545 research outputs found

    Genetic polymorphisms in glutathione-S-transferases are associated with anxiety and mood disorders in nicotine dependence

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    Nicotine dependence is associated with an increased risk of mood and anxiety disorders and suicide. The primary hypothesis of this study was to identify whether the polymorphisms of two glutathione-S-transferase enzymes (GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes) predict an increased risk of mood and anxiety disorders in smokers with nicotine dependence

    Imprint cytology of osteosarcoma of the jaw: a case report

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    Introduction. Osteosarcomas are highly malignant bone-forming neoplasms that account for about 20% of all sarcomas. In light of their aggressive behavior, early diagnosis is crucial for determining adequate treatment. Dental professionals may be the first to detect jaw osteosarcomas in their initial stages. The aim of this case report is to draw attention to the possibility of diagnosing this tumor based on clinical, radiographical and cytological characteristics before confirmation by histology. Case presentation. A 24-year-old Afro-Brazilian man presented with swelling and pain on the left side of the mandible in the region of the third molar (tooth 38). Radiography showed a poorly delimited intraosseous lesion with radiolucent and radiopaque areas. The cytological aspects were consistent with the diagnosis of osteosarcoma, which was confirmed by biopsy. Conclusion. Imprint cytology was found to be a reliable, rapid and easy complementary examination. An early diagnosis of osteosarcoma of the jaw is fundamental to the early determination of an adequate treatment. Β© 2009 Cabral et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Effect of promoter architecture on the cell-to-cell variability in gene expression

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    According to recent experimental evidence, the architecture of a promoter, defined as the number, strength and regulatory role of the operators that control the promoter, plays a major role in determining the level of cell-to-cell variability in gene expression. These quantitative experiments call for a corresponding modeling effort that addresses the question of how changes in promoter architecture affect noise in gene expression in a systematic rather than case-by-case fashion. In this article, we make such a systematic investigation, based on a simple microscopic model of gene regulation that incorporates stochastic effects. In particular, we show how operator strength and operator multiplicity affect this variability. We examine different modes of transcription factor binding to complex promoters (cooperative, independent, simultaneous) and how each of these affects the level of variability in transcription product from cell-to-cell. We propose that direct comparison between in vivo single-cell experiments and theoretical predictions for the moments of the probability distribution of mRNA number per cell can discriminate between different kinetic models of gene regulation.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures, Submitte

    Effectiveness of physical therapy interventions for children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review

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    Background To assess the effectiveness of physical therapy (PT) interventions on functioning in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Methods A search was made in Medline, Cinahl, PEDro and the Cochrane library for the period 1990 to February 2007. Only randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on PT interventions in children with diagnosed CP were included. Two reviewers independently assessed the methodological quality and extracted the data. The outcomes measured in the trials were classified using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Results Twenty-two trials were identified. Eight intervention categories were distinguished. Four trials were of high methodological quality. Moderate evidence of effectiveness was established for two intervention categories: effectiveness of upper extremity treatments on attained goals and active supination, and of prehensile hand treatment and neurodevelopmental therapy (NDT) or NDT twice a week on developmental status, and of constraint-induced therapy on amount and quality of hand use. Moderate evidence of ineffectiveness was found of strength training on walking speed and stride length. Conflicting evidence was found for strength training on gross motor function. For the other intervention categories the evidence was limited due to low methodological quality and the statistically insignificant results of the studies. Conclusion Due to limitations in methodological quality and variations in population, interventions and outcomes, mostly limited evidence on the effectiveness of most PT interventions is available through RCTs. Moderate evidence was found for some effectiveness of upper extremity training. Well-designed trials are needed especially for focused PT interventions.BioMed Central Open acces

    Pediatric endurance and limb strengthening for children with cerebral palsy (PEDALS) – a randomized controlled trial protocol for a stationary cycling intervention

