30 research outputs found

    The effect of light-curing source and mode on microtensile bond strength to bovine dentin

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of different light-curing techniques on the microtensile bond strength of hybrid and packable resin composite to dentin. The null hypotheses were that different light-curing techniques do not affect the adhesion of resin composites to tooth structure and that different resin composites do not have a similar bond to dentin. Materials and Methods: One hundred four box-shaped buccal preparations were made and dentin/enamel adhesive was applied according to the manufacturer's instructions (Single Bond 3M ESPE). A hybrid resin composite (Filtek Z250, A2, 3M ESPE) or a packable resin composite (Solitaire 2, A2, Heraeus Kulzer) were inserted in bulk and polymerized using one of these techniques (n = 13): (a) Soft-start (SS) using a halogen lamp (QTH); (b) LED low intensity; (c) Plasma arc (PAC) curing for 6 s for packable resin composite and 3 s for the hybrid resin composite; (d) Conventional (C) QTH curing for 40 s. Afterwards, specimens were thermocycled 1,000 times between 5 degrees C and 55 degrees C in tap water, and were sectioned into beams with a rectangular cross-sectional area of approximately 1 mm(2). Microtensile bond strength testing was performed using a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Results: Bond strength means +/- (SD) in MPa were: Filtek Z250: SSQTH = 17.9 (5.4); LED = 17.9 (6.4); PAC = 16.8 (6.8); CQTH = 16.1 (4.6). Solitaire 2: SSQTH = 12.4 (6.4); LED = 15.5 (4.3); PAC = 16.2 (4.4); CQTH = 13.8 (5.7). The data were structured in a split-plot design and analyzed by a two-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests (alpha = 0.05). Conclusion: The light-curing method did not significantly affect bond strengths. However, the bond strengths of the packable resin composite were significantly lower than those of the hybrid resin composite for all polymerization techniques, suggesting that the restorative material itself might be a more critical factor in adhesion than the curing method.81414

    Utilization of nitrogen from green manure and mineral fertilizer by sugarcane

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    Given their potential for biological nitrogen fixation, legumes used as green manure are an alternative source of nitrogen to crops, and can supplement or even replace mineral nitrogen fertilization. The utilization of nitrogen by sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) fertilized with sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) and ammonium sulphate (AS) was evaluated using the N-15 tracer technique. Amounts of 195.8 kg and 70 kg N per hectare, respectively, of sunn hemp and AS were added in the following treatments: without green manure and without AS; without green manure, with AS -N-15; with green manure-N-15 and with AS; with green manure-N-15, without AS; with green manure and with AS-N-15. Four samples from the leaves +3 were collected and 2 in of the sugar cane row were harvested to estimate crop yield. The results for N contents (g kg(-1)), isotopic abundance of N (atoms % N-15) in leaf +3 samples, and sugarcane productivity were used to calculate cumulative N, nitrogen in the plant derived from the fertilizer-Ndff (% and kg ha(-1)), as well as percent recovery of fertilizer N (R%). Sugarcane was analysed and pol and total recovered sugar calculated. The highest Ndff percentages were observed eight months after sugarcane planting for treatments containing green manure without mineral N, and green manure with mineral N, at 15.3 and 18.4%, respectively. The best nitrogen recovery was observed during harvest, 18 months after planting; the treatment containing mineral fertilizer showed 34.4% recovery, while the sum between mineral N plus green manure N showed 40.0%. Treatments containing green manure plus mineral N changed soil attributes, by increasing Ca and Mg contents, sum of bases, pH, and base saturation, and decreasing potential acidity. In the plant, those treatments increased Ca and K contents.62653454

