5,190 research outputs found

    The Hubble Space Telescope Cluster Supernova Survey: VI. The Volumetric Type Ia Supernova Rate

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    We present a measurement of the volumetric Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) rate out to z ~ 1.6 from the Hubble Space Telescope Cluster Supernova Survey. In observations spanning 189 orbits with the Advanced Camera for Surveys we discovered 29 SNe, of which approximately 20 are SNe Ia. Twelve of these SNe Ia are located in the foregrounds and backgrounds of the clusters targeted in the survey. Using these new data, we derive the volumetric SN Ia rate in four broad redshift bins, finding results consistent with previous measurements at z > 1 and strengthening the case for a SN Ia rate that is equal to or greater than ~0.6 x 10^-4/yr/Mpc^3 at z ~ 1 and flattening out at higher redshift. We provide SN candidates and efficiency calculations in a form that makes it easy to rebin and combine these results with other measurements for increased statistics. Finally, we compare the assumptions about host-galaxy dust extinction used in different high-redshift rate measurements, finding that different assumptions may induce significant systematic differences between measurements.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal. Revised version following referee comments. See the HST Cluster SN Survey website at http://supernova.lbl.gov/2009ClusterSurvey for control time simulations in a machine-readable table and a complete listing of transient candidates from the surve

    The Hubble Space Telescope Cluster Supernova Survey: II. The Type Ia Supernova Rate in High-Redshift Galaxy Clusters

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    We report a measurement of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) rate in galaxy clusters at 0.9 < z < 1.45 from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Cluster Supernova Survey. This is the first cluster SN Ia rate measurement with detected z > 0.9 SNe. Finding 8 +/- 1 cluster SNe Ia, we determine a SN Ia rate of 0.50 +0.23-0.19 (stat) +0.10-0.09 (sys) SNuB (SNuB = 10^-12 SNe L_{sun,B}^-1 yr^-1). In units of stellar mass, this translates to 0.36 +0.16-0.13 (stat) +0.07-0.06 (sys) SNuM (SNuM = 10^-12 SNe M_sun^-1 yr^-1). This represents a factor of approximately 5 +/- 2 increase over measurements of the cluster rate at z < 0.2. We parameterize the late-time SN Ia delay time distribution with a power law (proportional to t^s). Under the assumption of a cluster formation redshift of z_f = 3, our rate measurement in combination with lower-redshift cluster SN Ia rates constrains s = -1.41 +0.47/-0.40, consistent with measurements of the delay time distribution in the field. This measurement is generally consistent with expectations for the "double degenerate" scenario and inconsistent with some models for the "single degenerate" scenario predicting a steeper delay time distribution at large delay times. We check for environmental dependence and the influence of younger stellar populations by calculating the rate specifically in cluster red-sequence galaxies and in morphologically early-type galaxies, finding results similar to the full cluster rate. Finally, the upper limit of one host-less cluster SN Ia detected in the survey implies that the fraction of stars in the intra-cluster medium is less than 0.47 (95% confidence), consistent with measurements at lower redshifts.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ on 16 February 2011. See the HST Cluster Supernova Survey website at http://supernova.lbl.gov/2009ClusterSurvey for a version with full-resolution images and a complete listing of transient candidates from the survey. This version fixes a typo in the metadata; the paper is unchanged from v

    The gravitationally lensed, luminous infrared galaxy IRAS F10214+4724 observed with XMM-Newton

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    We report on a short XMM-Newton observation of the gravitationally-lensed, luminous infrared galaxy IRAS F10214+4724 at z=2.3. A faint X-ray source is detected at 4 sigma. The observed 0.5-2 keV (1.7-6.6 keV in the rest-frame) flux is 1.3e-15 erg/s/cm2 and the spectral slope in the rest-frame 1-10 keV band is Gamma~2. These results agree with those obtained from the Chandra X-ray Observatory, given the large uncertainties in both measurements. While possible evidence for excess emission above 5 keV is seen, we suspect this excess might be either spurious or not related to the infrared galaxy.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, New Astronomy in pres

    The Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies in Distant Clusters

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    We present results from an optical-IR photometric study of early-type galaxies in 19 galaxy clusters out to z=0.9. The galaxy sample is selected on the basis of morphologies determined from HST WFPC2 images, and is photometrically defined in the K-band to minimize redshift-dependent selection biases. The optical-IR colors of the early-type cluster galaxies become bluer with increasing redshift in a manner consistent with the passive evolution of an old stellar population formed at an early cosmic epoch. The degree of color evolution is similar for clusters at similar redshift, and does not depend strongly on the optical richness or X-ray luminosity of the cluster, suggesting that the history of early-type galaxies is relatively insensitive to environment. The slope of the color-magnitude relationship shows no significant change out to z=0.9, providing evidence that it arises from a correlation between galaxy mass and metallicity, not age. Finally, the intrinsic scatter in the optical-IR colors is small and nearly constant with redshift, indicating that the majority of giant, early-type galaxies in clusters share a common star formation history, with little perturbation due to uncorrelated episodes of later star formation. Taken together, our results are consistent with models in which most early-type galaxies in rich clusters are old, formed the majority of their stars at high redshift in a well-synchronized fashion, and evolved quiescently thereafter.Comment: 55 pages, 24 figures, uses AASTeX. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Deep mid-infrared observations of Lyman-break galaxies

