211 research outputs found

    Turkish Validity and Reliability of DREEM Questionnaire used in Assessment of Learning Environment in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Undergraduate Education

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    Purpose: To create a version of the DREEM (The Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure) questionnaire used in the evaluation of the educational environment in health sciences in Turkish and investigate its validity and reliability. Methods: The Turkish form of the questionnaire was created as a first step of our study. It was answered by 401 undergraduate students studying at Marmara University Faculty of Health Sciences (in Turkey) at the department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. The SPSS 11.5 software package program was used in the analysis of the obtained data. Results: 55% (n=221) of the students who participated in the study were female and 45% (n= 180) were male with an average age of 21.34 ± 2.04 years. Reliability analysis was performed with internal consistency analysis (Cronbach Alpha analysis). In the internal consistency analysis, the Cronbach Alpha coefficient was calculated as 0.92 and the internal consistency of the questionnaire was determined. The validity of the questionnaire was assessed by Explanatory Factor Analysis. According to the analysis, 6 factors were revealed. Since the data explained 53.38% of the total variance, the DREEM survey was accepted to have construct validity. Conclusion: Our study proved that the Turkish version of the DREEM questionnaire is valid and reliable to use in physiotherapy and rehabilitation learning environment. It was concluded that DREEM is an effective tool for the evaluation and regulation of education in the institutions providing undergraduate education.Key Words: DREEM, Physiotherapy Education, Validity, Reliability, Learning EnvironmentDOI: 10.7176/JHMN/78-0

    Representation Recycling for Streaming Video Analysis

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    We present StreamDEQ, a method that aims to infer frame-wise representations on videos with minimal per-frame computation. Conventional deep networks do feature extraction from scratch at each frame in the absence of ad-hoc solutions. We instead aim to build streaming recognition models that can natively exploit temporal smoothness between consecutive video frames. We observe that the recently emerging implicit layer models provide a convenient foundation to construct such models, as they define representations as the fixed-points of shallow networks, which need to be estimated using iterative methods. Our main insight is to distribute the inference iterations over the temporal axis by using the most recent representation as a starting point at each frame. This scheme effectively recycles the recent inference computations and greatly reduces the needed processing time. Through extensive experimental analysis, we show that StreamDEQ is able to recover near-optimal representations in a few frames' time and maintain an up-to-date representation throughout the video duration. Our experiments on video semantic segmentation, video object detection, and human pose estimation in videos show that StreamDEQ achieves on-par accuracy with the baseline while being more than 2-4x faster.Comment: v3: ECCV2022 paper. This version: extended version under review at TPAM

    Nietzsche and Realism: the Concept of Will to Power in Nietzsche and Realist Paradigm

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    DergiPark: 530601trakyasobedBuçalışmada, Nietzsche’nin felsefesinde güç istenci düşüncesi, uluslararasıilişkiler disiplininin temel tartışmaları özelinde, yeni paradigmayla ilişkiliolarak tartışılmıştır. Bu tartışmalar daha çok E.H. Carr, Morgenthau, Waltz gibiisimlere referansla realist paradigma çerçevesinde ele alınacaktır. Güç istencikavramı uluslararası ilişkiler perspektifinden değerlendirilecek, uluslararasıilişkiler açısından büyük kırılma noktalarının tespit edilmesinde güçistencinin belirleyici rolü saptanacaktır. Nietzsche’nin güç istencidüşüncesiyle ortaya koyduğu yeni paradigmanın, çatışmaya ve sürekli çıkarmücadelesine dayalı perspektifi multidisipliner bir bakış açısıyla birleştirmeiddiası değerlendirilecektir. Çalışmanın temel hedefi, uluslararası ilişkilerdisiplinindeki tartışmalara, özellikle realist paradigma çerçevesinde, bualanda sınırlı düzeyde tartışılan Nietzsche’nin siyaset felsefesi üzerindenyeni bir açılım getirmek ve Nietzsche’nin güç istenci düşüncesiyle, realizmingüç kavramı arasındaki ortak noktaları değerlendirmektir. In this study, the will to power in Nietzsche's philosophy has beendebated in relation to the new paradigm, in particular, in the basic argumentsof the discipline of international relations. This study will approach thesediscussions mostly in reference to names such as E.H. Carr, Morgenthau, Waltz,etc., in the context of realist paradigm. The concept of “will to power” willbe evaluated from the perspective of international relations, and thedistinctive role of the “will to power” in terms of breaking points will bedetermined. The claim that the new paradigm that Nietzsche puts forward withthe idea of the will to power combines the perspective based on conflict andongoing conflict of interest with a multidisciplinary point of view will bediscussed. The main objective of the study is to bring about a new breakthroughto the discussions in international relations discipline specifically withinthe frame of realist paradigm, through Nietzsche's political philosophy, whichis rarely discussed in this area, and discuss the common points between theconcept of power in realism and Nietzsche's idea of will to power.

