39 research outputs found

    Social network fragmentation and community health

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    Community health interventions often seek to intentionally destroy paths between individuals to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Immunizing individuals through direct vaccination or the provision of health education prevents pathogen transmission and the propagation of misinformation concerning medical treatments. Yet, it remains an open question whether network-based strategies should be used in place of conventional field approaches to target individuals for medical treatment in low-income countries. We collected complete friendship and health advice networks in 17 rural villages of Mayuge District, Uganda. Here we show that acquaintance algorithms, i.e. selecting neighbors of randomly selected nodes, were systematically more efficient in fragmenting all networks than targeting well-established community roles, i.e. health workers, village government members, and schoolteachers. Additionally, community roles were not good proxy indicators of physical proximity to other households or connections to many sick people. We also show that acquaintance algorithms were effective in offsetting potential noncompliance with deworming treatments for 16,357 individuals during mass drug administration (MDA). Health advice networks were destroyed more easily than friendship networks. Only an average of 32% of nodes were removed from health advice networks to reduce the percentage of nodes at risk of refusing treatment in MDA to below 25%. Treatment compliance of at least 75% is needed in MDA to control human morbidity attributable to parasitic worms and progress towards elimination. Our findings point toward the potential use of network-based approaches as an alternative to role-based strategies for targeting individuals in rural health interventions.This study was financially supported by the Vice Chancellor’s Fund of the University of Cambridge, the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, the Wellcome Trust Programme Grant 083931/Z/07/Z, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research Grant 452-04-333, and the Isaac Newton Trust and King’s College, Cambridge Fellowships to G.F.C

    Paper-based microfluidics for DNA diagnostics of malaria in low resource underserved rural communities

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    Rapid, low-cost, species-specific diagnosis, based upon DNA testing, is becoming important in the treatment of patients with infectious diseases. Here, we demonstrate an innovation that uses origami to enable multiplexed, sensitive assays that rival polymerase chain reactions (PCR) laboratory assays and provide high-quality, fast precision diagnostics for malaria. The paper-based microfluidic technology proposed here combines vertical flow sample-processing steps, including paper folding for whole-blood sample preparation, with an isothermal amplification and a lateral flow detection, incorporating a simple visualization system. Studies were performed in village schools in Uganda with individual diagnoses being completed in <50 min (faster than the standard laboratory-based PCR). The tests, which enabled the diagnosis of malaria species in patients from a finger prick of whole blood, were both highly sensitive and specific, detecting malaria in 98% of infected individuals in a double-blind first-in-human study. Our method was more sensitive than other field-based, benchmark techniques, including optical microscopy and industry standard rapid immunodiagnostic tests, both performed by experienced local healthcare teams (which detected malaria in 86% and 83% of cases, respectively). All assays were independently validated using a real-time double-blinded reference PCR assay. We not only demonstrate that advanced, low-cost DNA-based sensors can be implemented in underserved communities at the point of need but also highlight the challenges associated with developing and implementing new diagnostic technologies in the field, without access to laboratories or infrastructure

    Human eosinophils modulate peripheral blood mononuclear cell response to Schistosoma mansoni adult worm antigen in vitro.

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    High numbers of eosinophils are observed in parasitic infections and allergic diseases, where they are proposed to be terminally differentiated effector cells that play beneficial role in host defence, or cause harmful inflammatory response. Eosinophils have been associated with killing of schistosomulae in vitro, but there is growing evidence that eosinophils can play additional immuno-regulatory role. Here, we report results of a study that examines peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) cytokine responses to Schistosoma mansoni adult worm antigen (SWA) when stimulated alone or enriched with autologous eosinophils. Production of the Th-2 type cytokines interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5 and IL-13 was lower (P = 0·017, 0·018 and <0·001, respectively) in PBMC + eosinophil cultures than in PBMC-only cultures stimulated with SWA. Substantial levels of IL-13, IL-10, interferon gamma and tumour necrosis factor alpha were recorded in cultures of eosinophils, but none of these cytokines showed significant association with the observed eosinophil-induced drop in cytokine responses of PBMC. Transwell experiments suggested that the observed effect is due to soluble mediators that downmodulate production of Th-2 type cytokines. This study shows that eosinophils may down-modulate schistosome-specific Th-2 type cytokine responses in S. mansoni-infected individuals. The mechanism of this immune modulation remains to be elucidated.The study was a fellowship funded by Wellcome Trust, Makerere-UVRI Research Training Programme in Infection and Immunity (grant number 084344) and European Foundations Initiative for NTDs ‘EFINTD’ (grant ref 86 529). The study was carried out under co-infection studies programme lead by AME funded by Wellcome Trust (grant number 095778)

    Understanding the relationship between egg- and antigen-based diagnostics of Schistosoma mansoni infection pre- and post-treatment in Uganda.

