281 research outputs found

    Atmospheric methane variability: Centennial-scale signals in the Last Glacial Period

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    In order to understand atmospheric methane (CH4_{4}) biogeochemistry now and in the future, we must apprehend its natural variability, without anthropogenic influence. Samples of ancient air trapped within ice cores provide the means to do this. Here we analyze the ultrahigh-resolution CH4_{4} record of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide ice core 67.2–9.8 ka and find novel, atmospheric CH4_{4} variability at centennial time scales throughout the record. This signal is characterized by recurrence intervals within a broad 80–500 year range, but we find that age-scale uncertainties complicate the possible isolation of any periodic frequency. Lower signal amplitudes in the Last Glacial relative to the Holocene may be related to incongruent effects of firn-based signal smoothing processes. Within interstadial and stadial periods, the peak-to-peak signal amplitudes vary in proportion to the underlying millennial-scale oscillations in CH4_{4} concentration—the relative amplitude change is constant. We propose that the centennial CH4_{4} signal is related to tropical climate variability that influences predominantly low-latitude wetland CH4_{4} emissions.This study was funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) grants 0944552, 1142041, and 0968391 to E.J.B. and 0839093 and 1142166 to J.R.M. A European Union Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (grant 58120, SEADOG) provided partial support for R.H.R. This work also benefitted from funding to X.F. from the French RPD COCLICO ANR program (ANR-10-RPDOC-002-01), the INSU/LEFE project IceChrono, and the Ars Cuttoli foundation and additionally from the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) grant NE/P009271/1 awarded to L.C.S. Grateful thanks to B. Tournadre for help in Fletcher Promontory ice core analysis. The authors appreciate the support of the WAIS Divide Science Coordination Office at the Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, USA, and University of New Hampshire, USA, for the collection and distribution of the WD ice core (NSF grants 0230396, 0440817, 0944348, and 0944266). We are grateful to all participants in the field effort led by K. Taylor. The NSF Office of Polar Programs also funded the Ice Drilling Program Office and Ice Drilling Design and Operations group, the National Ice Core Laboratory, Raytheon Polar Services, and the 109th New York Air National Guard

    Atmospheric methane variability: Centennial-scale signals in the Last Glacial Period

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    In order to understand atmospheric methane (CH4_{4}) biogeochemistry now and in the future, we must apprehend its natural variability, without anthropogenic influence. Samples of ancient air trapped within ice cores provide the means to do this. Here we analyze the ultrahigh-resolution CH4_{4} record of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide ice core 67.2–9.8 ka and find novel, atmospheric CH4_{4} variability at centennial time scales throughout the record. This signal is characterized by recurrence intervals within a broad 80–500 year range, but we find that age-scale uncertainties complicate the possible isolation of any periodic frequency. Lower signal amplitudes in the Last Glacial relative to the Holocene may be related to incongruent effects of firn-based signal smoothing processes. Within interstadial and stadial periods, the peak-to-peak signal amplitudes vary in proportion to the underlying millennial-scale oscillations in CH4_{4} concentration—the relative amplitude change is constant. We propose that the centennial CH4_{4} signal is related to tropical climate variability that influences predominantly low-latitude wetland CH4_{4} emissions.This study was funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) grants 0944552, 1142041, and 0968391 to E.J.B. and 0839093 and 1142166 to J.R.M. A European Union Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (grant 58120, SEADOG) provided partial support for R.H.R. This work also benefitted from funding to X.F. from the French RPD COCLICO ANR program (ANR-10-RPDOC-002-01), the INSU/LEFE project IceChrono, and the Ars Cuttoli foundation and additionally from the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) grant NE/P009271/1 awarded to L.C.S. Grateful thanks to B. Tournadre for help in Fletcher Promontory ice core analysis. The authors appreciate the support of the WAIS Divide Science Coordination Office at the Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, USA, and University of New Hampshire, USA, for the collection and distribution of the WD ice core (NSF grants 0230396, 0440817, 0944348, and 0944266). We are grateful to all participants in the field effort led by K. Taylor. The NSF Office of Polar Programs also funded the Ice Drilling Program Office and Ice Drilling Design and Operations group, the National Ice Core Laboratory, Raytheon Polar Services, and the 109th New York Air National Guard

    Global ocean heat content in the Last Interglacial

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    The Last Interglacial (129-116 ka) represents one of the warmest climate intervals of the last 800,000 years and the most recent time when sea level was meters higher than today. However, the timing and magnitude of peak warmth varies between reconstructions, and the relative importance of individual sources contributing to elevated sea level (mass gain versus seawater expansion) during the Last Interglacial remains uncertain. Here we present the first mean ocean temperature record for this interval from noble gas measurements in ice cores and constrain the thermal expansion contribution to sea level. Mean ocean temperature reaches its maximum value of 1.1±0.3°C warmer-than-modern at the end of the penultimate deglaciation at 129 ka, resulting in 0.7±0.3m of elevated sea level, relative to present. However, this maximum in ocean heat content is a transient feature; mean ocean temperature decreases in the first several thousand years of the interglacial and achieves a stable, comparable-to-modern value by ~127 ka. The synchroneity of the peak in mean ocean temperature with proxy records of abrupt transitions in oceanic and atmospheric circulation suggests that the mean ocean temperature maximum is related to the accumulation of heat in the ocean interior during the preceding period of reduced overturning circulation