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    BACKGROUND: In the past, effortful exercises were considered inappropriate for children with spastic cerebral palsy (CP) due to concern that they would escalate abnormalities including spasticity and abnormal movement patterns. Current scientific evidence indicates that these concerns were unfounded and that therapeutic interventions focused on muscle strengthening can lead to improved functional ability. However, few studies have examined the potential benefits of cardiorespiratory fitness exercises in this patient population. METHODS/DESIGN: The rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial examining the effects of a stationary cycling intervention for children with CP are outlined here. Sixty children with spastic diplegic CP between the ages of 7 and 18 years and Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels of I, II, or III will be recruited for this study. Participants will be randomly assigned to either an intervention (cycling) or a control (no cycling) group. The cycling intervention will be divided into strengthening and cardiorespiratory endurance exercise phases. During the strengthening phase, the resistance to lower extremity cycling will be progressively increased using a uniquely designed limb-loaded mechanism. The cardiorespiratory endurance phase will focus on increasing the intensity and duration of cycling. Children will be encouraged to exercise within a target heart rate (HR) range (70 – 80% maximum HR). Thirty sessions will take place over a 10–12 week period. All children will be evaluated before (baseline) and after (follow-up) the intervention period. Primary outcome measures are: knee joint extensor and flexor moments, or torque; the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM); the 600 Yard Walk-Run test and the Thirty-Second Walk test (30 sec WT). DISCUSSION: This paper presents the rationale, design and protocol for Pediatric Endurance and Limb Strengthening (PEDALS); a Phase I randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of a stationary cycling intervention for children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy

    Presynaptic External Calcium Signaling Involves the Calcium-Sensing Receptor in Neocortical Nerve Terminals

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    Nerve terminal invasion by an axonal spike activates voltage-gated channels, triggering calcium entry, vesicle fusion, and release of neurotransmitter. Ion channels activated at the terminal shape the presynaptic spike and so regulate the magnitude and duration of calcium entry. Consequently characterization of the functional properties of ion channels at nerve terminals is crucial to understand the regulation of transmitter release. Direct recordings from small neocortical nerve terminals have revealed that external [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](o)) indirectly regulates a non-selective cation channel (NSCC) in neocortical nerve terminals via an unknown [Ca(2+)](o) sensor. Here, we identify the first component in a presynaptic calcium signaling pathway.By combining genetic and pharmacological approaches with direct patch-clamp recordings from small acutely isolated neocortical nerve terminals we identify the extracellular calcium sensor. Our results show that the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR), a previously identified G-protein coupled receptor that is the mainstay in serum calcium homeostasis, is the extracellular calcium sensor in these acutely dissociated nerve terminals. The NSCC currents from reduced function mutant CaSR mice were less sensitive to changes in [Ca(2+)](o) than wild-type. Calindol, an allosteric CaSR agonist, reduced NSCC currents in direct terminal recordings in a dose-dependent and reversible manner. In contrast, glutamate and GABA did not affect the NSCC currents.Our experiments identify CaSR as the first component in the [Ca(2+)](o) sensor-NSCC signaling pathway in neocortical terminals. Decreases in [Ca(2+)](o) will depress synaptic transmission because of the exquisite sensitivity of transmitter release to [Ca(2+)](o) following its entry via voltage-activated Ca(2+) channels. CaSR may detects such falls in [Ca(2+)](o) and increase action potential duration by increasing NSCC activity, thereby attenuating the impact of decreases in [Ca(2+)](o) on release probability. CaSR is positioned to detect the dynamic changes of [Ca(2+)](o) and provide presynaptic feedback that will alter brain excitability

    The influence of allogenic blood transfusion in patients having free-flap primary surgery for oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma

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    The influence of perioperative blood transfusion in oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma remains uncertain. It is believed that blood transfusion downregulates the immune system and may have an influence on cancer recurrence and survival. In all, 559 consecutive patients undergoing primary surgery for oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma between 1992 and 2002 were included in this study. Known prognostic variables along with transfusion details were obtained from head and neck cancer and blood transfusion service databases, respectively. Adjusting for relevant prognostic factors in Cox regression, the hazard ratio for patients having 3 or more transfused units relative to those not transfused was 1.52 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.93–2.47) for disease-specific and 1.52 (95% CI 1.05–2.22) for overall mortality. Blood transfusion of 3 or more units might confer a worse prognosis in patients undergoing primary surgery for oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Therefore, every effort should be made to limit the amount of blood transfused to the minimum requirement
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