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    BACKGROUND: Schistosomiasis is a major socio-economic and public health problem in many sub-Saharan African countries. After large mass drug administration (MDA) campaigns, prevalence of infection rapidly returns to pre-treatment levels. The traditional egg-based diagnostic for schistosome infections, Kato-Katz, is being substituted in many settings by circulating antigen recognition-based diagnostics, usually the point-of-care circulating cathodic antigen test (CCA). The relationship between these diagnostics is poorly understood, particularly after treatment in both drug-efficacy studies and routine monitoring. RESULTS: We created a model of schistosome infections to better understand and quantify the relationship between these two egg- and adult worm antigen-based diagnostics. We focused particularly on the interpretation of "trace" results after CCA testing. Our analyses suggest that CCA is generally a better predictor of prevalence, particularly after treatment, and that trace CCA results are typically associated with truly infected individuals. CONCLUSIONS: Even though prevalence rises to pre-treatment levels only six months after MDAs, our model suggests that the average intensity of infection is much lower, and is probably in part due to a small burden of surviving juveniles from when the treatment occurred. This work helps to better understand CCA diagnostics and the interpretation of post-treatment prevalence estimations

    Diffusion of treatment in social networks and mass drug administration

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    Information, behaviours, and technologies spread when people interact. Understanding these interactions is critical for achieving the greatest diffusion of public interventions. Yet, little is known about the performance of starting points (seed nodes) for diffusion. We track routine mass drug administration—the large-scale distribution of deworming drugs—in Uganda. We collect friendship networks, socioeconomic factors, and treatment delivery outcomes for 16,357 individuals in 3,491 households of 17 rural villages. Each village has two community medicine distributors (CMDs), who are the seed nodes and responsible for administering treatments. Here we show that CMDs with tightly-knit (clustered) friendship connections achieve the greatest reach and speed of treatment coverage. Importantly, we demonstrate that clustering predicts diffusion through social networks when spreading relies on contact with seed nodes whilst centrality is unrelated to diffusion. Clustering should be considered when selecting seed nodes for large-scale treatment campaigns.Financially supported by the Vice Chancellor’s Fund of the University of Cambridge, the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, the Wellcome Trust (Programme grant 083931/Z/07/Z to D.W.D), and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (N.W.O. grant 452-04-333 to E.B.)

    Community-directed mass drug administration is undermined by status seeking in friendship networks and inadequate trust in health advice networks

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    Over 1.9 billion individuals require preventive chemotherapy through mass drug administration (MDA). Community-directed MDA relies on volunteer community medicine distributors (CMDs) and their achievement of high coverage and compliance. Yet, it is unknown if village social networks influence effective MDA implementation by CMDs. In Mayuge District, Uganda, census-style surveys were conducted for 16,357 individuals from 3,491 households in 17 villages. Praziquantel, albendazole, and ivermectin were administered for one month in community-directed MDA to treat Schistosoma mansoni, hookworm, and lymphatic filariasis. Self-reported treatment outcomes, socioeconomic characteristics, friendship networks, and health advice networks were collected. We investigated systematically missed coverage and noncompliance. Coverage was defined as an eligible person being offered at least one drug by CMDs; compliance included ingesting at least one of the offered drugs. These outcomes were analyzed as a two-stage process using a Heckman selection model. To further assess if MDA through CMDs was working as intended, we examined the probability of accurate drug administration of 1) praziquantel, 2) both albendazole and ivermectin, and 3) all drugs. This analysis was conducted using bivariate Probit regression. Four indicators from each social network were examined: degree, betweenness centrality, closeness centrality, and the presence of a direct connection to CMDs. All models accounted for nested household and village standard errors. CMDs were more likely to offer medicines, and to accurately administer the drugs as trained by the national control programme, to individuals with high friendship degree (many connections) and high friendship closeness centrality (households that were only a short number of steps away from all other households in the network). Though high (88.59%), additional compliance was associated with directly trusting CMDs for health advice. Effective treatment provision requires addressing CMD biases towards influential, well-embedded individuals in friendship networks and utilizing health advice networks to increase village trust in CMDs.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Vice Chancellor’s Fund of the University of Cambridge, the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, the Wellcome Trust Programme grant 083931/Z/07/Z to David W. Dunne, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research grant 452-04- 333 to Erwin Bulte, and the Isaac Newton Trust and King’s College, Cambridge fellowships to Goylette F. Chami

