebu daljnjih istraživanja s jasno definiranim kriterijima i ciljevima u svrhu dobivanja pouzdanih podataka. Samo takvi podaci mogu biti polaziÅ”te za uključivanje u kliničku praksu temeljenu na dokazima te mogu uvelike pridonijeti razvitku novih i učinkovitih načina liječenja PB.Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease that damages neurons in nigrostriatal dopaminergic brain regions. It occurs in approximately 1% of the population aged over 60 years. It is believed that the etiology is multifactorial and results from interaction of genetic and environmental factors, while a large part is attributed to the action of free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress mechanism. Perhaps the most important challenge for the treatment of PD is mechanism how to delay or prevent further loss of dopaminergic and nondopaminergic neurons. This paper presents the most important results of previous studies or systematic review of preclinical data on neuroprotective agents for PD. The aim of this research is to explore neuroprotective potential of the agents in the studies with induced experimental parkinsonism. Different results and attitudes of these issues point to the need for further research with clearly defined criteria and objectives in order to obtain reliable data. Only such data can be a starting point for inclusion in clinical practice based on evidence and can greatly contribute to the development of new and effective ways of treating PD

    Azulejos u razrednoj nastavi likovne kulture

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    Azuleje su individualno oslikane keramičke pločice koje datiraju iz 15. stoljeća portugalske umjetnosti. Cilj je ovog rada prikazati i istražiti povijest portugalske kulturne znamenitosti ā€“ azuleja, s kojima sam se susrela tijekom svoga Erasmus studija u Portu akademske 2016./2017. godine i 2017./2018. godine te prikazati njihovu primjenu u razrednoj nastavi Likovne kulture. U uvodnom dijelu rada navedene su opće informacije o azulejama te povijesni kontekst njihova nastanka. Empirijski dio istraživanja odnosi se na praktičnu primjenu azuleja u Å”koli s učenicima osnovne Å”kole te oslikavanje vlastitih azuleja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da uvođenje znamenitosti iz drugih kultura ima utjecaja na učeničku motivaciju te na dječji likovni uradak.Azulejos are individually painted ceramic tiles dating back to the 15th century of Portuguese art. The aim of this paper is to present and explore the history of the Portuguese cultural heritage - azulejos, which I encountered during my Erasmus exchange mobility in Porto in academic 2016/2017 and 2017/2018, and to present azulejos in teaching Arts. In the introductory section of the paper, presented are general information about azulejos and the historical context of their emergence are listed. The empirical part of the research relates to the practical use of azulejos in schools with elementary school students and painting their own azulejos. The results of research have shown that motivation and pupils' artwork is influenced by the introduction of art from other cultures
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