    Effect of several calcium sources on cation leaching using soil columns

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    Soil columns under controlled conditions were used to determine the movement of calcium and other cations after the application of lime, calcium oxide, gypsum and a mixture of Ume and gypsum, compared with a control treatment. Two Oxisols with different textures were used: clayey and silty. Rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) columns (length, 45cm; diam, 5cm) were used, applying 1.8 1 of water to each divided into four applications. Exchangeable cations were determined in the drainage water in 4 periods and in 5 dephts of the soil columns at the end of the experiment. The results showed that losses of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and A1(3+), were higher in the treatments with gypsum and lime plus gypsum. Amendments h'ke lime and calcium oxide did not promote significant losses of cations. Large losses occured in the silty and clayey soils in the first and second drainage times respectively. Gypsum did not modify the pH of both soils, but reduced cation amounts mainly in the clayey soil. Lime and calcium oxide raised the pH only near the application layer.No estudo realizado em colunas de solo montadas em laboratório, procurou-se avaliar o movimento do cálcio, e de outros cátions, após aplicação de calcário agrícola, gesso, calcário calcinado e uma mistura de calcário agrícola e gesso, comparados com um tratamento testemunha, em dois latossolos vermelho escuros de texturas diferentes: média e argilosa. Utilizaram-se colunas de PVC, com 5cm de diâmetro e 45cm de altura, e aplicaram-se em cada coluna 1,8 litros de água, parcelados em quatro vezes. Determinaram-se os cátions trocáveis presentes na água percolada e, no final do experimento, em cinco profundidades de cada solo. Os resultados mostraram que nos tratamentos gesso e calcário mais gesso as quantidades de Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ e Al3+ na solução percolada foram maiores, enquanto que os tratamentos calcário agrícola e calcário calcinado não promoveram perdas significativas de cátions. As maiores perdas ocorreram na primeira percolação no solo de textura média e na segunda no solo de textura argilosa. O gesso não modificou o pH dos solos, mas reduziu teores de bases no solo argiloso, enquanto que os calcários corrigiram o solo apenas próximo à camada de incorporação

    The effect of light-curing source and mode on microtensile bond strength to bovine dentin

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of different light-curing techniques on the microtensile bond strength of hybrid and packable resin composite to dentin. The null hypotheses were that different light-curing techniques do not affect the adhesion of resin composites to tooth structure and that different resin composites do not have a similar bond to dentin. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred four box-shaped buccal preparations were made and dentin/enamel adhesive was applied according to the manufacturer's instructions (Single Bond 3M ESPE). A hybrid resin composite (Filtek Z250, A2, 3M ESPE) or a packable resin composite (Solitaire 2, A2, Heraeus Kulzer) were inserted in bulk and polymerized using one of these techniques (n = 13): (a) Soft-start (SS) using a halogen lamp (QTH); (b) LED low intensity; (c) Plasma arc (PAC) curing for 6 s for packable resin composite and 3 s for the hybrid resin composite; (d) Conventional (C) QTH curing for 40 s. Afterwards, specimens were thermocycled 1,000 times between 5 degrees C and 55 degrees C in tap water, and were sectioned into beams with a rectangular cross-sectional area of approximately 1 mm2. Microtensile bond strength testing was performed using a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. RESULTS: Bond strength means +/- (SD) in MPa were: Filtek Z250: SSQTH = 17.9 (5.4); LED = 17.9 (6.4); PAC = 16.8 (6.8); CQTH = 16.1 (4.6). Solitaire 2: SSQTH = 12.4 (6.4); LED = 15.5 (4.3); PAC = 16.2 (4.4); CQTH = 13.8 (5.7). The data were structured in a split-plot design and analyzed by a two-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests (alpha = 0.05). CONCLUSION: The light-curing method did not significantly affect bond strengths. However, the bond strengths of the packable resin composite were significantly lower than those of the hybrid resin composite for all polymerization techniques, suggesting that the restorative material itself might be a more critical factor in adhesion than the curing method

    Mycorrhizas in South American Anthropic Environments

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    The agricultural expansion has leaded to increase the irrigated cropland area and the use of fertilizers, resulting in water degradation, increased energy use, and common pollution. Of particular concern is the increased interest to reduce the environmental impacts of high quantities of water dedicated to irrigation by agricultural activities We are now truly recognizing the importance of sustainable measures in agriculture such as conservation of the vegetation cover and management approach to understand surface and deep soil responses to global change. The agroecology management based on key processes from natural ecosystems can help to solve some agricultural difficulties. Increasing studies on the Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) has showed their importance for soil ecology and studies on their biodiversity have spread in some agro-ecosystems such as corn and soybean monocultures. Therefore, it is needed to deeply study the mycorrhizal functions under global change. In this chapter, we examine the major developments and advances on mycorrhizal fungi based on recent research from South American countries. New reports on the occurrence of mycorrhizas in Amazonian dark earth, as well as the inoculum production of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi native of soils under native forest covers, have resulted in a more detailed understanding of the soil biology from South America. Reports from Amazonian dark earth or “Terra preta do índio” soil has stimulated the use of biochar worldwide as a soil conditioner that can add value to non-harvested agricultural products and promote plant growth. Few reports from Brazil showed that the addition of inorganic fertilizer, compost and chicken manure resulted in increases in plant cover and plant species richness. In this sense, the biochar/mycorrhizae interactions also can be prioritized for sequestration of carbon in soils to contribute to climate change mitigation