    Translating preventive chemotherapy prevalence thresholds for Schistosoma mansoni from the Kato-Katz technique into the point-of-care circulating cathodic antigen diagnostic test

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    Background Intervention guidelines against Schistosoma mansoni are based on the Kato-Katz technique. However, Kato-Katz thick smears show low sensitivity, especially for light-intensity infections. The point-of-care circulating cathodic antigen (POC-CCA) is a promising rapid diagnostic test detecting antigen output of living worms in urine and results are reported as trace, 1+, 2+, and 3+. The use of POC-CCA for schistosomiasis mapping, control, and surveillance requires translation of the Kato-Katz prevalence thresholds into POC-CCA relative treatment cut-offs. Furthermore, the infection status of egg-negative but antigen-positive individuals and the intensity-dependent sensitivity of POC-CCA should be estimated to determine its suitability for verification of disease elimination efforts. Methodology We used data from settings in Africa and the Americas characterized by a wide range of S. mansoni endemicity. We estimated infection intensity-dependent sensitivity and specificity of each test at the unit of the individual, using a hierarchical Bayesian egg-count model that removes the need to define a ‘gold’ standard applied to data with multiple Kato-Katz thick smears and POC-CCA urine cassette tests. A simulation study was carried out based on the model estimates to assess the relation of the two diagnostic tests for different endemicity scenarios. Principal findings POC-CCA showed high specificity (> 95%), and high sensitivity (> 95%) for moderate and heavy infection intensities, and moderate sensitivity (> 75%) for light infection intensities, and even for egg-negative but antigen-positive infections. A 10% duplicate slide Kato-Katz thick smear prevalence corresponded to a 15–40% prevalence of ≥ trace-positive POC-CCA, and 10–20% prevalence of ≥ 1+ POC-CCA. The prevalence of ≥ 2+ POC-CCA corresponded directly to single slide Kato-Katz prevalence for all prevalence levels. Conclusions/significance The moderate sensitivity of POC-CCA, even for very light S. mansoni infections where the sensitivity of Kato-Katz is very low, and the identified relationship between Kato-Katz and POC-CCA prevalence thresholds render the latter diagnostic tool useful for surveillance and initial estimation of elimination of S. mansoni. For prevalence below 10% based on a duplicate slide Kato-Katz thick smear, we suggest using POC-CCA including trace results to evaluate treatment needs and propose new intervention thresholds that need to be validated in different settings

    Repeated doses of Praziquantel in Schistosomiasis Treatment (RePST) - single versus multiple praziquantel treatments in school-aged children in Côte d'Ivoire: a study protocol for an open-label, randomised controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Large scale administration of the anthelminthic drug praziquantel (PZQ) to at-risk populations is the cornerstone of schistosomiasis control, although persisting high prevalence of infections in some areas and growing concerns of PZQ resistance have revealed the limitations of this strategy. Most studies assessing PZQ efficacy have used relatively insensitive parasitological diagnostics, such as the Kato-Katz (KK) and urine-filtration methods, thereby overestimating cure rates (CRs). This study aims to determine the efficacy of repeated PZQ treatments against Schistosoma mansoni infection in school-aged children in Côte d'Ivoire using the traditional KK technique, as well as more sensitive antigen- and DNA-detection methods. METHODS: An open-label, randomised controlled trial will be conducted in school-aged children (5 to 18 years) from the region of Taabo, Côte d'Ivoire, an area endemic for S. mansoni. This 8-week trial includes four two-weekly standard doses of PZQ in the "intense treatment" intervention group and one standard dose of PZQ in the "standard treatment" control group. The efficacy of PZQ will be evaluated in stool samples using the KK technique and real-time PCR as well as in urine using the point-of-care circulating cathodic antigen test and the up-converting phosphor, lateral flow, circulating anodic antigen assay. The primary outcome of the study will be the difference in CR of intense versus standard treatment with PZQ on individuals with a confirmed S. mansoni infection measured by KK. Secondary outcomes include the difference in CR and intensity reduction rate between the intense and standard treatment groups as measured by the other diagnostic tests, as well as the accuracy of the different diagnostic tests, and the safety of PZQ. DISCUSSION: This study will provide data on the efficacy of repeated PZQ treatment on the clearance of S. mansoni as measured by several diagnostic techniques. These findings will inform future mass drug administration policy and shed light on position of novel diagnostic tools to evaluate schistosomiasis control strategies. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study is registered at EudraCT (2016-003017-10, date of registration: 22 July 2016) and ( NCT02868385 , date of registration: 16 August 2016)