    Local artifacts in ice core methane records caused by layered bubble trapping and in situ production: A multi-site investigation

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    Advances in trace gas analysis allow localised, non-atmospheric features to be resolved in ice cores, superimposed on the coherent atmospheric signal. These high-frequency signals could not have survived the low-pass filter effect that gas diffusion in the firn exerts on the atmospheric history and therefore do not result from changes in the atmospheric composition at the ice sheet surface. Using continuous methane (CH4_{4}) records obtained from five polar ice cores, we characterise these non-atmospheric signals and explore their origin. Isolated samples, enriched in CH4_{4} in the Tunu13 (Greenland) record are linked to the presence of melt layers. Melting can enrich the methane concentration due to a solubility effect, but we find that an additional in situ process is required to generate the full magnitude of these anomalies. Furthermore, in all the ice cores studied there is evidence of reproducible, decimetre-scale CH4_{4} variability. Through a series of tests, we demonstrate that this is an artifact of layered bubble trapping in a heterogeneous-density firn column; we use the term "trapping signal" for this phenomenon. The peak-to-peak amplitude of the trapping signal is typically 5 ppb, but may exceed 40 ppb. Signal magnitude increases with atmospheric CH4_{4} growth rate and seasonal density contrast, and decreases with accumulation rate. Significant annual periodicity is present in the CH4_{4} variability of two Greenland ice cores, suggesting that layered gas trapping at these sites is controlled by regular, seasonal variations in the physical properties of the firn. Future analytical campaigns should anticipate high-frequency artifacts at high-melt ice core sites or during time periods with high atmospheric CH4_{4} growth rate in order to avoid misinterpretation of such features as past changes in atmospheric composition.Please visit the publisher's website

    Screening for Domestic Violence Among Adult Women in the United States

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    BACKGROUND: Domestic violence is a problem frequently encountered in health care settings and a risk factor for physical and mental health problems. OBJECTIVE: To provide nationally representative estimates of rates of domestic violence screening among women, to identify predictors of screening, and to describe settings where women are screened. DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: We examined 4,821 women over the age of 18 from the second wave of Healthcare for Communities, a nationally representative household telephone survey conducted in 2000–2001. MEASUREMENTS: Self-reports concerning whether the respondent was ever asked about domestic or family violence by any health care provider. RESULTS: Only 7% (95% CI, 6%–8%) of women reported they were ever asked about domestic violence or family violence by a health care professional. Of women who were asked about abuse, nearly half (46%) were asked in a primary care setting, and 24% were asked in a specialty mental health setting. Women with risk factors for domestic violence were more likely to report being asked about it by a health care professional, but rates were still low. CONCLUSIONS: Self-reported rates of screening for domestic violence are low even among women at higher risk for abuse. These findings reinforce the importance of developing training and raising awareness of domestic violence and its health implications. This is especially true in primary care and mental health specialty settings

    Psychiatric inpatient expenditures and public health insurance programmes: analysis of a national database covering the entire South Korean population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Medical spending on psychiatric hospitalization has been reported to impose a tremendous socio-economic burden on many developed countries with public health insurance programmes. However, there has been no in-depth study of the factors affecting psychiatric inpatient medical expenditures and differentiated these factors across different types of public health insurance programmes. In view of this, this study attempted to explore factors affecting medical expenditures for psychiatric inpatients between two public health insurance programmes covering the entire South Korean population: National Health Insurance (NHI) and National Medical Care Aid (AID).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This retrospective, cross-sectional study used a nationwide, population-based reimbursement claims dataset consisting of 1,131,346 claims of all 160,465 citizens institutionalized due to psychiatric diagnosis between January 2005 and June 2006 in South Korea. To adjust for possible correlation of patients characteristics within the same medical institution and a non-linearity structure, a Box-Cox transformed, multilevel regression analysis was performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared with inpatients 19 years old or younger, the medical expenditures of inpatients between 50 and 64 years old were 10% higher among NHI beneficiaries but 40% higher among AID beneficiaries. Males showed higher medical expenditures than did females. Expenditures on inpatients with schizophrenia as compared to expenditures on those with neurotic disorders were 120% higher among NHI beneficiaries but 83% higher among AID beneficiaries. Expenditures on inpatients of psychiatric hospitals were greater on average than expenditures on inpatients of general hospitals. Among AID beneficiaries, institutions owned by private groups treated inpatients with 32% higher costs than did government institutions. Among NHI beneficiaries, inpatients medical expenditures were positively associated with the proportion of patients diagnosed into dementia or schizophrenia categories. However, for AID beneficiaries, inpatient medical expenditures were positively associated with the proportion of all patients with a psychiatric diagnosis that were AID beneficiaries in a medical institution.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study provides evidence that patient and institutional factors are associated with psychiatric inpatient medical expenditures, and that they may have different effects for beneficiaries of different public health insurance programmes. Policy efforts to reduce psychiatric inpatient medical expenditures should be made differently across the different types of public health insurance programmes.</p