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    As part of the In-Orbit Checkout activities for the Spitzer Space Telescope, the IRAC team carried out a deep observation (average integration time ~8 hours) of a field surrounding the bright QSO HS 1700+6416. This field contains several hundred z~3 Lyman-break galaxy candidates, and we report here on their mid-infrared properties, including the IRAC detection rate, flux densities and colors, and the results of fitting population synthesis models to the optical, near-infrared, and IRAC magnitudes. The results of the model-fitting show that previous optical/near-infrared studies of LBGs were not missing large, hidden old stellar populations. The LBG candidates' properties are consistent with those of massive, star-forming galaxies at z~3. Other IRAC sources in the same field have similar properties, so IRAC selection may prove a promising method of finding additional high-redshift galaxies.Comment: ApJS in press (Spitzer special issue); 13 pages, 3 figure

    Massive Ellipticals at High Redshift: NICMOS Imaging of Z~1 Radio Galaxies

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    We present deep, continuum images of eleven high-redshift (0.811 < z < 1.875) 3CR radio galaxies observed with NICMOS. Our images probe the rest-frame optical light where stars are expected to dominate the galaxy luminosity. The rest-frame UV light of eight of these galaxies demonstrates the well-known ``alignment effect''. Most of the radio galaxies have rounder, more symmetric morphologies at rest-frame optical wavelengths. Here we show the most direct evidence that in most cases the stellar hosts are normal elliptical galaxies with de Vaucouleurs law light profiles. For a few galaxies very faint traces of the UV-bright aligned component are also visible in the infrared images. We derive both the effective radius and surface-brightness for nine of eleven sample galaxies by fitting surface-brightness models to them. We find their sizes are similar to those of local FRII radio source hosts and are in general larger than other local galaxies. The derived host galaxy luminosities are very high and lie at the bright end of luminosity functions constructed at similar redshifts. The galaxies in our sample are also brighter than the rest-frame size--surface-brightness locus defined by the low-redshift sources. Passive evolution roughly aligns the z ~ 1 galaxies with the low-redshift samples. The optical host is sometimes centered on a local minimum in the rest-frame UV emission, suggesting the presence of substantial dust obscuration. We also see good evidence of nuclear point sources in three galaxies. Overall, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that these galaxies have already formed the bulk of their stars at redshifts greater than z >~ 2, and that the AGN phenomenon takes place within otherwise normal, perhaps passively evolving, galaxies. (abridged)Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, accepted to ApJ. Uses AASTEX and emulateapj

    Scaling Relations and Overabundance of Massive Clusters at z>~1 from Weak-Lensing Studies with HST

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    We present weak gravitational lensing analysis of 22 high-redshift (z >~1) clusters based on Hubble Space Telescope images. Most clusters in our sample provide significant lensing signals and are well detected in their reconstructed two-dimensional mass maps. Combining the current results and our previous weak-lensing studies of five other high-z clusters, we compare gravitational lensing masses of these clusters with other observables. We revisit the question whether the presence of the most massive clusters in our sample is in tension with the current LambdaCDM structure formation paradigm. We find that the lensing masses are tightly correlated with the gas temperatures and establish, for the first time, the lensing mass-temperature relation at z >~ 1. For the power law slope of the M-TX relation (M propto T^{\alpha}), we obtain \alpha=1.54 +/- 0.23. This is consistent with the theoretical self-similar prediction \alpha=3/2 and with the results previously reported in the literature for much lower redshift samples. However, our normalization is lower than the previous results by 20-30%, indicating that the normalization in the M-TX relation might evolve. After correcting for Eddington bias and updating the discovery area with a more conservative choice, we find that the existence of the most massive clusters in our sample still provides a tension with the current Lambda CDM model. The combined probability of finding the four most massive clusters in this sample after marginalization over current cosmological parameters is less than 1%.Comment: ApJ in press. See http://www.supernova.lbl.gov for additional information pertaining to the HST Cluster SN Surve

    Ant colonies: building complex organizations with minuscule brains and no leaders

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    Thus far the articles in the series JOD calls the “Organization Zoo” have employed the notion of a “zoo” metaphorically to describe an array of human institutions. Here we take the term literally to consider the design of the most complex organizations in the living world beside those of humans, a favorite of insect zoos around the world: ant colonies. We consider individuality and group identity in the functioning of ant organizations; advantages of a flat organization without hierarchies or leaders; self-organization; direct and indirect communication; job specialization; labor coordination; and the role of errors in innovation. The likely value and limitations of comparing ant and human organizations are briefly examined

    The challenges for new academics in adopting student-centred approaches to teaching

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    The current article provides a perspective on the day-to-day challenges that a group of new teachers experienced as they adopted more student-centred approaches to teaching. Three semi-structured interviews were conducted over two years with 11 new teachers from a range of higher education institutions and subject disciplines. The analysis used case studies, alongside a search for common themes, to provide fine-grained insights into the teachers' development. A main finding was that in using approaches that more actively involved the students, the teachers described challenges specific to their local contexts. In particular, the idiosyncrasy of the topic being taught was a key factor. The second finding was that regardless of the conception of teaching held, all teachers described challenges in translating this way of thinking into practice. Such data provides a useful resource for academic developers to open dialogue with new academics about the challenges they face in developing as teachers