    The case of intracranial venos malformation accompanied by mucosal lesions presented with headache

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    Developmental venous anomalies (DVA) or in the other name cerebral venous malformations are the most commen of cerebral vascular malformations and generally found incidentally at magnetic rezonans imaging (MRI) examinations. Venous malformations are vascular anomalies composed of ectatic venous channels that will continue to grow throughout the patient’s lifetime. These lesions commonly occur in the intracranial, head and neck region (oral cavity and airway mucosa, muscles). Different clinical signs such as headache, seizure, motor and sensory deficits and visual field deficit may seen according to lesion localization. Venous malformation can be presented with haemorrhage, ischemic stroke or can stay asymptomatic. In this article, we wanted to present the patient with mucosal vascular lesions and ipsilateral intracranial venous malformation

    Quantitative Assessment of Salivary Gland Parenchymal Vascularization Using Power Doppler Ultrasound and Superb Microvascular Imaging: A Potential Tool in the Diagnosis of Sjögren’s Syndrome

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    Background: Primary Sjögren’s syndrome is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease. Minor salivary gland biopsy is the gold standard for the diagnosis of primary Sjögren’s syndrome. Superb microvascular imaging, power Doppler ultrasound, and color Doppler of the salivary glands represent non-invasive, non-irradiating modality for evaluating the vascularity of the salivary glands in the diagnosis and follow-up of primary Sjögren’s syndrome. Aims: To evaluate the efficacy of superb microvascular imaging and vascularity index in salivary glands for the sonographic diagnosis of primary Sjögren’s syndrome. Study Design: Prospective case-control study. Methods: Twenty participants with primary Sjögren’s syndrome and 20 healthy subjects were included in the study. Both parotid glands and submandibular glands were evaluated by superb microvascular imaging, power Doppler ultrasound, and color Doppler. The diagnostic accuracy of superb microvascular imaging was compared using these techniques. Results: In the patient group, the vascularity index values of superb microvascular imaging in parotid glands and submandibular glands were 3.5±1.66, 5.06±1.94, respectively. While the same values were 1.0±0.98 and 2.44±1.34 in the control group (p?0.001). In the patient group, the vascularity index values of power Doppler ultrasound in parotid glands and submandibular glands were 1.3±1.20 and 2.59±1.82, respectively. While the same values were 0.3±0.32 and 0.85±0.68 in the control group (p?0.001). The superb microvascular imaging vascularity index cut-off value for the diagnosis of primary Sjögren’s syndrome in parotid glands that maximizes the accuracy was 1.85 (area under the curve: 0.906; 95% confidence interval: 0.844, 0.968), and its sensitivity and specificity were 87.5% and 72.5%, respectively. While the superb microvascular imaging vascularity index cut-off value for the diagnosis of primary Sjögren’s syndrome in submandibular gland that maximizes the accuracy was 3.35 (area under the curve: 0.873; 95% confidence interval: 0.800, 0.946), its sensitivity and specificity were 82.5% and 70%, respectively. Conclusion: Superb microvascular imaging with high reproducibility of the vascularity index has a higher sensitivity and specificity than the power Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of primary Sjögren’s syndrome. It can be a noninvasive technique in the diagnosis of primary Sjögren’s syndrome when used with clinical, laboratory and other imaging methods

    Odgovor adipokina i srčanog troponina na eksperimentalno izazvanu disfunkciju štitne žlijezde brojlera