    Host Determinants of Reinfection with Schistosomes in Humans: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    Background: Schistosomiasis is still a major public health burden in the tropics and subtropics. Although there is an effective chemotherapy (Praziquantel) for this disease, reinfection occurs rapidly after mass drug administration (MDA). Because the entire population do not get reinfected at the same rate, it is possible that host factors may play a dominant role in determining resistance or susceptibility to reinfection with schistosomes. Here, we systematically reviewed and meta-analyzed studies that reported associations between reinfection with the principal human-infecting species (S. mansoni, S. japonicum and S. haematobium) and host socio-demographic, epidemiological, immunological and genetic factors.Methodology/Principal Findings: PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, Cochrane Review Library and African Journals Online public databases were searched in October 2013 to retrieve studies assessing association of host factors with reinfection with schistosomes. Meta-analysis was performed to generate pooled odds ratios and standardized mean differences as overall effect estimates for dichotomous and continuous variables, respectively. Quality assessment of included studies, heterogeneity between studies and publication bias were also assessed. Out of the initial 2739 records, 109 studies were included in the analyses, of which only 32 studies with 37 data sets were eligible for quantitative data synthesis. Among several host factors identified, strong positive association was found with age and pre-treatment intensity, and only slightly for gender. These factors are major determinants of exposure and disease transmission. Significant positive association was found with anti-SWA IgG4 level, and a negative overall effect for association with IgE levels. This reconfirmed the concept that IgE/IgG4 balance is a major determinant of protective immunity against schistosomiasis. Other identified determinants were reported by a small number of studies to enable interpretation.Conclusions: Our data contribute to the understanding of host-parasite interaction as it affects reinfection, and is a potential tool to guide planning and tailoring of community interventions to target high-risk groups

    Profiling Nonrecipients of Mass Drug Administration for Schistosomiasis and Hookworm Infections: A Comprehensive Analysis of Praziquantel and Albendazole Coverage in Community-Directed Treatment in Uganda

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    Background. Repeated mass drug administration (MDA) with preventive chemotherapies is the mainstay of morbidity control for schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths, yet the World Health Organization recently reported that less than one-third of individuals who required preventive chemotherapies received treatment. Methods. Coverage of community-directed treatment with praziquantel (PZQ) and albendazole (ALB) was analyzed in 17 villages of Mayuge District, Uganda. National drug registers, household questionnaires, and parasitological surveys were collected to track 935 individuals before and after MDA. Multilevel logistic regressions, including household and village effects, were specified with a comprehensive set of socioeconomic and parasitological variables. The factors predicting who did not receive PZQ and ALB from community medicine distributors were identified. Results. Drug receipt was correlated among members within a household, and nonrecipients of PZQ or ALB were profiled by household-level socioeconomic factors. Individuals were less likely to receive either PZQ or ALB if they had a Muslim household head or low home quality, belonged to the minority tribe, or had settled for more years in their village. Untreated individuals were also more likely to belong to households that did not purify drinking water, had no home latrine, and had no members who were part of the village government. Conclusions. The findings demonstrate how to locate and target individuals who are not treated in MDA. Infection risk factors were not informative. In particular, age, gender, and occupation were unable to identify non-recipients, although World Health Organization guidelines rely on these factors. Individuals of low socioeconomic status, minority religions, and minority tribes can be targeted to expand MDA coverage