    Conjunctive Processing of Locomotor Signals by the Ventral Tegmental Area Neuronal Population

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    The ventral tegmental area (VTA) plays an essential role in reward and motivation. How the dopamine (DA) and non-DA neurons in the VTA engage in motivation-based locomotor behaviors is not well understood. We recorded activity of putative DA and non-DA neurons simultaneously in the VTA of awake mice engaged in motivated voluntary movements such as wheel running. Our results revealed that VTA non-DA neurons exhibited significant rhythmic activity that was correlated with the animal's running rhythms. Activity of putative DA neurons also correlated with the movement behavior, but to a lesser degree. More importantly, putative DA neurons exhibited significant burst activation at both onset and offset of voluntary movements. These findings suggest that VTA DA and non-DA neurons conjunctively process locomotor-related motivational signals that are associated with movement initiation, maintenance and termination

    New Abundant Microbial Groups in Aquatic Hypersaline Environments

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    We describe the microbiota of two hypersaline saltern ponds, one of intermediate salinity (19%) and a NaCl saturated crystallizer pond (37%) using pyrosequencing. The analyses of these metagenomes (nearly 784 Mb) reaffirmed the vast dominance of Haloquadratum walsbyi but also revealed novel, abundant and previously unsuspected microbial groups. We describe for the first time, a group of low GC Actinobacteria, related to freshwater Actinobacteria, abundant in low and intermediate salinities. Metagenomic assembly revealed three new abundant microbes: a low-GC euryarchaeon with the lowest GC content described for any euryarchaeon, a high-GC euryarchaeon and a gammaproteobacterium related to Alkalilimnicola and Nitrococcus. Multiple displacement amplification and sequencing of the genome from a single archaeal cell of the new low GC euryarchaeon suggest a photoheterotrophic and polysaccharide-degrading lifestyle and its relatedness to the recently described lineage of Nanohaloarchaea. These discoveries reveal the combined power of an unbiased metagenomic and single cell genomic approach

    Meta-analysis of several gene lists for distinct types of cancer: A simple way to reveal common prognostic markers

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    BACKGROUND: Although prognostic biomarkers specific for particular cancers have been discovered, microarray analysis of gene expression profiles, supported by integrative analysis algorithms, helps to identify common factors in molecular oncology. Similarities of Ordered Gene Lists (SOGL) is a recently proposed approach to meta-analysis suitable for identifying features shared by two data sets. Here we extend the idea of SOGL to the detection of significant prognostic marker genes from microarrays of multiple data sets. Three data sets for leukemia and the other six for different solid tumors are used to demonstrate our method, using established statistical techniques. RESULTS: We describe a set of significantly similar ordered gene lists, representing outcome comparisons for distinct types of cancer. This kind of similarity could improve the diagnostic accuracies of individual studies when SOGL is incorporated into the support vector machine algorithm. In particular, we investigate the similarities among three ordered gene lists pertaining to mesothelioma survival, prostate recurrence and glioma survival. The similarity-driving genes are related to the outcomes of patients with lung cancer with a hazard ratio of 4.47 (p = 0.035). Many of these genes are involved in breakdown of EMC proteins regulating angiogenesis, and may be used for further research on prognostic markers and molecular targets of gene therapy for cancers. CONCLUSION: The proposed method and its application show the potential of such meta-analyses in clinical studies of gene expression profiles

    Asthma Prevalence and Severity in Arab American Communities in the Detroit Area, Michigan

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    Immigrant populations provide a unique intersection of cultural and environmental risk factors implicated in asthma etiology. This study focuses on asthma prevalence and severity in 600 Arab American households in metro Detroit, the largest immigrant reception zone for Arab Americans in North America. The survey method introduced a number of novel features: (a) a ranking scheme for the key environmental risk factors for asthma was used to derive an aggregated environmental risk index (ERI) for each household, and (b) an aggregate measure of asthma severity based on symptom frequency and intensity. Environmental risk factors and surrogates for socioeconomic status (SES) were found to be stronger predictors of asthma prevalence than asthma severity, while demographic variables such as English fluency and birth in the United States were better predictors of asthma severity than asthma prevalence. These results suggest that SES variables may be more reflective of environmental exposures in communities involved in this study, while English fluency and birth in the United States may be linked to health care access and utilization behavior that can influence the asthma management. We also found a significant relationship between asthma prevalence and degree of acculturation. Asthma prevalence was highest among moderately acculturated immigrants compared with new immigrants and those who were well acculturated, suggesting that among Arab Americans in the Detroit area, risk factors associated with new immigrant status are replaced by “western” risk factors as the population becomes more acculturated.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44945/1/10903_2005_Article_3673.pd