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    This study was conducted to investigate adipokine [Apelin and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)] and cardiac troponin (cTnI) response that emerged after adding an essential oil mixture (EOM) (Eucalytus glabutus labii, Thymus vulgaris, Cymbopogon nardus, and Syzygium aromaticum) at different rates to the drinking water of broilers in which thyroid dysfunction (hypo- and hyperthyroidism) had been experimentally induced. In the present study, 150 1-day-old Ross-308 male broiler chicks were used. They were divided into five groups, each with 30 animals. The groups were designed to include five subgroups: control (C), hypothyroid, hypothyroid + 250 ppm EOM, hyperthyroid, and hyperthyroid + 250 ppm EOM, with six animals in each group. At the end of the experiment, Apelin, p-BDNF, cTnI, T3, T4, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels were investigated in blood serum samples obtained by cervical dislocation from four randomly selected animals from each subgroup, making 100 animals in total. It was found that EOM administration resulted in a dose-dependent increase in p-BDNF and apelin levels, and a decrease in T4 levels in the experimentally induced hypo- and hyper-thyroidism groups, but did not affect T3 and cTnI levels. Conversely, an increase in TSH level was observed in the hypothyroidism groups, whereas a decrease was observed in groups with hyperthyroidism. This study is the first to examine adipokine (Apelin and BDNF) and cTnI response to EOM administration in thyroid dysfunction.Cilj rada bio je istražiti odgovor adipokina [apelin i moždani neurotrofni faktor (BDNF)] i srčanog troponina (cTnI) nakon dodavanja različitih omjera mješavine esencijalnih ulja (EOM) (Eucalytus glabutus labii, Thymus vulgaris, Cymbopogon nardus i Syzygium aromaticum) u vodu za piće brojlerima kojima je eksperimentalno izazvana disfunkcija štitnjače (hipotireoidizam i hipertireoidizam). U istraživanju je upotrijebljeno 150 jednodnevnih muških brojlera Ross-308. Podijeljeni su u pet skupina po 30 jedinki. Skupine su osmišljene tako da uključe i pet podskupina sa po šest brojlera: kontrolna skupina (C), hipotireoidna, hipotireoidna s 250 ppm mješavine esencijalnih ulja, hipertireoidna i hipertireoidna s 250 ppm mješavine esencijalnih ulja. Na kraju istraživanja u krvnom su serumu analizirane razine apelina, p-BDNF-a, cTnI-ja, T3, T4 i tireoidnog stimulacijskog hormona (TSH) koji su dobiveni cervikalnom dislokacijom od četiriju nasumično odabranih jedinki iz svake podskupine, što je činilo ukupno 100 životinja. Zapaženo je da je primjena EOM-a uzrokovala porast razina p-BDNF-a i apelina i smanjenje razine T4 u skupinama u kojima su eksperimentalno izazvani hipotireoidizam i hipertireoidizam, ali nije utjecala na razine T3 i cTnI-ija. Nasuprot tomu, u skupinama s hipotireoidizmom zabilježen je porast razine TSH-a, dok je smanjenje razine zabilježeno u skupinama s hipertireoidizmom. Ovo je prvo istraživanje odgovora adipokina (apelina i BDNF-a) i cTnI-ija na primjenu mješavine esencijalnih ulja kod brojlera s disfunkcijom štitne žlijezde

    Novel SNARE Complex Polymorphisms Associated with Multiple Sclerosis: Signs of Synaptopathy in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Background: It is well known that axonal degeneration plays a role in disability in patients with multiple sclerosis, and synaptopathy has recently become an important issue.Aims: To investigate the possible roles of selected synaptic and presynaptic membrane protein genetic polymorphisms (VAMP2, SNAP-25, synaptotagmin, and syntaxin 1A) in patients with multiple sclerosis.Study Design: Case-control study.Methods: A total of 123 patients with multiple sclerosis and 192 healthy controls were included. The functional polymorphisms of specific SNARE complex proteins (VAMP2, synaptotagmin XI, syntaxin 1A, and SNAP-25) were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction.Results: Significant differences were detected in the genotype and allele distribution of 26-bp Ins/Del polymorphisms of VAMP2 between patients with multiple sclerosis and control subjects; Del/Del genotype and Del allele of VAMP2 were more frequent in patients with multiple sclerosis (p=0.011 and p=0.004, respectively). Similarly, Ddel polymorphism of SNAP-25 gene C/C genotype (p=0.059), syntaxin 1A T/C and C/C genotypes (p=0.005), and synaptotagmin XI gene C allele (p=0.001) were observed more frequently in patients with multiple sclerosis. CC, syntaxin rs1569061 1A gene for 33-bp promoter region TC haplotypes, and synaptotagmin XI gene were found to be associated with an increased risk for multiple sclerosis (p=0.012). Similarly, GC haplotype for rs3746544 of SNAP-25 gene and rs1051312 of SNAP-25 gene were associated with an increased risk for multiple sclerosis (p=0.022).Conclusion: Genetic polymorphisms of SNARE complex proteins, which have critical roles in synaptic structure and communication, may play a role in the development of multiple sclerosis

    Obsessive- compulsive disorder in the parkinson disease

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    Purpose: Obsessive disorder assessment using Leyton Obsessional Inventory was done in patients with idiopathic Parkinson's Disease. Materials and Methods: Fifty patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease according to United Kingdom Parkinson's Disease Society Brain Bank (UK-PDSBB) criteria and 37 healty individuals were included in the study.All subjects were assesed by the same psychiatrist using the Leyton obsessional inventory. Results: The Leyton obssesional scores were higher in the Parkinson's disease group than in the control group (p<0,001). In addition, correlation was found between the severity of disease and degree of obsession (p:0,771). Conclusion: Parkinson's disease is a neurodejenerative disorder with predominant motor symptoms but with progression , nonmotor symptoms also emerge. The patient's qualty of life may be much affected by these nonmotor symptoms. Diagnosis and treatment of the pyschiatric symptoms in Parkinson's disease may help improve life quality